Polls are turning ugly for the Orange Menace

Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.
Seems like we've heard that before (about 5,000 times).
PBS/Marist says it's dropped from 46% approval to 41% since Helsinki.

higher than Obama or Bush at this point in their first terms.

Bush and Obama sucked. What is your point?

only that Trump has higher approval ratings. Isn't that point enough?

So, Trump has a higher approval rating than 2 of the 4 worst presidents in the nations history.

It is damn sad how low we have set the bar in this country.

yeah, so whats the "point" of that comment? shit stirrer?
Donald is well on his way to making this week even worse than last.

In fact he's been on quite the roll ever since he started caging toddlers. Another deadline missed on that one. Now we're gonna spend millions if not billions settling lawsuits.

The trade war? Talks with the Chinese have come to a virtual standstill. Farmers and Ranchers losing faith, 22 billion taxpayer money paid out in hopes of holding those Trump voters. Absolutely NO end in sight and chances good our allies are going to start trading elsewhere. EU is about to sign deal with Japan. Once that business goes, it tends to stay gone.

Then we had the NATO/ EU disaster where he went in like a bull in a china shop and absolutely pissed off what remaining allies we had.

And of course, the kneepad event in Helsinki. Possibly his most pitiful performance to date.

Now - The all caps threat to Iran (aka Fire and Fury Part Deux)

God help us each and every one during our free fall into Fascism and possibly even go second or third world..

To summarize? Everything Trump touches ... DIES. And even Trump voters are slowly but surely figuring this a-hole out:

Poll: More than half of Americans think Putin has dirt on Trump
Trump’s approval dips below 40 percent
QU Poll Release Detail
This sort of thing tends to happen to a Republican when pollsters over sample Democrats.
And your evidence that they are oversampling Democrats is...……….
Trump Approval Rating Polls Caught Oversampling Democrats!
New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples"
Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges After Reuters "Tweaks" Poll
You have no doubt heard the adage "Consider your sources. Have you??

Political Insider - Media Bias/Fact Check


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check


These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation. See all Right-Center sources.

pay me to do a poll and I will give you the result that you want---------------its a fricken game, moron.
The economy is booming and unemployment is at a historic low... so .....quick find some poll that echoes the hypocrite idiotic left wing constant whining.
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

IMHO trump is the best president in my lifetime and I have been walking this earth for 73 years. You can disagree, I don't give a shit.
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

IMHO trump is the best president in my lifetime and I have been walking this earth for 73 years. You can disagree, I don't give a shit.

You'll die soon - as will most Trumptards
under President Trump, America will be rich beyond the wildest dreams of earlier generations!
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

IMHO trump is the best president in my lifetime and I have been walking this earth for 73 years. You can disagree, I don't give a shit.

Oh, you are 73. That explains the senility.
Donald is well on his way to making this week even worse than last.

In fact he's been on quite the roll ever since he started caging toddlers. Another deadline missed on that one. Now we're gonna spend millions if not billions settling lawsuits.

The trade war? Talks with the Chinese have come to a virtual standstill. Farmers and Ranchers losing faith, 22 billion taxpayer money paid out in hopes of holding those Trump voters. Absolutely NO end in sight and chances good our allies are going to start trading elsewhere. EU is about to sign deal with Japan. Once that business goes, it tends to stay gone.

Then we had the NATO/ EU disaster where he went in like a bull in a china shop and absolutely pissed off what remaining allies we had.

And of course, the kneepad event in Helsinki. Possibly his most pitiful performance to date.

Now - The all caps threat to Iran (aka Fire and Fury Part Deux)

God help us each and every one during our free fall into Fascism and possibly even go second or third world..

To summarize? Everything Trump touches ... DIES. And even Trump voters are slowly but surely figuring this a-hole out:

Poll: More than half of Americans think Putin has dirt on Trump
Trump’s approval dips below 40 percent
QU Poll Release Detail
This sort of thing tends to happen to a Republican when pollsters over sample Democrats.
And your evidence that they are oversampling Democrats is...……….
Trump Approval Rating Polls Caught Oversampling Democrats!
New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples"
Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges After Reuters "Tweaks" Poll
You have no doubt heard the adage "Consider your sources. Have you??

Political Insider - Media Bias/Fact Check


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check


These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation. See all Right-Center sources.

