Poll: Voters think preventing gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights

I don’t know where you got your number but it’s wrong-


By criminals. If they can’t get them from stealing them then they will get them from other sources.
Maybe start raising hell about the firearms black market, we might get somewhere. Only 3% of legal guns were used last year to commit murder. The other 97% of legal gun owners never committed any crime. And the other 97% of murders were with illegally held guns.
There was an armed deputy. The fact he did nothing shows he shouldn’t have been assigned there.
The school district failed multiple times, Broward sheriffs office failed multiple times, Dfs failed, mental health worker failed, fbi failed twice, then a third time with the nics system.
And even if all those failures hadn’t happened and he was still on the streets, if he had the desire, he would have found a way. All he had to do was go to the nearest drug neighborhood and state he was willing to pay for a gun and would have gotten them. And he could have gone to Best Buy, bought components, Home Depot for shrapnel, and fertilizer and put together a bomb.
There's a simple solution to the school shootings. How about having the Border Patrol tear down all the fence and walls on the Southern border. We don't need them. Then everyone who wants to can come into the country, get a job and purse their dreams. They're harmless, according to Pelosi and Schumer. After the fences are down, re-assign enough Border Patrol and I.C.E. agents to have one armed agent in each American school and college. The remaining agents can be utilized to fight fires in California. Think of the money saved. The Democrats will be happy because they get more voters and everything will be hunky dory. What say you.
There was an armed agent at the school in FL. Didn't help.
Yes it is very easy to get guns here, far too easy. The good thing is if they try to buy a gun illegally they can be caught before anyone dies.
Milwaukee man accused of plotting machine gun attack at Masonic center still in jail
Lots of legal guns guarantees lots of illegal guns:
Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute
I don’t know where you got your number but it’s wrong-

By criminals. If they can’t get them from stealing them then they will get them from other sources.
Maybe start raising hell about the firearms black market, we might get somewhere. Only 3% of legal guns were used last year to commit murder. The other 97% of legal gun owners never committed any crime. And the other 97% of murders were with illegally held guns.
There was an armed deputy. The fact he did nothing shows he shouldn’t have been assigned there.
The school district failed multiple times, Broward sheriffs office failed multiple times, Dfs failed, mental health worker failed, fbi failed twice, then a third time with the nics system.
And even if all those failures hadn’t happened and he was still on the streets, if he had the desire, he would have found a way. All he had to do was go to the nearest drug neighborhood and state he was willing to pay for a gun and would have gotten them. And he could have gone to Best Buy, bought components, Home Depot for shrapnel, and fertilizer and put together a bomb.
There was an armed agent at the school in FL. Didn't help.
Yes it is very easy to get guns here, far too easy. The good thing is if they try to buy a gun illegally they can be caught before anyone dies.
Milwaukee man accused of plotting machine gun attack at Masonic center still in jail
Lots of legal guns guarantees lots of illegal guns:
Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute
There are few shootings in countries with strong gun control.
But plenty of stabbings. Their violent crime rates are increasing while ours are falling yet we have increased gun ownership.
I don’t know where you got your number but it’s wrong-

By criminals. If they can’t get them from stealing them then they will get them from other sources.
Maybe start raising hell about the firearms black market, we might get somewhere. Only 3% of legal guns were used last year to commit murder. The other 97% of legal gun owners never committed any crime. And the other 97% of murders were with illegally held guns.
There was an armed deputy. The fact he did nothing shows he shouldn’t have been assigned there.
The school district failed multiple times, Broward sheriffs office failed multiple times, Dfs failed, mental health worker failed, fbi failed twice, then a third time with the nics system.
And even if all those failures hadn’t happened and he was still on the streets, if he had the desire, he would have found a way. All he had to do was go to the nearest drug neighborhood and state he was willing to pay for a gun and would have gotten them. And he could have gone to Best Buy, bought components, Home Depot for shrapnel, and fertilizer and put together a bomb.
Yes it is very easy to get guns here, far too easy. The good thing is if they try to buy a gun illegally they can be caught before anyone dies.
Milwaukee man accused of plotting machine gun attack at Masonic center still in jail
Lots of legal guns guarantees lots of illegal guns:
Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute
There are few shootings in countries with strong gun control.
But plenty of stabbings. Their violent crime rates are increasing while ours are falling.
I don’t know where you got your number but it’s wrong-

