Pollution, climate change, or control?

Semi related mental blob (I am no expert on global climate modeling, though I dare say I might have more of a handle than some whom are posting in this thread heh) That said, and to sort out a question that seems to be brought up, I would submit the following.

Ice will accumulate first around a body (like say a land mass, though I use stones) I occasionally get bored and make ice art in the driveway (which has a most unfortunate downward slope that collects water /right/ at my front porch) By laying down a stone in the center of the puddle I can create an ice island (an Antarctica if you would) if I do not leave in a stone however, the puddle does the 'natural' thing, which is to freeze inward from shallow to deep based on the temperature of the water. The water temp is inherent upon the air temp, but it is not the deciding factor, the deciding factor is water temp. In the case of the globe we are talking about moving water which requires a much lower temp to even freeze, if it can at all because ice is a beautiful insulator (water in itself is.) To example this phenom, Anchorage's port is a boon because it is deep enough and has a enough outflow from rivers to continue movement thus prevent freezing; we get pan ice, easily broken pan ice, from oct/nov through mar/may and thus our port is able to run year round and has /never/ frozen over to the point of inaccessibility - (Thank God for the state, for sure the city, would likely die.) So too is Russia's Northern Sea Route been a boon for cost (and even pollution) savings on cargo transportation. (The Ruskies have been using the NP for a good while, they've baled out a number of our cities who's ports froze up before their winter supplies were able to get in - Ruskies send their breakers, excellent machines, in to clear the way for the cargo boats. Much appreciated.)

Anyway, so as to answer why ice is thicker on the south pole, I would postulate, with the information I have, that the Antarctic's ice sheet is fed not only by the land - the proverbial still seed upon which ice crystals more easily form - but also the convectionesk processes of the gale winds that roll down there (much like an oven but in reverse. Factors of physical movement from wind, as well as wind chill, which let me tell you can be quite significant to air temp, which then effects the water temp - in fact, Alaskan's get secondary winter temps called "Wind Chill" temps because it can be down right dangerous at times.) The Arctic (NPole) is more sheltered, being water surrounded by land (a literal polar reverse of the SPole - yuk yuk yuk) Thus the ice in the N is far easier broken up, and thus more easily thawed - not having as much "pile" of snow to insulate it to a stable freezing temp. (Water works as insulation in both directions; we can use water to dissipate heat from computer components, and also we can use water/ice to maintain a frozen temp - see perma frost as a more easily investigated example of insulating to frozen state [though that does have some to do with soil/mud/rock so it is imperfect, the "perfect" example would be the N&S Poles which is a bit circular yea?] One might also explore Europa or Pluto and their liquid water/methane[?] oceans as well.)

As to the whole argument, I cannot say I am sold upon the idea of global warming being man made (especially when we consider the pointed fact noted in post 200, that these CO2 levels were reached 15m years ago, there were no fossil fuels burning then ya know) - however, most scientists do note that we're due an ice age, at which point I argue to myself that perhaps we should actually welcome these higher temperatures to stave that shit off, because you think a rise in sea levels will be devastating? No, try an ice age... Besides, my knees are going bad and I cannot say I would mind warmer temps over take my home - viva la global warming!
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we're due an ice age

Still lost....

Let's try again. Greenland is totally green, its plate moving NW. Winters get longer and colder, summers get shorter. Finally, it reaches a point where the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt during summer. Then it starts to STACK. THAT is the start of an ICE AGE, which is CONTINENT SPECIFIC, and NA vs. Greenland proves it.

Greenland is a baby ice age, under a million years old. Antarctica is a 40-60 million year old ice age. That is why its glaciers are thicker. Over time, unless Greenland moves away from the North Pole, its glaciers will climb to 2 miles high and higher.

ICE AGES end when the plate of the continent moves more than 600 miles from the pole.
which is having precisely ZERO effect on temperatures....

Many scientist disagree with that.

only the ones getting paid to hold that opinion.

There you go Dex, there is an opinion, and a bias one at that!

the falsifying of data by those receiving grants to "prove AGW" has been well established many times.

A well warn lie you mean. I mean well worn alternative facts.