You seem to have no issue posting links from sites that have a left bias like fivethirtyeight.

It seems that the far left have not learned about polls..

Obama did great in the polls, yet lost 1000 seats nationwide and left the DNC bankrupt!

Poor little far left drones never learn..
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.
Seems you have a hard on for orange! Why are you so concerned about color racist?
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.
Seems you have a hard on for orange! Why are you so concerned about color racist?
GG is a globalist.
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.
Seems you have a hard on for orange! Why are you so concerned about color racist?
GG is a globalist.
Or just an asshole
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.
Seems you have a hard on for orange! Why are you so concerned about color racist?
GG is a globalist.
Or just an asshole
Donald is well on his way to making this week even worse than last.

In fact he's been on quite the roll ever since he started caging toddlers. Another deadline missed on that one. Now we're gonna spend millions if not billions settling lawsuits.

The trade war? Talks with the Chinese have come to a virtual standstill. Farmers and Ranchers losing faith, 22 billion taxpayer money paid out in hopes of holding those Trump voters. Absolutely NO end in sight and chances good our allies are going to start trading elsewhere. EU is about to sign deal with Japan. Once that business goes, it tends to stay gone.

Then we had the NATO/ EU disaster where he went in like a bull in a china shop and absolutely pissed off what remaining allies we had.

And of course, the kneepad event in Helsinki. Possibly his most pitiful performance to date.

Now - The all caps threat to Iran (aka Fire and Fury Part Deux)

God help us each and every one during our free fall into Fascism and possibly even go second or third world..

To summarize? Everything Trump touches ... DIES. And even Trump voters are slowly but surely figuring this a-hole out:

Poll: More than half of Americans think Putin has dirt on Trump
Trump’s approval dips below 40 percent
QU Poll Release Detail
This sort of thing tends to happen to a Republican when pollsters over sample Democrats.
And your evidence that they are oversampling Democrats is...……….
Trump Approval Rating Polls Caught Oversampling Democrats!
New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples"
Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges After Reuters "Tweaks" Poll
You have no doubt heard the adage "Consider your sources. Have you??

Political Insider - Media Bias/Fact Check


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check


These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation. See all Right-Center sources.

You seem to have no issue posting links from sites that have a left bias like fivethirtyeight.

View attachment 206965

Fivethirtyeight doesn't even make it to left center.
FiveThirtyEight - Media Bias/Fact Check
Try again
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

IMHO trump is the best president in my lifetime and I have been walking this earth for 73 years. You can disagree, I don't give a shit.

You'll die soon - as will most Trumptards

we all gonna die, idiot. what you don't seem to get is that many millenials and gen xers are also Trump supporters. All young people are not living in their moms basement at 30 years old like you. Many are working every day, producing things, buying things, improving their lives, and living the American dream. Most of them have rejected your socialist nanny state ideology and are actually able to think for themselves. You lefties lost in 16 and you will continue losing as long as you follow idiots like Pelosi, waters, and the stupid girl from new York, ocasio.
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

IMHO trump is the best president in my lifetime and I have been walking this earth for 73 years. You can disagree, I don't give a shit.

Oh, you are 73. That explains the senility.

I will put my mental abilities up against yours any day, I do so on this forum and you always come off looking like a complete fool.
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.
Do you libtardians somehow think using the word orange is an insult? Is it some kind of reaction to Obama being half black? or Hillary being a fat assed old white woman? or Maxine being a crazy old black woman?

Orange is a nice color and the name of a very important citrus fruit.

Is that really the best you fools can come up with?

Orange is a great color for a fruit, not so much for humans.

Pretty sad your worship of him will not even allow you to admit to even that.

I don't think he is orange, WTF, that is so juvenile, grow up. you lefties cant even come up with good insults, you act like kids.

This from the guy that worships the very ground Trump walks on, the same Trump that comes up with 4th grade nicknames for everyone.

You are so far gone, there is no coming back.

it is sad to watch such proud displays of hypocrisy.

I never said that Trump was the perfect man, and he is certainly not worthy of worship. Sure, he talks like a brash new Yorker, do words offend you, snowflake?

Trump is doing the JOB of president better than any of his recent predecessors, in spite of the constant lies from the media and the do-nothing dems. THAT is what matters to me and most of the country. 2020 will prove me right-------------again.

If he is not worthy of worship, why do you worship him so?

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