Polls Are Not To Be Trusted

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker.
So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for a saving face, aftermath narrative, on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.
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They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.

I expect American Taliban mail in ballots to parallel the votes of the non-living and be generally at least 90+% for the "democrat" candidate
Trump is getting increasingly agitated. he's afraid Biden will rip him to pieces, my friends
Even TAKING polls today is a silly diversion. It's like taking a vote among baseball fans of who will win the World Series...during Spring Training. Then pretending that that vote means something important.

The Presidential Campaign HAS NOT STARTED YET. The first debate has not taken place yet. Biden has yet to speak about a single substantive issues, and his ads are nothing but fluff. While the President is excoriated daily in the Press, usually for no or specious reasons.

Today's polls are meaningless. Pretending that they do is not just exalting trivia, it is an attempt to convince Trump supporters that the election is basically over, and their candidate has already lost.

It is despicable.
Nobody, but Nobody can believe in his Fakes Polls because the DemoncRats are hesitant to make Biden their Nominee, so don't take people for fools
The best case for Trump winning in 2020 is how Trump won in 2016. Union guys will say Biden, but vote for Trump. Black voters see how leveraging their votes gets them more prosperity than just voting for democrats. Here is how dire 2016 looked for Trump, no one gave him a chance, Hillary was a lock, but now we know most polls are bullshit:
The best case for Trump winning in 2020 is how Trump won in 2016. Union guys will say Biden, but vote for Trump. Black voters see how leveraging their votes gets them more prosperity than just voting for democrats. Here is how dire 2016 looked for Trump, no one gave him a chance, Hillary was a lock, but now we know most polls are bullshit:

Yes, will history repeat itself? but there CNN the only American channel that I get in France are really awful to Trump this time it is 24/24 bad publicity to make him lose .
I find it funny that everyone defends polls when they show something they agree with and turn around and shout them down when they don't. If a poll shows Biden ahead then those that like Biden cheer and carry on with out even looking at how that poll was actually done.
Most polls over sample one set of people over any other. They heavily weight one side over the other. This is often do to what the poll is hoping to accomplish. If they are hoping to have more wearing of face masks. They will poll more people wearin masks then those that don't. The idea is to create a kind of mask shaming.
The best case for Trump winning in 2020 is how Trump won in 2016. Union guys will say Biden, but vote for Trump. Black voters see how leveraging their votes gets them more prosperity than just voting for democrats. Here is how dire 2016 looked for Trump, no one gave him a chance, Hillary was a lock, but now we know most polls are bullshit:

Yes, will history repeat itself? but there CNN the only American channel that I get in France are really awful to Trump this time it is 24/24 bad publicity to make him lose .

(Its 24/7 24 hours a day 7-days a week)
Everyone knows CNN is a democrat propaganda outlet.
CNN can't have any conservatives in their discussions because they would shame the democrats.
Voters see right thru their bullshit. Watch for the presidential debates.
Polls are going to be hit or miss. If too many voters decide to stay home, the predictions may not come to fruition.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.

I expect American Taliban mail in ballots to parallel the votes of the non-living and be generally at least 90+% for the "democrat" candidate

To expect that, you would have to believe Trump's crap about illegal votes. Didn't he form a commission to investigate that? What did they find?

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.

Including 6 million illegals and 2 million "non-living"

They said Hillary would win. In 1948, they said Truman would lose.
I figured out why they like to fudge the polls.
It's so when they cheat the mail in ballots, it's less suspicious and not as obvious as it would be if polls were the other way around.
People don't understand, the mail in ballot fraud is not just used to cheat close state counts or even reverse a close count they don't like.
In 2016 late mail in votes and Found box loads were suspiciously prefilled and lopsided instead of 50/50 the vote counts were miraculously 90/10 Democrat. Nobody noticed the news reporting changed from claiming popular votes of 1 million more to dems then miraculously 2_then 3 then internet propaganda would claim 5 million more votes, yet nobody showed proof, the media claimed it and poof the parrots mimicked the count without question and without getting a cracker. So in 2016 the boxes of mail ins were saved for an aftermath barrative on popular vote to hide the fact they fudged the polls and lied to everyone to keep up campaign finance support = campaign finance fraud. It also gave their supporters hope that their support was not in vain and that their party was more popular.
They are SO BAD AT GOVERNING that they need to cheat in every way shape and form, because there is no way they can win on their record and achievements. In the first day of office, before he could get his WH office seat warm, Trump did more in that 1 single day then Biden did in 40 years of political service. Trump went after Isis day 1 doing more then Biden did with them in his 4 years as a sidekick.

Why would you think that any specific set of votes would be 50-50? That's just dumb.
Because the REGULAR REAL votes where coming in 50/50 the country was split.

3 million more votes for his opponent wasn't what I call split.

Including 6 million illegals and 2 million "non-living"

Credible proof?

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