Pollution, climate change, or control?

The Moon Bats want to destroy the economies of the industrialized world because of this small sliver

WRONG - Hawaii is not sinking, Catalina is not sinking - no islands are sinking except the three chains RIGHT ON THE LIP OF THE PROF

Dumbass, no islands are sinking. The oceans are rising. It's not rocket science. Even a 1st grader can understand it, yet you can't. That's why you're the only mouthbreather anywhere screaming that islands are sinking.
OK, lets assume that you and the "scientists" like algore are correct. What exactly and specifically do you want humanity to do about it?
First stop the pointless fight and attacks denying the science and accusing it a fraud. Then work together to better understand the cause/effects/and consequences. Then put our energy into reducing the aggrovating factors and finding alternative ways to live in a cleaner way that is better for our habitat. The debate about what is too much when it comes to infringing on our businesses and lifestyle is still an important and necessary element in the conversation. But let's at least get there.

much of the data has been proven fraudulent. why do you suppose anyone would falsify climate data? Could there be a financial motive? Ya think?
Sure there could be, it's fair to expose and investigate. But I don't think that applies to the majority of the studies and data that has been collected from researchers around the world over the past few decades.

see post #71 and then get the "scientists" to explain how man caused the heating and cooling cycles thousands of years ago.
The arguement isn't that man is causing the cycles, it is that the rate the cycles are occurring are accelerating exponentially

BS. the entire religion of AGW is based on man causing climate change. How exactly is man causing the cycles to increase in frequency?
WRONG - Hawaii is not sinking, Catalina is not sinking - no islands are sinking except the three chains RIGHT ON THE LIP OF THE PROF

Dumbass, no islands are sinking. The oceans are rising. It's not rocket science. Even a 1st grader can understand it, yet you can't. That's why you're the only mouthbreather anywhere screaming that islands are sinking.

Prove that the oceans are rising. It should be easy because if true, it would be obvious on every coast line on every continent. Its not happening, you have been duped.
The only scientific certainty in climate change is, there WILL be another ice age. Glaciers will come down from the Artic and grind NY City to bedrock, just like they did during the last ice age.
the sun's going to burn out, what then ?
Dumbed-Down Doomers

Lord Kelvin proposed that Mercury and Venus could be driven by a future power source into the Sun, refueling it.
First stop the pointless fight and attacks denying the science and accusing it a fraud. Then work together to better understand the cause/effects/and consequences. Then put our energy into reducing the aggrovating factors and finding alternative ways to live in a cleaner way that is better for our habitat. The debate about what is too much when it comes to infringing on our businesses and lifestyle is still an important and necessary element in the conversation. But let's at least get there.

much of the data has been proven fraudulent. why do you suppose anyone would falsify climate data? Could there be a financial motive? Ya think?
Sure there could be, it's fair to expose and investigate. But I don't think that applies to the majority of the studies and data that has been collected from researchers around the world over the past few decades.

see post #71 and then get the "scientists" to explain how man caused the heating and cooling cycles thousands of years ago.
The arguement isn't that man is causing the cycles, it is that the rate the cycles are occurring are accelerating exponentially

BS. the entire religion of AGW is based on man causing climate change. How exactly is man causing the cycles to increase in frequency?
How? By stripping the earth of its resources and pumping extraordinary amounts of pollutants into our atmosphere.
WRONG - Hawaii is not sinking, Catalina is not sinking - no islands are sinking except the three chains RIGHT ON THE LIP OF THE PROF

Dumbass, no islands are sinking. The oceans are rising. It's not rocket science. Even a 1st grader can understand it, yet you can't. That's why you're the only mouthbreather anywhere screaming that islands are sinking.

Prove that the oceans are rising. It should be easy because if true, it would be obvious on every coast line on every continent. Its not happening, you have been duped.
Sea level rise - Wikipedia
First stop the pointless fight and attacks denying the science and accusing it a fraud. Then work together to better understand the cause/effects/and consequences. Then put our energy into reducing the aggrovating factors and finding alternative ways to live in a cleaner way that is better for our habitat. The debate about what is too much when it comes to infringing on our businesses and lifestyle is still an important and necessary element in the conversation. But let's at least get there.

much of the data has been proven fraudulent. why do you suppose anyone would falsify climate data? Could there be a financial motive? Ya think?
Sure there could be, it's fair to expose and investigate. But I don't think that applies to the majority of the studies and data that has been collected from researchers around the world over the past few decades.

see post #71 and then get the "scientists" to explain how man caused the heating and cooling cycles thousands of years ago.
The arguement isn't that man is causing the cycles, it is that the rate the cycles are occurring are accelerating exponentially

BS. the entire religion of AGW is based on man causing climate change. How exactly is man causing the cycles to increase in frequency?

I believe the effects are seen in the amplitude of the cycles, during the peaks and valleys, not necessarily the frequency. By burning fossil fuels we are increasing the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.
That doesn't prove anything.

Translation - as a sub human left wing science invalid parrot, slade will only accept certified left wing lies, fudge, and fraud as "science," as he refuses to attempt to answer how Greenland froze while NA thawed at the same time with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, proving that Co2 in the atmosphere had precisely NOTHING TO DO WITH EITHER NA thawing or Greenland freezing....
Since we walked out of Africa some 200,000 years ago do you know how far the American Plate has moved?

Try this one, smartass.

Antarctica had dinosaurs 70 million years ago...

South Polar dinosaur - Wikipedia

This is where Antarctica was 130 million years ago... attached to Africa.

So did those dinosaurs live on top of 2 miles of ice at -60F, or did they live in much warmer conditions because Antarctica was not on top of the South Pole?
By burning fossil fuels we are increasing the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere

.... which is having precisely ZERO effect on temperatures....

We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps - satellites and balloons. Both showed precisely no warming in highly correlated fashion (both, for example, showed "record warm 1998" as a colder than normal year because the "record warm" claim comes from the surface of cities, not the atmosphere). In 2005, clearly realizing the data did not match Algore's FRAUD, the tippy toppiests fudged both with uncorrelated "corrections..."

Key claim against global warming evaporates

While surface thermometers have clearly shown that the Earth's surface is warming, satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data."

... or that the real truth of the data would cost them their taxpayer funded jobs... so they did what just about every taxpayer funded anything does, they LIED to keep the most addictive substance in the universe coming - the government check.
much of the data has been proven fraudulent. why do you suppose anyone would falsify climate data? Could there be a financial motive? Ya think?
Sure there could be, it's fair to expose and investigate. But I don't think that applies to the majority of the studies and data that has been collected from researchers around the world over the past few decades.

see post #71 and then get the "scientists" to explain how man caused the heating and cooling cycles thousands of years ago.
The arguement isn't that man is causing the cycles, it is that the rate the cycles are occurring are accelerating exponentially

BS. the entire religion of AGW is based on man causing climate change. How exactly is man causing the cycles to increase in frequency?

I believe the effects are seen in the amplitude of the cycles, during the peaks and valleys, not necessarily the frequency. By burning fossil fuels we are increasing the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It is virtually the same today as it was a million years ago. CO2 is not a pollutant.

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