Poll: Trump's approval rating dips to 34%

irst, while Clinton took the popular vote, it wasn't by a large margin. secondly, almost all polls and predictions were that Hillary Clinton would win the election, and they were wrong. Trump won decisively in the Electoral College, which leads me to question how so many educated professionals were so wrong in the first place.

widespread bias is not an unreasonable conclusion. I don't doubt that many people disapprove of Trump, but I doubt the figures.
More than eleven million more voted against Trump than for him, a large margin.

Three million more voted for Clinton than Trump, a large number.

Doubt the figures all you want.

Trump got 46.09% of the vote, while Clinton got 48.18%, with the remainder voting third party etc.

millions sound impressive, but compared to the total electorate, you're dealing with a few percentage points. Clinton winning the popular vote by ~2% is not what I'd call a decisive margin.

as I've discovered, Clinton and Trump voters were and are very divided. Third party voters mostly formed their own group somewhere in between, with the exception that Jill Stein may have siphoned off a few votes from Clinton.

my point is that theres an anti-Trump crowd, and a pro-Trump crowd. people are as politically divided as ever. based on this and other reasons, there's reason to believe that the approval rating may not be accurate and meaningful.
irst, while Clinton took the popular vote, it wasn't by a large margin. secondly, almost all polls and predictions were that Hillary Clinton would win the election, and they were wrong. Trump won decisively in the Electoral College, which leads me to question how so many educated professionals were so wrong in the first place.

widespread bias is not an unreasonable conclusion. I don't doubt that many people disapprove of Trump, but I doubt the figures.
More than eleven million more voted against Trump than for him, a large margin.

Three million more voted for Clinton than Trump, a large number.

Doubt the figures all you want.

Trump got 46.09% of the vote, while Clinton got 48.18%, with the remainder voting third party etc.

millions sound impressive, but compared to the total electorate, you're dealing with a few percentage points. Clinton winning the popular vote by ~2% is not what I'd call a decisive margin.

as I've discovered, Clinton and Trump voters were and are very divided. Third party voters mostly formed their own group somewhere in between, with the exception that Jill Stein may have siphoned off a few votes from Clinton.

my point is that theres an anti-Trump crowd, and a pro-Trump crowd. people are as politically divided as ever. based on this and other reasons, there's reason to believe that the approval rating may not be accurate and meaningful.
Much of the divide today is the responsibility of the MSM. The media fosters this division.

During Hussein O the MSM showered him with love and admiration. Complete 180 with Trump, yet millions of Americans can't see the bias and purposeful distortion. How they can't only indicates their complete and utter ignorance.

Orwell's 1984 in 2017.
irst, while Clinton took the popular vote, it wasn't by a large margin. secondly, almost all polls and predictions were that Hillary Clinton would win the election, and they were wrong. Trump won decisively in the Electoral College, which leads me to question how so many educated professionals were so wrong in the first place.

widespread bias is not an unreasonable conclusion. I don't doubt that many people disapprove of Trump, but I doubt the figures.
More than eleven million more voted against Trump than for him, a large margin.

Three million more voted for Clinton than Trump, a large number.

Doubt the figures all you want.

Trump got 46.09% of the vote, while Clinton got 48.18%, with the remainder voting third party etc.

millions sound impressive, but compared to the total electorate, you're dealing with a few percentage points. Clinton winning the popular vote by ~2% is not what I'd call a decisive margin.

as I've discovered, Clinton and Trump voters were and are very divided. Third party voters mostly formed their own group somewhere in between, with the exception that Jill Stein may have siphoned off a few votes from Clinton.

my point is that theres an anti-Trump crowd, and a pro-Trump crowd. people are as politically divided as ever. based on this and other reasons, there's reason to believe that the approval rating may not be accurate and meaningful.
Much of the divide today is the responsibility of the MSM. The media fosters this division.

During Hussein O the MSM showered him with love and admiration. Complete 180 with Trump, yet millions of Americans can't see the bias and purposeful distortion. How they can't only indicates their complete and utter ignorance.

Orwell's 1984 in 2017.

people often cherry-pick and perceive what they want to see. I think, regardless of stance, anyone who takes a fair and critical look at the mainstream media will encounter a great deal of bias.
34%. These are the people that have a drawer full of losing lottery tickets because they just can't accept the loss.
My guess is many Americans are duped by a media that dumps on Trump 24/7, while they showered Hussein O with love and affection 24/7.

Do you see the bias/distortion?
Trump does one dumb thing after another, Obama, not so much (even though I'm not a big Obummer fan).
That's funny. Stop being a dupe for the establishment and stop watching DNC news. You would not accept your news from the R party. Why accept it from the D party?

