Pollution, climate change, or control?

You fucking idiot again the ocean floor ls littered with past Hawaii islands how many times must we tell you that?

That has NOTHING to do with why the Marshall Islands are sinking. There are plenty of volcanoes at the bottom of the ocean that did not rise high enough to poke out as islands. So what. Those aren't getting deeper either unless they are also at the lip of the PROF.
This, combined with erosion of the islands once active volcanism stops, leads to a shrinking of the islands with age

That mountains shrink with time, rain etc. is true, it is just painfully slow, millimeters per decade stuff. The Marshalls are going down an inch per year or so. Your "explanation" fails the PACE OF DECLINE test. Sorry.
which is having precisely ZERO effect on temperatures....

Many scientist disagree with that.

only the ones getting paid to hold that opinion.
Students Are Mice Preparing to Become Rats

After years of suffering in enforced college poverty in order to get their advanced degrees, graduates are obsessed with making up for that lost youth by making as much money as they can, as quickly as they can, any way they can.
You forgot something: "Volcanoes in the Sea: The Geology of Hawaii" by Macdonald, Abbott and Peterson (2nd ed.) Univ. of Hawaii Press, Honolulu (1983).

PARROTS are like that. It is "their opinion" even though it is 100% parroted with no insight or understanding, and never sourced.
the falsifying of data by those receiving grants to "prove AGW" has been well established many times.

What does it say about you and your fellow cult losers, that all you have is these retarded conspiracy theories?

It's says you're dishonest cultists, that's what it says. If all the data didn't say you were full of shit, you wouldn't have to deny all the data. But all the data does say you're full of shit, and since honesty isn't an option for you, peddling hilariously stupid cult conspiracy theories is the only option left to you.

But maybe you're right. Maybe the whole planet is wrong, and your tiny fringe group of drooling cult fuktards are the only people in the world who know the RealTruth. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
You forgot something: "Volcanoes in the Sea: The Geology of Hawaii" by Macdonald, Abbott and Peterson (2nd ed.) Univ. of Hawaii Press, Honolulu (1983).

PARROTS are like that. It is "their opinion" even though it is 100% parroted with no insight or understanding, and never sourced.
Let's take a step back Mr Dexter. Can you give me a couple scientific or academic institutions that you find respectible and credible?
the falsifying of data by those receiving grants to "prove AGW" has been well established many times.

What does it say about you and your fellow cult losers, that all you have is these retarded conspiracy theories?

It's says you're dishonest cultists, that's what it says. If all the data didn't say you were full of shit, you wouldn't have to deny all the data. But all the data does say you're full of shit, and since honesty isn't an option for you, peddling hilariously stupid cult conspiracy theories is the only option left to you.

But maybe you're right. Maybe the whole planet is wrong, and your tiny fringe group of drooling cult fuktards are the only people in the world who know the RealTruth. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

the unbiased climate data says that you and your chicken little warmists are wrong.

YES, the climate is changing. NO, man is not causing it.
the falsifying of data by those receiving grants to "prove AGW" has been well established many times.

What does it say about you and your fellow cult losers, that all you have is these retarded conspiracy theories?

It's says you're dishonest cultists, that's what it says. If all the data didn't say you were full of shit, you wouldn't have to deny all the data. But all the data does say you're full of shit, and since honesty isn't an option for you, peddling hilariously stupid cult conspiracy theories is the only option left to you.

But maybe you're right. Maybe the whole planet is wrong, and your tiny fringe group of drooling cult fuktards are the only people in the world who know the RealTruth. Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

the climate conspiracy has been proven. Its not a theory, its a fact.

as to your "whole world" rant, yes the whole world is concerned about man made pollution, not man made climate change. Do you comprehend the difference????
that all you have is these retarded conspiracy theories?

RAW DATA never invites "conspiracy theories." "Corrected" data does, especially when EVERY TIME the data is "corrected" from NO WARMING to "warming...."
Can you give me a couple scientific or academic institutions that you find respectible and credible?

PARROTS are always the same - let's try PARROTING this or that...

instead of explaining

WHY Greenland froze while NA melted at the SAME TIME with the SAME AMOUNT OF CO2 in the atmosphere...

Clearly, you have searched and searched for "answers" for your BIRDBRAIN to parrot, and cannot find them. The "warmers" do not answer my questions, they CENSOR them...

which requires sub human left wing parrots like yourself to actually think on your own, which you cannot do, since you never have...
Can you give me a couple scientific or academic institutions that you find respectible and credible?

PARROTS are always the same - let's try PARROTING this or that...

instead of explaining

WHY Greenland froze while NA melted at the SAME TIME with the SAME AMOUNT OF CO2 in the atmosphere...

