Poll Trumps Tweets today Wondering how many still think that there are no Trump ties to Russia

How many still think that there are no Trump ties to Russia?

  • Trump's Russian Connections are Fake, and Obama Spied on him

    Votes: 25 65.8%
  • Trump is going down, his Obama diversions are fake, and do not work

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • Trump may be connected to Russia, and I do have concerns..But I am not convinced yet

    Votes: 3 7.9%

  • Total voters
It is not against the law to speak to Russians. It never was. It is not against the law to do business in Russia or with Russians. It never was.

Then why lie about it? Why did the Trump associates lie to Pence, the FBI, to congress and under oath about it? If what they did was perfectly legal, why lie their asses off?
Then prove it. Prove my points wrong and show me the russian collusion going on with Trump.

Many of Trumps top campaign associates were in contact with Russians, and lying their asses off to cover up the connection. Trump personally called on the Russians to hack into Clintons server, and his associates pushed a pro-russian agenda.
If memory serves he said IF you have them, feel free to share them.
I'm paraphrasing here with regards to Hillary's missing emails.
If, just like IS, is the operative word.
What are Trumps ties to Russia? Spell them out in detail! Thanks!

Well, there's the time Trump told Russia he'd have more flexibility to kiss Putin's ass once he didn't have to worry about disapproving voters. No, wait. That was Barry Obama.
It must have been that time when Trump sold Putin our uranium mines for a gob of money to the Clinton Go Fund Me Foundation. No wait, that was Hitlery and Bill.
Maybe it was the time.....
I love how, since the election, the RussianWrs here keep hiding behind Former President Obama.
It is not against the law to speak to Russians. It never was. It is not against the law to do business in Russia or with Russians. It never was.

Then why lie about it? Why did the Trump associates lie to Pence, the FBI, to congress and under oath about it? If what they did was perfectly legal, why lie their asses off?
No one lied. Flynn made a mistatement to Pence. That's all.
It is not against the law to speak to Russians. It never was. It is not against the law to do business in Russia or with Russians. It never was.

Then why lie about it? Why did the Trump associates lie to Pence, the FBI, to congress and under oath about it? If what they did was perfectly legal, why lie their asses off?
No one lied. Flynn made a mistatement to Pence. That's all.
Alternative truth, eh?
It is not against the law to speak to Russians. It never was. It is not against the law to do business in Russia or with Russians. It never was.

Then why lie about it? Why did the Trump associates lie to Pence, the FBI, to congress and under oath about it? If what they did was perfectly legal, why lie their asses off?
No one lied. Flynn made a mistatement to Pence. That's all.

Well, lets see what Flynn is trying to protect his ass from.. He will be the whistle blower to start the avalanche
What are Trumps ties to Russia? Spell them out in detail! Thanks!

So you don't have a TV, Internet, NewsPaper ? ...WillowTree

I think if there was even the slightest bit of conclusive evidence we'd have seen it by now.

We're up to our belly buttons in evidence.

Why did ALL of them lie? Including trump and his kids. Flynn working for more than one government and then wanting immunity. All that money, in cash, being carried back to trump. There's a lot more and we hear more every day.

Before the nutters start screeching, I didn't say "proof" but there's more than enough to warrant bigly investigating.

An aside - how much is this costing us? No, I don't mean his weekly vacations. I mean his lies. How much will it cost? And what will Gorsuch cost us? He will mean the end to honest, ethical elections and RWNJs know that and embrace it.

He's a hot mess and is determined to do enormous ham.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Well the reason I didn't get into details with Willow, is she would call it fake news...lol

the evidence is going to be out soon I hope because it is so stressful watching these ups and downs..
No. Actually if you will list your evidence I would try to research it and come to a conclusion. So do you have any?

I will list a few in the morning for you to research..
There is no option for there are definite ties, Trump isn't going anywhere..
What are Trumps ties to Russia? Spell them out in detail! Thanks!

So you don't have a TV, Internet, NewsPaper ? ...WillowTree
Can you spell them out or not?
I'll help.

Trump was manipulated to make a deal with Putin before he began his campaign to make America one if the worst places on this earth, drive the country into an unsustainable debt crisis and into deepening the environmental crisis as a distraction while Russia does whatever it wants to do.

Trump's "ties" to Russia then is communication between Russians and him that are held secret and which publication would end his career.
So, in conclusion the left has nothing but conjecture. Damn, it took so long to get there. I don't know why they did not say so in the first place.
It is not against the law to speak to Russians. It never was. It is not against the law to do business in Russia or with Russians. It never was.
Hmmmm really?

Then WHAT did the SANCTIONS on Russia put on them by the West do??
So, in conclusion the left has nothing but conjecture. Damn, it took so long to get there. I don't know why they did not say so in the first place.
"So the left has nothing but conjecture"....well, you know, that's why there's an investigation...and no indictments yet. Unlike the RussianW, we don't convict before Investigations AND indictments. How many times have you personally called for H. Clinton to be locked up?
This subject should be an embarrassment for the left but their too stupid to realize it. Almost 3 months in and ZERO proof but 100% wild unsubstantiated allegations.

Did you watch MSNBC and their coverage of "bridgegate"? Same shit, different day!

You mean the bridgegate scandal that just sent two people to jail?
It is not against the law to speak to Russians. It never was. It is not against the law to do business in Russia or with Russians. It never was.

Then why lie about it? Why did the Trump associates lie to Pence, the FBI, to congress and under oath about it? If what they did was perfectly legal, why lie their asses off?
No one lied. Flynn made a mistatement to Pence. That's all.

Really? Why is the Trump admins narrative that Flynn was fired for lying to Pence?

I agree the narrative doesn't make sense since Trump was told three weeks prior to Flynn's firing that Flynn had been lying. The truth is that Flynn was fired because we found out he was lying.
It is not against the law to speak to Russians. It never was. It is not against the law to do business in Russia or with Russians. It never was.
Hmmmm really?

Then WHAT did the SANCTIONS on Russia put on them by the West do??

The sanctions did make it illegal for certain businesses to do business with Russia. That's why Rex Tillerson was so pissed off, because it nixed the Exxon deal.
What are Trumps ties to Russia? Spell them out in detail! Thanks!

Well, there's the time Trump told Russia he'd have more flexibility to kiss Putin's ass once he didn't have to worry about disapproving voters. No, wait. That was Barry Obama.
It must have been that time when Trump sold Putin our uranium mines for a gob of money to the Clinton Go Fund Me Foundation. No wait, that was Hitlery and Bill.
Maybe it was the time.....
I love how, since the election, the RussianWrs here keep hiding behind Former President Obama.

Odd, how you have confused hiding with exposing. They're the opposite. Ask Barry:

When Trump starts selling American land to Putin, let me know..........

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