POLL: What Would You Have Trump Do About Covid-19?

Should Trump Quarantine Whole Cities And Towns To Stop The Covid-19 Plague?

  • Yes, and shoot looters on sight!

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • I blame the Mexicans and Muslim for this virus

    Votes: 2 12.5%

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
I am seriously interested in people's opinion about quarantining whole cities and towns. Please respond to that question. Thank you.

If this virus had a kill rate of 20 percent and was infecting and killing healthy people, yeah, we'd need to be quarantining.

What you're saying is we don't need unhealthy people.

Your dear leader could have stopped all flights into U.S. early on not just China. These kids in overseas study programs being allowed back into country is insane. It's not like they're in a 3rd world country.
It's a "Duh Heap" State Hoax. It'll be hardly any worse than the flu. Most people will hardly know they have anything more than a common cold. And it's probably going to disappear with Global Warming anyway. Just wash your hands a lot. It'll be like a miracle, with a wave of a hand, poof, it's gone. No bigly deal.
It's a "Duh Heap" State Hoax. It'll be hardly any worse than the flu. Most people will hardly know they have anything more than a common cold. And it's probably going to disappear with Global Warming anyway. Just wash your hands a lot. It'll be like a miracle, with a wave of a hand, poof, it's gone. No bigly deal.
The mortality rate for Covid-19 is ten to twenty times higher than the flu.

Or do you actually believe all those dead people are a Deep Stait hoax?
I am seriously interested in people's opinion about quarantining whole cities and towns. Please respond to that question. Thank you.

Quarantining cities would be a "last resort" option. Is Covid-19 a death sentence? No, 80% of the cases are mild. So its a "flu" not ebola.
We lose 20,000 to the flu every year and its no big deal. We need to attack Covid-19, but its not going to shut the US down. Summer is coming and it will abate. By then they should have therapies available.
The mortality rate for Covid-19 is ten to twenty times higher than the flu.

It's possible millions will die.
Nope. Stop the panic. COVID-19 is 2x or 3x worse than a normal flu regarding deaths/illness. The flu is 0.7% and COVID-19 looks about 1%.
COVID-19 Mortality Rate May Be 'Considerably Less than 1%'
The mortality rate associated with COVID-19 may be "considerably less than 1%," instead of the 2% reported by some groups, write Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and colleagues in an editorial published February 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

the annual death rate for "flu season" Burden of Influenza
Call it an avg 35,000 a year.
I am seriously interested in people's opinion about quarantining whole cities and towns. Please respond to that question. Thank you.

Quarantining cities would be a "last resort" option. Is Covid-19 a death sentence? No, 80% of the cases are mild. So its a "flu" not ebola.
We lose 20,000 to the flu every year and its no big deal. We need to attack Covid-19, but its not going to shut the US down. Summer is coming and it will abate. By then they should have therapies available.
The mortality rate for Covid-19 is ten to twenty times higher than the flu.

It's possible millions will die.

This is an absurd claim, it isn't happening even in China at all. Promoting wild idiotic or even LYING scenarios are being done by fools who generate panic and disruption.

From The New England Journal of Medicine

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted
List of authors.
  • Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.,
  • H. Clifford Lane, M.D.,
  • and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
Selected excerpt:

On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2


What about those people who died during the ANNUAL Flu season, in the U.S.A?

From October 1, 2019 to February 22, 2020

18,000 – 46,000
flu deaths



American Thinker

Democrats escalate the lies they’re throwing at Trump about coronavirus

March 1, 2020

By Andrea Widburg


With the rise of coronavirus, the Democrats are so desperate to destroy Trump that they’re lying about everything possible, celebrating damage to the American economy, and working hard to drive ordinary Americans into a blind panic. This is an unusually sordid display of partisanship over country, although none of them have the grace to be ashamed. A look at Obama’s presidency reveals that the Democrats’ standards were quite different back then.

To set the stage, here are a few indisputable facts:

On January 31, 2020, as China confirmed that 259 people had died and there were about 100 cases reported outside of China, President Trump ordered that the U.S. would prevent foreign nationals who had recently visited China from entering the country. He also ordered quarantined American travelers who posed a high risk.

Democrats called Trump a racist.

President Trump held a press conference during which (1) he was surrounded by government scientists who explained what was going on (2) he appointed Vice President Pence, a competent, experienced administrator, to be the White House point person on coronavirus efforts.

Democrats called Pence a killer.

Democrats also announced that henceforth they would call coronavirus "TrumpVirus" because Trump had appointed Pence to oversee the administrative end of dealing with coronavirus and because Trump said there was no need for panic.

Nancy Pelosi complained that Trump had waited too long to act, even though when she spoke not a single American had died.



Here are a few headlines showing that President Trump has been actively addressing the Corona Virus problem, it started TWO YEARS ago:

The last refuge

President Trump Announces 6:00pm Press Briefing on Coronavirus – A Review of Response…

Posted on February 26, 2020 by sundance


In 2018 President Trump established a National Biodefense Strategy specifically to improve the speed of action for any biological risk to U.S. Citizens. [pdf here]

Following the initial reports from China, and in response to potential U.S. health risks; and anticipating multiple agency aspects of the U.S. government would need a unified command structure; on January 30th President Trump assembled a unified task force to coordinate all response efforts across the totality of government.

