Pompeo verbally assaulted an NPR reporter.

She's a good journalist who does her research.

Again...this is reminiscent of the "scorched earth" tactic towards Maria Yankovitch, a career diplomat, serving under multiple Republican and Democrat administrations.

These people make me SICK the degree to which they will defend the indefensible and vilify good people to prop up their leader. It's so wrong :(
So, what about the scorched earth tactic being employed against Trump?

First off - he's a president.

Yankovitch and this journalists are just peons. Good career civil servants in one case, and a good journalist on the other. Neither did anything wrong but you cultists will attack them on behalf of your master.

It's unreal. But sadly its real.

We all attack our politicians. It's the American thing. Y'all employed a scorched earth policy against Obama (wait...did you complain about that? don't think so) BUT they ran for public office, won and when you do you take your public lumps. They ALL do. Only Trump is a snowflake. That's not the same as the treatment of Yankovich or this journalist.

I'm sick and tired of your pathetic excuses for bad behavior.
My problem with Obama is and always has been his policies. I argued against these policies. Just as I argue against Trump's policies. There was no scorched earth against Obama. However, since Nov. 2016, the DNC loyalist media has been all out in removing this president. Not on policy but because he wasn't supposed to embarrass them by winning the election.

This journalist could have stayed under the wire but chose to whine about a politician pushing back against her rudeness.

I have already said to you before. I don't think you people even know what journalism is anymore.

Oh I disagree - there clearly was a scorched earth policy against Obama and it started the day a group of Republicans met during his inauguration and decided they were going to "make him a one term president" and oppose every bit of legislation he attempted. And they did, even when it was things they had formerly supported. It continued after he left two terms, with the deliberate dismantling of everything with Obama attached to it - regardless of whether it was good or bad, and even if they had nothing to replace it with. THAT is certainly scorched earth.
Every President -- EVERY ONE OF THEM -- has opposition that says they are dedicated to making them a one-term President. It has been happening for over 100 years.

No one has had to endure the total and relentless one-sided onslaught that Trump has. I don't even like Trump and even I can see it.

Wake up. Our media no longer speaks to expose corruption in government. They speak to promote the Progressive agenda.

This is pure Trumpian bullshit! Lots of Presidents have endured far worse. By this time in his first term, they'd SHOT John F. Kennedy. Kennedy was LOATHED by Republicans because he was pushing the Civil Rights Act, MediCare, and help for the poor. Because he asked the best and the brightest not to take what American had given to them and profit from it, but rather use its gifts of education and privilege to help those who had much, much less.

Trump declared war on the media on Day 1 of his Administration, by boldly pushing the lie of the size of his Inauguration Crowd. He did that so he could claim that everyone is against him in the MSM. Because Trump gets up looking for a public dragon to slay. To do something to make himself look tough, or smart, and always sticking it to someone else. It's a public manipulation. Now he claims to be its victim.

When you lie incessantly, you're going to run afoul of the truth tellers. Every. Single. Time.

Trump hates the truth tellers. How can he sell the people that he's the greatest show on earth, when the mainstream media keeps pointing out that the Emperor has no clothes? Trump therefore has attacked everyone whose job it is to tell the truth. - The mainstream media, Democratic Members of Congress and the Senate, the FBI, the CIA, the Judiciary, and everyone in the Justice Department except William Barr.
Last edited:
So, what about the scorched earth tactic being employed against Trump?

First off - he's a president.

Yankovitch and this journalists are just peons. Good career civil servants in one case, and a good journalist on the other. Neither did anything wrong but you cultists will attack them on behalf of your master.

It's unreal. But sadly its real.

We all attack our politicians. It's the American thing. Y'all employed a scorched earth policy against Obama (wait...did you complain about that? don't think so) BUT they ran for public office, won and when you do you take your public lumps. They ALL do. Only Trump is a snowflake. That's not the same as the treatment of Yankovich or this journalist.

I'm sick and tired of your pathetic excuses for bad behavior.
My problem with Obama is and always has been his policies. I argued against these policies. Just as I argue against Trump's policies. There was no scorched earth against Obama. However, since Nov. 2016, the DNC loyalist media has been all out in removing this president. Not on policy but because he wasn't supposed to embarrass them by winning the election.

This journalist could have stayed under the wire but chose to whine about a politician pushing back against her rudeness.

I have already said to you before. I don't think you people even know what journalism is anymore.