Obama was a disaster. He built the greatest surveillance state the world has ever known, not to mention the many other terrible things he did for which he should have been impeached and removed.

The media never criticized Hussein O...they criticize Trump 24/7. My guess this greatly affects approval ratings.
I agree about Obama's policies, a lot of which I didn't agree with either. But he wasn't doing dumb shit all the time, like just recently, London gets attacked and what does Trump say? Unsympathetic, crass and dumb shit about London and the mayor. Trump's just not a super bright guy. Dumber than GW, and that's saying a lot!
Your posts merely prove you are a dupe of the DNC media. Whatever they tell you about Trump, you believe.


You really think Trump is dumb and Obama brilliant? If you answer yes, you prove once again to be a dupe.
Obama isn't the smartest, but Trump is close to the crudest and most thoughtless, if not outright unintelligent.
Wednesday, June 7
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Quinnipiac Approve 34, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +23
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 38, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +19
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 45, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +10
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 40, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +16
Congressional Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 11, Disapprove 63 Disapprove +52
My guess is many Americans are duped by a media that dumps on Trump 24/7, while they showered Hussein O with love and affection 24/7.

Do you see the bias/distortion?
Trump does one dumb thing after another, Obama, not so much (even though I'm not a big Obummer fan).
That's funny. Stop being a dupe for the establishment and stop watching DNC news. You would not accept your news from the R party. Why accept it from the D party?

Obama was a disaster. He built the greatest surveillance state the world has ever known, not to mention the many other terrible things he did for which he should have been impeached and removed.

The media never criticized Hussein O...they criticize Trump 24/7. My guess this greatly affects approval ratings.
I agree about Obama's policies, a lot of which I didn't agree with either. But he wasn't doing dumb shit all the time, like just recently, London gets attacked and what does Trump say? Unsympathetic, crass and dumb shit about London and the mayor. Trump's just not a super bright guy. Dumber than GW, and that's saying a lot!
Your posts merely prove you are a dupe of the DNC media. Whatever they tell you about Trump, you believe.


You really think Trump is dumb and Obama brilliant? If you answer yes, you prove once again to be a dupe.
Obama isn't the smartest, but Trump is close to the crudest and most thoughtless, if not outright unintelligent.
with every post you prove yourself a dupe for the MSM.
Trump does one dumb thing after another, Obama, not so much (even though I'm not a big Obummer fan).
That's funny. Stop being a dupe for the establishment and stop watching DNC news. You would not accept your news from the R party. Why accept it from the D party?

Obama was a disaster. He built the greatest surveillance state the world has ever known, not to mention the many other terrible things he did for which he should have been impeached and removed.

The media never criticized Hussein O...they criticize Trump 24/7. My guess this greatly affects approval ratings.
I agree about Obama's policies, a lot of which I didn't agree with either. But he wasn't doing dumb shit all the time, like just recently, London gets attacked and what does Trump say? Unsympathetic, crass and dumb shit about London and the mayor. Trump's just not a super bright guy. Dumber than GW, and that's saying a lot!
Your posts merely prove you are a dupe of the DNC media. Whatever they tell you about Trump, you believe.


You really think Trump is dumb and Obama brilliant? If you answer yes, you prove once again to be a dupe.
Obama isn't the smartest, but Trump is close to the crudest and most thoughtless, if not outright unintelligent.
with every post you prove yourself a dupe for the MSM.
Just going by the facts, shit he said, shit he tweeted, shit he signs into law, shit he sprays on himself to look orange, ...
That's funny. Stop being a dupe for the establishment and stop watching DNC news. You would not accept your news from the R party. Why accept it from the D party?

Obama was a disaster. He built the greatest surveillance state the world has ever known, not to mention the many other terrible things he did for which he should have been impeached and removed.

The media never criticized Hussein O...they criticize Trump 24/7. My guess this greatly affects approval ratings.
I agree about Obama's policies, a lot of which I didn't agree with either. But he wasn't doing dumb shit all the time, like just recently, London gets attacked and what does Trump say? Unsympathetic, crass and dumb shit about London and the mayor. Trump's just not a super bright guy. Dumber than GW, and that's saying a lot!
Your posts merely prove you are a dupe of the DNC media. Whatever they tell you about Trump, you believe.


You really think Trump is dumb and Obama brilliant? If you answer yes, you prove once again to be a dupe.
Obama isn't the smartest, but Trump is close to the crudest and most thoughtless, if not outright unintelligent.
with every post you prove yourself a dupe for the MSM.
Just going by the facts, shit he said, shit he tweeted, shit he signs into law, shit he sprays on himself to look orange, ...
There is no doubt Trump says a lot of stupid shit. Obama said a lot of stupid shit too.

The difference is the DNC media failed to tell you Obama said stupid shit, so you dutifully believe him intelligent and Trump dumb.

