Poll: Which are you?

Registered independent. Moderate liberal - pro-science, pro-equal marriage. I'm strongly against teaching creationism (in any form) in schools. Anti-Voter ID laws, pro-cutting tax breaks for corporations and loopholes for the wealthy but against extending UE benefits. Strongly for raising the minimum wage.

Your screen name is fitting. :eusa_angel:
And foxes guard hen houses

Competition's ultimate goal is to eliminate the competition.

That's okay. Iron sharpens iron. The other guy will simply have to step up to the plate and fight back. But I could live with government intervention if and only if a monopoly exists. Other than that ... hands off.

As soon one pushes the other off the top of the hill he will use every dirty trick in the book, and make up a few, to keep the other from getting back up. You say monopoly. When is it a monopoly and when is it not? What about unfair business practices? Flat tax code for businesses? etc, etc, etc. To say we are going to be "hands off" just means one has found a way to gouge the other under the table. What about worker/employee relations? Anything goes? We need to just admit it and work with it government and business are intertwined inexorably and to make the best of it is best for everyone. The more everyone's hands are on the table the better.
I'm slightly left of Maggie Thatcher, but not very far left of the great lady.
Registered independent. Moderate liberal - pro-science, pro-equal marriage. I'm strongly against teaching creationism (in any form) in schools. Anti-Voter ID laws, pro-cutting tax breaks for corporations and loopholes for the wealthy but against extending UE benefits. Strongly for raising the minimum wage.

So you're a "moderate liberal" who agrees with the hard left on everything except "extending UE benefits?" Doesn't take much for a liberal to be a "moderate" does it?

Only liberals are pro-science? Only liberals oppose creationism being taught in science classes?
Free markets produce the most tax revenue. The largest booms in Federal receipts in the last century were after JFK and RWR's tax cuts. Politicians are not about having more money, they are about having more control.

Put your swimmies back on and move to the shallow end of the pool.

Sure, you have liberal lawyers telling you one thing, and I have the field of economics telling me another. Obviously I'm just naive...

LOL, you're a hoot.

I have heard you make claim to your vast knowledge of economics before but, yes, you are extremely naive. Your concepts are half baked and your references are to stuff I have seen on random YouTube videos. You seem to have no more understanding of the concepts than that.
I am an old fashioned constitutional conservative irish catholic...educated by nuns, brothers and Jesuits...dedicated to the practice of virtue in all things...lover of my fellow man...hard thinker, hard drinker, respecter of women, veteran of 28 years in the USAF, ex missile combat crew commander... father of an F15 pilot... Grandfather of a fantastic brood of 9 grandchildren for whom I would give my life without question. I long for a strong moral America which acts aggressively for the benefit of all mankind.
Out of curiosity, I'd like to know the general demographics of this board. Are you Socialist/Democrat, Middle-of-the-road/Republican, or Constitutional/Conservative, a combination of two of the above (or something else)?

I'm not trying to anger my Republican friends that are right leaning. When I say "Republican" I'm talking about the RINOs currently running the show. The compromisers and the spend-happy sorts. I was Republican for decades. I broke away (hopefully for a short term depending on the direction they go in the future) recently and am leaning more towards a Tea Party/Conservative Party/Libertarian Party mix. However, I'll likely vote Republican if he or she adheres to a mostly conservative stance.

i am a strict Harry Dresdenist who votes for whomever makes my little che che flutter.....and it most often is not a Democrat or a Republican...
Competition's ultimate goal is to eliminate the competition.

That's okay. Iron sharpens iron. The other guy will simply have to step up to the plate and fight back. But I could live with government intervention if and only if a monopoly exists. Other than that ... hands off.

As soon one pushes the other off the top of the hill he will use every dirty trick in the book, and make up a few, to keep the other from getting back up. You say monopoly. When is it a monopoly and when is it not? What about unfair business practices? Flat tax code for businesses? etc, etc, etc. To say we are going to be "hands off" just means one has found a way to gouge the other under the table. What about worker/employee relations? Anything goes? We need to just admit it and work with it government and business are intertwined inexorably and to make the best of it is best for everyone. The more everyone's hands are on the table the better.

