Polls are turning ugly for the Orange Menace

we all gonna die, idiot. what you don't seem to get is that many millenials and gen xers are also Trump supporters. All young people are not living in their moms basement at 30 years old like you. Many are working every day, producing things, buying things, improving their lives, and living the American dream. Most of them have rejected your socialist nanny state ideology and are actually able to think for themselves. You lefties lost in 16 and you will continue losing as long as you follow idiots like Pelosi, waters, and the stupid girl from new York, ocasio.

I left home when I was 18 never to return Goober - actually know more entitled rich kids who lived with RW Mummy & Dada well into their 20s than I do progressives.

As for young people flocking to Trump?

Millennial Women Are Going to Destroy the Republican Party
Trump's approval rating has fallen even further among millennials as young people continue to snub president
The Post-Millennials Should Scare the Hell Out of the GOP

Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.
Seems you have a hard on for orange! Why are you so concerned about color racist?
GG is a globalist.
Or just an asshole

Thank you for noticing! I am an asshole to anyone that puts party before country..you know people like you
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.
Seems you have a hard on for orange! Why are you so concerned about color racist?
GG is a globalist.
Or just an asshole

Thank you for noticing! I am an asshole to anyone that puts party before country..you know people like you
You put yourself before country.
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.

If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

recognizing that he is doing a good job is not worship. Worship is what the media did with Obama for 8 years. I only worship one man, the son of God.
Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.
Seems you have a hard on for orange! Why are you so concerned about color racist?
GG is a globalist.
Or just an asshole

Thank you for noticing! I am an asshole to anyone that puts party before country..you know people like you
You put yourself before country.

Nope, not at all.

People that do that do not give their country 20 years of their life in service to it.
Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.

If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

recognizing that he is doing a good job is not worship. Worship is what the media did with Obama for 8 years. I only worship one man, the son of God.

What the media did for Obama is no different than what you do for Trump. You worship Trump every bit as much as the Obama folks worshiped him
we all gonna die, idiot. what you don't seem to get is that many millenials and gen xers are also Trump supporters. All young people are not living in their moms basement at 30 years old like you. Many are working every day, producing things, buying things, improving their lives, and living the American dream. Most of them have rejected your socialist nanny state ideology and are actually able to think for themselves. You lefties lost in 16 and you will continue losing as long as you follow idiots like Pelosi, waters, and the stupid girl from new York, ocasio.

I left home when I was 18 never to return Goober - actually know more entitled rich kids who lived with RW Mummy & Dada well into their 20s than I do progressives.

As for young people flocking to Trump?

Millennial Women Are Going to Destroy the Republican Party
Trump's approval rating has fallen even further among millennials as young people continue to snub president
The Post-Millennials Should Scare the Hell Out of the GOP


the 2016 election says that those polls are bullshit, as will the 2020 election, enjoy your fantasyland, its all you dems and libs have left.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.

If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

recognizing that he is doing a good job is not worship. Worship is what the media did with Obama for 8 years. I only worship one man, the son of God.

What the media did for Obama is no different than what you do for Trump. You worship Trump every bit as much as the Obama folks worshiped him

now, you are just looking stupid, but you do that quite well.
we all gonna die, idiot. what you don't seem to get is that many millenials and gen xers are also Trump supporters. All young people are not living in their moms basement at 30 years old like you. Many are working every day, producing things, buying things, improving their lives, and living the American dream. Most of them have rejected your socialist nanny state ideology and are actually able to think for themselves. You lefties lost in 16 and you will continue losing as long as you follow idiots like Pelosi, waters, and the stupid girl from new York, ocasio.

I left home when I was 18 never to return Goober - actually know more entitled rich kids who lived with RW Mummy & Dada well into their 20s than I do progressives.

As for young people flocking to Trump?

Millennial Women Are Going to Destroy the Republican Party
Trump's approval rating has fallen even further among millennials as young people continue to snub president
The Post-Millennials Should Scare the Hell Out of the GOP


It's like reading one of the stock market newsletter that have been predicting an imminent stock market collapse for the past 5 years. Latinos were going to destroy the Republican Party, then Illegals and now Millennial Wimmen.

Hmmkay, Jake. Stick with that
This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.

If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

recognizing that he is doing a good job is not worship. Worship is what the media did with Obama for 8 years. I only worship one man, the son of God.

What the media did for Obama is no different than what you do for Trump. You worship Trump every bit as much as the Obama folks worshiped him

now, you are just looking stupid, but you do that quite well.

The truth is painful, but it is still the truth no matte how much of a state of denial you live in.

Trump does on a daily basis what you were whining about people doing with him and you cheer him on when he does it.

Just admit it, you think that Trump turns the water to wine as he is walking on it
I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.

If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

recognizing that he is doing a good job is not worship. Worship is what the media did with Obama for 8 years. I only worship one man, the son of God.

What the media did for Obama is no different than what you do for Trump. You worship Trump every bit as much as the Obama folks worshiped him

now, you are just looking stupid, but you do that quite well.

The truth is painful, but it is still the truth no matte how much of a state of denial you live in.

Trump does on a daily basis what you were whining about people doing with him and you cheer him on when he does it.

Just admit it, you think that Trump turns the water to wine as he is walking on it

OK, for the last time. Trump talks like a brash new York asshole, I don't like that, but I understand it since I have known many people from NY, NJ, MA, CN, and RI and they all talk just like he does. I don't care about that. What I care about is that he is fixing the mess created by generations of establishment crooks from both parties and calling them out on their corruption--------------THAT is why they hate him and want to remove him----------because he threatens their ability to continue to rob us and ignore the constitution.