At the time the task force was established, January 30th, President Trump signed a presidential proclamation, using his authority pursuant to Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, temporarily suspending the entry into the United States of foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the 2019 novel coronavirus.

The task force is coordinated through the National Security Council. It is composed of subject matter experts from the White House and several United States Government agencies, and it includes some of the Nation’s foremost experts on infectious diseases.

The task force is led by HHS Secretary Alex Azar and includes: Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health; Ken Cuccinelli, Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of Homeland Security; Matthew Pottinger, Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor.

To establish protocols, build out the larger response framework, and initiate proactive coronavirus measures. Immediately following the travel restrictions, January 30th HHS Secretary Alex Azar declared a nationwide public health emergency.


Stop LYING leftists!


While Democrats wail on and on in their partisan hate and LIES against the President, who has been busy addressing it.

NIH Director Dr. Anthony Fauci Discusses Current Status of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)…

President Trump and COVID-19 Taskforce Press Conference on Coronavirus – 6:30pm Livestream…

Transcript of President Trump and COVID-19 Task Force Press Conference…

President Trump Considering “Defense Production Act” to Expand Domestic Production of U.S. Medical Needs…

VP Mike Pence Leads a Coronavirus Taskforce Meeting…

President Trump Press Briefing – Coronavirus Taskforce – 1:30pm ET

U.S. President Trump Expands Coronavirus Entry Restrictions – Sec 212(f) Travel Entry Ban From Iran….


The hostile partisan attacks on President Trump are irrational and stupid.
I hear people grumbling that Trump is not being aggressive enough to fight this plague. So I was wondering just exactly what it is they believe he should be doing.

Yes, it was a colossal fuckup for Trump to disband the White House pandemic unit. Okay.

But what about going forward? What is he not doing that he should be doing?

Also, would you be okay with Trump forcing whole cities and towns into quarantine the way other countries are doing? I am very interested in hearing answers to this particular question.
I would not be in favor of it at this time, but if the infection in a specific town or major city showed a sudden massive surge, it would have to be done. Quarantining large centers as infection was freely spreading in specific populous appears to be one of the few things China actually did right.
The OP probably doesn't remember the H1N1 "swine flu" in 2009 when Obama was in the WH.
There is another thread with a description of that cluster-fuck of a response.
Go read that thread and then come back to this bullshit thread.
Sooooo...all you have is "B-b-b-b-b-b-but-Obama!"? :rolleyes:

What we have is "Trump is doing better than Obama did with H1N1, so what the fuck are you whining about?" STFU already.

H1N1 flu virus was first detected in April of 2009 in the United States......

That H1N1 virus has continued to circulate worldwide annually since it emerged in 2009.

The 10-year commemoration of the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic is an opportunity to reflect on that event in history as well as to acknowledge the importance of ongoing efforts to improve domestic and global capacity to detect and respond to novel flu viruses. Since 2009, substantial advances have been made in influenza science and preparedness. Here’s a summary of progress made in the last 10 years:

Summary of Progress since 2009 | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC
I hear people grumbling that Trump is not being aggressive enough to fight this plague. So I was wondering just exactly what it is they believe he should be doing.

Yes, it was a colossal fuckup for Trump to disband the White House pandemic unit. Okay.

But what about going forward? What is he not doing that he should be doing?

Also, would you be okay with Trump forcing whole cities and towns into quarantine the way other countries are doing? I am very interested in hearing answers to this particular question.

I am pretty good with what Trump has done as far as his actual actions. Not sure what more could be done.

Now if he would just shut the hell up and quit making it worse with his words
I hear people grumbling that Trump is not being aggressive enough to fight this plague. So I was wondering just exactly what it is they believe he should be doing.

Yes, it was a colossal fuckup for Trump to disband the White House pandemic unit. Okay.

But what about going forward? What is he not doing that he should be doing?

Also, would you be okay with Trump forcing whole cities and towns into quarantine the way other countries are doing? I am very interested in hearing answers to this particular question.
It may come down to quarantining cities. It's clear the Admin fumbled getting testing in order. WE can blame Trump for never in his entire entitled life accepting bad news that can be avoided or blamed on someone else, but it seems clear that Azar was the log jam, and not getting FDA involved was the fatal blow to getting the tests that possibly could have kept the virus isolated. As it is there are hundreds if not thousands of people with the virus walking around right now.

Azar in the crosshairs for delays in virus tests

Just saying we'll let the virus just infect the entire nation and pick up the bodies of the 2% or whatever who die is not going to get it done. And as the link indicates the admin has now given up on containing the virus to mitigating the effects
Dog, that last paragraph is especially excellent. I think that is indeed their plan. Stay healthy everybody.
You nuts have a president, that has gutted the science department, who want quick fixes to everything but how to not lie on a daily basis...what would we have him do? STEP THE FUCK ASIDE AND LET THE GROWNUPS HANDLE THIS....next stupid question
What grownup would that be toddler?
I hear people grumbling that Trump is not being aggressive enough to fight this plague. So I was wondering just exactly what it is they believe he should be doing.

