Poll: Which are you?

In a political context 'rights' is a euphemism for something else.

This nation is involved in a "soft" civil war. Those of us on one side hold to the Republican ideals of Locke, Washington, Jeffereson, Paine, et al. We hold that the RIGHT to life, liberty, and property are not granted by rulers or lords, but are the inherent state of reality. Absent rulers, these rights exist.

You of the radicalized democrats hold that we should be ruled by those who are better equipped to run our lives and affairs. That rulers in Washington DC should decide the division of labor and allocation of wealth.

I call you Communists, but realize that while you seek the governmental model of Stalin's USSR, you don't hold the economic ideals of Karl Marx. The highly corrupt Fascist economic model promoted by Barack Obama serves the aims of an authoritarian society better than do the fully collectivist ideals of Marx. Control of the means of production is in the hands of rulers, but profiteering by well connected looters is encouraged.

If all rightly belongs to our rulers, as you democrats demand, then how can their be any rights? We are all property of the state and must obey without question the state and the party rulers of the state.

This nation is splitting, and the divide between Communist and Patriot is becoming clear.

You are clinging desperately to a world which is about to not exist any more.
You tell me what I am.
I believe Lincoln was right when he said he believed in a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people.
I believe the government has a duty to do the things that ordinary citizens cannot do.
I believe the government should not give preferential treatment to the wealthy by taking from the poor.
I believe the government should help people down on their luck.
I believe that no American should go to bed hungry.
I believe the government should help create jobs for those who need them.
I believe in a government that fights for the rights of ALL of its citizens be they women, blacks, hispanics, etc.
I believe the members of government should work together and not play politics with its citizens lives.
I believe that ALL Americans should have the opportunity to purchase affordable health insurance and that people should not have to worry about losing everything they have worked for when they or a family member get sick.
I believe, like a man, a woman should have a right to control their own body.
So, what does all of the above make me?
A decent person, and a rarity here since most on this board are rabid undereducated partisans or kids so dumb they think Ayn Rand was a god.
Da Comrade - there are only privilege granted by GLORIOUS peoples commissars.

In a political context 'rights' is a euphemism for something else.

In today's political context (under our current regime) "rights" means total government control over every aspect of a person's life. You MUST buy medical insurance!!!

I would be quite redundant here to point out the fact that does not even make any sense. You are clinging to a 'right'? A right to do what? The right to ignore reality? Best of luck. Let me know the name on the label because I would like some too unfortunately. ;)
You are clinging desperately to a world which is about to not exist any more.

As your side said back in 1917.

You don't offer anything new. The command economies and autocratic rule you promote are throwbacks to feudal Europe.

Republicanism arose from the Enlightenment, Locke, Rousseau, Paine, Smith, and other enlightened thinkers grasp the concepts of natural rights, the sovereignty of the individual and the rightful limitations on the state.

What you of the left have ushered in is an age of benightment - a disenlightening to lead people into a dark age of ignorance and subservience. You import tens of millions of uneducated peasants and corrupt schools and universities in a quest to produce an ignorant and subservient people, to be ruled like livestock.

The "change" Obama brings is nothing more than the retreat to ignorance and deprivation, with rulers who seek their own interests and the interests of their faction above the advancement of society or the species.

Small, greedy, and cruel is the description of the radicalized democrats. The left is a cancer on our nation, sapping the lifeblood from the land and the people.
You are clinging desperately to a world which is about to not exist any more.

As your side said back in 1917.

You don't offer anything new. The command economies and autocratic rule you promote are throwbacks to feudal Europe.

Republicanism arose from the Enlightenment, Locke, Rousseau, Paine, Smith, and other enlightened thinkers grasp the concepts of natural rights, the sovereignty of the individual and the rightful limitations on the state.

What you of the left have ushered in is an age of benightment - a disenlightening to lead people into a dark age of ignorance and subservience. You import tens of millions of uneducated peasants and corrupt schools and universities in a quest to produce an ignorant and subservient people, to be ruled like livestock.

The "change" Obama brings is nothing more than the retreat to ignorance and deprivation, with rulers who seek their own interests and the interests of their faction above the advancement of society or the species.

Small, greedy, and cruel is the description of the radicalized democrats. The left is a cancer on our nation, sapping the lifeblood from the land and the people.

This is so not about me, or my kind, or philosophies of existence. In the late 90's/00's the tech boom crashed, we went into a massive war, we blew all our middle class middle class income on the housing market. Welcome to today. We have basically 15 years of bottled up potential which has increased exponentially in some areas. We either suffer immense pain trying not to move forward or we embrace change. Change of a nature these petty little games goes no where near comprehending. We really do get to play God. That is not going to sit well with some people who think God still gets His own space. Dude, whatever it used to be, it ain't no more. In case you interested God is fine will all of this, free will and all that.

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