By criminals. If they can’t get them from stealing them then they will get them from other sources.
Maybe start raising hell about the firearms black market, we might get somewhere. Only 3% of legal guns were used last year to commit murder. The other 97% of legal gun owners never committed any crime. And the other 97% of murders were with illegally held guns.
Yes it is very easy to get guns here, far too easy. The good thing is if they try to buy a gun illegally they can be caught before anyone dies.
Milwaukee man accused of plotting machine gun attack at Masonic center still in jail
Lots of legal guns guarantees lots of illegal guns:
Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute
There are few shootings in countries with strong gun control.
Ours are increasing:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

They also have much lower homicide rates with strong gun control.
You posted for 2016. Did you not see my links and graphs? It has fallen again for 2017. I do believe you responded to them.
But plenty of stabbings. Their violent crime rates are increasing while ours are falling.
I don’t know where you got your number but it’s wrong-

By criminals. If they can’t get them from stealing them then they will get them from other sources.
Maybe start raising hell about the firearms black market, we might get somewhere. Only 3% of legal guns were used last year to commit murder. The other 97% of legal gun owners never committed any crime. And the other 97% of murders were with illegally held guns.
Lots of legal guns guarantees lots of illegal guns:
Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute
There are few shootings in countries with strong gun control.
Ours are increasing:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

They also have much lower homicide rates with strong gun control.
I don’t know where you got your number but it’s wrong-

View attachment 184683

By criminals. If they can’t get them from stealing them then they will get them from other sources.
Maybe start raising hell about the firearms black market, we might get somewhere. Only 3% of legal guns were used last year to commit murder. The other 97% of legal gun owners never committed any crime. And the other 97% of murders were with illegally held guns.
There was an armed deputy. The fact he did nothing shows he shouldn’t have been assigned there.
The school district failed multiple times, Broward sheriffs office failed multiple times, Dfs failed, mental health worker failed, fbi failed twice, then a third time with the nics system.
And even if all those failures hadn’t happened and he was still on the streets, if he had the desire, he would have found a way. All he had to do was go to the nearest drug neighborhood and state he was willing to pay for a gun and would have gotten them. And he could have gone to Best Buy, bought components, Home Depot for shrapnel, and fertilizer and put together a bomb.
There was an armed agent at the school in FL. Didn't help.
Yes it is very easy to get guns here, far too easy. The good thing is if they try to buy a gun illegally they can be caught before anyone dies.
Milwaukee man accused of plotting machine gun attack at Masonic center still in jail
Lots of legal guns guarantees lots of illegal guns:
Up to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US – that's one every minute
Well I did link to my numbers so you should be able to figure out where they come from.

Do you feel better knowing gun owners arm over 200K criminals each year? Again, lots of legal gun ownership guarantees lots of illegal gun ownership.
You posted for 2016. Did you not see my links and graphs? It has fallen again for 2017.
But plenty of stabbings. Their violent crime rates are increasing while ours are falling.
I don’t know where you got your number but it’s wrong-

By criminals. If they can’t get them from stealing them then they will get them from other sources.
There are few shootings in countries with strong gun control.
Ours are increasing:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

They also have much lower homicide rates with strong gun control.
There are no official numbers for 2017, sorry.
Here it is, once again-
Crime in 2017: A Preliminary Analysis
After two years of unsettling increases, America’s crime and murder rates seem to be on the decline in 2017.

A new report by the Brennan Center for Justice looked at the crime rates for the 30 largest US cities. Over the past two years, Brennan found increases — sometimes sharp rises — in the violent crime and murder rates. Many feared this was a reversal from the past several decades of crime decreases, which put the 2014 US murder rate in particular at the lowest it’s been since at least the 1960s.

But so far this year, Brennan has some good news. Based on its preliminary analysis for 2017, the overall crime rate is projected to decline by 1.8 percent compared to 2016, the violent crime rate by 0.6 percent, and the murder rate by 2.5 percent.
Good news: America’s crime and murder rates are down this year

You posted for 2016. Did you not see my links and graphs? It has fallen again for 2017.
But plenty of stabbings. Their violent crime rates are increasing while ours are falling.
I don’t know where you got your number but it’s wrong-

By criminals. If they can’t get them from stealing them then they will get them from other sources.
There are few shootings in countries with strong gun control.
Ours are increasing:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

They also have much lower homicide rates with strong gun control.
There are no official numbers for 2017, sorry.
With an officer on every street corner, tight border, and a thorough background check for every entry.
You can't compare a mostly or all white country with ours.
NZ has less whites than the US. Usual gun nutter weak bullshit excuses is what we've come to expect, thankfully we're not disappointed once again.
Israel has a high population of Arabs and they still have a much lower homicide rate than ours with their strong gun control.
With an officer on every street corner, tight border, and a thorough background check for every entry.
Are you trying to pretend illegal immigrants are the major cause of US firearm homicide rates? You nutters will deflect as a matter of reflex. Very NRA of you.
Here it is, once again-
Crime in 2017: A Preliminary Analysis
After two years of unsettling increases, America’s crime and murder rates seem to be on the decline in 2017.

