Polls Are Not To Be Trusted

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
NY and Cali might be jacked but mail in were coming in close to 50/50 till the sometimes illegal late tallied ones came in which is how 1 million at the end of the election became 2 then a week later 3 and liars have commented as much as 5 million difference. Do your research, they made voting by this manner so outside foreign manipulation could not target one area to manipulate total votes especially with mail in ballots, it's not just done to keep one region from controlling the many more other regions, and it's not just done to give states almost an equal voice.
Only losers cry about popular vote while ignoring more states favored Trump then crooked Hillary=popular number of states vote. And when you find out what Bill and Hillary did, you will be glad we protect our process this way.
I dug up a real poll from 2016


They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
2016 was Hillary 232 and Trump 306, QED
Credible proof? my news source left out please.
Mail carrier charged after investigation into W.Va. absentee ballot fraud scheme
Mail carrier charged after investigation into W.Va. absentee ballot fraud scheme

The Mexico interference through sending people over the border to vote including some from central America done through a dem. Immigration voter pac . I had posted that many times, something your news source conveniently skips when mentioning Russia interference.

There's that incident of illegally preprinted filled out voting ballots claimed for language reasons, but magically forced dem votes. (Taking advantage of immigrants)

The states did audits one found 3% another 5% illegal votes. Why else do Dems want no ID?
They cheat at everything!
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They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
NY and Cali might be jacked but mail in were coming in close to 50/50 till the sometimes illegal late tallied ones came in which is how 1 million at the end of the election became 2 then a week later 3 and liars have commented as much as 5 million difference. Do your research, they made voting by this manner so outside foreign manipulation could not target one area to manipulate total votes especially with mail in ballots, it's not just done to keep one region from controlling the many more other regions, and it's not just done to give states almost an equal voice.
Only losers cry about popular vote while ignoring more states favored Trump then crooked Hillary=popular number of states vote. And when you find out what Bill and Hillary did, you will be glad we protect our process this way.
In 2016, no Covid, CA had a record 8,400,000 mail in ballots cast. That's in a State with 20,000,000 "registered " voters.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
NY and Cali might be jacked but mail in were coming in close to 50/50 till the sometimes illegal late tallied ones came in which is how 1 million at the end of the election became 2 then a week later 3 and liars have commented as much as 5 million difference. Do your research, they made voting by this manner so outside foreign manipulation could not target one area to manipulate total votes especially with mail in ballots, it's not just done to keep one region from controlling the many more other regions, and it's not just done to give states almost an equal voice.
Only losers cry about popular vote while ignoring more states favored Trump then crooked Hillary=popular number of states vote. And when you find out what Bill and Hillary did, you will be glad we protect our process this way.
I've heard all the goofy allegations, but haven't seen the first bit of credible evidence for any of it. No crazy right wing conspiracy theory left behind, right?

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
2016 was Hillary 232 and Trump 306, QED
View attachment 356010

Yes. We all know the electoral college can give the presidency to the candidate that the majority of the country voted against.
I dug up a real poll from 2016

i brought this up a few weeks ago? i mentioned that a probabal reason FOX is keeping Biden ahead is for obvious reasons,,,just look at where there studios are. If FOX released a poll showing Trump ahead by 14/15 points, anyone wanna guess what may happen to at least one of their studios?
Credible proof? my news source left out please.
Mail carrier charged after investigation into W.Va. absentee ballot fraud scheme
Mail carrier charged after investigation into W.Va. absentee ballot fraud scheme

The Mexico interference through sending people over the border to vote including some from central America done through a dem. Immigration voter pac . I had posted that many times, something your news source conveniently skips when mentioning Russia interference.

There's that incident of illegally preprinted filled out voting ballots claimed for language reasons, but magically forced dem votes. (Taking advantage of immigrants)

The states did audits one found 3% another 5% illegal votes. Why else do Dems want no ID?
They cheat at everything!

You're really grabbing at straws there aren't you bubba? Your link describes irregularities in 8 ballot requests, none of which resulted n a fraudulent vote. That's hardly the millions of illegal votes you nut bags want to claim. The rest of your post is just more of the same tired old accusations without even an effot to give credible proof that they happened. Is that the best you got?
You claim to be a religious person. Does your religion condone lying and exaggeration, otherwise known as bearing false witness?