I don't know if I would like him on a one to one basis, but I suspect that I would. I don't think I could say that about Obama, either Bush, or Clinton. But if you worship those failures, good for you.
Seems you have a hard on for orange! Why are you so concerned about color racist?
GG is a globalist.
Or just an asshole

Thank you for noticing! I am an asshole to anyone that puts party before country..you know people like you
You put yourself before country.

Nope, not at all.

People that do that do not give their country 20 years of their life in service to it.
And in return for your service you want cheap gook laborers.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.

If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

recognizing that he is doing a good job is not worship. Worship is what the media did with Obama for 8 years. I only worship one man, the son of God.

What the media did for Obama is no different than what you do for Trump. You worship Trump every bit as much as the Obama folks worshiped him

the media consists of thousands of ;people with microphones, cameras, radio, and TV. I'm flattered that you put me on an equal footing with them.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.

If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

recognizing that he is doing a good job is not worship. Worship is what the media did with Obama for 8 years. I only worship one man, the son of God.

What the media did for Obama is no different than what you do for Trump. You worship Trump every bit as much as the Obama folks worshiped him

Yup, if you squint your eyes, look cross-eyed and stand on your head there are similarities.
GG is a globalist.
Or just an asshole

Thank you for noticing! I am an asshole to anyone that puts party before country..you know people like you
You put yourself before country.

Nope, not at all.

People that do that do not give their country 20 years of their life in service to it.
And in return for your service you want cheap gook laborers.

the democrat immigration thing is not about laborers, empathy, or caring, Its about nothing but trying to create a new democrat voting block, because the dems know that they will never win again if only American citizens are allowed to vote.
we all gonna die, idiot. what you don't seem to get is that many millenials and gen xers are also Trump supporters. All young people are not living in their moms basement at 30 years old like you. Many are working every day, producing things, buying things, improving their lives, and living the American dream. Most of them have rejected your socialist nanny state ideology and are actually able to think for themselves. You lefties lost in 16 and you will continue losing as long as you follow idiots like Pelosi, waters, and the stupid girl from new York, ocasio.

I left home when I was 18 never to return Goober - actually know more entitled rich kids who lived with RW Mummy & Dada well into their 20s than I do progressives.

As for young people flocking to Trump?

Millennial Women Are Going to Destroy the Republican Party
Trump's approval rating has fallen even further among millennials as young people continue to snub president
The Post-Millennials Should Scare the Hell Out of the GOP


if you are self supporting since 18, at what age did you lose your ability to think for yourself and become a sheep of the establishment?
we all gonna die, idiot. what you don't seem to get is that many millenials and gen xers are also Trump supporters. All young people are not living in their moms basement at 30 years old like you. Many are working every day, producing things, buying things, improving their lives, and living the American dream. Most of them have rejected your socialist nanny state ideology and are actually able to think for themselves. You lefties lost in 16 and you will continue losing as long as you follow idiots like Pelosi, waters, and the stupid girl from new York, ocasio.

I left home when I was 18 never to return Goober - actually know more entitled rich kids who lived with RW Mummy & Dada well into their 20s than I do progressives.

As for young people flocking to Trump?

Millennial Women Are Going to Destroy the Republican Party
Trump's approval rating has fallen even further among millennials as young people continue to snub president
The Post-Millennials Should Scare the Hell Out of the GOP


if you are self supporting since 18, at what age did you lose your ability to think for yourself and become a sheep of the establishment?

At 73, one might ask you the same question.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.

If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

recognizing that he is doing a good job is not worship. Worship is what the media did with Obama for 8 years. I only worship one man, the son of God.

What the media did for Obama is no different than what you do for Trump. You worship Trump every bit as much as the Obama folks worshiped him

the media consists of thousands of ;people with microphones, cameras, radio, and TV. I'm flattered that you put me on an equal footing with them.

I am speaking of actions

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

recognizing that he is doing a good job is not worship. Worship is what the media did with Obama for 8 years. I only worship one man, the son of God.

What the media did for Obama is no different than what you do for Trump. You worship Trump every bit as much as the Obama folks worshiped him

now, you are just looking stupid, but you do that quite well.

The truth is painful, but it is still the truth no matte how much of a state of denial you live in.

Trump does on a daily basis what you were whining about people doing with him and you cheer him on when he does it.

Just admit it, you think that Trump turns the water to wine as he is walking on it

OK, for the last time. Trump talks like a brash new York asshole, I don't like that, but I understand it since I have known many people from NY, NJ, MA, CN, and RI and they all talk just like he does. I don't care about that. What I care about is that he is fixing the mess created by generations of establishment crooks from both parties and calling them out on their corruption--------------THAT is why they hate him and want to remove him----------because he threatens their ability to continue to rob us and ignore the constitution.

I don't know if I would like him on a one to one basis, but I suspect that I would. I don't think I could say that about Obama, either Bush, or Clinton. But if you worship those failures, good for you.

Then why do you whine about people having childish nicknames for Trump and yet when Trump does the same thing you make excuses for him?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Or just an asshole

Thank you for noticing! I am an asshole to anyone that puts party before country..you know people like you
You put yourself before country.

Nope, not at all.

People that do that do not give their country 20 years of their life in service to it.
And in return for your service you want cheap gook laborers.

the democrat immigration thing is not about laborers, empathy, or caring, Its about nothing but trying to create a new democrat voting block, because the dems know that they will never win again if only American citizens are allowed to vote.
Again illegals are not immigrants.

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