If the government, itself, wasn't just as corrupt as the "greedy" businesses that the left continually rails against then I might be willing to allow them some limited power in the corporate world but their powers would have be be strictly defined and kept in check. However, the government is likely the most corrupt organization in the USA so I see no reason to trust it to maintain "ethical standards" when it is so lacking where ethical standards are concerned.

The Justice Department? Corrupt.
The IRS? Corrupt.
Congress? Corrupt.
The Federal Judiciary? Corrupt.
The White House? Corrupt.
Bureau of Land Management? Corrupt.

The list goes on.
I am purely independent. I owned my own business for 27 years then handed it over to my son who still runs it. I used to vote nothing but republican but the older I get the more I see the error of my ways and voting tendencies. I haven't voted in the last 3 prez elections as both parties have nothing to offer me. As a nation we are now consumed purely by greed and it has tainted our political system. Profit over people should be our new slogan because that is reality. Not the USA I grew up in that is for sure.
According to who??

Are we always going to wait until the bailout?

(No to be rude. I am sure it is just a typo and I am sure one to speak. 'to' is a proposition and who is the object of the preposition that would make it 'whom'.)

Yes, Slick Willy started the policy of government forcing banks to make sub prime loans, and then government bailed out the banks when they failed in a collapse that started when sub-prime borrowers couldn't pay back their loans, that was government protecting capitalism. LOL. Sure it is.

You are full of shit. The Glass-Steagal rollback was a GOP driven bill. Clinton made the stupid mistake of using that to bargain for some policies he wanted. And 2008 was the result. Just FYI;

Zero-down mortgage initiative by Bush is hit - The Boston Globe

President Bush's weekend campaign promise that he will push legislation allowing for no money down on some federally insured mortgages could cost taxpayers as much as $500 million over four years because of a higher rate of defaults, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

The election-year idea may appeal to those who can't save as fast as home prices are rising. But some financial planners warn that increasingly common no- and low-down-payment programs can be ruinous for some consumers -- especially if home values decline.

If housing prices fall, consumers with little or no money of their own invested in the home are more vulnerable to ending up with mortgages larger than the value of the house.
That's okay. Iron sharpens iron. The other guy will simply have to step up to the plate and fight back. But I could live with government intervention if and only if a monopoly exists. Other than that ... hands off.

As soon one pushes the other off the top of the hill he will use every dirty trick in the book, and make up a few, to keep the other from getting back up. You say monopoly. When is it a monopoly and when is it not? What about unfair business practices? Flat tax code for businesses? etc, etc, etc. To say we are going to be "hands off" just means one has found a way to gouge the other under the table. What about worker/employee relations? Anything goes? We need to just admit it and work with it government and business are intertwined inexorably and to make the best of it is best for everyone. The more everyone's hands are on the table the better.

If the government, itself, wasn't just as corrupt as the "greedy" businesses that the left continually rails against then I might be willing to allow them some limited power in the corporate world but their powers would have be be strictly defined and kept in check. However, the government is likely the most corrupt organization in the USA so I see no reason to trust it to maintain "ethical standards" when it is so lacking where ethical standards are concerned.

The Justice Department? Corrupt.
The IRS? Corrupt.
Congress? Corrupt.
The Federal Judiciary? Corrupt.
The White House? Corrupt.
Bureau of Land Management? Corrupt.

The list goes on.

Corrupt for whom? So you are admitting the government has much more power than it is using now? That power is yours. Demand it. Take it. Use it.
As soon one pushes the other off the top of the hill he will use every dirty trick in the book, and make up a few, to keep the other from getting back up. You say monopoly. When is it a monopoly and when is it not? What about unfair business practices? Flat tax code for businesses? etc, etc, etc. To say we are going to be "hands off" just means one has found a way to gouge the other under the table. What about worker/employee relations? Anything goes? We need to just admit it and work with it government and business are intertwined inexorably and to make the best of it is best for everyone. The more everyone's hands are on the table the better.

If the government, itself, wasn't just as corrupt as the "greedy" businesses that the left continually rails against then I might be willing to allow them some limited power in the corporate world but their powers would have be be strictly defined and kept in check. However, the government is likely the most corrupt organization in the USA so I see no reason to trust it to maintain "ethical standards" when it is so lacking where ethical standards are concerned.