Yes, it was a colossal fuckup for Trump to disband the White House pandemic unit. Okay.

But what about going forward? What is he not doing that he should be doing?

Also, would you be okay with Trump forcing whole cities and towns into quarantine the way other countries are doing? I am very interested in hearing answers to this particular question.

I am not a virologist, nor am I an expert in pandemic response. I think we should appoint a giant task force of experts (NOT political appointees) with massive funding and far reaching (but temporary) powers and do what they say.

Let the experts decide for a change.
It's a "Duh Heap" State Hoax. It'll be hardly any worse than the flu. Most people will hardly know they have anything more than a common cold. And it's probably going to disappear with Global Warming anyway. Just wash your hands a lot. It'll be like a miracle, with a wave of a hand, poof, it's gone. No bigly deal.
The mortality rate for Covid-19 is ten to twenty times higher than the flu.

Or do you actually believe all those dead people are a Deep Stait hoax?

Do you believe China is spelling out the truth with those numbers? You should go and read how the world govts lied about the spanish flu.
The OP probably doesn't remember the H1N1 "swine flu" in 2009 when Obama was in the WH.
There is another thread with a description of that cluster-fuck of a response.
Go read that thread and then come back to this bullshit thread.
Sooooo...all you have is "B-b-b-b-b-b-but-Obama!"? :rolleyes:

Clearly O'bama created this virus and timed it to undermine Rump. It's what he's been working on with his magic Telepromter since leaving office when he got done tappppppppping Rump's wires. Just like he engineered the whole 2008 economy collapse with his time machine retroactively to set up his own election.

No, it wasn't O's fault nor is it trumps fault. Was it wilsons fault that 675000 died here in the US with the spanish flu?


My point exactly. I was agreeing with you. Well, looks like my point went down with the hindenburg.

Oh that's right, O'bama torched the Hindenburg too.

Not sure how you were "agreeing with me" --- my point was not how O'bama dealt with this or that; it was to ridicule those on this board who blamed him retroactively for events that had already happened before he took office.
Considering what wasn't done in 2009 when O was in office and we had 4000 deaths, what is trump to do? How many died when wilson was in office with the spanish flu? 675,000. This wasn't O's fault or trumps fault. Mass quarantining isn't the answer either. The people being seriously affected have underlying health conditions, smokers, diabetes, compromised immune systems.
Trump was highly critical and fearmongering like a motherfucker during the Ebola thing a few years ago. He has some karma coming back to bitch slap the shit out of him.

So you are satisfied with what Trump is doing, or should he be doing more?
Trump is all about the dollars, the market, the man could give a rats fuck about anything concerning ppl. The best this horrible bastard can do, is step aside, which he can not do, and allow science and grown up handle this shit...but God forbid, the Trump allow anybody credit for solving shit besides himself.

Yeah, he's not compassionate like you and your posse of commies. Angry but compassionate! WOOO-FAH!
It's a "Duh Heap" State Hoax. It'll be hardly any worse than the flu. Most people will hardly know they have anything more than a common cold. And it's probably going to disappear with Global Warming anyway. Just wash your hands a lot. It'll be like a miracle, with a wave of a hand, poof, it's gone. No bigly deal.
The mortality rate for Covid-19 is ten to twenty times higher than the flu.

Or do you actually believe all those dead people are a Deep Stait hoax?

Ops, forgot my end sarcasm tag.

Trumps greatest hits</sarcasm>
American Thinker

As Trump wins praise for effective coronavirus response, blue cities do opposite, threatening its spread it through homelessness

By Monica Showalter


President Trump has rightly won praise from medical professionals and public health officials for taking tough action, even against leftist criticism, for effectively protecting the U.S. from the ravages of the coronavirus.

Nations that didn't do that, such as China itself -- which hid the crisis, enabling its spread; South Korea -- which kowtowed to China; and possibly Japan and Italy, are now reaping severe consequences. Thomas Lifson wrote about the left's criticism here and I wrote about Trump's sharp recognition of a threat when he sees one, here.

As the left continues to heap criticism on Trump, with various claims of "chaos," along with howls about a prayer before a task force meeting, it's pretty obvious they aren't the guys you'd want running anything in a time of crisis.

Exhibit A is President Obama's response to the swine flu crisis of 2009, letting 1,000 people die before any action was taken, and downplaying the matter for political purposes even when it did. Never let a crisis go to waste?

Exhibit B is coming today from the blue cities, where officials are worried that the homeless are going to serve as a massive disease vector for the spread of the virus throughout those cities.


Empty partisan attacks are stupid and wastefull.
You nuts have a president, that has gutted the science department, who want quick fixes to everything but how to not lie on a daily basis...what would we have him do? STEP THE FUCK ASIDE AND LET THE GROWNUPS HANDLE THIS....next stupid question
What grownup would that be toddler?
Almost anyone besides him.
You mean like 44 that waited till we had over a thousand dead?
Wonk wonk wonk.

But...but...but... Obama!

Do.you ever post anything else?

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