Oh I disagree - there clearly was a scorched earth policy against Obama and it started the day a group of Republicans met during his inauguration and decided they were going to "make him a one term president" and oppose every bit of legislation he attempted. And they did, even when it was things they had formerly supported. It continued after he left two terms, with the deliberate dismantling of everything with Obama attached to it - regardless of whether it was good or bad, and even if they had nothing to replace it with. THAT is certainly scorched earth.
Every President -- EVERY ONE OF THEM -- has opposition that says they are dedicated to making them a one-term President. It has been happening for over 100 years.

No one has had to endure the total and relentless one-sided onslaught that Trump has. I don't even like Trump and even I can see it.

Wake up. Our media no longer speaks to expose corruption in government. They speak to promote the Progressive agenda.

This is pure Trumpian bullshit! Lots of Presidents have endured far worse. By this time in his first term, they'd SHOT John F. Kennedy. Kennedy was LOATHED by Republicans because he was pushing the Civil Rights Act, MediCare, and help for the poor. Because he asked the best and the brightest not to take what American had given to them and profit from it, but rather use its gifts of education and privilege to help those who had much, much less.

Trump declared war on the media on Day 1 of his Administration, by boldly pushing the lie of the size of his Inauguration Crowd. He did that so he could claim that everyone is against him in the MSM. Because Trump gets up looking for a public dragon to slay. To do something to make himself look tough, or smart, and always sticking it to someone else. It's a public manipulation. Now he claims to be its victim.

When you lie incessantly, you're going to run afoul of the truth tellers. Every. Single. Time.

Trump hates the truth tellers. How can he sell the people that he's the greatest show on earth, when the mainstream media keeps pointing out that the Emperor has no clothes? Trump therefore has attacked everyone whose job it is to tell the truth. - The mainstream media, Democratic Members of Congress and the Senate, the FBI, the CIA, the Judiciary, and everyone in the Justice Department except William Barr.

Kennedy was LOATHED by Republicans

He was killed by a communist.
The same liberal NPR reporter that blindsided pompao?

How can Pompeo be "blindsided" by questions about the impeachment and his role in it? It's not like this isn't the biggest story in American media today.

I get that Pompeo doesn't want to talk about this stuff. His part in a highly illegal campaign, and its coverup, is problemactic for a guy who is said to have higher ambitions than Secretary of State, but you break it, you own it.

Pompeo is now between a rock and a hard place: He either continues to deflect, stonewall and lie, or he tells the truth and gets fired by Trump, and ostracized from the inner circle. Either way, his chances of further rising in the civil service are slim and none.
You are living in dreamland

pompeo is the sec of state who has important business to attend to

but for fire-breathing trump haters the only topic worthy of discussion is a telephone call with the ukraine
Yeah, important stuff like lying to the media.
Lying to liars dont count

Lying to the American people, counts. And the media is constitutionally mandated to keep the public informed about the President’s activities.

I get that Trumpkins HATE that the media keeps calling out Trump’s self-serving, and highly illegal behaviours, but his illegal self-serving behaviours is why he was unfit for office in the first place.
Pompao did not lie to the lib reporter

he just told her to pound sand
:206::206::206: Pompeo said something mean and hurt my feelings :206::206::206: I'm a snowflake :206::206::206: I'm running home and hiding under my bed covers. GOD I'm growing tired of the left's faux victim theater.

The reporter ambushes Pompeo on camera then fakes hurt feelings when he lays into her after the interview. How is this different than Obama's "profanity laced tirade" when he tore into the White House press corps???

There was no ambush. The topics were cleared with Pompeo's staff (with email chain to support it). Can you stop lying?

Try to calm down.

The Dems and their corrupt lawless party will be utterly destroyed. :eusa_hand:

The republicans are the lawless party and I see 2018 coming again and more. If republicans don't allows witnesses in this senate trial, they are gone.

And trump will not be reelected.
Take the blinders off and you will see so much more, IM2.
The last thing that the dems want to see in the trial is a Hunter Biden or the whistleblower as witnesses.
Nadler even said if it came to that he would vote for no witnesses. What the hell are the democrats hiding?
Of course, you really don't want to know that either.

The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers from the intelligence agencies not to mention put lives at risk. Just isn't a good step to take when all he reported has been indecently verified and those people can take and have taken the witness stand. Except for a handful that were refused.

