POLL: What Would You Have Trump Do About Covid-19?

Should Trump Quarantine Whole Cities And Towns To Stop The Covid-19 Plague?

  • Yes, and shoot looters on sight!

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • I blame the Mexicans and Muslim for this virus

    Votes: 2 12.5%

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
I hear people grumbling that Trump is not being aggressive enough to fight this plague. So I was wondering just exactly what it is they believe he should be doing.

Yes, it was a colossal fuckup for Trump to disband the White House pandemic unit. Okay.

But what about going forward? What is he not doing that he should be doing?

Also, would you be okay with Trump forcing whole cities and towns into quarantine the way other countries are doing? I am very interested in hearing answers to this particular question.

My solution: Get some infectious disease specialists and virologists involved.


(Your "DEEP STAIT" line cracks me up every time! LOL!)


and upstage The Chosen One?

half of the country could die off before that would happen -
The OP probably doesn't remember the H1N1 "swine flu" in 2009 when Obama was in the WH.
There is another thread with a description of that cluster-fuck of a response.
Go read that thread and then come back to this bullshit thread.

I just had to look in to see what kind of brainless twat would create another bogus poll and thread under the guise of addressing a serious topic while really just using it as an opening to rant about Trump some more with the usual faux issues.

Not the "poll" thread, this one:
How QUICKLY Democrats / Snowflakes Forget: Obama H1N1 FAILURE Compared to Trump/Coronavirus


Snopes lays it out for you fucking fake news morons.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a detailed timeline of this pandemic on its website. It shows that the CDC first activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on April 22, 2009. At the time, there were only two confirmed cases in the United States. On April 25, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a public health emergency of international concern, and the following day the Obama administration did the same. At that time, there were about 20 confirmed cases.

Despite the CDC’s efforts, the swine flu continued to spread. Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of health and human services, renewed the emergency declaration on July 24, 2009, and then again on Oct. 1, 2009. On Oct. 24, 2009, Obama declared a national emergency that gave officials more resources to fight the pandemic.

The Associated Press reported:
President Barack Obama has declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency, giving his health chief the power to let hospitals move emergency rooms offsite to speed treatment and protect noninfected patients.

The declaration, signed Friday night and announced Saturday, comes with the disease more prevalent than ever in the country and production delays undercutting the government’s initial, optimistic estimates that as many as 120 million doses of the vaccine could be available by mid-October."""""


On April 26, the administration declared swine flu a public health emergency, allowing the shipment of roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually needed them. At the time, there were 20 confirmed cases in the U.S. of people recovering easily. There was no vaccine against swine flu, but the CDC had taken the initial step necessary for producing one.

“As a nation, we have prepared at all levels of government, and as individuals and communities, taking unprecedented steps to counter the emerging pandemic,” Obama wrote in Saturday’s declaration."""

"""In sum, the PJ Media article claimed that Obama “waited” until millions of people were infected with H1N1 before he declared an “emergency.” But that isn’t the case. The Obama administration started to address H1N1 just as the disease emerged in April 2009. A public health emergency was declared on April 26, 2009, when there were about 20 confirmed cases in the United States. The Obama administration renewed this declaration twice in the ensuing months before declaring a national emergency in October 2009."""
The OP probably doesn't remember the H1N1 "swine flu" in 2009 when Obama was in the WH.
There is another thread with a description of that cluster-fuck of a response.
Go read that thread and then come back to this bullshit thread.

I just had to look in to see what kind of brainless twat would create another bogus poll and thread under the guise of addressing a serious topic while really just using it as an opening to rant about Trump some more with the usual faux issues.

Not the "poll" thread, this one:
How QUICKLY Democrats / Snowflakes Forget: Obama H1N1 FAILURE Compared to Trump/Coronavirus

The Real Story.

CDC Novel H1N1 Flu | The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010

This document summarizes key events of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic and CDC’s response activities for historical purposes. This document is a summary; it is not a comprehensive account of all CDC actions and activities nor is it intended to represent response efforts by other agencies and partners.
regardless what happens RW's have their version -

then theres reality.
You nuts have a president, that has gutted the science department, who want quick fixes to everything but how to not lie on a daily basis...what would we have him do? STEP THE FUCK ASIDE AND LET THE GROWNUPS HANDLE THIS....next stupid question
What grownup would that be toddler?
Almost anyone besides him.
You mean like 44 that waited till we had over a thousand dead?
Wonk wonk wonk.

But...but...but... Obama!