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
NY and Cali might be jacked but mail in were coming in close to 50/50 till the sometimes illegal late tallied ones came in which is how 1 million at the end of the election became 2 then a week later 3 and liars have commented as much as 5 million difference. Do your research, they made voting by this manner so outside foreign manipulation could not target one area to manipulate total votes especially with mail in ballots, it's not just done to keep one region from controlling the many more other regions, and it's not just done to give states almost an equal voice.
Only losers cry about popular vote while ignoring more states favored Trump then crooked Hillary=popular number of states vote. And when you find out what Bill and Hillary did, you will be glad we protect our process this way.
In 2016, no Covid, CA had a record 8,400,000 mail in ballots cast. That's in a State with 20,000,000 "registered " voters.
anyone in Cally can mail in a ballot then vote in person the same day

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
2016 was Hillary 232 and Trump 306, QED
View attachment 356010

Yes. We all know the electoral college can give the presidency to the candidate that the majority of the country voted against.
That's the genius of the Founding Fathers. State by state votes matter, all of the states, not just the most populous states.
Polls are a snapshot of the moment based on the views of a small number of people. I really love how people on both sides will site a poll saying 60 percent of those polled feel a certain way and say it’s 60 percent of all Americans.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
NY and Cali might be jacked but mail in were coming in close to 50/50 till the sometimes illegal late tallied ones came in which is how 1 million at the end of the election became 2 then a week later 3 and liars have commented as much as 5 million difference. Do your research, they made voting by this manner so outside foreign manipulation could not target one area to manipulate total votes especially with mail in ballots, it's not just done to keep one region from controlling the many more other regions, and it's not just done to give states almost an equal voice.
Only losers cry about popular vote while ignoring more states favored Trump then crooked Hillary=popular number of states vote. And when you find out what Bill and Hillary did, you will be glad we protect our process this way.
I've heard all the goofy allegations, but haven't seen the first bit of credible evidence for any of it. No crazy right wing conspiracy theory left behind, right?
I've heard of the left saying they would do this or that, but I never ever ever seen it with my own eyes, must be by your logic hogwash. The difference is we have proof Dems are lying, because they control the house, if they could do it then it would have been at least passed in the house, however since they don't want to make this president look good they'd rather sacrifice the country for sake of their party. They were always part of our gov't, if they have a clue of an idea then they would have brought it forth all these years. Biden himself had 40 years to do the things he declares fixable (that he broke) but you somehow think this timw around he'll magically do something=genius!
So in conclusion, if political position money is lower then that of private citizen, and rhey aren't in politics for the people then why woukd a progressive politician choose to serve if not for power and illegal methods of gaining money =corruption.
Corruption requires a need to win at all cost to control the investigative branches that can bring down the racketerring sgemes shajedowbs and pay to play foreign affairs gang. So they cheat in every and all ways, from trading state votes, to dead voters, to illegal and incarcerated voters, to mail in voter fraud, to intimidation, elderly scandles (stealing their voter rights to place votes in their name), to spying on campaigns, setting up moles to spy and sabotage, to media manipularion, to race baitiscare tactics, setting up fake events as opponent supporters, stealing debate questions, controling debate questions, prohibiting equal access to other parties, censoring other party candidates, running other parties embedded into the Dem party (socialist party) for stealing their votes, threatening and attacking opponents campaign gurus, abusing power to attack systematically opponents staff and administrators, obstructing justice, using foreign interference to manipulate the elections, abusing power with false charges (illegal) to mabipulate mid terms to regain the house, abusing power with frivolous impeachment charges also to smokescreen deflect that which your own candidate and lead investigator Adam Schiif themselves committed.
There's so much abuse corruption and illegal activity to cheat elections that I know I must have missed listing bunches more.
For Blind people who can't find their glasses sitting on their head, evidence is wasted, because you choose not to look or care what's so obvious in front of you, even with MSM trying to keep you blinded, it's so obvious that you'd have to be a Biden to be so clueless.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
2016 was Hillary 232 and Trump 306, QED
View attachment 356010

