Poll Trumps Tweets today Wondering how many still think that there are no Trump ties to Russia

How many still think that there are no Trump ties to Russia?

  • Trump's Russian Connections are Fake, and Obama Spied on him

    Votes: 25 65.8%
  • Trump is going down, his Obama diversions are fake, and do not work

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • Trump may be connected to Russia, and I do have concerns..But I am not convinced yet

    Votes: 3 7.9%

  • Total voters
Well, there's the time Trump told Russia he'd have more flexibility to kiss Putin's ass once he didn't have to worry about disapproving voters. No, wait. That was Barry Obama.
It must have been that time when Trump sold Putin our uranium mines for a gob of money to the Clinton Go Fund Me Foundation. No wait, that was Hitlery and Bill.
Maybe it was the time.....

This is the republican meme of how Hillary as sec of state and only one of six approving agencies involved in the Uranium One deal. Not to mention several international organizations that had to also approve the deal.

What republicans are saying is that Clinton was so powerful, she controlled other agencies in the USA, agencies in Canada, and two international banks. Dang, If she was that powerful as sec of state, imagine the pull she would have had as president?
It is not against the law to speak to Russians. It never was. It is not against the law to do business in Russia or with Russians. It never was.

Then WHAT did the SANCTIONS on Russia put on them by the West do??


Rex Tillerson’s Company, Exxon, Has Billions at Stake Over Sanctions on Russia

Exxon Mobil the giant oil company stands to make some major gains as well: It has billions of dollars in deals that can go forward only if the United States lifts sanctions against Russia.

Exxon Mobil has various projects afoot in Russia ... But others have been ground to a halt by the sanctions, including a deal with the Russian state oil company to explore and pump in Siberia that could be worth tens of billions of dollars.

Mr. Tillerson owned $218 million in company stock, and his pension plan was worth nearly $70 million.
It is not against the law to speak to Russians. It never was. It is not against the law to do business in Russia or with Russians. It never was.

Then why lie about it? Why did the Trump associates lie to Pence, the FBI, to congress and under oath about it? If what they did was perfectly legal, why lie their asses off?
No one lied. Flynn made a mistatement to Pence. That's all.

Really? Why is the Trump admins narrative that Flynn was fired for lying to Pence?

I agree the narrative doesn't make sense since Trump was told three weeks prior to Flynn's firing that Flynn had been lying. The truth is that Flynn was fired because we found out he was lying.
WINNER WINNER Chicken Dinner!
Well, there's the time Trump told Russia he'd have more flexibility to kiss Putin's ass once he didn't have to worry about disapproving voters. No, wait. That was Barry Obama.
It must have been that time when Trump sold Putin our uranium mines for a gob of money to the Clinton Go Fund Me Foundation. No wait, that was Hitlery and Bill.
Maybe it was the time.....

This is the republican meme of how Hillary as sec of state and only one of six approving agencies involved in the Uranium One deal. Not to mention several international organizations that had to also approve the deal.

What republicans are saying is that Clinton was so powerful, she controlled other agencies in the USA, agencies in Canada, and two international banks. Dang, If she was that powerful as sec of state, imagine the pull she would have had as president?
Not to mention that not an itty bitty nano drop of this company's Uranium can leave the USA....so there is no nuclear threat of Russians building up their supplies to use against us, as what is implied by many of the lying R's.
So we have Donald's Bank, Deutsche Bank on money laundering for the Russians, and its president was fired and put in place with 2 other Russian oligarch men to run a new bank as Chairman, in Cypress...the same bank Manafort was money laundering millions at...and Wilbur Ross, Trump's new Secretary of commerce right before Trump's appointment, being vice chairman of one of those money laundering for Russians, Cypress banks...

Trump's commerce secretary oversaw Russia deal while at Bank of Cyprus

New Commerce Secretary at nexus of lucrative Trump Russian deal

this is looking like a huge huge story....that needs much more investigating....which the Treasury is doing, I'm certain...
The "guys on the opposite" side of the pool were not playing footsies with the Russians.