Do.you ever post anything else?
I post a lot of stuff but it is just so funny making fun of clowns like you that I can't help it.
go to Walmart - buy chinese products packed by chinese workers, shipped on chinese planes and ships -
I am seriously interested in people's opinion about quarantining whole cities and towns. Please respond to that question. Thank you.

Quarantining cities would be a "last resort" option. Is Covid-19 a death sentence? No, 80% of the cases are mild. So its a "flu" not ebola.
We lose 20,000 to the flu every year and its no big deal. We need to attack Covid-19, but its not going to shut the US down. Summer is coming and it will abate. By then they should have therapies available.
The mortality rate for Covid-19 is ten to twenty times higher than the flu.

It's possible millions will die.
Only in your country.

America will be fine.
Considering what wasn't done in 2009 when O was in office and we had 4000 deaths, what is trump to do? How many died when wilson was in office with the spanish flu? 675,000. This wasn't O's fault or trumps fault. Mass quarantining isn't the answer either. The people being seriously affected have underlying health conditions, smokers, diabetes, compromised immune systems.
Trump was highly critical and fearmongering like a motherfucker during the Ebola thing a few years ago. He has some karma coming back to bitch slap the shit out of him.

So you are satisfied with what Trump is doing, or should he be doing more?
Trump was not a politician back then. The karma is not on him but on us the general population if you take it that way.
Mainstream media outlets, from the New York Times to CNN, wasted no time placing the blame for coronavirus at the feet of Trump

instead of the blame being at Trump's feet, it should be at Crazy CNN's feet. they originated this HOOOOOOAX!
My highest recommendation for tRum is to assure everyone can have their temperature taken at will. The OLD fashioned way. I do my part
Considering what wasn't done in 2009 when O was in office and we had 4000 deaths, what is trump to do? How many died when wilson was in office with the spanish flu? 675,000. This wasn't O's fault or trumps fault. Mass quarantining isn't the answer either. The people being seriously affected have underlying health conditions, smokers, diabetes, compromised immune systems.
Trump was highly critical and fearmongering like a motherfucker during the Ebola thing a few years ago. He has some karma coming back to bitch slap the shit out of him.

So you are satisfied with what Trump is doing, or should he be doing more?

Honestly, I think the CDC is doing what it should.

I don't even have a problem with the firing of the US Pandemic Response Team. One of the problems with crap like that, is that you don't even know if that team was doing anything at all.

Government has a long history of creating useless government panels, for the purposes of giving political jobs, to activists and supporters, who have no real value to the public, and often are just there to gain support for the administration by handing out tax money.

What did this team do? Can you name one thing? Can you show me the logs from a single meeting of the US pandemic response team, that was useful and beneficial to the country?

And even if you could find such an example, which I have searched and can not locate... how many such examples, over how many years has the US Pandemic Response team existed?

My understanding, is that the Pandemic response team has existed since Ebola.

And then I have to ask, what are all the other government agencies doing?

The HHS has a $1.4 Trillion dollar budget. What are they doing?
The CDC alone, has a $6.6 Billion dollar budget. What are they doing?

And additionally the CDC itself, has internally, a pandemic response team. So that leaves me with the question, what is it that the people in CDC itself, who are dealing with the outbreaks first hand, what can they not do, that some group of white house staffers can?

And who are these staffers anyway, that are in the Pandemic Response team? If they are health care experts, shouldn't they be in the CDC? And if they are not, then what value do they have being on a white house response team?

So my answer to all of this is, I think Trump should let the government agencies that exist to do with this issue, let them handle it. Provide support when justified, and otherwise, get out of the way, and most importantly, do not politicize this.
I hear people grumbling that Trump is not being aggressive enough to fight this plague. So I was wondering just exactly what it is they believe he should be doing.

Yes, it was a colossal fuckup for Trump to disband the White House pandemic unit. Okay.

But what about going forward? What is he not doing that he should be doing?

Also, would you be okay with Trump forcing whole cities and towns into quarantine the way other countries are doing? I am very interested in hearing answers to this particular question.

Well... when he closed borders to some nations he was overreacting.
At the same time he is also not doing enough.
At least that is what the media say.
Of course who really expects they are representing actual news?

So... to answer the question... the people in control should be local government with federal assistance available.
In the coming weeks when it is here full bore, what Chicago will need is not going to be the same as what Dallas needs.
Local governments will need to know when to close schools, cancel public events etc.
One guy sitting 100's or 1000's of miles away is not the one to provide the answers.
Course... according to the Democrats in Washington... he is, after all...it is an election year.

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