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poor black kids who do everything right do worse than rich white kids who do everything wrong

Dear basquebromance
It's not just about degrees and salaries.

If you follow the concept in "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
the families who pass down knowledge and experience to their kids in
how to manage RENTAL properties and sustainable BUSINESS OWNERSHIP
can maintain and grow their investments by applying knowledge of

The poor who live paycheck to paycheck or rent from others,
never gain this sense of ownership and capital/equity development.

Some of the kids who inherit but can't run their family business

So just getting paid a higher salary and having a degree
isn't the same as hands on business experience
with property ownership and especially capitalizing on
investments collected from other people.

It's also about sustainable wealth
and financial independence where you
don't depend on social security, pensions or retirement.

No matter how much you may inherit in advantages or wealth,
if you don't know how to maintain and invest it,
you'll spend or waste it and end up broke just like the others.

The first two things my father taught me were ...

1. "Can't" ... Never accomplished anything.
2. You have no one else other than yourself to blame for your failures ... Pull up your boot straps and get back to it.


Not so. But your psychosis has not allowed you to learn that whites have never pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps.

Doesn't everyone require help of others IM2
Humans are social animals, we are connected by conscience to respond to each other.

What affects one of us, affects us all.
We just FOCUS on people we relate to first, and then branch out from there.
So yes we do favor some groups over others. We all do this.

People who fall through the cracks have suffered severed relations
where they don't have support. Asians support each other's businesses in order to
stabilize and grow their communities. Latinos have remained more unified than not.

It's a lot of the Black communities and family lines still fractured
from having their ancestral lineage erased by genocide similar
to Native Americans still recovering from mass genocide.

But it's the genocide that did this damage to the spiritual lineage.

White people with cursed generational karma in their family lines
also die off, and can't get past their tragedies that repeat.

I see it as a spiritual disconnect and destroyed relations
versus healing and restoring good healthy relations to bring people back up to thrive.

The Black lineage still carries a heavy hit of deep wounds fairly recently,
where equal citizenship and rights wasn't even established until the mid 60s.
The wounds and damages from genocide still carry from several generations
before people can re stablize normalize and heal.

If it had been yellow people doing this to blue people,
the process of recovering from genocide would be on the blue people
and the fight would be with yellow people.
the yellow people who already recovered from when they
were enslaved by green people would already have
their social structures and relations in place, etc.

So I see it as a larger spiritual process going on,
and we identify by class by race, but the causes of
the damages and the differences in stages of
development and recovery is spiritual first then socially manifested.

We work through the spiritual part, and the social changes follow.
that's how I focus on changing from where we are now
to where we ALL need to be in stable sustainable growing healthy relations.

Thanks IM2
Being white or black or asian is part of our spiritual process
and path in life, but we all have to go through these stages
of recovery and development. All groups have bonuses and
advantages, and all have downsides and weaknesses.

Again you point out problems with "individualism" that get abused.
But there are also positive sides and use of that, too.

What the Bahai teach is that every race and culture
Contributes to the whole of humanity. Instead of only
focusing on negative drawbacks and abuses, if we
look at both sides of the same coin, we see each
person or group comes out equal where they have
done as much harm as they have done good, and
no one group is any more or less responsible
for causing or curing the problems we all share in society.
We've all contributed problems and all groups contribute
solutions. We just need to use the best of all of these,
and correct whatever has gone wrong regardless which people
or groups we blame for that. fixing the problems helps everyone,
and we form stronger effectve alliances by sharing MUTUAL responsibility
instead of fighting to project and deny blame back and forth.

so I take the partnership approach,not divide and conquer
by fear and blame that destroys relations further.

IN order to pull each other up we need to restore each other's
relations, not tear anyone down more.

You point out that white people never pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.
What allows ANYONE to pull up is forgiveness so we don't stay stuck
in mental victimhood and learned helplessness.
The common factor I've seen in people recovering
is forgiving so they could be helped whether by other people
or their own efforts. People don't operate as effectively
and attract help if we are negative angry and bitter
blaming others, which chases help away.
This is true for whites, too. The ones who succeed
have abundance mentality and the ones who fail
and flail have scarcity mentality that is fear based.

