Pollution, climate change, or control?

The only scientific certainty in climate change is, there WILL be another ice age.

Incorrect. We may have already cancelled the next ice age. At a minimum, it's been delayed from 25,000 years to 50,000 years. If we keep emitting CO2 at high levels, the next ice age definitely won't happen.
Why do you think you are too chicken to answer the question

We've answered his question over and over, and then laughed at how stupid is was. That's why LaDexter is now trying it with a different audience.

Earth has 2 "AC" units, Arctic and Antarctic, each with setting from 0 = off to 10 = maxCOOL

And nothing has changed in those settings for a long time, many thousands of years. Yet the world suddenly started warming quickly.

You'd have to be kind of retarded to blame something that didn't change for global warming, but that's LaDexter.
The Marshall Islands are right on the "lip" of the tectonic formation known as the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Bullshit. The Marshall Islands are a thousand miles away from the plate boundary. They are not on the Ring of Fire. The fact that there are no volcanoes or earthquakes there would be a big clue, being that volcanoes and earthquakes are the hallmarks of the RoF. The Marshalls were formed by an ancient hotspot passing through, but the last volcanoes there stopped erupting 74 million years ago.

What more, you know that, being that I've pointed it out to you before.

2016 Arctic sea ice thread

You're deliberately lying to everyone's faces. Hence, everyone will now assume every word you say is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.
The only scientific certainty in climate change is, there WILL be another ice age.

Incorrect. We may have already cancelled the next ice age. At a minimum, it's been delayed from 25,000 years to 50,000 years. If we keep emitting CO2 at high levels, the next ice age definitely won't happen.

Ahahahaha okay lets see your science proving we have already canceled the next ice age :laugh::laugh::laugh: you whack jobs just keep digging yourselves deeper into your faux science hole.
Science isnt about democracy. The fabrication and skewing of temperatures is not science. Its fraud science and a black eye to real science.
I agree, anybody that has falsified scientific reports should be exposed and discredited. Any that publishes a report should be critiqued and challenged... That is the scientific method and how we improve our knowledge. But you can't find a few bad apples and say the whole bunch is ruined. There has been an overwhelming amount of studies and reports that support the threats that climate change brings. Some of the projections may have been off but analysis of causes and historical data has not.

OK, lets assume that you and the "scientists" like algore are correct. What exactly and specifically do you want humanity to do about it?
First stop the pointless fight and attacks denying the science and accusing it a fraud. Then work together to better understand the cause/effects/and consequences. Then put our energy into reducing the aggrovating factors and finding alternative ways to live in a cleaner way that is better for our habitat. The debate about what is too much when it comes to infringing on our businesses and lifestyle is still an important and necessary element in the conversation. But let's at least get there.

much of the data has been proven fraudulent. why do you suppose anyone would falsify climate data? Could there be a financial motive? Ya think?
Sure there could be, it's fair to expose and investigate. But I don't think that applies to the majority of the studies and data that has been collected from researchers around the world over the past few decades.

see post #71 and then get the "scientists" to explain how man caused the heating and cooling cycles thousands of years ago.
Ok, one final time for those of you on the left. a series of yes or no questions

1. is your goal to stop or slow man made pollution?
2. Is pollution bad for humanity?
3. Has the earth been heating and cooling for millions of years?
4. did man cause any of those hot/cold cycles?
5. do people like al gore have a financial motive?
6. have many of the AGW studies been proven flawed for fixed?
7.Is it necessary to link pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?

I anxiously await your replies.

nice rant, but you are mixing two things.

Yes, everyone agrees that the climate is changing

No, not everyone agrees that man is causing it, or that man could stop, slow, or reverse it.

The Moon Bats would have a lot more credibility on the science if everybody that was saying it is man made didn't lie so much and invent data.

Everybody from the principle scientists that were exposes in Climategate I and II to the UN Commission to NOAA and NSA under Obama. All we ever get out of the yahoos that bitch about AGW are false data and false science.

It's a scam. that has become a religion for the Moon Bats.

Everything you need to know about climate change is revealled in this chart:

View attachment 124514
Misinformation About Causes

The Indo-European migrations into Europe in the third millennium BC were caused by a prehistoric Mongol invasion, which itself was caused by genetic predatory savagery and not by climate change in North Asia.

Warmalarmism is also motivated by a power struggle led by those who feel they were Born to Rule, and not by any climate data. Al Gore is an HeirHead; that's all you need to know about his politics.
I agree, anybody that has falsified scientific reports should be exposed and discredited. Any that publishes a report should be critiqued and challenged... That is the scientific method and how we improve our knowledge. But you can't find a few bad apples and say the whole bunch is ruined. There has been an overwhelming amount of studies and reports that support the threats that climate change brings. Some of the projections may have been off but analysis of causes and historical data has not.