The Justice Department? Corrupt.
The IRS? Corrupt.
Congress? Corrupt.
The Federal Judiciary? Corrupt.
The White House? Corrupt.
Bureau of Land Management? Corrupt.

The list goes on.

Corrupt for whom? So you are admitting the government has much more power than it is using now? That power is yours. Demand it. Take it. Use it.

You know, I think that hits the nail on the head. The problem is you people have not the slightest clue in the world just how powerful the government of the United States of America is. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to take that power for themselves. For the people. We are the people.
If the government, itself, wasn't just as corrupt as the "greedy" businesses that the left continually rails against then I might be willing to allow them some limited power in the corporate world but their powers would have be be strictly defined and kept in check. However, the government is likely the most corrupt organization in the USA so I see no reason to trust it to maintain "ethical standards" when it is so lacking where ethical standards are concerned.

The Justice Department? Corrupt.
The IRS? Corrupt.
Congress? Corrupt.
The Federal Judiciary? Corrupt.
The White House? Corrupt.
Bureau of Land Management? Corrupt.

The list goes on.

Corrupt for whom? So you are admitting the government has much more power than it is using now? That power is yours. Demand it. Take it. Use it.

You know, I think that hits the nail on the head. The problem is you people have not the slightest clue in the world just how powerful the government of the United States of America is. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to take that power for themselves. For the people. We are the people.

Unfortunately, "the people" of the USA don't have a clue that they are actually in charge. They're so afraid of the Federal government that they generally won't make a peep.
Registered independent. Moderate liberal - pro-science, pro-equal marriage. I'm strongly against teaching creationism (in any form) in schools. Anti-Voter ID laws, pro-cutting tax breaks for corporations and loopholes for the wealthy but against extending UE benefits. Strongly for raising the minimum wage.

So you're a "moderate liberal" who agrees with the hard left on everything except "extending UE benefits?" Doesn't take much for a liberal to be a "moderate" does it?

Only liberals are pro-science? Only liberals oppose creationism being taught in science classes?

"Science" literally means "knowledge." If you aren't willing to hear every possible explanation concerning the origin of the universe and living organisms then you aren't truly interested in science/knowledge. Your mind is already closed.
Corrupt for whom? So you are admitting the government has much more power than it is using now? That power is yours. Demand it. Take it. Use it.

You know, I think that hits the nail on the head. The problem is you people have not the slightest clue in the world just how powerful the government of the United States of America is. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to take that power for themselves. For the people. We are the people.

Unfortunately, "the people" of the USA don't have a clue that they are actually in charge. They're so afraid of the Federal government that they generally won't make a peep.

This is why government is in charge. The rich are trying to hold on to what they have. It is the same every time. The rich have a big piece of a very small pie. They can have a relatively smaller piece of a much bigger pie and in absolute terms they have much more. America is sitting on the launch pad anytime we get around to lighting the fuse.

I don't people are afraid as much as it is difficult to get ones mind around the whole thing. We have the power to make everything happen at once. That is a lot to take in. It is a fundamental change in one's belief system. This is the 21st century and it is more than anyone could have possibly imagined it would be. We are indeed on the edge.
You know, I think that hits the nail on the head. The problem is you people have not the slightest clue in the world just how powerful the government of the United States of America is. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to take that power for themselves. For the people. We are the people.

Unfortunately, "the people" of the USA don't have a clue that they are actually in charge. They're so afraid of the Federal government that they generally won't make a peep.

This is why government is in charge. The rich are trying to hold on to what they have. It is the same every time. The rich have a big piece of a very small pie. They can have a relatively smaller piece of a much bigger pie and in absolute terms they have much more. America is sitting on the launch pad anytime we get around to lighting the fuse.

I don't people are afraid as much as it is difficult to get ones mind around the whole thing. We have the power to make everything happen at once. That is a lot to take in. It is a fundamental change in one's belief system. This is the 21st century and it is more than anyone could have possibly imagined it would be. We are indeed on the edge.

I fully agree that we're on the edge. I wonder if it's actually too late to really change the inevitable. The people are divided and the government is run by powerful and corrupt individuals. China is on the verge of become the world's number one economy and India has already taken 2nd place from Japan. America is in major debt to China and the world bank. Our only way out is industry and the free market but business is so overly regulated that it's either paralyzed or is leaving the nation lock, stock, and barrel.

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