Do not buy the House Science Committee’s claim that scientists faked data until you read this

"On Sunday February 5th, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology published a press release alleging, based on questionable evidence, that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) “manipulated climate records.”

The source of their evidence, according to Committee spokesperson Thea McDonalds, was a Daily Mail article. The Daily Mail is a British tabloid most famous for outlandish headlines such as "Is the Bum the New Side Boob” and "ISIS Chief executioner winning hearts with his rugged looks.” This is not the first time that the House Science Committee has used spurious evidence to dispute the existence of human-driven climate change.

The piece, which quotes John Bates—a scientist who NOAA once employed—challenges the data used in the famous 2015 Karl study. The study, named after Thomas R. Karl—the director of the NOAA’s Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and the paper's lead author—was published in Science and debunked the notion of a climate “hiatus” or “cooling.”

If Boo can parrot it, it must be true....

"Hide the decline" is "sound science" if Boo can parrot it from a certified left wing "news" source...

we're due an ice age

Still lost....

Let's try again. Greenland is totally green, its plate moving NW. Winters get longer and colder, summers get shorter. Finally, it reaches a point where the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt during summer. Then it starts to STACK. THAT is the start of an ICE AGE, which is CONTINENT SPECIFIC, and NA vs. Greenland proves it.

Greenland is a baby ice age, under a million years old. Antarctica is a 40-60 million year old ice age. That is why its glaciers are thicker. Over time, unless Greenland moves away from the North Pole, its glaciers will climb to 2 miles high and higher.

ICE AGES end when the plate of the continent moves more than 600 miles from the pole.

While I do acknowledge that ice pack relates to land mass and its location (a la air temperature.) The natural cycle of the sun as well as the wobble of the earth are items that will /always/ incur both ice ages and warming periods. This is a given fact which has shit zero to do with human interference or influence. We are due another ice age, just as much as we are due a magnetic pole flip - and in fact I might even postulate that mag flips are in part due to the pack ice levels, or vice versa pack ice thickness being due to magnetic disturbance - and perhaps may too answer your question - why is the sea ice thicker in Antartica, (or even why does Greenland not freeze while NA does? - Look into magnetic pole effects due to differing mineral deposits, soil density/make-up, landmass thickness; all are areas you might wish to explore to answer your question.)

~ Magnetic and electric effects on water & The effects of magnetic fields on water molecular hydrogen bonds & Effects of a static magnetic field on water and electrolyte solutions (and more paid papers)

Liquid water is affected by magnetic fields [1522, 1597] and such fields can assist its purification [1651]. Water is diamagnetic and may be levitated in very high magnetic fields (10 T, compare Earth's magnetic field 50 μT) [170]. Lower, but still powerful, magnetic fields (0.2 T) have been shown, in simulations, to increase the number of monomer water molecules [192] but, rather surprisingly, they increase the tetrahedrality at the same time. Other studies show an increase in cluster size in liquid water is caused by a magnetic field [1597]. In contrast, the friction coefficient of water in thin films has been shown to reduce in a magnetic field (0.16-0.53 T), indicating a possible reduction in hydrogen bond strength [2012]. Salt mobility is enhanced in strong magnetic fields (1-10 T) causing some disruption to the hydrogen bonding [1431]. However this only causes a net reduction in hydrogen bonding at high salt concentrations (for example 5 M NaCl), whereas at lower concentrations (1 M NaCl) the increase in water hydrogen bonding in the presence of such high magnetic fields more than compensates for this effect [1431]. They may also assist clathrate formation [485]. The increase in refractive index with magnetic field has been attributed to increased hydrogen bond strength [647]. Weak magnetic fields (15 mT) have also been shown to increase the evaporation rate [1278]. These effects are consistent with the magnetic fields weakening the van der Waals bonding between the water molecules a and the water molecules being more tightly bound, due to the magnetic field reducing the thermal motion of the inherent charges by generating dampening forces [703]. Due to the fine balance between the conflicting hydrogen bonding and non-bonded interactions in water clusters, any such weakening of the van der Waals attraction leads to a further strengthening of the hydrogen bonding and greater cyclic hydrogen bonded clustering. This effect of the magnetic field on the hydrogen bonding has been further supported by the increased ease of supercooling (5 mT lowering about 1 °C, [1908]), the rise in the melting point of H2O (5.6 mK at 6 T) and D2O (21.8 mK at 6 T) [703] and the 3 °C lowering of the sol-gel transition (at 0.3 T) in methylcellulose [1203], both indicating a weakening of the van der Waals bonding of the water molecules within a magnetic field. Far greater effects on contact angle and Raman bands have been shown to occur using strong magnetic fields (6 T) when the water contains dissolved oxygen (but not without the paramagnetic oxygen), indicating effects due to greater clathrate-type water formation [970].

