Poll: Voters think preventing gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights

Mass shootings as defined as 4 or more, everywhere else up through 2015


Obama changed it to 3 or more. Some places in Europe define it as 5 or more. So comparing apples to oranges does not work, but with the definition at 4 or more, see above.

Liar, Russia Brazil Mexico South Africa all come to mind.
So countries that are not economically or politically stable and in no position to enforce gun control? Go figure.
So when called on your bull shit you change the goal post I see. Remind me how France has an absolute ban but has the worst mass killing of any nation?
Yes I put honest goal posts in, sorry that is a problem for you. You want to compare us to third world countries that can't do anything right? France has a worse mass killing than 9/11?
Russia is not a third world country and neither is France or Belgium where it is illegal to own any firearm but they both have mass shootings when ever Jihadists decide to act up.
Ok well when was the last mass shooting in Russia? France? Belgium? We have them quite regularly here.
Russia, just a month ago
5 Killed In Church Shooting In Russia's Dagestan

Liar, Russia Brazil Mexico South Africa all come to mind.
So countries that are not economically or politically stable and in no position to enforce gun control? Go figure.
So when called on your bull shit you change the goal post I see. Remind me how France has an absolute ban but has the worst mass killing of any nation?
Yes I put honest goal posts in, sorry that is a problem for you. You want to compare us to third world countries that can't do anything right? France has a worse mass killing than 9/11?
Russia is not a third world country and neither is France or Belgium where it is illegal to own any firearm but they both have mass shootings when ever Jihadists decide to act up.
Ok well when was the last mass shooting in Russia? France? Belgium? We have them quite regularly here.
Oh, and France, just a couple of days ago
The victims of France's jihadist supermarket shooting
Russia, just a month ago
5 Killed In Church Shooting In Russia's Dagestan

So countries that are not economically or politically stable and in no position to enforce gun control? Go figure.
So when called on your bull shit you change the goal post I see. Remind me how France has an absolute ban but has the worst mass killing of any nation?
Yes I put honest goal posts in, sorry that is a problem for you. You want to compare us to third world countries that can't do anything right? France has a worse mass killing than 9/11?
Russia is not a third world country and neither is France or Belgium where it is illegal to own any firearm but they both have mass shootings when ever Jihadists decide to act up.
Ok well when was the last mass shooting in Russia? France? Belgium? We have them quite regularly here.
Russia, just a month ago
5 Killed In Church Shooting In Russia's Dagestan

So countries that are not economically or politically stable and in no position to enforce gun control? Go figure.
So when called on your bull shit you change the goal post I see. Remind me how France has an absolute ban but has the worst mass killing of any nation?
Yes I put honest goal posts in, sorry that is a problem for you. You want to compare us to third world countries that can't do anything right? France has a worse mass killing than 9/11?
Russia is not a third world country and neither is France or Belgium where it is illegal to own any firearm but they both have mass shootings when ever Jihadists decide to act up.
Ok well when was the last mass shooting in Russia? France? Belgium? We have them quite regularly here.
And France and Belgium?

Ok so 5 dead at a church in Russia. Meanwhile in the US in the last month we lost 17 at a school. And don't forget the TX church shooting that killed 26 late last year. I'm up to 43 dead, you have 5 so far. What else you have for Russia cause I can go on with ours.
Oh, and France, just a couple of days ago
The victims of France's jihadist supermarket shooting
Russia, just a month ago
5 Killed In Church Shooting In Russia's Dagestan

So when called on your bull shit you change the goal post I see. Remind me how France has an absolute ban but has the worst mass killing of any nation?
Yes I put honest goal posts in, sorry that is a problem for you. You want to compare us to third world countries that can't do anything right? France has a worse mass killing than 9/11?
Russia is not a third world country and neither is France or Belgium where it is illegal to own any firearm but they both have mass shootings when ever Jihadists decide to act up.
Ok well when was the last mass shooting in Russia? France? Belgium? We have them quite regularly here.
Ok, that is 4 dead. Just our last school shooting had 17.
Oh, and France, just a couple of days ago
The victims of France's jihadist supermarket shooting
Russia, just a month ago
5 Killed In Church Shooting In Russia's Dagestan

Yes I put honest goal posts in, sorry that is a problem for you. You want to compare us to third world countries that can't do anything right? France has a worse mass killing than 9/11?
Russia is not a third world country and neither is France or Belgium where it is illegal to own any firearm but they both have mass shootings when ever Jihadists decide to act up.
Ok well when was the last mass shooting in Russia? France? Belgium? We have them quite regularly here.
Ok, that is 4 dead. Just our last school shooting had 17.

All that proves is that one shooter killed more people than the other. The both had guns.
Oh, and France, just a couple of days ago
The victims of France's jihadist supermarket shooting
Russia, just a month ago
5 Killed In Church Shooting In Russia's Dagestan

Russia is not a third world country and neither is France or Belgium where it is illegal to own any firearm but they both have mass shootings when ever Jihadists decide to act up.
Ok well when was the last mass shooting in Russia? France? Belgium? We have them quite regularly here.
Ok, that is 4 dead. Just our last school shooting had 17.

All that proves is that one shooter killed more people than the other. The both had guns.
It proves we have a much worse problem.
If I could write the law it would be along lines of
"No gun can fire more than 10 bullets in 10 seconds" that should take care of about every need I can think of "that spent clip must then be manually ejected and manually reloaded with another clip of same specifications"
I own guns and have used them. I know what they can do They are a right but I can wave my arm as a right unless you are standing there.
There is a solution and it's not grab all guns but this rapid fire stuff is not a necessity for any militia and I don't think our government is sinister anyway. I do think criminals are sinister and in the very unlikely chance one barges in, its good to have a response other than "No..stop"
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Oh, and France, just a couple of days ago
The victims of France's jihadist supermarket shooting
Russia, just a month ago
5 Killed In Church Shooting In Russia's Dagestan

Ok well when was the last mass shooting in Russia? France? Belgium? We have them quite regularly here.
Ok, that is 4 dead. Just our last school shooting had 17.

All that proves is that one shooter killed more people than the other. The both had guns.
It proves we have a much worse problem.

What problem is that, our shooters kill more people than shooters in other countries?

The point being made here is that gun confiscation doesn't equate less murders. People murder, not guns. What you think is that we can compare our country to others; countries that have different cultures than ours; countries that are not nearly diverse as ours; countries where two parent families are still the norm.

There are so many factors that need to be considered instead of simplifying it as more guns equals more crime or more murders. Or let me put it another way:

We have an upper-class community, and several miles away, we have a lower class community. Both communities have equal access to firearms. Yet the lower class community has ten times more gun crimes than the upper-class community. Now.....if guns were the problem, wouldn't both communities have the same amount of gun crime?

So what is the difference? The difference is the quality of the people in each community. In other words, if you could make a law for the upper-class community that everybody must own a gun, their gun crime rate would not change. Vice versa, if you made a law that nobody in the lower class community could own a gun, their gun violence rate would not change either.

So the point is that it's the people that make the difference. Now who own guns or how many own guns. On a personal note:

I moved into my suburb when it was predominately white. As time went on, race changes took place. Today, it's mostly a black suburb. Our murder rate when it was mostly white was one in every 10 or 15 years. Our murder rate today is at least 3 per year. In fact, one of our citizens was shot today in an attempted robbery right in his own driveway.

So is this due to more guns being in my neighborhood, or more of violent people moving to our neighborhood? Think about that for a minute.

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