Pollution, climate change, or control?

trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.


And we don't need to redistribute trillions of dollars to reduce pollution. The cap and trade plan does nothing to reduce carbon emissions and merely puts money into the hands of the top percent, like Goldman Sachs.

The left pretends that anyone questioning their shady motives are against the earth. Couldn't be farther from the truth. Their solutions should be the focus of debate here.
You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT.

The ozone hole is certainly a proven fact. It's also a proven fact that you're getting wildly hysterical about it being a proven fact.

Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT.

No, that's also a figment of your imagination. I've never heard any stories of deformed frogs, except from you.

Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.

Is there any conservative urban legend that you haven't fallen for? Apparently not. Your cult leaders like you, because you never think independently.
your suggesting obama as some sort of "truth era" ? heh.

No. I'm pointing out Obama and earlier is a "truth era". There's more than Obama prior to Trump.

the argument is complicated, not settled.

The details are complicated. The basics are settled. Just like gravity, for example. We don't understand every detail of gravity, but we know enough to launch rockets. You don't have to know every detail of a topic to act on it.
You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT.

The ozone hole is certainly a proven fact. It's also a proven fact that you're getting wildly hysterical about it being a proven fact.

Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT.

No, that's also a figment of your imagination. I've never heard any stories of deformed frogs, except from you.

Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.

Is there any conservative urban legend that you haven't fallen for? Apparently not. Your cult leaders like you, because you never think independently.

OMG that you are a stupid uninformed moron doesn't mean something is not a FACT. After liberal assholes destroyed our timber industry President Clinton gave our state and others money to retrain timber workers, I guess you are unaware of that FACT also. Refrain from voting you are too dumb to vote.
You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT.

The ozone hole is certainly a proven fact. It's also a proven fact that you're getting wildly hysterical about it being a proven fact.

Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT.

No, that's also a figment of your imagination. I've never heard any stories of deformed frogs, except from you.

Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.

Is there any conservative urban legend that you haven't fallen for? Apparently not. Your cult leaders like you, because you never think independently.

OMG that you are a stupid uninformed moron doesn't mean something is not a FACT. After liberal assholes destroyed our timber industry President Clinton gave our state and others money to retrain timber workers, I guess you are unaware of that FACT also. Refrain from voting you are too dumb to vote.
Oh this ot to be good... so how did liberals destroy the timber industry?
Climate change is just the latest in a LONG string of schemes the left has invented to attack their mortal enemy, corporations.

Before that it was a hole in the ozone layer, global cooling, deformed frogs, the spotted owl, the delta smelt, the list is endless.
haha, that talking point has been repeated almost verbatim in this thread a few times now. Yall crack me up!

We noticed you did not deny any of those prior schemes, I think we all know why.
Yes, because it is a waste of my time. You make claims based on partisan assumptions not facts so whats the point on arguing motives that you assign to your opponents. If you want to talk about something real then let me know otherwise don't waste my time with this BS.

You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT. Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT. Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.
Im breathing just fine... There may be a few wingnuts chained to trees doing what you speak of but who gives a shit about that... they don't represent the mass majority of environmentally conscious people.

Science isnt about democracy. The fabrication and skewing of temperatures is not science. Its fraud science and a black eye to real science.
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.


And we don't need to redistribute trillions of dollars to reduce pollution. The cap and trade plan does nothing to reduce carbon emissions and merely puts money into the hands of the top percent, like Goldman Sachs.

The left pretends that anyone questioning their shady motives are against the earth. Couldn't be farther from the truth. Their solutions should be the focus of debate here.
well said. you would think that alone (about goldman) would bring the libs on board.
your suggesting obama as some sort of "truth era" ? heh.

No. I'm pointing out Obama and earlier is a "truth era". There's more than Obama prior to Trump.

the argument is complicated, not settled.

The details are complicated. The basics are settled. Just like gravity, for example. We don't understand every detail of gravity, but we know enough to launch rockets. You don't have to know every detail of a topic to act on it.
aside from the truth thing, the details you do know should be correct. gravity and weather are different.
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".