The magnetic susceptibility of water increases from negative towards positive with magnetic frequency and is reported to be positive (i.e. it is slightly paramagnetic) in the range of 0.4-1 MHz [1761] for ambient water.

Static magnetic effects have been shown to cause strengthened hydrogen bonding [1693] and an increase in the ordered structure of water formed around hydrophobic molecules and colloids [106], as shown by the increase in fluorescence of dissolved probes [108]. Also, magnetic fields affect the infrared spectrum of water (showing its effect on water clustering) and these effects remain for considerable time after the magnetic field is removed [1697]. Surprisingly, even very small magnetic fields may affect the solubility of gases in seawater (solubility increasing with magnetic field (20-50 µT) [1492], probably by their effect on the clathrate stability. This reinforces the view that it is the movement through a magnetic field, and it associated electromagnetic effect, that is important for disrupting the hydrogen bonding. Such fields can also increase the evaporation rate of water and the dissolution rate of oxygen (due to its paramagnetic nature) but cannot, despite claims by certain expensive water preparations, increase the equilibrium amount of oxygen dissolved in water above its established, and rather low, equilibrium concentration [176]. Magnetic fields can also increase proton spin relaxation [623], which may speed up some reactions dependent on proton transfer. Treatment of water with magnetic fields of about one Tesla increases the strength of mortar due to its greater hydration [426]. Treatment with constant transverse magnetic or electric fields is reported to gives rise to a disinfection effect [2069].
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BS. the entire religion of AGW is based on man causing climate change. How exactly is man causing the cycles to increase in frequency?

I believe the effects are seen in the amplitude of the cycles, during the peaks and valleys, not necessarily the frequency. By burning fossil fuels we are increasing the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It is virtually the same today as it was a million years ago. CO2 is not a pollutant.

in 1850 it was .028%. And ....

"The last time the concentration of CO2 was as high as 400 ppm was probably in the Pliocene Epoch, between 2.6 and 5.3 million years ago. Until the 20th century, it certainly hadn't exceeded 300 ppm, let alone 400 ppm, for at least 800,000 years."

Climate Milestone: Earth's CO2 Level Nears 400 ppm

And dinosaurs were huge..so what's your point?


FishyFish is repeating false fact. I mean alternative facts.

Last time carbon dioxide levels were this high: 15 million years ago, scientists report

"You would have to go back at least 15 million years to find carbon dioxide levels on Earth as high as they are today, a UCLA scientist and colleagues report Oct. 8 in the online edition of the journal Science."

And that was in 2009. CO2 level now is over .041% or 410 ppm

Show CO2

could you please tell us how acts of humans caused the CO2 rise 15 million years ago. I am very anxious to hear this.

now .039% to .041%. are you serious? that is within the margin of measurement error. Do you understand how much air surrounds the earth? how many cubic miles of air? and you think that we can measure .02% change in CO2? If you do, I have some beautiful ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.
Many scientist disagree with that.

only the ones getting paid to hold that opinion.

There you go Dex, there is an opinion, and a bias one at that!

the falsifying of data by those receiving grants to "prove AGW" has been well established many times.

A well warn lie you mean. I mean well worn alternative facts.

Do not buy the House Science Committee’s claim that scientists faked data until you read this

"On Sunday February 5th, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology published a press release alleging, based on questionable evidence, that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) “manipulated climate records.”

The source of their evidence, according to Committee spokesperson Thea McDonalds, was a Daily Mail article. The Daily Mail is a British tabloid most famous for outlandish headlines such as "Is the Bum the New Side Boob” and "ISIS Chief executioner winning hearts with his rugged looks.” This is not the first time that the House Science Committee has used spurious evidence to dispute the existence of human-driven climate change.