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues and possibly harassment. IF there evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens, by all means conduct an investigation - it needs it's own investigation. No one would argue against it if the evidence warrants it.
How can Pompeo be "blindsided" by questions about the impeachment and his role in it? It's not like this isn't the biggest story in American media today.

I get that Pompeo doesn't want to talk about this stuff. His part in a highly illegal campaign, and its coverup, is problemactic for a guy who is said to have higher ambitions than Secretary of State, but you break it, you own it.

Pompeo is now between a rock and a hard place: He either continues to deflect, stonewall and lie, or he tells the truth and gets fired by Trump, and ostracized from the inner circle. Either way, his chances of further rising in the civil service are slim and none.
You are living in dreamland

pompeo is the sec of state who has important business to attend to

but for fire-breathing trump haters the only topic worthy of discussion is a telephone call with the ukraine
Yeah, important stuff like lying to the media.
Lying to liars dont count

Lying to the American people, counts. And the media is constitutionally mandated to keep the public informed about the President’s activities.

I get that Trumpkins HATE that the media keeps calling out Trump’s self-serving, and highly illegal behaviours, but his illegal self-serving behaviours is why he was unfit for office in the first place.
Pompao did not lie to the lib reporter

he just told her to pound sand
He did lie. He said he supported yavanovich.

He didn't .
How can Pompeo be "blindsided" by questions about the impeachment and his role in it? It's not like this isn't the biggest story in American media today.

I get that Pompeo doesn't want to talk about this stuff. His part in a highly illegal campaign, and its coverup, is problemactic for a guy who is said to have higher ambitions than Secretary of State, but you break it, you own it.

Pompeo is now between a rock and a hard place: He either continues to deflect, stonewall and lie, or he tells the truth and gets fired by Trump, and ostracized from the inner circle. Either way, his chances of further rising in the civil service are slim and none.
You are living in dreamland

pompeo is the sec of state who has important business to attend to

but for fire-breathing trump haters the only topic worthy of discussion is a telephone call with the ukraine
Yeah, important stuff like lying to the media.
Lying to liars dont count

Lying to the American people, counts. And the media is constitutionally mandated to keep the public informed about the President’s activities.

I get that Trumpkins HATE that the media keeps calling out Trump’s self-serving, and highly illegal behaviours, but his illegal self-serving behaviours is why he was unfit for office in the first place.
Pompao did not lie to the lib reporter

he just told her to pound sand

He clearly lied.
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

She sandbagged him, lied to get him on her show. She lied that she was going to discuss Iran then jumped him over Marie Yovanovitch

No she did not. She cleared the topics with his staff - Iran and Ukraine, well ahead of the interview. That is typical best practices when interviewing high ranking officials. Can't you guys just stop lying for a change? Just once?
You are living in dreamland

pompeo is the sec of state who has important business to attend to

but for fire-breathing trump haters the only topic worthy of discussion is a telephone call with the ukraine
Yeah, important stuff like lying to the media.
Lying to liars dont count

Lying to the American people, counts. And the media is constitutionally mandated to keep the public informed about the President’s activities.

I get that Trumpkins HATE that the media keeps calling out Trump’s self-serving, and highly illegal behaviours, but his illegal self-serving behaviours is why he was unfit for office in the first place.
Pompao did not lie to the lib reporter

he just told her to pound sand
He did lie. He said he supported yavanovich.

He didn't .

Surely if he did there would be a record...somewhere....
:206::206::206: Pompeo said something mean and hurt my feelings :206::206::206: I'm a snowflake :206::206::206: I'm running home and hiding under my bed covers. GOD I'm growing tired of the left's faux victim theater.

The reporter ambushes Pompeo on camera then fakes hurt feelings when he lays into her after the interview. How is this different than Obama's "profanity laced tirade" when he tore into the White House press corps???

There was no ambush. The topics were cleared with Pompeo's staff (with email chain to support it). Can you stop lying?

Try to calm down.

The Dems and their corrupt lawless party will be utterly destroyed. :eusa_hand:

The republicans are the lawless party and I see 2018 coming again and more. If republicans don't allows witnesses in this senate trial, they are gone.

And trump will not be reelected.
Take the blinders off and you will see so much more, IM2.
The last thing that the dems want to see in the trial is a Hunter Biden or the whistleblower as witnesses.
Nadler even said if it came to that he would vote for no witnesses. What the hell are the democrats hiding?
Of course, you really don't want to know that either.

