POLL: Who is to blame for the War in Ukraine?

Who is to blame for the War in Ukraine?

  • 3. I don't want to answer, I'd rather deflect or complain about the question.

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The OP, like many Americans, knows absolutely nothing about that and will immediately call it Russian propaganda.


The New Red Scare Democrats are as disgusting as the originals of 75 years ago.
Who is the commander of the troops that invaded the Ukraine and began the war? Hint: it was the man who ordered the illegal seizure of Crimea.
Old mac1958 is slippery as usual

He cant even give a straight answer to his own question
An eel of delusional ignorance that one.

This type never learns, but I love that so many see the truth. :)
You want to blame the victim. Clearly you are on Putin's payroll you treasonous commie.

What did Obama say about this garbage?

Oh yeah:

"The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War's been over for 20 years."
Most of the blame resides in D.C. going back to the Clinton administration. The Ukes, like the Georgians before them, felt empowered to do stupid things because the knew their play was being backed.
The Wolfowitz Doctrine is a thing to be sure.
The KY helps.

He can certainly afford all he needs, what with the salary he is receiving from the D.N.C.
Now THAT raises an interesting question - is he a paid dupe, or a volunteer idiot?

His JJJ OP could certainly use some finesse.
Now THAT raises an interesting question - is he a paid dupe, or a volunteer idiot?

His JJJ OP could certainly use some finesse.

During the 2016 primaries his main derogatory word was "regressives" as the main challenge then was from Bernie.

Ever since, it has been "Trumpster".
The deep state globalist cabal in the U.S. and EU governments working together for total world domination.
It's our X chromosomes conspiring to eliminate the Y chromosome that can be seen to be responsible for war. And if it is something so subconscious then we can know it is (near) impossible to stop. Most wars involve a battle between the soft force (X) and the hard force (Y), most wars are won by X. The most casualties, always bearers of the Y chromosome, white males.
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Putin! What we are doing has little to do with it. Should-of, would-of, could-of! Such nonsense.

If we want a different perspective, then VOTE! It is up to all of us, it really is.

It doesn't make a bit of difference, no matter how much we bitch if we do not vote. Mac and friends, have tried to convince you that you should vote 3rd party.


Well, maybe WE get a wake up call, or maybe MAC and his crew do. In either case, vote tour conscience!

No offense Mac, I believe that your side and the Left are going to get hosed, big time.

Then again, I could be wrong. Let us see if your optimism over rides logic-)
Blame? The relentless expansion of NATO played a large part in this, but only simple-minded people place blame on just one element of a world event.

This was easily prevented, but NOBODY took the sensible steps that could have prevented it.
Blame? The relentless expansion of NATO played a large part in this, but only simple-minded people place blame on just one element of a world event.

This was easily prevented, but NOBODY took the sensible steps that could have prevented it.
It could only have been prevented with an understanding of what drives it, which is something still not all that easy to understand today. It is our 'soft side' as represented by the forces of the Left (democracies in this instance), that's what is behind this rejection of a 'harshness' as perceived (and present) in Vladimir Putin. And, itself is just another representation of society's rejection of males worldwide. The X (chromosomes) vs the Y outcome.
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Blame? The relentless expansion of NATO played a large part in this, but only simple-minded people place blame on just one element of a world event.

This was easily prevented, but NOBODY took the sensible steps that could have prevented it.
All this sensible commentary is NOT what the OP wanted for his attempted GOTCHA thread...

Poor Mac. :(

Who is to blame for the War in Ukraine?​

Somebody closer
to you right now than
you can possibly

Screen Shot 2022-10-15 at 11.20.19 PM.png

Pretty simple question.
Has to be if it is coming from you.
Wow no one has said Trump yet I'm fairly impressed granted he was out of office for some time before the invasion but that has not stopped people from blaming for everything to the current inflation to them having a bad hair day.
What he says! :thup:
It might be that when the Berlin Wall came down the West should have made some concessions too. It didn't, instead, it seems to have taken advantage of the situation, maybe suggesting that some sort of 'other force' is involved, the Left vs Right thing? With 'conservative' Russia vs the Left in the form of Nato being the now political motivation?

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