Pollution, climate change, or control?

Earth has 2 "AC" units, Arctic and Antarctic, each with setting from 0 = off to 10 = maxCOOL

Right now, the Arctic is set at 1 and the Antarctic is set at 9. AA is on average 50F colder than A, and puts 9 times the ice into the oceans, some 46 times the H2O the Mississippi dumps in the Gulf.

Earth climate change is 99% about WHERE LAND IS....
I don't like most of the stuff you say but that was a very good explaination. Kudos
Yes, because it is a waste of my time. You make claims based on partisan assumptions not facts so whats the point on arguing motives that you assign to your opponents. If you want to talk about something real then let me know otherwise don't waste my time with this BS.

You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT. Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT. Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.
Im breathing just fine... There may be a few wingnuts chained to trees doing what you speak of but who gives a shit about that... they don't represent the mass majority of environmentally conscious people.

Science isnt about democracy. The fabrication and skewing of temperatures is not science. Its fraud science and a black eye to real science.
I agree, anybody that has falsified scientific reports should be exposed and discredited. Any that publishes a report should be critiqued and challenged... That is the scientific method and how we improve our knowledge. But you can't find a few bad apples and say the whole bunch is ruined. There has been an overwhelming amount of studies and reports that support the threats that climate change brings. Some of the projections may have been off but analysis of causes and historical data has not.

OK, lets assume that you and the "scientists" like algore are correct. What exactly and specifically do you want humanity to do about it?

There's your problem, you think Al is a scientist.
I don't like most of the stuff you say but that was a very good explaination

There is a very active censorship of the first question of Earth climate change

Why does one polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Even Fox won't ask it. Murdoch is no "conservative." He is one of the more obvious JDAACs in the US.
I don't like most of the stuff you say but that was a very good explaination

There is a very active censorship of the first question of Earth climate change

Why does one polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Even Fox won't ask it. Murdoch is no "conservative." He is one of the more obvious JDAACs in the US.
What's the revelation that you are getting at? I'm no expert but from a little research it appears the South Pole has more ice because it is on a continent whose landmass creates ocean currents that cut off warmer waters from the north from get close to the Pole. This causes a colder climate and along with the higher altitude results in more Ice build up. The North Pole is in the open sea which allows for warmer water to flow closer to the Pole and warm the climate.

What does this have to do with our discussion? Please connect the dots.
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Like Jinkies.... LAND MOVES....

Antarctica had dinosaurs 70 million years ago because it was not on the South Pole, it was much closer to the southern tip of Africa. Climate change is continent specific. Greenland and NA prove it. 1 million years ago, Greenland was entirely green...

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

while NA was covered with ice down to Indiana...

So, in the past million years, NA thawed while Greenland froze, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Climate change is continent specific. NA is warming because it is moving SW. Greenland had been moving NW, actually the same vector on a sphere, but with recent growth in the Arctic Ocean (which periodically releases magma at the bottom, causing quick sea ice melt that is intentionally misdiagnosed by Algore's crew), Greenland may now be moving WSW.

If Greenland started to move away from the North Pole, the Arctic AC might go "off."
Thanks for attending the class here at the LaDexter Climate School for life forms who think and never parrot.
Like Jinkies.... LAND MOVES....

Antarctica had dinosaurs 70 million years ago because it was not on the South Pole, it was much closer to the southern tip of Africa. Climate change is continent specific. Greenland and NA prove it. 1 million years ago, Greenland was entirely green...

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

while NA was covered with ice down to Indiana...

So, in the past million years, NA thawed while Greenland froze, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Climate change is continent specific. NA is warming because it is moving SW. Greenland had been moving NW, actually the same vector on a sphere, but with recent growth in the Arctic Ocean (which periodically releases magma at the bottom, causing quick sea ice melt that is intentionally misdiagnosed by Algore's crew), Greenland may now be moving WSW.

If Greenland started to move away from the North Pole, the Arctic AC might go "off."
So your point is that continental shifts are causing climate change and man made activity has nothing to do with it? Damn that was the long way to make a point!
Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot.

The Marshall Islands are right on the "lip" of the tectonic formation known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. They are sinking, as are two others, because in 3 million years, they won't just be under the ocean.... they will be under the Earth's crust...