Don;t bother. The Chuirch of Climatology is like the Church of Scientology. It is a cult. They have no tolerence for heretics and unbelievers.
You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT.

The ozone hole is certainly a proven fact. It's also a proven fact that you're getting wildly hysterical about it being a proven fact.

Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT.

No, that's also a figment of your imagination. I've never heard any stories of deformed frogs, except from you.

Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.

Is there any conservative urban legend that you haven't fallen for? Apparently not. Your cult leaders like you, because you never think independently.

OMG that you are a stupid uninformed moron doesn't mean something is not a FACT. After liberal assholes destroyed our timber industry President Clinton gave our state and others money to retrain timber workers, I guess you are unaware of that FACT also. Refrain from voting you are too dumb to vote.
Oh this ot to be good... so how did liberals destroy the timber industry?

You people really are ignorant, countless timber towns were destroyed by the Clintons and their environmentalist whack jobs.
Climate change is just the latest in a LONG string of schemes the left has invented to attack their mortal enemy, corporations.

Before that it was a hole in the ozone layer, global cooling, deformed frogs, the spotted owl, the delta smelt, the list is endless.
haha, that talking point has been repeated almost verbatim in this thread a few times now. Yall crack me up!

We noticed you did not deny any of those prior schemes, I think we all know why.
Yes, because it is a waste of my time. You make claims based on partisan assumptions not facts so whats the point on arguing motives that you assign to your opponents. If you want to talk about something real then let me know otherwise don't waste my time with this BS.

You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT. Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT. Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.

I agree with that, except it's not liberals, it's leftists.

Gagging on Gaia

Nature is a pretty sight only to those sitting pretty. For the unprivileged, it is a source of high-paying jobs and low-cost products.
This AGW scam has got to the point where it is a major Moon Bat religion.
haha, that talking point has been repeated almost verbatim in this thread a few times now. Yall crack me up!

We noticed you did not deny any of those prior schemes, I think we all know why.
Yes, because it is a waste of my time. You make claims based on partisan assumptions not facts so whats the point on arguing motives that you assign to your opponents. If you want to talk about something real then let me know otherwise don't waste my time with this BS.

You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT. Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT. Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.
Im breathing just fine... There may be a few wingnuts chained to trees doing what you speak of but who gives a shit about that... they don't represent the mass majority of environmentally conscious people.

Science isnt about democracy. The fabrication and skewing of temperatures is not science. Its fraud science and a black eye to real science.
I agree, anybody that has falsified scientific reports should be exposed and discredited. Any that publishes a report should be critiqued and challenged... That is the scientific method and how we improve our knowledge. But you can't find a few bad apples and say the whole bunch is ruined. There has been an overwhelming amount of studies and reports that support the threats that climate change brings. Some of the projections may have been off but analysis of causes and historical data has not.
We noticed you did not deny any of those prior schemes, I think we all know why.
Yes, because it is a waste of my time. You make claims based on partisan assumptions not facts so whats the point on arguing motives that you assign to your opponents. If you want to talk about something real then let me know otherwise don't waste my time with this BS.

You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT. Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT. Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.
Im breathing just fine... There may be a few wingnuts chained to trees doing what you speak of but who gives a shit about that... they don't represent the mass majority of environmentally conscious people.

Science isnt about democracy. The fabrication and skewing of temperatures is not science. Its fraud science and a black eye to real science.
I agree, anybody that has falsified scientific reports should be exposed and discredited. Any that publishes a report should be critiqued and challenged... That is the scientific method and how we improve our knowledge. But you can't find a few bad apples and say the whole bunch is ruined. There has been an overwhelming amount of studies and reports that support the threats that climate change brings. Some of the projections may have been off but analysis of causes and historical data has not.

I agree that there is significant climate change with increasing intensity of weather across the world. There is also an exponential increase in earthquakes since 2008. Add to that an increasing number of active volcanoes. I really do think we're looking in the wrong places though. I think the bigger culprit is due to the perturbations of the planets and tilt of our planet. This would seem to be due to gravitational effects with climate change being a symptom of these effects.
This has been happening for over millions of years. We are but a pinprick. To suggest otherwise is pure arrogance.

