POLL: What Would You Have Trump Do About Covid-19?

Should Trump Quarantine Whole Cities And Towns To Stop The Covid-19 Plague?

  • Yes, and shoot looters on sight!

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • I blame the Mexicans and Muslim for this virus

    Votes: 2 12.5%

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
Other countries are testing patients for coronavirus by the tens of thousands. Why the U.S. is so far behind

South Korean officials are setting up "drive-thru" coronavirus screening facilities. Manufacturers in China have the capacity to distribute more than 1.5 million tests a week. The countries, alongside Italy and the U.K., are testing tens of thousands of people for the coronavirus, in many cases processing thousands of samples a day.

In the U.S., meanwhile, inadequate coronavirus testing has become a full-blown scandal. As U.S. cases spike, the Department of Health and Human Services has launched an investigation into defective testing kits that delayed lab results by several days, and experts are worried that a slow federal response may have given the virus more time to spread.


The coronavirus's emergence in Asia in December and January gave the U.S. weeks to prepare, but even in the early stages, diagnostic testing hit snags.

The CDC, a U.S. federal agency, opted to develop its own test kit rather than use the existing one recommended by the World Health Organization; it is not yet clear why. Early on, CDC sent 200 of its test kits to state labs across the country (each kit can test 700 to 800 samples), but in mid-February, the agency announced that some of the kits were flawed, and asked labs to send samples to the CDC's central lab in Atlanta to be tested, a move that delayed results by several days.

More than likely its due to the same FDA type issues we have where drugs used overseas never get approved here because US regs are far stricter.

Things like that help us in the long term, but react poorly to fast moving conditions like a pandemic.

US mftrers and the FDA have no role in other countries testing, which we failed to produce. and there are no vaccines or drugs ANYWHERE

The FDA says what tests we can use in THIS COUNTRY. It says what procedure is used before those tests can be used.

And the FDA process is notoriously slow because that's how most of the country wants it, usually.
I think Washington and New York states have moved around that. I am not anti - FDA. It is an important agency, but not the best controlling tool for the situation. That bureaucracy doesn't exactly float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.
Sooooo...all you have is "B-b-b-b-b-b-but-Obama!"? :rolleyes:

Clearly O'bama created this virus and timed it to undermine Rump. It's what he's been working on with his magic Telepromter since leaving office when he got done tappppppppping Rump's wires. Just like he engineered the whole 2008 economy collapse with his time machine retroactively to set up his own election.

No, it wasn't O's fault nor is it trumps fault. Was it wilsons fault that 675000 died here in the US with the spanish flu?


My point exactly. I was agreeing with you. Well, looks like my point went down with the hindenburg.

Oh that's right, O'bama torched the Hindenburg too.

Not sure how you were "agreeing with me" --- my point was not how O'bama dealt with this or that; it was to ridicule those on this board who blamed him retroactively for events that had already happened before he took office.

No, the hindenburg crashed because a spark ignited the hydrogen.
Covid-19 is another "pandemic" that is no more virulent than the flu.

Other countries are testing patients for coronavirus by the tens of thousands. Why the U.S. is so far behind

South Korean officials are setting up "drive-thru" coronavirus screening facilities. Manufacturers in China have the capacity to distribute more than 1.5 million tests a week. The countries, alongside Italy and the U.K., are testing tens of thousands of people for the coronavirus, in many cases processing thousands of samples a day.

In the U.S., meanwhile, inadequate coronavirus testing has become a full-blown scandal. As U.S. cases spike, the Department of Health and Human Services has launched an investigation into defective testing kits that delayed lab results by several days, and experts are worried that a slow federal response may have given the virus more time to spread.


The coronavirus's emergence in Asia in December and January gave the U.S. weeks to prepare, but even in the early stages, diagnostic testing hit snags.

The CDC, a U.S. federal agency, opted to develop its own test kit rather than use the existing one recommended by the World Health Organization; it is not yet clear why. Early on, CDC sent 200 of its test kits to state labs across the country (each kit can test 700 to 800 samples), but in mid-February, the agency announced that some of the kits were flawed, and asked labs to send samples to the CDC's central lab in Atlanta to be tested, a move that delayed results by several days.

