POLL: Will Boehner lose his Speakership

Will the Republican Caucus Remove John Boenher as Speaker?

  • Yes, this defeat shows he is incapable of leading.

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • No, they really don't have anyone who can run the House as well.

    Votes: 9 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yanno..................I've spent a lot of time in leadership training seminars. Matter of fact, ever since I made E-4 up until I'd made the rank of E-6 (and yeah, going on independent duty makes it even more intense), and what I've seen from Boehner makes me wonder why he's the leader of the House.

He sucks as a leader, and I'm hoping because of this latest fiasco he's put out to pasture as Speaker, as well as loses his next election. Boehner sucks as a leader, because he has no spine.

Not a chance. I live in Ohio. Just on the edge of the Bohners district. John has the mother of all gerrymandered districts. You should look at it some time. No way he loses an election.

But he does suck as a leader and has for a long time. At least since he won his speaker role. Besides that, he's a drunk.

Quick question, if he sucks as leader and has done such for a long time, why is he still lthere, and why does he seem to be able to lead (as well as fund) the tea party?

Sorry, but it seems that the GOP has been taken over, and also sorry to see, but it seems that the majority of the GOP has been taken over by the mindless tea party.

Sorry, but the GOP is going to go the way of the Whigs.
I pray that a moderate replaces him that cares about this country....

Thankfully over the next 8-12 years as we transform into a more moderate country this shit will be over.

Just finding ANYBODY to replace him would be a Herculean task, but switching Boehner with a moderate is asking for the moon.

First off he let the Tea Baggers run wild.

Secondly? He's probably going to retire soon.

Third? People were "relieved" on both sides of the aisle that he "allowed" an at the wire vote.

He's a schmuck..but he's a wily schmuck.

He seems to have nailed it.
His own people are lauding him for doing his best to get the defunding thing done under incredible pressure and the pundits are saying that he deliberately gave the extremists a chance to let off some steam.
Wile E Coyote may have nothing on him.
Yanno..................I've spent a lot of time in leadership training seminars. Matter of fact, ever since I made E-4 up until I'd made the rank of E-6 (and yeah, going on independent duty makes it even more intense), and what I've seen from Boehner makes me wonder why he's the leader of the House.

He sucks as a leader, and I'm hoping because of this latest fiasco he's put out to pasture as Speaker, as well as loses his next election. Boehner sucks as a leader, because he has no spine.

Not a chance. I live in Ohio. Just on the edge of the Bohners district. John has the mother of all gerrymandered districts. You should look at it some time. No way he loses an election.

But he does suck as a leader and has for a long time. At least since he won his speaker role. Besides that, he's a drunk.

HEEEYYYY!!!!, I'm a drunk and I resent that...oh, I've lost interest now...
No, because we are obviously a one party system that is untied in destroying what was once a great proud nation.

Time for another civil war or we will become what we for years fought to avoid

Smoke em if you got em


LOL. So, you get your as kicked in a political battle, and the first thing you start talking about is killing your fellow Americans. Do you realize what you sound like to the sane citizens of this nation?

Define sane.. Let me guess

A liberal


BTW- I don't care what 'citizens' regardless of sanity think


And that is why the republicans can't hold significant power without Gerrymandering, money and fear.
LOL. So, you get your as kicked in a political battle, and the first thing you start talking about is killing your fellow Americans. Do you realize what you sound like to the sane citizens of this nation?

Define sane.. Let me guess

A liberal


BTW- I don't care what 'citizens' regardless of sanity think


And that is why the republicans can't hold significant power without Gerrymandering, money and fear.

I'm not a republican, so they are irrelevant as well

Geaux talks about tyranny, posts and images about civil war and killing people, and has no fear of reprisal for doing so.

The 1st Amendment is working well, apparently.
Can't vote on this one. Providing a no option alone without saying nobody can do a better job might have prompted me to vote but uhm ...
Geaux talks about tyranny, posts and images about civil war and killing people, and has no fear of reprisal for doing so.

The 1st Amendment is working well, apparently.

Fear is dangerous and leads to concerns relative to fairness, equality, etc

All counter productive human traits

BTW- My days may be numbered since the skank Pelosi says the 1st Amendment only applies to legitimate paid journalist. lol

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Geaux talks about tyranny, posts and images about civil war and killing people, and has no fear of reprisal for doing so.

The 1st Amendment is working well, apparently.

Fear is dangerous and leads to concerns relative to fairness, equality, etc

All counter productive human traits

BTW- My days may be numbered since the skank Pelosi says the 1st Amendment only applies to legitimate paid journalist. lol


The old "wo, I am persecuted" meme. OK.
Geaux talks about tyranny, posts and images about civil war and killing people, and has no fear of reprisal for doing so.

The 1st Amendment is working well, apparently.

Fear is dangerous and leads to concerns relative to fairness, equality, etc

All counter productive human traits

BTW- My days may be numbered since the skank Pelosi says the 1st Amendment only applies to legitimate paid journalist. lol


The old "wo, I am persecuted" meme. OK.

Seems like an epidemic of repub whining has broken out all over the board. Wah wah wah.
You all ain't treating us nice wah wah wah.

All you whiners remind me of this guy who was INTENT on provoking a fight with me. It finally happened and he got his ass kicked. You know what he wanted to do after I quit beating on him? He wanted to shake hands. Fuk you is what I told him.

And that reminds me of what we just went through. You rethugs WANTED DESPERATELY the fight that you started. Then you got your ass kicked. Then you started whining. Now you all want to "shake hands" and be "friends."

Fuck you all. But quit whining. Take your ass whipping without crying about it. You all picked the fight.
Fear is dangerous and leads to concerns relative to fairness, equality, etc

All counter productive human traits

BTW- My days may be numbered since the skank Pelosi says the 1st Amendment only applies to legitimate paid journalist. lol


The old "wo, I am persecuted" meme. OK.

Seems like an epidemic of repub whining has broken out all over the board. Wah wah wah.
You all ain't treating us nice wah wah wah.

All you whiners remind me of this guy who was INTENT on provoking a fight with me. It finally happened and he got his ass kicked. You know what he wanted to do after I quit beating on him? He wanted to shake hands. Fuk you is what I told him.

And that reminds me of what we just went through. You rethugs WANTED DESPERATELY the fight that you started. Then you got your ass kicked. Then you started whining. Now you all want to "shake hands" and be "friends."

Fuck you all. But quit whining. Take your ass whipping without crying about it. You all picked the fight.

Thank goodness I'm not a Republican, or your whining about Republicans whining, would come across as offensive

Yanno..................I've spent a lot of time in leadership training seminars. Matter of fact, ever since I made E-4 up until I'd made the rank of E-6 (and yeah, going on independent duty makes it even more intense), and what I've seen from Boehner makes me wonder why he's the leader of the House.

He sucks as a leader, and I'm hoping because of this latest fiasco he's put out to pasture as Speaker, as well as loses his next election. Boehner sucks as a leader, because he has no spine.

I have to agree. If he had a spine, he would have squashed this whole "take the country hostage" scheme from the start. Unless he's an true idiot, he knew how it was going to finish. Just like last time. So why run your party through the mill and oversee the GOP approval rating hit an all-time historic low, for a cause that has absolutely ZERO chance of succeeding? He just too spineless to stand up to the Tea Party.

And real leaders have spines.
Ready to get your ass handed to you "rebels" once again.
Damn Lincoln and his passive re-constructionist attitude.

No, because we are obviously a one party system that is untied in destroying what was once a great proud nation.

Time for another civil war or we will become what we for years fought to avoid

Smoke em if you got em


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