"Because I say so!" is not regarded as good science, except by your cult.

The data says you are totally wrong. To any rational person, that should end the discussion. Alas, in the Trump post-truth era, data is a liberal conspiracy, and it has to take a backseat to conservative feelings.

Not at all. The numbers have been skewed. Again, climate change is happening but the scientists are looking in the wrong places.
well said sir. global warming is an excuse so hyper liberals can act histrionic.
i hate to say it, but it was on it's way to being like scientology, which actually has more correct facts up to and including xenu. :)

climate deniers....imagine that....... that's how it starts.
but, luckily, like the march toward socialism, it's dead.
Trump won't allow hard earned tax money to be wasted on nefarious science.
Why do you think climate science is nefarious?
great question. it's tainted by and for a liberal agenda. it's a way to control people and on a world scale. it's about money too, and lot's of it. the science it's self has been cooked, embellished, in some cases invented. the idea of controlling the weather is preposterous, that we can somehow stop hurricanes and tornados by not burning coal is outrageous. the global community has hijacked people's good spirit toward environment, everyone wants a greener earth, not just liberals.

if you really dig into it, for instance CO2 or vapors as "greenhouse gases". their quantity and effect has been overblown.

it's a mantra that started out with shivering polar bears stranded on a piece of floating ice. over the years it progressed to climate deniers should be persecuted. the science was wrong when al gore invented this "crisis", and it's wrong today. there was never a consensus.

the underlying tone is inherently evil/insidious, because the premise is pinned to taking people's hard earned money and wasting it on chasing windmills.

all i'm saying is let's secure the borders, stop inner city genocide fix some bridges, before we obsess over the pie in the sky, and how we decide how many blue sky days we want. that technology is a wayoff.
Your theory might be more believable if it was a handful of scientists or agencies that were giving these "false reports" that you speak of, against opposing reports from the majority of the scientific community. However, it is the opposite of that. The majority of the scientific community and the majority of leading countries in the word all agree about the threat that our changing climate is causing. The so called climate deniers, all use the same talking points trying to point the discussion to a "governemnt control" thing.

In reality we should all be working towards a cleaner environment. Im a small government guy and don't want them all over my life, i've also been very frustrated by extreme environmental groups and the obstruction they bring to progress in our communities. But there can be a simple compromise by recognizing that climate issues are a threat to our society and working together on common sense policies to help take care of our land, water and air in a way that make sense. We have a democracy so there will always be arguments on both sides. But lets at least work on the problems and discuss the issue rather that going all in to completely discredit the other side. That is simply counter productive.

nice rant, but you are mixing two things.

Yes, everyone agrees that the climate is changing

No, not everyone agrees that man is causing it, or that man could stop, slow, or reverse it.
do you understand what a small number .039% is? less than half of 1%.

Nice, you can do math. What's that got to do with the well-established fact that even tiny traces of CO2 will absorb infrared radiation?

Put a drop of black ink in a glass of water. The ink concentration will be around the same concentration as CO2 in the atmosphere, yet that trace of ink will block all visible light. According to your "a trace can't have any effect" theory, that can't happen. But it does, so your theory is plainly total crap.

And now you are claiming that a tiny increase in that is changing the climate of the entire planet and that its all the result of burning fossil fuels?

We're not claiming it. We're pointing out that the directly measured data shows it's happening.

Do you understand that one volcanic eruption could cause a temporary increase much larger than that?

Do you understand that's a big ol' lie that you cult fed you? CO2 emitted by volcanoes is about 1% as much as the CO2 emitted by human activity.

AGW is bunk science. its a hoax. Most of the world is waking up to the fraud.