More than likely its due to the same FDA type issues we have where drugs used overseas never get approved here because US regs are far stricter.

Things like that help us in the long term, but react poorly to fast moving conditions like a pandemic.
Fast-Track Drug Approval, Designed for Emergencies, Is Now Routine

Trump made a big deal crowing about that.

Which has nothing to do with a manufacturing defect - according to the link you previously posted.

JFC, a poster said other countries developed drugs faster and that was because of the FDA, and that post was DEMONSRABLY wrong.
I am seriously interested in people's opinion about quarantining whole cities and towns. Please respond to that question. Thank you.

I don't think we're there yet. There should be more information about who and how one should self quarantine and seek treatment if they feel ill. I'm hearing in New York that anyone so much as clears their throat to immediately seek help to the federal government under estimating how many people actually have the virus. Hell just this weekend some of the wingnuts were proclaiming this was over and that everyone in the U.S. had fully recovered.

Anyway, they all need to get on the same fucking page and don't worry about the stock market, it'll recover when this is over.
I hear people grumbling that Trump is not being aggressive enough to fight this plague. So I was wondering just exactly what it is they believe he should be doing.

Yes, it was a colossal fuckup for Trump to disband the White House pandemic unit. Okay.

But what about going forward? What is he not doing that he should be doing?

Also, would you be okay with Trump forcing whole cities and towns into quarantine the way other countries are doing? I am very interested in hearing answers to this particular question.

Dang it, Trump needs to roll up his sleeves and fight that virus for da peoples!!!

Your pseudo concern for anyone other than your worthless hide doesn't fool me.
Other countries are testing patients for coronavirus by the tens of thousands. Why the U.S. is so far behind

South Korean officials are setting up "drive-thru" coronavirus screening facilities. Manufacturers in China have the capacity to distribute more than 1.5 million tests a week. The countries, alongside Italy and the U.K., are testing tens of thousands of people for the coronavirus, in many cases processing thousands of samples a day.

In the U.S., meanwhile, inadequate coronavirus testing has become a full-blown scandal. As U.S. cases spike, the Department of Health and Human Services has launched an investigation into defective testing kits that delayed lab results by several days, and experts are worried that a slow federal response may have given the virus more time to spread.


The coronavirus's emergence in Asia in December and January gave the U.S. weeks to prepare, but even in the early stages, diagnostic testing hit snags.

The CDC, a U.S. federal agency, opted to develop its own test kit rather than use the existing one recommended by the World Health Organization; it is not yet clear why. Early on, CDC sent 200 of its test kits to state labs across the country (each kit can test 700 to 800 samples), but in mid-February, the agency announced that some of the kits were flawed, and asked labs to send samples to the CDC's central lab in Atlanta to be tested, a move that delayed results by several days.

More than likely its due to the same FDA type issues we have where drugs used overseas never get approved here because US regs are far stricter.

Things like that help us in the long term, but react poorly to fast moving conditions like a pandemic.

US mftrers and the FDA have no role in other countries testing, which we failed to produce. and there are no vaccines or drugs ANYWHERE

The FDA says what tests we can use in THIS COUNTRY. It says what procedure is used before those tests can be used.

And the FDA process is notoriously slow because that's how most of the country wants it, usually.
I think Washington and New York states have moved around that. I am not anti - FDA. It is an important agency, but not the best controlling tool for the situation. That bureaucracy doesn't exactly float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

The Trump admins failure with the FDA didn't have anything to do with drug approval. It had to do with telling private companies to develop their own testing kits without prior govt approval. Azar failed to ask the FDA to even do that, even though the FDA was prepared to go that route. It is in the earlier politico link.
They'll do what they can, which isn't much.

It's going to spread, likely will not be contained or stopped. We should be focusing our efforts on informing people, not acting as if we are going to stamp this out.

What more can be done? Well, if they're not doing this already we should be identifying and/or screening those who are at relatively highest risk for dying from this and make some attempt to protect them.