Again it's a spiritual process universal to everyone I've met
regardless of faith background, culture, gender, class or race.
The more we forgive the more support we have to grow forward
despite setbacks or obstacles which become less,
and the more we can't forgive the worse we set ourselves back
by disrupting or destroying relations that we need to pull EACH OTHER up!
Wow a bit of truth on race and privilege. But there is also the resentment many whites who have not grown up in wealthier families demonstrate, Trump appeals to these people even though he'd have nothing to do with them. His rallies are examples, how many of the people behind him could even afford a Mar-a-Lago membership. It is all talk and BS.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

I read your linked article even though it was pretty tedious by the end. There's nothing new about the argument that poor white people vote against their own interests by siding with Republicans who only care about the rich, or that the only reason they do so is because they're racist and fall for "dogwhistles" like campaigning against mass immigration. I guess the author thinks that by painting whitey in a sympathetic light as a victim of evil rich people that they're more likely to submit to her thinly veiled appeal for a Communist Utopia. ...she might be right, because people are stupid and don't know anything about history and all the times that socialist revolutions have failed catastrophically.

Never mind that most of her story of living and working the poor, rural white life sounds like pure fiction especially when the two "klansmen" give her a hard time because of the hat she's wearing. It's interesting that even though the basis of her article is that poor whites are horrible racists...they defended her against those two. I know from experience that most poor rural white people don't have time for being racist, too busy trying to make ends meet. They're less interested in politics than they are in petty family drama, televised sports and self destructive habits.

They're probably the least racist people in the country, because they simply don't care...about anything, except for the here and now. Not entirely different from inner city blacks except for the high rate of crime and the culture of "blame whitey" victimhood.

It's hilarious how you racist discredit any information, statistic, study, social experiment, etc that is counter to your narrative.

If you were in a bad accident and near death, only to be saved by an African American surgeon, you would probably would end up dying when you learned it was an African American doctor who did the surgery due to the nocebo effect....lol.

What you said has nothing to do with the post you quoted. You're trying to discredit the notion that poor white people aren't racist. They just don't give a fuck about your black ass.

Who is saying that ALL of poor white people are racist?
Wow a bit of truth on race and privilege. But there is also the resentment many whites who have not grown up in wealthier families demonstrate, Trump appeals to these people even though he'd have nothing to do with them. His rallies are examples, how many of the people behind him could even afford a Mar-a-Lago membership. It is all talk and BS.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

I read your linked article even though it was pretty tedious by the end. There's nothing new about the argument that poor white people vote against their own interests by siding with Republicans who only care about the rich, or that the only reason they do so is because they're racist and fall for "dogwhistles" like campaigning against mass immigration. I guess the author thinks that by painting whitey in a sympathetic light as a victim of evil rich people that they're more likely to submit to her thinly veiled appeal for a Communist Utopia. ...she might be right, because people are stupid and don't know anything about history and all the times that socialist revolutions have failed catastrophically.

Never mind that most of her story of living and working the poor, rural white life sounds like pure fiction especially when the two "klansmen" give her a hard time because of the hat she's wearing. It's interesting that even though the basis of her article is that poor whites are horrible racists...they defended her against those two. I know from experience that most poor rural white people don't have time for being racist, too busy trying to make ends meet. They're less interested in politics than they are in petty family drama, televised sports and self destructive habits.

They're probably the least racist people in the country, because they simply don't care...about anything, except for the here and now. Not entirely different from inner city blacks except for the high rate of crime and the culture of "blame whitey" victimhood.

It's hilarious how you racist discredit any information, statistic, study, social experiment, etc that is counter to your narrative.

If you were in a bad accident and near death, only to be saved by an African American surgeon, you would probably would end up dying when you learned it was an African American doctor who did the surgery due to the nocebo effect....lol.

What you said has nothing to do with the post you quoted. You're trying to discredit the notion that poor white people aren't racist. They just don't give a fuck about your black ass.

Who is saying that ALL of poor white people are racist?

The media and democrats.
Wow a bit of truth on race and privilege. But there is also the resentment many whites who have not grown up in wealthier families demonstrate, Trump appeals to these people even though he'd have nothing to do with them. His rallies are examples, how many of the people behind him could even afford a Mar-a-Lago membership. It is all talk and BS.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

I read your linked article even though it was pretty tedious by the end. There's nothing new about the argument that poor white people vote against their own interests by siding with Republicans who only care about the rich, or that the only reason they do so is because they're racist and fall for "dogwhistles" like campaigning against mass immigration. I guess the author thinks that by painting whitey in a sympathetic light as a victim of evil rich people that they're more likely to submit to her thinly veiled appeal for a Communist Utopia. ...she might be right, because people are stupid and don't know anything about history and all the times that socialist revolutions have failed catastrophically.