The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers from the intelligence agencies not to mention put lives at risk. Just isn't a good step to take when all he reported has been indecently verified and those people can take and have taken the witness stand. Except for a handful that were refused.

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues and possibly harassment. IF there evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens, by all means conduct an investigation - it needs it's own investigation. No one would argue against it if the evidence warrants it.
The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws

Prove it. Post the law.

and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers

What will absolute anonymity do for false charges against political figures?

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues

The issue was Trump's phone call. The Bidens weren't the issue of the call?
:206::206::206: Pompeo said something mean and hurt my feelings :206::206::206: I'm a snowflake :206::206::206: I'm running home and hiding under my bed covers. GOD I'm growing tired of the left's faux victim theater.

The reporter ambushes Pompeo on camera then fakes hurt feelings when he lays into her after the interview. How is this different than Obama's "profanity laced tirade" when he tore into the White House press corps???

There was no ambush. The topics were cleared with Pompeo's staff (with email chain to support it). Can you stop lying?

Try to calm down.

The Dems and their corrupt lawless party will be utterly destroyed. :eusa_hand:

The republicans are the lawless party and I see 2018 coming again and more. If republicans don't allows witnesses in this senate trial, they are gone.

And trump will not be reelected.
Take the blinders off and you will see so much more, IM2.
The last thing that the dems want to see in the trial is a Hunter Biden or the whistleblower as witnesses.
Nadler even said if it came to that he would vote for no witnesses. What the hell are the democrats hiding?
Of course, you really don't want to know that either.

The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers from the intelligence agencies not to mention put lives at risk. Just isn't a good step to take when all he reported has been indecently verified and those people can take and have taken the witness stand. Except for a handful that were refused.

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues and possibly harassment. IF there evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens, by all means conduct an investigation - it needs it's own investigation. No one would argue against it if the evidence warrants it.
No, whistleblowers can and do testify, Coyote. The reason why the dems don't want him to testify is that it would expose the shenanigans with Schiff.
Not to mention that he wouldn't qualify as a whistleblower in the first place.
The issue of Biden? This is the crux of the impeachment proceedings, yes...Jr. is
very relevant. What are the democrats hiding regarding the Bidens?
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

She sandbagged him, lied to get him on her show. She lied that she was going to discuss Iran then jumped him over Marie Yovanovitch

and she would NEVER treat a democrat like that
Didn't blindsided him. Not her fault he was unprepared.
So its too much for liberals to allow pompaeo to be a just statesman instead of a trump defender?
He's not a statesman, he's a tRumpling.

I'm sure that will comfort you after Trump destroys the Dem's this November.

You keep believing that's what's going to happen. It'll help you stay calm, when Trump is driven from office, one way or another.

So far Dem's have lost every battle with president Trump. They flail in all directions attacking him, looking like the sour puss face sore losers that they are.
trump has been impeached by the democrats in congress. trump is under multiple investigations by congressional committees and SDNY. He has paid 2 million dollars in fines, his charity has been shut down. Those are defeats. By democrats.
You are living in dreamland

pompeo is the sec of state who has important business to attend to

but for fire-breathing trump haters the only topic worthy of discussion is a telephone call with the ukraine
Yeah, important stuff like lying to the media.
Lying to liars dont count

Lying to the American people, counts. And the media is constitutionally mandated to keep the public informed about the President’s activities.

I get that Trumpkins HATE that the media keeps calling out Trump’s self-serving, and highly illegal behaviours, but his illegal self-serving behaviours is why he was unfit for office in the first place.
Pompao did not lie to the lib reporter

he just told her to pound sand

He clearly lied.
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

She sandbagged him, lied to get him on her show. She lied that she was going to discuss Iran then jumped him over Marie Yovanovitch

No she did not. She cleared the topics with his staff - Iran and Ukraine, well ahead of the interview. That is typical best practices when interviewing high ranking officials. Can't you guys just stop lying for a change? Just once?
Who sez she cleared ukraine with his staff?
There was no ambush. The topics were cleared with Pompeo's staff (with email chain to support it). Can you stop lying?

Try to calm down.

The Dems and their corrupt lawless party will be utterly destroyed. :eusa_hand:

The republicans are the lawless party and I see 2018 coming again and more. If republicans don't allows witnesses in this senate trial, they are gone.

