Poll: What should we do with guns?

What should we do with guns?

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We have a society in which a significant percentage of the population intends to kill as many people as they can for various reasons that make sense to them. Gang members kill for wearing the wrong color. A couple of guys beat a man to death because he didn't cheer the home team. A 14 year old boy beat an 85 year old woman to death because she didn't give him a cigarette. Three girls broke into the home of a disabled woman and beat her unconscious because it was fun. This isn't a lawless society, it is a society ruled by the law of the jungle. The strong prey upon the weak and that's the way liberals like it. Heaven forbid that the weak have the ability to fight back.
July 16, 2010—Following the shooting of Philadelphia police officer Kevin Livewell by gunmen wielding two semiautomatic assault rifles (an AK-47 and SKS) with 30-round magazines, Philadelphia Policy Deputy Commissioner Richard Ross tells the media, "These are state-of-the-art weapons ... My firearms experts over here tell me that...no body armor that we have would have saved our officers from these weapons here. I mean, in fact, many of them are capable of slicing through a vehicle. This is just how deadly these weapons are." Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey describes the SKS rifle as "a very high-powered weapon capable of firing numerous rounds—very, very quickly and very, very deadly."

Was the SKS in question a rare detachable magazine type or modified to accept detachable magazines? Otherwise the SKS holds ten rounds only in its non-detachable magazine. And neither the AK nor SKS can be designated as ‘state of the art.’

And since when is the 7.62 x 39 mm round, chambered by both the AK and SKS, ‘very high-powered’ ammunition? Was this some sort of special round or standard ammo for both rifles?

So much for Philadelphia police firearms ‘experts.’

This is the problem with ignorance of firearms by those seeking to regulate them, or by the media ignorant of the facts, or unwilling to do the research to learn the facts, or law enforcement unwilling to do the same.

Neither the semi-auto AK/M type rifle nor SKS in standard form using standard ammo is capable of ‘slicing through a vehicle.’ Neither weapon constitutes an 'assault weapon.'

If we’re going to have this ‘honest debate’ about firearms and their regulation, it must be done in the context of fact, where all parties are knowledgeable about the subject – or willing to become knowledgeable – and can speak intelligently with regard to the exact nature of a given weapon, and how it should be regulated – or not.
I am not doing your work for you. Your opinion by itself has always been worthless.

You need to support that statement, GuyPinestra, because we can't take only your word for it. You need to show the homicide rate is similar to whatever standard you are implying.

This ^^^ from the person here who has NEVER sourced a SINGLE assertion!!

Google it, Jake, I'm not doing it.
You need to support that statement, GuyPinestra, because we can't take only your word for it. You need to show the homicide rate is similar to whatever standard you are implying.

This ^^^ from the person here who has NEVER sourced a SINGLE assertion!!

Google it, Jake, I'm not doing it.
I am not doing your work for you. Your opinion by itself has always been worthless.

Opinion by itself is all you've EVER offered, so what does that make YOU??

Did you read my origional statement? Because if you don't actually feel like addressing what I say, there are plenty of posters who would be happy to argue gun control with you.
Are you claiming gun crime in countries where guns are illegal is significantly lower than the US, is just a coincidence?
Still no facts. Still changing the goalposts and directly lying about what your claims are and still avoiding any rational discussion.

I guess common sense really isn't all that common.

According to wiki, the country with the lowest gun crime, is the UK. Why do you think the UK has such low gun crime?

Because they prefer to use bombs?
Prove that, slacker. :lol: Once you start looking, you will realize yet again you fail.

I never give my opinion as fact, GuyPinestra, and I have no trouble pulling your opinions apart when you present your beliefs as facts.

This ^^^ from the person here who has NEVER sourced a SINGLE assertion!!

Google it, Jake, I'm not doing it.
I am not doing your work for you. Your opinion by itself has always been worthless.

Opinion by itself is all you've EVER offered, so what does that make YOU??

AmyNation has kicked QWB's butt up between his ears so that he can hear her kicking it.

QWB is crazy.
Sorry, I voted wrong. I should have answered that we should use them to shoot criminals. The more the better.
Josh Sugarmann: Gun Deaths Exceed Motor Vehicle Deaths in 10 States

Gun deaths set to outstrip car fatalities for first time in 2015 - Democratic Underground

Addendum: the estimate is for 2015 not 2013

Yes, getting killed by guns is problematic, not "nearly non-existent" as one boob put it.

Next year the projection is that guns will kill more people than cars.

Whose projection?

Care to bet in it? I predict that car deaths will increase dramatically by then.
Going to use some broad categories here.

You are a victim of the liberal lie machine.

It's "The right to bear ARMS" not just guns.

The right to bear arms has already been reduced to an expensive privaledge to own certain hand guns and ammo.

Soon they will restrict how much ammo.

Liberals don't care about rights, b/c they are conditioned not to think.
Did you read my origional statement? Because if you don't actually feel like addressing what I say, there are plenty of posters who would be happy to argue gun control with you.
Are you claiming gun crime in countries where guns are illegal is significantly lower than the US, is just a coincidence?
Still no facts. Still changing the goalposts and directly lying about what your claims are and still avoiding any rational discussion.

I guess common sense really isn't all that common.

According to wiki, the country with the lowest gun crime, is the UK. Why do you think the UK has such low gun crime?

No, it seems to not be as you are completely lacking in it.

So the conversation with you can be sumed up as follows:

1. I cite the evidence that shows Britons homicide rate has nothing to do with their gun laws (in fact it has been increasing at a steady rate through both major gun legislation acts they passed) as well as evidence from all over the country that supports this supposition.

2. Then you make a blanket claim that their gun laws are the reason that there crime rate is low (ignoring the posted evidence)

3. I point you back to the data.

4. You say you never made that claim and get snippy telling me to pay more attention.

5. I quote where you made the claim.

6. Now you are right back to #2 making the exact same claim (that you tried to say you never made) calling it common sense but posting NOTHING that proves or even hints at your supposition being correct. No links, no real data. Nothing but then you want to claim that I dont have any common sense because we all just KNOW that you are right....

PS. By the way, the UK has ALWAYS had a low crime rate. It is cultural.

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