The piece, which quotes John Bates—a scientist who NOAA once employed—challenges the data used in the famous 2015 Karl study. The study, named after Thomas R. Karl—the director of the NOAA’s Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and the paper's lead author—was published in Science and debunked the notion of a climate “hiatus” or “cooling.”

If Boo can parrot it, it must be true....

"Hide the decline" is "sound science" if Boo can parrot it from a certified left wing "news" source...

View attachment 125504

parroting lies is what libs do best, in fact, its the only thing they do well.
Many scientist disagree with that.

only the ones getting paid to hold that opinion.

There you go Dex, there is an opinion, and a bias one at that!

the falsifying of data by those receiving grants to "prove AGW" has been well established many times.

A well warn lie you mean. I mean well worn alternative facts.

Do not buy the House Science Committee’s claim that scientists faked data until you read this

"On Sunday February 5th, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology published a press release alleging, based on questionable evidence, that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) “manipulated climate records.”

The source of their evidence, according to Committee spokesperson Thea McDonalds, was a Daily Mail article. The Daily Mail is a British tabloid most famous for outlandish headlines such as "Is the Bum the New Side Boob” and "ISIS Chief executioner winning hearts with his rugged looks.” This is not the first time that the House Science Committee has used spurious evidence to dispute the existence of human-driven climate change.

The piece, which quotes John Bates—a scientist who NOAA once employed—challenges the data used in the famous 2015 Karl study. The study, named after Thomas R. Karl—the director of the NOAA’s Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and the paper's lead author—was published in Science and debunked the notion of a climate “hiatus” or “cooling.”

If Boo can parrot it, it must be true....

"Hide the decline" is "sound science" if Boo can parrot it from a certified left wing "news" source...

View attachment 125504

Because the Daily Mail is such an astute tabloid that everyone should believe.

It is another one of your conspiracy theories that you hold onto that has been debunked many times over.
The natural cycle of the sun

is completely unproven, a fraud "skeptic" theory put out by the FRAUD so "skeptic" idiots would parrot it,. The "solar cycle" is complete bull.

the wobble of the earth are items that will /always/ incur both ice ages and warming periods.

You are pathetic. And you still cling to the wrong definition of ice age.

Try to explain this before babbling more bs.

During the past million years, NA thawed while Greenland froze.

Was that an ice age or a warming period????
I believe the effects are seen in the amplitude of the cycles, during the peaks and valleys, not necessarily the frequency. By burning fossil fuels we are increasing the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. It is virtually the same today as it was a million years ago. CO2 is not a pollutant.

in 1850 it was .028%. And ....

"The last time the concentration of CO2 was as high as 400 ppm was probably in the Pliocene Epoch, between 2.6 and 5.3 million years ago. Until the 20th century, it certainly hadn't exceeded 300 ppm, let alone 400 ppm, for at least 800,000 years."

Climate Milestone: Earth's CO2 Level Nears 400 ppm

And dinosaurs were huge..so what's your point?


FishyFish is repeating false fact. I mean alternative facts.

Last time carbon dioxide levels were this high: 15 million years ago, scientists report

"You would have to go back at least 15 million years to find carbon dioxide levels on Earth as high as they are today, a UCLA scientist and colleagues report Oct. 8 in the online edition of the journal Science."

And that was in 2009. CO2 level now is over .041% or 410 ppm

Show CO2

could you please tell us how acts of humans caused the CO2 rise 15 million years ago. I am very anxious to hear this.

now .039% to .041%. are you serious? that is within the margin of measurement error. Do you understand how much air surrounds the earth? how many cubic miles of air? and you think that we can measure .02% change in CO2? If you do, I have some beautiful ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.

Wow what a brilliant question. I'l have to contemplate that for a while.

That was the value on the 6th of April. today it is 409.xx

Daily CO2
Because the Daily Mail is such an astute tabloid that everyone should believe.

Every PARROT is certain all humans are PARROTS because nobody thinks... or something like that.

What caused NA to thaw while Greenland froze during the past million years?