Trump personally can stop the bullshittery. do not downplay this. tell the truth and let those at the CDC do their jobs, including their informing the public as they see necessary of developments or potential precautions. he's not a medical expert. his job is to support those that are and stay out of their way.
The OP probably doesn't remember the H1N1 "swine flu" in 2009 when Obama was in the WH.
There is another thread with a description of that cluster-fuck of a response.
Go read that thread and then come back to this bullshit thread.

I just had to look in to see what kind of brainless twat would create another bogus poll and thread under the guise of addressing a serious topic while really just using it as an opening to rant about Trump some more with the usual faux issues.
Clearly O'bama created this virus and timed it to undermine Rump. It's what he's been working on with his magic Telepromter since leaving office when he got done tappppppppping Rump's wires. Just like he engineered the whole 2008 economy collapse with his time machine retroactively to set up his own election.

No, it wasn't O's fault nor is it trumps fault. Was it wilsons fault that 675000 died here in the US with the spanish flu?


My point exactly. I was agreeing with you. Well, looks like my point went down with the hindenburg.

Oh that's right, O'bama torched the Hindenburg too.

Not sure how you were "agreeing with me" --- my point was not how O'bama dealt with this or that; it was to ridicule those on this board who blamed him retroactively for events that had already happened before he took office.

No, the hindenburg crashed because a spark ignited the hydrogen.

O'bama sent that spark with his telepromter. Again, using the Magic Negro® time machine. It was one of his first experiments, right after blowing up the Maine.
The OP probably doesn't remember the H1N1 "swine flu" in 2009 when Obama was in the WH.
There is another thread with a description of that cluster-fuck of a response.
Go read that thread and then come back to this bullshit thread.

I just had to look in to see what kind of brainless twat would create another bogus poll and thread under the guise of addressing a serious topic while really just using it as an opening to rant about Trump some more with the usual faux issues.

Not the "poll" thread, this one:
How QUICKLY Democrats / Snowflakes Forget: Obama H1N1 FAILURE Compared to Trump/Coronavirus
No, it wasn't O's fault nor is it trumps fault. Was it wilsons fault that 675000 died here in the US with the spanish flu?


My point exactly. I was agreeing with you. Well, looks like my point went down with the hindenburg.

Oh that's right, O'bama torched the Hindenburg too.

Not sure how you were "agreeing with me" --- my point was not how O'bama dealt with this or that; it was to ridicule those on this board who blamed him retroactively for events that had already happened before he took office.

No, the hindenburg crashed because a spark ignited the hydrogen.

O'bama sent that spark with his telepromter. Again, using the Magic Negro® time machine. It was one of his first experiments, right after blowing up the Maine.

Wait, o used a slave ship to go back in time to 1898 to blow up the Maine. Did this happen on saint patricks day?
The OP probably doesn't remember the H1N1 "swine flu" in 2009 when Obama was in the WH.
There is another thread with a description of that cluster-fuck of a response.
Go read that thread and then come back to this bullshit thread.

I just had to look in to see what kind of brainless twat would create another bogus poll and thread under the guise of addressing a serious topic while really just using it as an opening to rant about Trump some more with the usual faux issues.

Not the "poll" thread, this one:
How QUICKLY Democrats / Snowflakes Forget: Obama H1N1 FAILURE Compared to Trump/Coronavirus
"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaaaaaammmmmaaaaaaa!" :206:
Trump would be very helpful just by not tweeting a fucking word about this global health crisis.
I hear people grumbling that Trump is not being aggressive enough to fight this plague. So I was wondering just exactly what it is they believe he should be doing.

Yes, it was a colossal fuckup for Trump to disband the White House pandemic unit. Okay.

But what about going forward? What is he not doing that he should be doing?

Also, would you be okay with Trump forcing whole cities and towns into quarantine the way other countries are doing? I am very interested in hearing answers to this particular question.

My solution: Get some infectious disease specialists and virologists involved.


(Your "DEEP STAIT" line cracks me up every time! LOL!)


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