Never mind that most of her story of living and working the poor, rural white life sounds like pure fiction especially when the two "klansmen" give her a hard time because of the hat she's wearing. It's interesting that even though the basis of her article is that poor whites are horrible racists...they defended her against those two. I know from experience that most poor rural white people don't have time for being racist, too busy trying to make ends meet. They're less interested in politics than they are in petty family drama, televised sports and self destructive habits.

They're probably the least racist people in the country, because they simply don't care...about anything, except for the here and now. Not entirely different from inner city blacks except for the high rate of crime and the culture of "blame whitey" victimhood.

It's hilarious how you racist discredit any information, statistic, study, social experiment, etc that is counter to your narrative.

If you were in a bad accident and near death, only to be saved by an African American surgeon, you would probably would end up dying when you learned it was an African American doctor who did the surgery due to the nocebo effect....lol.

What you said has nothing to do with the post you quoted. You're trying to discredit the notion that poor white people aren't racist. They just don't give a fuck about your black ass.

Who is saying that ALL of poor white people are racist?

The media and democrats.

Show me.
Not so. But your psychosis has not allowed you to learn that whites have never pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps.

Sorry sweetheart ... That's your psychosis ... Not mine.

You cannot attempt to argue both sides ... Either white people have someone else to blame for their failures or they don't.
And the attitude that something "can't" be done ... Is detrimental to achieving any goal.

Those are facts no matter how you try to argue any different ... :thup:
And both ideas are how you manage success ... Responsibility, initiative and action.


Dear BlackSand and IM2
both of you are right.
There is historical disparity where more white descendants
have experience passed down in their families on ownership
of property and also in govt, while Black lineages either
were disrupted by not owning but being treated as property
and/or conditioned to reject either Christian or Constitutional
laws as empowering whites instead of empowering ALL people to invoke laws
and be their own self governing authority.

More whites are taught to identify and learn/invoke this system of
self governance by law while blacks are not, but taught
to blame whites for abusing these laws to keep minorities oppressed.

Both the problems and solutions are as you present them.

Yes there are historical oppression and disparity in how
we teach and enforce these laws where only the
experienced and educated people have this power to
enforce laws for themselves.

And yes you cannot overcome this by complaining and blaming others,
but by invoking equal authority by enforcing the same democratic
laws and principles of equal protections, due process, and not
denying or depriving people of equal rights.

We all have to learn how to enforce these same standards
in order to be equally protected and represented in a healthy society
that respects democratic process.

And yes the people of white descendants identify and inherit
experience of founders and builders of our country that
taught and established these principles, while others NOT
taught these are Natural Universal laws for all people
are not as educated and empowered in large groups.

I still hope the Green and Democratic parties can change
this by organizing sustainable education and service programs
for communities that deserve equal opportunity to build their
own govts and cities as the founders did who enjoyed
and benefited from the experience of OWNERSHIP.

If whole groups of people remain in prisons and in
immigration detention or trafficking sweatshops,
they aren't even at the beginning of the learning
curve of OWNERSHIP but are still treated
and abused as property by other people.

So you can't expect those people largely minority
lower socioeconomic classes to magically
jump up twenty levels to where white corporate
families are that have been in business for
years profiting off investing "other people's money"
and living off credit and interest from their equity
and capital investments.

Even rich Blacks such as the Knowles family,
Oprah Winfrey and others have to learn to
invest in REAL ESTATE and other Sustainable practices in order to keep their wealth growing,
or they can lose it like OJ Simpson or Wesley Snipes and go broke like many Black
athletes have done if they aren't taught management
and how capital works without an experienced mentor
to catch them up if they are the first in their family to take that step.

There is a learning curve, and no we can't get through it by blaming others.
But yes it is BIASED toward people with ownership experience
in their families. And yes more white families have connections
with that. Even by proportions alone, because there were more whites
than blacks in the South of course there were more white slave owners
who bought and developed real estate including black slaves, than
blacks who got into the business working land by black slaves
they bought and sold and worked as a business also. The ratios are proportional.

