Pompeo verbally assaulted an NPR reporter.

Listen up....progressives need to be out at the store this weekend buying up some butter before it's gone from the shelves in about 10 days. The big bumpy is gonna be hot and stingy.....
Give us an ACTUAL Dim Dem who YOU think can realistically beat Donald Trump. That's all I'm asking here.
I think any of the front-runners can.
Thank you. MY choice for the ONLY Dem that I think would have a chance against Trump would be Tulsi Gabbard. I like some of her policies and she's the only Dem that doesn't strike me as being completely nuts. If I WERE a Dem, she would be my choice. Plus she's a military veteran and she has experience in Congress. SHE'S the logical choice for the Dems. But, of course the Dems are NOT logical and will erroneously count her out. Maybe they'll come to their senses by 2024 and put some heavy support into promoting her.
Not a chance, she's a nut.
He-he, that's EXACTLY what I think about all of the other Dem "candidates"! If Tulsi WERE Republican or even an Independent, I'd vote for her over Trump.
Good news! She pretty much is!
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map

That's "exploding"??


Are libs so delicate and fragile that someone not answering a shotgunned question is "exploding"?

Poor little snowflakes.

Pompeo kept his cool and, if he had any reason to get upset it would've been that Mary Louise Kelly couldn't keep her fat mouth shut long enough for him to answer a question...
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map

That's "exploding"??


Are libs so delicate and fragile that someone not answering a shotgunned question is "exploding"?

Poor little snowflakes.

Pompeo kept his cool and, if he had any reason to get upset it would've been that Mary Louise Kelly couldn't keep her fat mouth shut long enough for him to answer a question...
You didn't read the article.
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

Not true actually......you have never been a match for me and I give you lots of shit because you live in it.

While it is always in their best interests to be diplomatic I can understand an intelligent officer of the state
simply having his fill of pubescent stupidity from news people who are supposed to be adults.
He treated her like the 13 year old bitch she was pretending to be...that simple.

It pains to say how Pompeo has brought such disgrace to the State Department. He is like a Eunuch. A castrated Secretary of State too timid to stick up for one of own.
Trump's guys need to avoid cameras for a few days until the impeachment trial is over.
The MSM is going nuts because they know that Trump will be acquitted and will win in November.
Everyone knows he will be acquitted, the republican senators have been told a bite against tRump guarantees their head on a pike.

He won't be re-elected though.

That's a stupid thing for you to say.....
Are you ready to admit your stupidity yet just prior to Nov 3, 2016?
Shall I research your MBTU and drag a few of your predictions out?

He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

Not true actually......you have never been a match for me and I give you lots of shit because you live in it.

While it is always in their best interests to be diplomatic I can understand an intelligent officer of the state
simply having his fill of pubescent stupidity from news people who are supposed to be adults.
He treated her like the 13 year old bitch she was pretending to be...that simple.


You're kinda funny.
Trump's guys need to avoid cameras for a few days until the impeachment trial is over.
The MSM is going nuts because they know that Trump will be acquitted and will win in November.
Everyone knows he will be acquitted, the republican senators have been told a bite against tRump guarantees their head on a pike.

He won't be re-elected though.

That's a stupid thing for you to say.....
Are you ready to admit your stupidity yet just prior to Nov 3, 2016?
Shall I research your MBTU and drag a few of your predictions out?

Wasn't here in 2016.
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

Not true actually......you have never been a match for me and I give you lots of shit because you live in it.

While it is always in their best interests to be diplomatic I can understand an intelligent officer of the state
simply having his fill of pubescent stupidity from news people who are supposed to be adults.
He treated her like the 13 year old bitch she was pretending to be...that simple.

Pompeo is a crook. He should be in prison.

Trump claims to be a noninterventionist, yet puts this neocon asshole as SOS. WTF.
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map

"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364

Apparently these folks never recited the old preschool adage "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." These must have been the kids that cried and called for the teacher whenever a classmate said something that hurt their feelings.

It doesn't matter. He's the Secretary of State. You know, a position in government that used to have credibility and authority. He's responsible for our image as nation to our allies...and our enemies. Honestly, if he wants to take the heat off Trump and his lousy decisions, he could at least try and maintain some dignity of his position when addressing members of the media. Can you imagine Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice responding in the same way that this hayseed hack does?

I hadn't listened to the audio when I posted that, and I'm guessing you haven't either. See post 50 and listen to the linked audio file, and let me know if you still think there's any merit to the characterization of his answers as "irate" or "exploding."

You have to read the link.

I read all of it, and even went to the Morning Edition twitter page and did my own review, listening to several audio clips. Anyone familiar with my posts would acknowledge that I am well apprised on the facts available from a variety of sources before posting on a given subject, instead of regurgitating a single article by a journalist, especially when that journalist is characterizing a person's tone and demeanor. Chalk it up to my professional training in federal court, where those types of characterizations are inadmissible, requiring us to closely scrutinize the actual statements and use objective descriptors.

How dare you inject thought, sobriety, and analysis into an emotional rant? FEELZ, man FEELZ!!
He was pissed off because he couldn't answer the questions.

Audio at the link.

Pompeo explodes at NPR reporter, asks if she could find Ukraine on a map
"Verbally Assaulted"?

Is that something like "hurting a snowflakes feelings"?

Or maybe "not taking someone's bullshit"?

View attachment 302364
No Son. That's what I do to you guys every day.

A verbal assault is different.

Not true actually......you have never been a match for me and I give you lots of shit because you live in it.

While it is always in their best interests to be diplomatic I can understand an intelligent officer of the state
simply having his fill of pubescent stupidity from news people who are supposed to be adults.
He treated her like the 13 year old bitch she was pretending to be...that simple.


Living down to your user name, whilst making sexist comments about the reporter. It was Pompeo who deserved to be called out, and he was. Of course being an asshole, he didn't like it. Tough shit.

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