And trump will not be reelected.
Take the blinders off and you will see so much more, IM2.
The last thing that the dems want to see in the trial is a Hunter Biden or the whistleblower as witnesses.
Nadler even said if it came to that he would vote for no witnesses. What the hell are the democrats hiding?
Of course, you really don't want to know that either.

The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers from the intelligence agencies not to mention put lives at risk. Just isn't a good step to take when all he reported has been indecently verified and those people can take and have taken the witness stand. Except for a handful that were refused.

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues and possibly harassment. IF there evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens, by all means conduct an investigation - it needs it's own investigation. No one would argue against it if the evidence warrants it.
No, whistleblowers can and do testify, Coyote. The reason why the dems don't want him to testify is that it would expose the shenanigans with Schiff.
Not to mention that he wouldn't qualify as a whistleblower in the first place.
The issue of Biden? This is the crux of the impeachment proceedings, yes...Jr. is
very relevant. What are the democrats hiding regarding the Bidens?
Meister, there is no issue with Biden. Trump approved money to Ukraine in 2017-18. What you believe is a lie, so please stop lying.
Yeah, important stuff like lying to the media.
Lying to liars dont count

Lying to the American people, counts. And the media is constitutionally mandated to keep the public informed about the President’s activities.

I get that Trumpkins HATE that the media keeps calling out Trump’s self-serving, and highly illegal behaviours, but his illegal self-serving behaviours is why he was unfit for office in the first place.
Pompao did not lie to the lib reporter

he just told her to pound sand

He clearly lied.
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

She sandbagged him, lied to get him on her show. She lied that she was going to discuss Iran then jumped him over Marie Yovanovitch

No she did not. She cleared the topics with his staff - Iran and Ukraine, well ahead of the interview. That is typical best practices when interviewing high ranking officials. Can't you guys just stop lying for a change? Just once?
Who sez she cleared ukraine with his staff?
She does. In writing.
The Dems and their corrupt lawless party will be utterly destroyed. :eusa_hand:

The republicans are the lawless party and I see 2018 coming again and more. If republicans don't allows witnesses in this senate trial, they are gone.

And trump will not be reelected.
Take the blinders off and you will see so much more, IM2.
The last thing that the dems want to see in the trial is a Hunter Biden or the whistleblower as witnesses.
Nadler even said if it came to that he would vote for no witnesses. What the hell are the democrats hiding?
Of course, you really don't want to know that either.

The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers from the intelligence agencies not to mention put lives at risk. Just isn't a good step to take when all he reported has been indecently verified and those people can take and have taken the witness stand. Except for a handful that were refused.

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues and possibly harassment. IF there evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens, by all means conduct an investigation - it needs it's own investigation. No one would argue against it if the evidence warrants it.
No, whistleblowers can and do testify, Coyote. The reason why the dems don't want him to testify is that it would expose the shenanigans with Schiff.
Not to mention that he wouldn't qualify as a whistleblower in the first place.
The issue of Biden? This is the crux of the impeachment proceedings, yes...Jr. is
very relevant. What are the democrats hiding regarding the Bidens?
Meister, there is no issue with Biden. Trump approved money to Ukraine in 2017-18. What you believe is a lie, so please stop lying.
If there is no issue with Biden, we should have him as a witness, along with the whistleblower.
Lying to liars dont count

Lying to the American people, counts. And the media is constitutionally mandated to keep the public informed about the President’s activities.

I get that Trumpkins HATE that the media keeps calling out Trump’s self-serving, and highly illegal behaviours, but his illegal self-serving behaviours is why he was unfit for office in the first place.
Pompao did not lie to the lib reporter

he just told her to pound sand

He clearly lied.
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

She sandbagged him, lied to get him on her show. She lied that she was going to discuss Iran then jumped him over Marie Yovanovitch

No she did not. She cleared the topics with his staff - Iran and Ukraine, well ahead of the interview. That is typical best practices when interviewing high ranking officials. Can't you guys just stop lying for a change? Just once?
Who sez she cleared ukraine with his staff?
She does. In writing.
Whose writing?

the lying lib reporter?
The republicans are the lawless party and I see 2018 coming again and more. If republicans don't allows witnesses in this senate trial, they are gone.