A new report by the Brennan Center for Justice looked at the crime rates for the 30 largest US cities. Over the past two years, Brennan found increases — sometimes sharp rises — in the violent crime and murder rates. Many feared this was a reversal from the past several decades of crime decreases, which put the 2014 US murder rate in particular at the lowest it’s been since at least the 1960s.

But so far this year, Brennan has some good news. Based on its preliminary analysis for 2017, the overall crime rate is projected to decline by 1.8 percent compared to 2016, the violent crime rate by 0.6 percent, and the murder rate by 2.5 percent.
Good news: America’s crime and murder rates are down this year

You posted for 2016. Did you not see my links and graphs? It has fallen again for 2017.
But plenty of stabbings. Their violent crime rates are increasing while ours are falling.
There are few shootings in countries with strong gun control.
Ours are increasing:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

They also have much lower homicide rates with strong gun control.
There are no official numbers for 2017, sorry.
Again, that isn't an official number. Sorry.
With an officer on every street corner, tight border, and a thorough background check for every entry.
You can't compare a mostly or all white country with ours.
NZ has less whites than the US. Usual gun nutter weak bullshit excuses is what we've come to expect, thankfully we're not disappointed once again.
Israel has a high population of Arabs and they still have a much lower homicide rate than ours with their strong gun control.
With very strict gun control.
Limbaugh always said that Democrats always try to make it look like most of the country is on their side. There is no truth to it. Democrats are like peacocks where they fan their feathers to make them look bigger than they really are.

So all weekend we were bombarded with news about anti-gun protests. Now they are starting with the polls.
We regularly have mass shootings. Our law enforcement are killed weekly in shootings. Our police regularly shoot and kill people. Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don't have these problems. It's clear we need changed.

We've been through this before about a dozen times. Other countries do have their problems just like we do. You can't compare a mostly or all white country with ours. Our violent crime and gun crime has been on the decrease since the 90's up until the Ferguson effect kicked in. We are in 11th place when it comes to mass murders in the world.
You are a typical ignorant American who don't know much about the world. Son most countries that have strict gun control have less mass shootings and shootings in general. You wanna keep living in denial go ahead....till then thousands will die every year from gun violence unlike most countries.

So where did you move here from that was so great?
Why you care. You will end up googling it and coming up with some faux news and try and make the mass shootings there look worse.
I can tell you this...we had 0 mass shootings.
Dunno anyone who have seen a gun.
Basically no thousands of dead people every year. Dozens ? Yes maybe. But I'm sure if guns were available there will be thousands dead.
Limbaugh always said that Democrats always try to make it look like most of the country is on their side. There is no truth to it. Democrats are like peacocks where they fan their feathers to make them look bigger than they really are.

So all weekend we were bombarded with news about anti-gun protests. Now they are starting with the polls.
We regularly have mass shootings. Our law enforcement are killed weekly in shootings. Our police regularly shoot and kill people. Meanwhile countries with strong gun control don't have these problems. It's clear we need changed.

We've been through this before about a dozen times. Other countries do have their problems just like we do. You can't compare a mostly or all white country with ours. Our violent crime and gun crime has been on the decrease since the 90's up until the Ferguson effect kicked in. We are in 11th place when it comes to mass murders in the world.
You are a typical ignorant American who don't know much about the world. Son most countries that have strict gun control have less mass shootings and shootings in general. You wanna keep living in denial go ahead....till then thousands will die every year from gun violence unlike most countries.

So where did you move here from that was so great?
Why you care. You will end up googling it and coming up with some faux news and try and make the mass shootings there look worse.
I can tell you this...we had 0 mass shootings.
Dunno anyone who have seen a gun.
Basically no thousands of dead people every year. Dozens ? Yes maybe. But I'm sure if guns were available there will be thousands dead.

My point is that you cut down this country because of guns, yet you came to live here anyway.
With an officer on every street corner, tight border, and a thorough background check for every entry.
You can't compare a mostly or all white country with ours.
NZ has less whites than the US. Usual gun nutter weak bullshit excuses is what we've come to expect, thankfully we're not disappointed once again.
Israel has a high population of Arabs and they still have a much lower homicide rate than ours with their strong gun control.
Also the IDF carries weapons on and off duty.



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