Trump says it is a scam when his DOD and DOS are saying it is real.
the guys in the opposite end of the pool only care about power and control themselves jake....
you find that funny jake?....so those guys were right about you,you never see anything wrong with the left,long ago you would have agreed......
Not to mention that not an itty bitty nano drop of this company's Uranium can leave the USA....so there is no nuclear threat of Russians building up their supplies to use against us, as what is implied by many of the lying R's.

But I thought Russia was going to ship that uranium to Iran. At least that the republican meme.
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Well, there's the time Trump told Russia he'd have more flexibility to kiss Putin's ass once he didn't have to worry about disapproving voters. No, wait. That was Barry Obama.
It must have been that time when Trump sold Putin our uranium mines for a gob of money to the Clinton Go Fund Me Foundation. No wait, that was Hitlery and Bill.
Maybe it was the time.....

This is the republican meme of how Hillary as sec of state and only one of six approving agencies involved in the Uranium One deal. Not to mention several international organizations that had to also approve the deal.

What republicans are saying is that Clinton was so powerful, she controlled other agencies in the USA, agencies in Canada, and two international banks. Dang, If she was that powerful as sec of state, imagine the pull she would have had as president?
Not to mention that not an itty bitty nano drop of this company's Uranium can leave the USA....so there is no nuclear threat of Russians building up their supplies to use against us, as what is implied by many of the lying R's.

Not to mention that not an itty bitty nano drop of this company's Uranium can leave the USA....

What about the uranium the company mines outside the USA?
The "guys on the opposite" side of the pool were not playing footsies with the Russians.

Trump says it is a scam when his DOD and DOS are saying it is real.
the guys in the opposite end of the pool only care about power and control themselves jake....
you find that funny jake?....so those guys were right about you,you never see anything wrong with the left,long ago you would have agreed......
Horse shit, cowboy. I am concerned about my party, first and foremost, and right now with the Trumpers in the WH and Congress selling out to business, the GOP is not that grand right at the moment. You need to grow up and accept that our GOP is fucked up right now. Pointing at the Dems does not help us at all.

Trump is tweeting that Russia collusion is a scam while DOD and SOS are saying it is not.

You think that is funny?

Not to mention that not an itty bitty nano drop of this company's Uranium can leave the USA....

What about the uranium the company mines outside the USA?

How much of that Uranium do you claim Hillary sold Russia? I'll give you a hint, a big fat zero. Which is what your argument is worth.
The "guys on the opposite" side of the pool were not playing footsies with the Russians.

Trump says it is a scam when his DOD and DOS are saying it is real.
the guys in the opposite end of the pool only care about power and control themselves jake....
you find that funny jake?....so those guys were right about you,you never see anything wrong with the left,long ago you would have agreed......
Horse shit, cowboy. I am concerned about my party, first and foremost, and right now with the Trumpers in the WH and Congress selling out to business, the GOP is not that grand right at the moment. You need to grow up and accept that our GOP is fucked up right now. Pointing at the Dems does not help us at all.

Trump is tweeting that Russia collusion is a scam while DOD and SOS are saying it is not.

You think that is funny?
I am concerned about my party, first and foremost,
which party is that jake?....the one you always bad mouth or the one you NEVER bad mouth?...i need some clarity....
Pointing at the Dems does not help us at all.
especially if you are one of them,right jake?....
You think that is funny?
from day 1 i did not support trump jake....you people got what you voted for....here was my guy....do you regret not backing him yet?....

I will always correct my party when it is wrong . . . always. Anyone who supports the party when wrong has antiAmerican agendas going on.

Anyone who thinks I am a dem is woefully ignorant, mentally feeble, or malignantly motivated.

I wanted Kasich and voted for McMullin.

If any of you think I am going to back up, you are fools.
So, in conclusion the left has nothing but conjecture. Damn, it took so long to get there. I don't know why they did not say so in the first place.
"So the left has nothing but conjecture"....well, you know, that's why there's an investigation...and no indictments yet. Unlike the RussianW, we don't convict before Investigations AND indictments. How many times have you personally called for H. Clinton to be locked up?
Oh but you have! Isn't Maxine calling for impeachment? What evidence does she have?
What are Trumps ties to Russia? Spell them out in detail! Thanks!
Will you care even if we have evidence? Imagine I showed you irrefutable evidence would you care or would you blow it off?

Republicans would just sensure him and move on. Or impeach trump put in pence. Or Paul ryan

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