OK, lets assume that you and the "scientists" like algore are correct. What exactly and specifically do you want humanity to do about it?
First stop the pointless fight and attacks denying the science and accusing it a fraud. Then work together to better understand the cause/effects/and consequences. Then put our energy into reducing the aggrovating factors and finding alternative ways to live in a cleaner way that is better for our habitat. The debate about what is too much when it comes to infringing on our businesses and lifestyle is still an important and necessary element in the conversation. But let's at least get there.

much of the data has been proven fraudulent. why do you suppose anyone would falsify climate data? Could there be a financial motive? Ya think?
Sure there could be, it's fair to expose and investigate. But I don't think that applies to the majority of the studies and data that has been collected from researchers around the world over the past few decades.

see post #71 and then get the "scientists" to explain how man caused the heating and cooling cycles thousands of years ago.

These pencil-necked Greenie preachers are professors, which has made them feel entitled to flunk anybody who disagrees with them.
I agree, anybody that has falsified scientific reports should be exposed and discredited. Any that publishes a report should be critiqued and challenged... That is the scientific method and how we improve our knowledge. But you can't find a few bad apples and say the whole bunch is ruined. There has been an overwhelming amount of studies and reports that support the threats that climate change brings. Some of the projections may have been off but analysis of causes and historical data has not.

OK, lets assume that you and the "scientists" like algore are correct. What exactly and specifically do you want humanity to do about it?
First stop the pointless fight and attacks denying the science and accusing it a fraud. Then work together to better understand the cause/effects/and consequences. Then put our energy into reducing the aggrovating factors and finding alternative ways to live in a cleaner way that is better for our habitat. The debate about what is too much when it comes to infringing on our businesses and lifestyle is still an important and necessary element in the conversation. But let's at least get there.

much of the data has been proven fraudulent. why do you suppose anyone would falsify climate data? Could there be a financial motive? Ya think?
Sure there could be, it's fair to expose and investigate. But I don't think that applies to the majority of the studies and data that has been collected from researchers around the world over the past few decades.

see post #71 and then get the "scientists" to explain how man caused the heating and cooling cycles thousands of years ago.
The arguement isn't that man is causing the cycles, it is that the rate the cycles are occurring are accelerating exponentially
Ok, one final time for those of you on the left. a series of yes or no questions
1. is your goal to stop or slow man made pollution?
Reduce within reason

2. Is pollution bad for humanity?

3. Has the earth been heating and cooling for millions of years?

4. did man cause any of those hot/cold cycles?
No, but mans activity can accelerate and effect the severity of the cycles

5. do people like al gore have a financial motive?
Yes he is. Gore could also have done the book and speech tour and gotten rich. I don't get the impression that this is purely a money play for Al. He appears to be dell convinced and dedicated to the cause.

6. have many of the AGW studies been proven flawed for fixed?
Reports say that some have but not nearly a majority of them

7.Is it necessary to link pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?
Not really, it puts urgency to the issue. But if something major is coming it would be good to have a heads up so further research is absolutley warranted. Also if mans activity causes acceleration then perhaps mans technology can slow it. It would be good to know wouldn't it?

I anxiously await your replies.
"trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

Careful, Redfish. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Trying to understand it too closely could hurt your brain.
Yet the world suddenly started warming quickly.

Fudging data is not planetary warming, it is fraud.

Why is the ocean level not rising?

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
Aren't we all parroting someone or something?

This is how the sub human parrots "think" = everyone must be a parrot because slade is a parrot....

NOBODY THINKS to ask questions like

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

If ocean levels are really rising, why did Algore's FRAUD have to cite an island on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire to find one "sinking?"

So "water" is causing the Marshall Islands, the Solomon Islands, and one other chain right near New Guinea to sink, but isn't causing anything else on the planet to sink...


Affirmative Action "new math," or something like that....
Aren't we all parroting someone or something?

This is how the sub human parrots "think" = everyone must be a parrot because slade is a parrot....

NOBODY THINKS to ask questions like

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

If ocean levels are really rising, why did Algore's FRAUD have to cite an island on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire to find one "sinking?"
Your record is skipping dude. You asked that question yesterday and we talked it out. You think platonic shifts are causing all the climate changes. But you didn't address at all what the possible effects of mans pollution and consumption of resources might have on the speed and timetable for catastrophic change
The only scientific certainty in climate change is, there WILL be another ice age. Glaciers will come down from the Artic and grind NY City to bedrock, just like they did during the last ice age.
the sun's going to burn out, what then ?

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