Clearly, you have searched and searched for "answers" for your BIRDBRAIN to parrot, and cannot find them. The "warmers" do not answer my questions, they CENSOR them...

which requires sub human left wing parrots like yourself to actually think on your own, which you cannot do, since you never have...
Did you not read my question? Try again without the tangent please
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.


It is control.......it is the biggest scam they have to get everything they want...they want to take money from the richest countries and use it for themselves.....hiding behind global warming and claiming it hurts the 3rd world....and they want to be able to control every aspect of our lives...global warming gives them that...

they could give a rat's ass about the poor and the 3rd world......
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.


It is control.......it is the biggest scam they have to get everything they want...they want to take money from the richest countries and use it for themselves.....hiding behind global warming and claiming it hurts the 3rd world....and they want to be able to control every aspect of our lives...global warming gives them that...

they could give a rat's ass about the poor and the 3rd world......
So what about the millions of people that support environmental causes. Are they all just hoping that the government comes in and takes control of our lives? Give that talking point a rest. It gets old
which is having precisely ZERO effect on temperatures....

Many scientist disagree with that.

only the ones getting paid to hold that opinion.

There you go Dex, there is an opinion, and a bias one at that!

the falsifying of data by those receiving grants to "prove AGW" has been well established many times.

Blind boo even NOAA admits they changed the numbers after the fact, ask anyone in the environment forum were the Numbers changed



trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.


It is control.......it is the biggest scam they have to get everything they want...they want to take money from the richest countries and use it for themselves.....hiding behind global warming and claiming it hurts the 3rd world....and they want to be able to control every aspect of our lives...global warming gives them that...

they could give a rat's ass about the poor and the 3rd world......
So what about the millions of people that support environmental causes. Are they all just hoping that the government comes in and takes control of our lives? Give that talking point a rest. It gets old

Social Economic Justice

Look it up, Naomi Klien , UN , pope ...

So what about the millions of people that support environmental causes.

You can try to explain how funding liars to fudge data and misdiagnose real problems is "support" of the environment.

In truth, the Global Warming fraud is the greatest crime ever against the actual environment, taking hundred of billions of dollars and doing nothing but making those dollars vanish. For California, each incremental human consumes 20-25 gallons of freshwater per day from finite rivers, streams, aquifers, and lakes. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why California fires are worse now with no rise in temperature. The solution is DESALINATION of ocean water, leaving nature's water in nature so plants etc. do not dry out and burn. The reason we aren't actually helping the CA environment with desal is because the "warmers" are lying about the cause and sucking up all the money.

That is what you "environmental" sub humans really support.
The arguement isn't that man is causing the cycles, it is that the rate the cycles are occurring are accelerating exponentially

BS. the entire religion of AGW is based on man causing climate change. How exactly is man causing the cycles to increase in frequency?

I believe the effects are seen in the amplitude of the cycles, during the peaks and valleys, not necessarily the frequency. By burning fossil fuels we are increasing the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It is virtually the same today as it was a million years ago. CO2 is not a pollutant.

in 1850 it was .028%. And ....

"The last time the concentration of CO2 was as high as 400 ppm was probably in the Pliocene Epoch, between 2.6 and 5.3 million years ago. Until the 20th century, it certainly hadn't exceeded 300 ppm, let alone 400 ppm, for at least 800,000 years."

Climate Milestone: Earth's CO2 Level Nears 400 ppm

And dinosaurs were huge..so what's your point?


FishyFish is repeating false fact. I mean alternative facts.

Last time carbon dioxide levels were this high: 15 million years ago, scientists report

"You would have to go back at least 15 million years to find carbon dioxide levels on Earth as high as they are today, a UCLA scientist and colleagues report Oct. 8 in the online edition of the journal Science."

And that was in 2009. CO2 level now is over .041% or 410 ppm

Show CO2
which is having precisely ZERO effect on temperatures....

Many scientist disagree with that.

only the ones getting paid to hold that opinion.

There you go Dex, there is an opinion, and a bias one at that!

the falsifying of data by those receiving grants to "prove AGW" has been well established many times.

A well warn lie you mean. I mean well worn alternative facts.

Do not buy the House Science Committee’s claim that scientists faked data until you read this

"On Sunday February 5th, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology published a press release alleging, based on questionable evidence, that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) “manipulated climate records.”

The source of their evidence, according to Committee spokesperson Thea McDonalds, was a Daily Mail article. The Daily Mail is a British tabloid most famous for outlandish headlines such as "Is the Bum the New Side Boob” and "ISIS Chief executioner winning hearts with his rugged looks.” This is not the first time that the House Science Committee has used spurious evidence to dispute the existence of human-driven climate change.

The piece, which quotes John Bates—a scientist who NOAA once employed—challenges the data used in the famous 2015 Karl study. The study, named after Thomas R. Karl—the director of the NOAA’s Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and the paper's lead author—was published in Science and debunked the notion of a climate “hiatus” or “cooling.”

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