Yes. We all know the electoral college can give the presidency to the candidate that the majority of the country voted against.
But if it were popular vote then the druggies, illegal immigrant voters and serial killers of California would determine a lawless president that suited their lawless life style and Woosh we have Chaz/Chop/Communist Children of the Corn.
You'd also open up the possibility to do what Congress tried to do with Washington DC to cheat elections to garner nore seats, but in reverse, instead of adding a state we'd let Cali become autonomous and no longer would leftist have popular vote without Cali.-oops
You are just like Stacy Abrams, making kvetching excuses for losing and not coming to grips or acknowledging what others want.=makes you a selfish fascist

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
NY and Cali might be jacked but mail in were coming in close to 50/50 till the sometimes illegal late tallied ones came in which is how 1 million at the end of the election became 2 then a week later 3 and liars have commented as much as 5 million difference. Do your research, they made voting by this manner so outside foreign manipulation could not target one area to manipulate total votes especially with mail in ballots, it's not just done to keep one region from controlling the many more other regions, and it's not just done to give states almost an equal voice.
Only losers cry about popular vote while ignoring more states favored Trump then crooked Hillary=popular number of states vote. And when you find out what Bill and Hillary did, you will be glad we protect our process this way.
I've heard all the goofy allegations, but haven't seen the first bit of credible evidence for any of it. No crazy right wing conspiracy theory left behind, right?
I've heard of the left saying they would do this or that, but I never ever ever seen it with my own eyes, must be by your logic hogwash. The difference is we have proof Dems are lying, because they control the house, if they could do it then it would have been at least passed in the house, however since they don't want to make this president look good they'd rather sacrifice the country for sake of their party. They were always part of our gov't, if they have a clue of an idea then they would have brought it forth all these years. Biden himself had 40 years to do the things he declares fixable (that he broke) but you somehow think this timw around he'll magically do something=genius!
So in conclusion, if political position money is lower then that of private citizen, and rhey aren't in politics for the people then why woukd a progressive politician choose to serve if not for power and illegal methods of gaining money =corruption.
Corruption requires a need to win at all cost to control the investigative branches that can bring down the racketerring sgemes shajedowbs and pay to play foreign affairs gang. So they cheat in every and all ways, from trading state votes, to dead voters, to illegal and incarcerated voters, to mail in voter fraud, to intimidation, elderly scandles (stealing their voter rights to place votes in their name), to spying on campaigns, setting up moles to spy and sabotage, to media manipularion, to race baitiscare tactics, setting up fake events as opponent supporters, stealing debate questions, controling debate questions, prohibiting equal access to other parties, censoring other party candidates, running other parties embedded into the Dem party (socialist party) for stealing their votes, threatening and attacking opponents campaign gurus, abusing power to attack systematically opponents staff and administrators, obstructing justice, using foreign interference to manipulate the elections, abusing power with false charges (illegal) to mabipulate mid terms to regain the house, abusing power with frivolous impeachment charges also to smokescreen deflect that which your own candidate and lead investigator Adam Schiif themselves committed.
There's so much abuse corruption and illegal activity to cheat elections that I know I must have missed listing bunches more.
For Blind people who can't find their glasses sitting on their head, evidence is wasted, because you choose not to look or care what's so obvious in front of you, even with MSM trying to keep you blinded, it's so obvious that you'd have to be a Biden to be so clueless.