And trump will not be reelected.
Take the blinders off and you will see so much more, IM2.
The last thing that the dems want to see in the trial is a Hunter Biden or the whistleblower as witnesses.
Nadler even said if it came to that he would vote for no witnesses. What the hell are the democrats hiding?
Of course, you really don't want to know that either.

The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers from the intelligence agencies not to mention put lives at risk. Just isn't a good step to take when all he reported has been indecently verified and those people can take and have taken the witness stand. Except for a handful that were refused.

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues and possibly harassment. IF there evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens, by all means conduct an investigation - it needs it's own investigation. No one would argue against it if the evidence warrants it.
No, whistleblowers can and do testify, Coyote. The reason why the dems don't want him to testify is that it would expose the shenanigans with Schiff.
Not to mention that he wouldn't qualify as a whistleblower in the first place.
The issue of Biden? This is the crux of the impeachment proceedings, yes...Jr. is
very relevant. What are the democrats hiding regarding the Bidens?
Meister, there is no issue with Biden. Trump approved money to Ukraine in 2017-18. What you believe is a lie, so please stop lying.
If there is no issue with Biden, we should have him as a witness, along with the whistleblower.

Along with Bolton, Mulvaney, and Pompeo....you ready for that Wild Ride?
Take the blinders off and you will see so much more, IM2.
The last thing that the dems want to see in the trial is a Hunter Biden or the whistleblower as witnesses.
Nadler even said if it came to that he would vote for no witnesses. What the hell are the democrats hiding?
Of course, you really don't want to know that either.

The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers from the intelligence agencies not to mention put lives at risk. Just isn't a good step to take when all he reported has been indecently verified and those people can take and have taken the witness stand. Except for a handful that were refused.

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues and possibly harassment. IF there evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens, by all means conduct an investigation - it needs it's own investigation. No one would argue against it if the evidence warrants it.
No, whistleblowers can and do testify, Coyote. The reason why the dems don't want him to testify is that it would expose the shenanigans with Schiff.
Not to mention that he wouldn't qualify as a whistleblower in the first place.
The issue of Biden? This is the crux of the impeachment proceedings, yes...Jr. is
very relevant. What are the democrats hiding regarding the Bidens?
Meister, there is no issue with Biden. Trump approved money to Ukraine in 2017-18. What you believe is a lie, so please stop lying.
If there is no issue with Biden, we should have him as a witness, along with the whistleblower.

Along with Bolton, Mulvaney, and Pompeo....you ready for that Wild Ride?
Absolutely, and throw Schiff in there too. The democrats don't want any of that 1 witness for 1 witness, why is that? What are they hiding?
Nadler already said he would vote against that scenario and not have any witnesses. Why is that, what are they hiding?
:206::206::206: Pompeo said something mean and hurt my feelings :206::206::206: I'm a snowflake :206::206::206: I'm running home and hiding under my bed covers. GOD I'm growing tired of the left's faux victim theater.

The reporter ambushes Pompeo on camera then fakes hurt feelings when he lays into her after the interview. How is this different than Obama's "profanity laced tirade" when he tore into the White House press corps???

There was no ambush. The topics were cleared with Pompeo's staff (with email chain to support it). Can you stop lying?

Try to calm down.

The Dems and their corrupt lawless party will be utterly destroyed. :eusa_hand:

The republicans are the lawless party and I see 2018 coming again and more. If republicans don't allows witnesses in this senate trial, they are gone.

And trump will not be reelected.
Take the blinders off and you will see so much more, IM2.
The last thing that the dems want to see in the trial is a Hunter Biden or the whistleblower as witnesses.
Nadler even said if it came to that he would vote for no witnesses. What the hell are the democrats hiding?
Of course, you really don't want to know that either.

The whistle blower should not be a witness - it's a violation of whistle blower laws and it will put an absolute chill on whistle blowers from the intelligence agencies not to mention put lives at risk. Just isn't a good step to take when all he reported has been indecently verified and those people can take and have taken the witness stand. Except for a handful that were refused.

Biden shouldn't be called as a witness because that is a deflection away from the issues and possibly harassment. IF there evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens, by all means conduct an investigation - it needs it's own investigation. No one would argue against it if the evidence warrants it.

LMAO the Biden's corruption is at the center of impeachment and the Biden's should not be called as witnesses? You are also forgetting Schiff said the whistleblower should be called as a witness.

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