Oceans must be rising because that ONE ISLAND CHAIN right on the PROF is sinking....

so be the "logic" of the tippy toppiest "top climate scientists..."

Life in a disappearing country
man made activity has nothing to do with it?

CO2 is not the cause, and I just proved that. What is the cause is the movement of land tectonically.
You didn't prove anything with three short messageboard posts. You didn't even bring up any legitimate studies that analyze the effects of CO2. You gotta look at all sides of something before you draw conclusions. You only touched on a sliver of it. Dexter School is on par with Trump University
You didn't even bring up any legitimate studies that analyze the effects of CO2.

I just completely destroyed the concept that CO2 causes anything via

NA vs Greenland for the past million years.

To argue CO2 caused either is laughable. Algore's side would argue CO2 clustered over NA and completely fled Greenland. Sorry.

Greenland froze WHILE NA thawed, at the same time, with the same amount of CO3 in the atmosphere, proving CO2 had precisely NOTHING to do with either...
And the fact that the "warmers" are claiming the Marshall Islands are sinking via rising oceans is equally laughable. Hawaii is not sinking, neither are any continental coasts. The only things sinking are right on the lip of the PROF.

This is because THERE IS NO OCEAN RISE


You didn't even bring up any legitimate studies that analyze the effects of CO2.

I just completely destroyed the concept that CO2 causes anything via

NA vs Greenland for the past million years.

To argue CO2 caused either is laughable. Algore's side would argue CO2 clustered over NA and completely fled Greenland. Sorry.

Greenland froze WHILE NA thawed, at the same time, with the same amount of CO3 in the atmosphere, proving CO2 had precisely NOTHING to do with either...
This concept might blow your mind but maybe, just maybe there is naturally occurring climate change caused by things like platonic shifts AND perhaps the poison and pollution dumped into our atmosphere along with the stripping of earths natural resources has an effect as well... #MindBlown!!!
A parrot will parrot and parrot and insist he is right because he is the birdbrain doing the parroting.

What did CO2 have to do with NA vs. Greenland?

How did NA thaw while Greenland froze at the same time if CO2 in the atmosphere is the cause?
And the fact that the "warmers" are claiming the Marshall Islands are sinking via rising oceans is equally laughable. Hawaii is not sinking, neither are any continental coasts. The only things sinking are right on the lip of the PROF.

This is because THERE IS NO OCEAN RISE



The ocean floor is littered with past Hawaii islands

The ocean floor is littered with past Hawaii islands

A volcano pokes up under the ocean, starts spewing lava. The lava accumulates in the form of a mountain. If the mountain ends up taller than the depth of the ocean, an island appears. Islands do not sink. They are anchored to the floor of the ocean. If the floor starts going down via subduction, so do the islands attached to the floor.
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.


It is not the true left that wants this, it is the far left that wants it so they can redistribute the wealth on a world wide scale.

The far left has found a new way to tax the people since in Europe they are just about maxed on taxes there.

It was to get at "rich" nations like the US (which is not rich) and make them pay for the over bloated and failing social experiments!
The ocean floor is littered with past Hawaii islands

A volcano pokes up under the ocean, starts spewing lava. The lava accumulates in the form of a mountain. If the mountain ends up taller than the depth of the ocean, an island appears. Islands do not sink. They are anchored to the floor of the ocean. If the floor starts going down via subduction, so do the islands attached to the floor.

Hawaii islands and hotspot.jpg
A parrot will parrot and parrot and insist he is right because he is the birdbrain doing the parroting.

What did CO2 have to do with NA vs. Greenland?

How did NA thaw while Greenland froze at the same time if CO2 in the atmosphere is the cause?
I assume you accept the notion that there are conditions that our climate shifts to that cause cataclysmic events like an Ice Age. History has shown that this is a cyclical event. We in agreement? So the conversation about mans activities as I understand it isn't about introducing new conditions that will cause the cataclysmic events but rather speeding up the timeline and cycle for the next one to occur. There was a chart that Flash showed earlier in this thread that displayed a dramatic increase in the historical climate change cycles once the 19th century hit. Is it your sentiment that it is a coincidence?


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