You've been lied to by your cult leaders. At this stage, you have a choice. You can take them to task and demand to know why they lied to you, or you can fall to your knees, lick their boots with even more fervor, and beg for more lies. We all know you'll choose the latter option.

water vapor is the ultimate infrared absorber. Should we ban water vapor?

man is not changing the climate of planet earth, he may be polluting the air and water, but that pollution is not changing the climate.

you don't need the pollution/climate link in order to fight against pollution.
That link has been falsely created to gain control over the actions of human beings and to tax and punish them for living on planet earth.
well said sir. global warming is an excuse so hyper liberals can act histrionic.
i hate to say it, but it was on it's way to being like scientology, which actually has more correct facts up to and including xenu. :)

climate deniers....imagine that....... that's how it starts.
but, luckily, like the march toward socialism, it's dead.
Trump won't allow hard earned tax money to be wasted on nefarious science.
Why do you think climate science is nefarious?
great question. it's tainted by and for a liberal agenda. it's a way to control people and on a world scale. it's about money too, and lot's of it. the science it's self has been cooked, embellished, in some cases invented. the idea of controlling the weather is preposterous, that we can somehow stop hurricanes and tornados by not burning coal is outrageous. the global community has hijacked people's good spirit toward environment, everyone wants a greener earth, not just liberals.

if you really dig into it, for instance CO2 or vapors as "greenhouse gases". their quantity and effect has been overblown.

it's a mantra that started out with shivering polar bears stranded on a piece of floating ice. over the years it progressed to climate deniers should be persecuted. the science was wrong when al gore invented this "crisis", and it's wrong today. there was never a consensus.

the underlying tone is inherently evil/insidious, because the premise is pinned to taking people's hard earned money and wasting it on chasing windmills.

all i'm saying is let's secure the borders, stop inner city genocide fix some bridges, before we obsess over the pie in the sky, and how we decide how many blue sky days we want. that technology is a wayoff.
Your theory might be more believable if it was a handful of scientists or agencies that were giving these "false reports" that you speak of, against opposing reports from the majority of the scientific community. However, it is the opposite of that. The majority of the scientific community and the majority of leading countries in the word all agree about the threat that our changing climate is causing. The so called climate deniers, all use the same talking points trying to point the discussion to a "governemnt control" thing.

In reality we should all be working towards a cleaner environment. Im a small government guy and don't want them all over my life, i've also been very frustrated by extreme environmental groups and the obstruction they bring to progress in our communities. But there can be a simple compromise by recognizing that climate issues are a threat to our society and working together on common sense policies to help take care of our land, water and air in a way that make sense. We have a democracy so there will always be arguments on both sides. But lets at least work on the problems and discuss the issue rather that going all in to completely discredit the other side. That is simply counter productive.

nice rant, but you are mixing two things.

Yes, everyone agrees that the climate is changing

No, not everyone agrees that man is causing it, or that man could stop, slow, or reverse it.
Yes, I was referring to that as well in my statement. I see a majority of studies supporting the effects of mans activity compared to those opposing it. The fact you can be so confident that man has no effect is comical and naive. I'm fine with you being skeptical, challenging it and calling for more details and studies, but a complete dismissal of the overwhelming science only reveals the political motives behind your argument.
We noticed you did not deny any of those prior schemes, I think we all know why.
Yes, because it is a waste of my time. You make claims based on partisan assumptions not facts so whats the point on arguing motives that you assign to your opponents. If you want to talk about something real then let me know otherwise don't waste my time with this BS.

You are a liar. The liberal hole in the ozone layer hysteria is FACT. Liberals hyperventilating about deformed frogs is FACT. Liberals using the spotted owl to destroy the timber industry and liberals pounding iron spikes into trees injuring timber workers is FACT. Go lick your wounds liberal liar.
Im breathing just fine... There may be a few wingnuts chained to trees doing what you speak of but who gives a shit about that... they don't represent the mass majority of environmentally conscious people.

Science isnt about democracy. The fabrication and skewing of temperatures is not science. Its fraud science and a black eye to real science.
I agree, anybody that has falsified scientific reports should be exposed and discredited. Any that publishes a report should be critiqued and challenged... That is the scientific method and how we improve our knowledge. But you can't find a few bad apples and say the whole bunch is ruined. There has been an overwhelming amount of studies and reports that support the threats that climate change brings. Some of the projections may have been off but analysis of causes and historical data has not.

OK, lets assume that you and the "scientists" like algore are correct. What exactly and specifically do you want humanity to do about it?

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