That's interesting and all, but still no credible evidence for your rant. You should pray for the ability to be honest.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
NY and Cali might be jacked but mail in were coming in close to 50/50 till the sometimes illegal late tallied ones came in which is how 1 million at the end of the election became 2 then a week later 3 and liars have commented as much as 5 million difference. Do your research, they made voting by this manner so outside foreign manipulation could not target one area to manipulate total votes especially with mail in ballots, it's not just done to keep one region from controlling the many more other regions, and it's not just done to give states almost an equal voice.
Only losers cry about popular vote while ignoring more states favored Trump then crooked Hillary=popular number of states vote. And when you find out what Bill and Hillary did, you will be glad we protect our process this way.
I've heard all the goofy allegations, but haven't seen the first bit of credible evidence for any of it. No crazy right wing conspiracy theory left behind, right?
I've heard of the left saying they would do this or that, but I never ever ever seen it with my own eyes, must be by your logic hogwash. The difference is we have proof Dems are lying, because they control the house, if they could do it then it would have been at least passed in the house, however since they don't want to make this president look good they'd rather sacrifice the country for sake of their party. They were always part of our gov't, if they have a clue of an idea then they would have brought it forth all these years. Biden himself had 40 years to do the things he declares fixable (that he broke) but you somehow think this timw around he'll magically do something=genius!
So in conclusion, if political position money is lower then that of private citizen, and rhey aren't in politics for the people then why woukd a progressive politician choose to serve if not for power and illegal methods of gaining money =corruption.
Corruption requires a need to win at all cost to control the investigative branches that can bring down the racketerring sgemes shajedowbs and pay to play foreign affairs gang. So they cheat in every and all ways, from trading state votes, to dead voters, to illegal and incarcerated voters, to mail in voter fraud, to intimidation, elderly scandles (stealing their voter rights to place votes in their name), to spying on campaigns, setting up moles to spy and sabotage, to media manipularion, to race baitiscare tactics, setting up fake events as opponent supporters, stealing debate questions, controling debate questions, prohibiting equal access to other parties, censoring other party candidates, running other parties embedded into the Dem party (socialist party) for stealing their votes, threatening and attacking opponents campaign gurus, abusing power to attack systematically opponents staff and administrators, obstructing justice, using foreign interference to manipulate the elections, abusing power with false charges (illegal) to mabipulate mid terms to regain the house, abusing power with frivolous impeachment charges also to smokescreen deflect that which your own candidate and lead investigator Adam Schiif themselves committed.
There's so much abuse corruption and illegal activity to cheat elections that I know I must have missed listing bunches more.
For Blind people who can't find their glasses sitting on their head, evidence is wasted, because you choose not to look or care what's so obvious in front of you, even with MSM trying to keep you blinded, it's so obvious that you'd have to be a Biden to be so clueless.

That's interesting and all, but still no credible evidence for your rant. You should pray for the ability to be honest.
You just gave evidence to my previous post regarding Dems mantra to admit nothing by not admitting evidence is valid simply through denial.
Thank you for being my evidence for a former argument.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
NY and Cali might be jacked but mail in were coming in close to 50/50 till the sometimes illegal late tallied ones came in which is how 1 million at the end of the election became 2 then a week later 3 and liars have commented as much as 5 million difference. Do your research, they made voting by this manner so outside foreign manipulation could not target one area to manipulate total votes especially with mail in ballots, it's not just done to keep one region from controlling the many more other regions, and it's not just done to give states almost an equal voice.
Only losers cry about popular vote while ignoring more states favored Trump then crooked Hillary=popular number of states vote. And when you find out what Bill and Hillary did, you will be glad we protect our process this way.
I've heard all the goofy allegations, but haven't seen the first bit of credible evidence for any of it. No crazy right wing conspiracy theory left behind, right?
I've heard of the left saying they would do this or that, but I never ever ever seen it with my own eyes, must be by your logic hogwash. The difference is we have proof Dems are lying, because they control the house, if they could do it then it would have been at least passed in the house, however since they don't want to make this president look good they'd rather sacrifice the country for sake of their party. They were always part of our gov't, if they have a clue of an idea then they would have brought it forth all these years. Biden himself had 40 years to do the things he declares fixable (that he broke) but you somehow think this timw around he'll magically do something=genius!
So in conclusion, if political position money is lower then that of private citizen, and rhey aren't in politics for the people then why woukd a progressive politician choose to serve if not for power and illegal methods of gaining money =corruption.
Corruption requires a need to win at all cost to control the investigative branches that can bring down the racketerring sgemes shajedowbs and pay to play foreign affairs gang. So they cheat in every and all ways, from trading state votes, to dead voters, to illegal and incarcerated voters, to mail in voter fraud, to intimidation, elderly scandles (stealing their voter rights to place votes in their name), to spying on campaigns, setting up moles to spy and sabotage, to media manipularion, to race baitiscare tactics, setting up fake events as opponent supporters, stealing debate questions, controling debate questions, prohibiting equal access to other parties, censoring other party candidates, running other parties embedded into the Dem party (socialist party) for stealing their votes, threatening and attacking opponents campaign gurus, abusing power to attack systematically opponents staff and administrators, obstructing justice, using foreign interference to manipulate the elections, abusing power with false charges (illegal) to mabipulate mid terms to regain the house, abusing power with frivolous impeachment charges also to smokescreen deflect that which your own candidate and lead investigator Adam Schiif themselves committed.
There's so much abuse corruption and illegal activity to cheat elections that I know I must have missed listing bunches more.
For Blind people who can't find their glasses sitting on their head, evidence is wasted, because you choose not to look or care what's so obvious in front of you, even with MSM trying to keep you blinded, it's so obvious that you'd have to be a Biden to be so clueless.