Ds good. Rs bad. DUH!!!
given that 95% of the polls leading up to the election were wrong, I would take this with a grain of salt.

you don't have to agree with Trump at all to see that there's alot of bias out there.

Technically the polls weren't all that off. Majority of voters did vote for Hillary. Polls can't really predict electoral votes.

Also most polls had Trump and Hillary head to head.
That orange mf's numbers could dip to .2% and his loyal ingrates wouldn't care.....lets face it, until that 39 million hicky mf's turn on this bitch, Trump does not care on damn bit....I mean, the guy took charity money from kids, bragged about grabbing women's pussy, has all but destroyed our Nato alliances, lies at the drop of a hat, has reniged on all his promises, hasn't done jack shit since he's been in office, was golfing every fuckin weekend, tweets and attacks like a retard, is sleeping with our enemies, I mean really, and he's at 36%, the bitch shouldn't even be on the radar with all the shit he's done and yet....red white and vomit blue rednecks love this whore to the grave
CNN? Sure their viewers eat up what they've been told, that's news? The only poll that counts was in November.
Of course, dumbasses ignore the lies , ignore his lack of achievements, ignore his personally profiting, ignore his frequent golf outings, ignore he is protecting people who had lied about secret meetings with the Russians, ignore that his kids & step son practically run the country, ignore his disastrous foreign policy. Aftrr all, they were sofa king dumb, they voted for him.
CNN? Sure their viewers eat up what they've been told, that's news? The only poll that counts was in November.
Of course, dumbasses ignore the lies , ignore his lack of achievements, ignore his personally profiting, ignore his frequent golf outings, ignore he is protecting people who had lied about secret meetings with the Russians, ignore that his kids & step son practically run the country, ignore his disastrous foreign policy. Aftrr all, they were sofa king dumb, they voted for him.
Libs aren't frothing over because Trump has done nothing. They hate what he's done so far. He backed out of the climates scam, supreme pick, cut business regulations, and so on. I love the foreign policy, you can't slap the US around any more and steal our lunch money. You and I just have differing values.
I agree about Obama's policies, a lot of which I didn't agree with either. But he wasn't doing dumb shit all the time, like just recently, London gets attacked and what does Trump say? Unsympathetic, crass and dumb shit about London and the mayor. Trump's just not a super bright guy. Dumber than GW, and that's saying a lot!
Your posts merely prove you are a dupe of the DNC media. Whatever they tell you about Trump, you believe.


You really think Trump is dumb and Obama brilliant? If you answer yes, you prove once again to be a dupe.
Obama isn't the smartest, but Trump is close to the crudest and most thoughtless, if not outright unintelligent.
with every post you prove yourself a dupe for the MSM.
Just going by the facts, shit he said, shit he tweeted, shit he signs into law, shit he sprays on himself to look orange, ...
There is no doubt Trump says a lot of stupid shit. Obama said a lot of stupid shit too.

The difference is the DNC media failed to tell you Obama said stupid shit, so you dutifully believe him intelligent and Trump dumb.

Ds good. Rs bad. DUH!!!
Nah, I'm a libertarian, so the 2 big parties are the same to me, I don't favour one over the other. As for news, I watch a lot of BBC and Al-Jazeera. And some CCN to see what the Libs are bitchin' about, and FOXNEWS to see what the Cons are bitchin' about.
CNN? Sure their viewers eat up what they've been told, that's news? The only poll that counts was in November.
Of course, dumbasses ignore the lies , ignore his lack of achievements, ignore his personally profiting, ignore his frequent golf outings, ignore he is protecting people who had lied about secret meetings with the Russians, ignore that his kids & step son practically run the country, ignore his disastrous foreign policy. Aftrr all, they were sofa king dumb, they voted for him.
Libs aren't frothing over because Trump has done nothing. They hate what he's done so far. He backed out of the climates scam, supreme pick, cut business regulations, and so on. I love the foreign policy, you can't slap the US around any more and steal our lunch money. You and I just have differing values.
He pissed on Great Britain because of his tweets, He blustered to NK how he would strike with future missiles, he threatened Mexico & Canada, He sided with Saudi Arabia over Qatar (where we have military bases), he pulled out of the Paris Accord pissing off several leading countries. He pulled out of the TPP allowing China to take our place. The only country he hasn't pissed off is his buddy Russia. And you call that good foreign policy? Retracting to within our borders is a lack of foreign policy. He lied about an arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Trump is the laughing stock of foreign leaders.

Meanwhile, we have no jobs bills, no infrastructure bills. Christ, the asswipe had to claim job gains under Obama to try to make himself look good on job creation.

SC pick wow, with a Republican Congress? He could have had Ivanka sworn in. ( he probably considered it).

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