Boo scrambles the web searching for an answer to PARROT....
Because the Daily Mail is such an astute tabloid that everyone should believe.

Every PARROT is certain all humans are PARROTS because nobody thinks... or something like that.

What caused NA to thaw while Greenland froze during the past million years?

Boo scrambles the web searching for an answer to PARROT....

Why are there still glaciers in NA? How come NA still has Permafrost?

c. 95,000 and c. 20,000 years before the present day

Estimated to be 2 miles thick in Quebec
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.


Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, thousands of scientists have shown that increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere has been causing global warming. This is not a liberal crusade, this is a scientific fact. That knowledge predates current politics.

It has been proven at least as much as cigarettes increase the risk on cancer, or air pollution in general causing health problems.

Besides, simple common sense is that if you increase the amount of CO2 in a volume of air the rate of heat dissipation will change. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

What is new is that because global warming is approaching critical level in the not too distant future, a liberal - Al Gore - went on a campaign to raise awareness. Because Al Gore is a liberal, mindlessly partisan wingnuts started a campaign of global warming denial - for no other reason than they perceived the Global Warming' issue as being a 'Liberal' issue.

So, out of the tens of thousands of research reports that have been issued by thousands of scientists over the past century and a half, the wingnuts found a few discrepancies and exaggerations. They have based a campaign of denial on partisanship and ignorance. They have not just been in denial of man-made global warming, but of science and reason as well.

A tiny number of industrialist have benefited from this. They are running massive CO2 generating power plants. These power plants are incredibly inefficient and cost their companies millions of dollars more than energy efficient power plants over the course of a decade. But, true to their short-sighted self serving interests, they refuse to bit the bullet and install energy efficient systems. Those systems would cost in the low millions in the short haul, but would save many more millions in the long run. If they were in any way competent, they would change these systems over just for the long term savings.

The narrative that Liberals are promoting Global warming because liberals are a bunch of control freaks is laughable - it's plain idiotic. Liberals have faith in science and reason. We believe that those people who are qualified should be the ones to judge whether global warming is man made - not a bunch of political trolls.

I worked at a research center for a global chemical company years ago. ALL the research scientists that worked there - who had vested interests in the profitability of the company - had no doubt whatsoever that global warming was man made. Yet out power plant dated from 1926. It was inefficient as hell. Yet the company administration - a bunch of MBAs with no scientific knowledge whatsoever - refused to replace it. All they could care about was short term profitability.

The funny thing is that all it would take is for industry to install power plants that had the same energy efficiency as our home 'Energy Star' rated systems.

When you consider what is at risk, is that so much to ask?
thousands of scientists have shown that increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere has been causing global warming.

They aren't scientists, they are fudgebaking liars, and this is just part of what they fudged...

We measure Earth's atmospheric temperature two ways - satellites and weather balloons. Both showed no warming in highly correlated fashion in 2005, which was a big problem for Algore's FRAUd....

Key Argument for Global Warming Critics Evaporates

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data."


With tens of billions of US taxdollars at stake, the "scientists" fudged BOTH series with UNCORRELATED "corrections."

The reasons?


Satellites had :eek:rbit wobble" and the thermometers on the balloons were just "wrong."


There is nothing scientific about fudging data. There is NO WARMING in the atmosphere according to THE TWO AND ONLY TWO MEASURES....
So what about the millions of people that support environmental causes.

You can try to explain how funding liars to fudge data and misdiagnose real problems is "support" of the environment.

In truth, the Global Warming fraud is the greatest crime ever against the actual environment, taking hundred of billions of dollars and doing nothing but making those dollars vanish. For California, each incremental human consumes 20-25 gallons of freshwater per day from finite rivers, streams, aquifers, and lakes. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why California fires are worse now with no rise in temperature. The solution is DESALINATION of ocean water, leaving nature's water in nature so plants etc. do not dry out and burn. The reason we aren't actually helping the CA environment with desal is because the "warmers" are lying about the cause and sucking up all the money.

That is what you "environmental" sub humans really support.
Funny that you actually believe all that garbage. Come back to reality man
When confronted with truth that outs left wing FRAUD as FRAUD, the left wing sub human parrot will simply resort to insults and changing the subject...

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