That's interesting and all, but still no credible evidence for your rant. You should pray for the ability to be honest.
You just gave evidence to my previous post regarding Dems mantra to admit nothing by not admitting evidence is valid simply through denial.
Thank you for being my evidence for a former argument. View attachment 356193

You making claims without any corroberating evidence is hardly proof of anything. You are called to be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove. Instead, you are being as dumb as a rock.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.
NY and Cali might be jacked but mail in were coming in close to 50/50 till the sometimes illegal late tallied ones came in which is how 1 million at the end of the election became 2 then a week later 3 and liars have commented as much as 5 million difference. Do your research, they made voting by this manner so outside foreign manipulation could not target one area to manipulate total votes especially with mail in ballots, it's not just done to keep one region from controlling the many more other regions, and it's not just done to give states almost an equal voice.
Only losers cry about popular vote while ignoring more states favored Trump then crooked Hillary=popular number of states vote. And when you find out what Bill and Hillary did, you will be glad we protect our process this way.
I've heard all the goofy allegations, but haven't seen the first bit of credible evidence for any of it. No crazy right wing conspiracy theory left behind, right?
I've heard of the left saying they would do this or that, but I never ever ever seen it with my own eyes, must be by your logic hogwash. The difference is we have proof Dems are lying, because they control the house, if they could do it then it would have been at least passed in the house, however since they don't want to make this president look good they'd rather sacrifice the country for sake of their party. They were always part of our gov't, if they have a clue of an idea then they would have brought it forth all these years. Biden himself had 40 years to do the things he declares fixable (that he broke) but you somehow think this timw around he'll magically do something=genius!
So in conclusion, if political position money is lower then that of private citizen, and rhey aren't in politics for the people then why woukd a progressive politician choose to serve if not for power and illegal methods of gaining money =corruption.
Corruption requires a need to win at all cost to control the investigative branches that can bring down the racketerring sgemes shajedowbs and pay to play foreign affairs gang. So they cheat in every and all ways, from trading state votes, to dead voters, to illegal and incarcerated voters, to mail in voter fraud, to intimidation, elderly scandles (stealing their voter rights to place votes in their name), to spying on campaigns, setting up moles to spy and sabotage, to media manipularion, to race baitiscare tactics, setting up fake events as opponent supporters, stealing debate questions, controling debate questions, prohibiting equal access to other parties, censoring other party candidates, running other parties embedded into the Dem party (socialist party) for stealing their votes, threatening and attacking opponents campaign gurus, abusing power to attack systematically opponents staff and administrators, obstructing justice, using foreign interference to manipulate the elections, abusing power with false charges (illegal) to mabipulate mid terms to regain the house, abusing power with frivolous impeachment charges also to smokescreen deflect that which your own candidate and lead investigator Adam Schiif themselves committed.
There's so much abuse corruption and illegal activity to cheat elections that I know I must have missed listing bunches more.
For Blind people who can't find their glasses sitting on their head, evidence is wasted, because you choose not to look or care what's so obvious in front of you, even with MSM trying to keep you blinded, it's so obvious that you'd have to be a Biden to be so clueless.

That's interesting and all, but still no credible evidence for your rant. You should pray for the ability to be honest.
You just gave evidence to my previous post regarding Dems mantra to admit nothing by not admitting evidence is valid simply through denial.
Thank you for being my evidence for a former argument. View attachment 356193

You making claims without any corroberating evidence is hardly proof of anything. You are called to be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove. Instead, you are being as dumb as a rock.
Then what does that make Biden. :auiqs.jpg:

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