The difference between your views and mine,
I can see both of you are right and I don't have to argue
or put down either of your views to have mine.
but if you cannot see each other is equally included
as part of the same truth, then you feel you have to
negate each other's points in order for YOURS to be right.

I don't have to negate either of you
to include both of your points as right.
Which way do you think is going to work best?
Negating each other, or including both sides
as equally part of the larger paradigm and process going on?

BlackSand and IM2
Not so. But your psychosis has not allowed you to learn that whites have never pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps.

Sorry sweetheart ... That's your psychosis ... Not mine.

You cannot attempt to argue both sides ... Either white people have someone else to blame for their failures or they don't.
And the attitude that something "can't" be done ... Is detrimental to achieving any goal.

Those are facts no matter how you try to argue any different ... :thup:
And both ideas are how you manage success ... Responsibility, initiative and action.


Dear BlackSand and IM2
both of you are right.
There is historical disparity where more white descendants
have experience passed down in their families on ownership
of property and also in govt, while Black lineages either
were disrupted by not owning but being treated as property
and/or conditioned to reject either Christian or Constitutional
laws as empowering whites instead of empowering ALL people to invoke laws
and be their own self governing authority.

More whites are taught to identify and learn/invoke this system of
self governance by law while blacks are not, but taught
to blame whites for abusing these laws to keep minorities oppressed.

Both the problems and solutions are as you present them.

Yes there are historical oppression and disparity in how
we teach and enforce these laws where only the
experienced and educated people have this power to
enforce laws for themselves.

And yes you cannot overcome this by complaining and blaming others,
but by invoking equal authority by enforcing the same democratic
laws and principles of equal protections, due process, and not
denying or depriving people of equal rights.

We all have to learn how to enforce these same standards
in order to be equally protected and represented in a healthy society
that respects democratic process.

And yes the people of white descendants identify and inherit
experience of founders and builders of our country that
taught and established these principles, while others NOT
taught these are Natural Universal laws for all people
are not as educated and empowered in large groups.

I still hope the Green and Democratic parties can change
this by organizing sustainable education and service programs
for communities that deserve equal opportunity to build their
own govts and cities as the founders did who enjoyed
and benefited from the experience of OWNERSHIP.

If whole groups of people remain in prisons and in
immigration detention or trafficking sweatshops,
they aren't even at the beginning of the learning
curve of OWNERSHIP but are still treated
and abused as property by other people.

So you can't expect those people largely minority
lower socioeconomic classes to magically
jump up twenty levels to where white corporate
families are that have been in business for
years profiting off investing "other people's money"
and living off credit and interest from their equity
and capital investments.

Even rich Blacks such as the Knowles family,
Oprah Winfrey and others have to learn to
invest in REAL ESTATE and other Sustainable practices in order to keep their wealth growing,
or they can lose it like OJ Simpson or Wesley Snipes and go broke like many Black
athletes have done if they aren't taught management
and how capital works without an experienced mentor
to catch them up if they are the first in their family to take that step.

There is a learning curve, and no we can't get through it by blaming others.
But yes it is BIASED toward people with ownership experience
in their families. And yes more white families have connections
with that. Even by proportions alone, because there were more whites
than blacks in the South of course there were more white slave owners
who bought and developed real estate including black slaves, than
blacks who got into the business working land by black slaves
they bought and sold and worked as a business also. The ratios are proportional.

The difference between your views and mine,
I can see both of you are right and I don't have to argue
or put down either of your views to have mine.
but if you cannot see each other is equally included
as part of the same truth, then you feel you have to
negate each other's points in order for YOURS to be right.

I don't have to negate either of you
to include both of your points as right.
Which way do you think is going to work best?
Negating each other, or including both sides
as equally part of the larger paradigm and process going on?

BlackSand and IM2

The first thing my mother taught me ...

"If you find yourself in a situation where you don't know what you are supposed to do ... Shut up and pay attention to someone who does."

I wasn't asking for validation ... Thanks anyway ... :thup:

Last edited:
"a paper by the FBI revealed that, by the time they are 40, high school dropouts born to rich families are as likely to be earning high salaries as college graduates from poor families."

race and class excuse nothing. they are not the crutches with which the misanthropic and morally ambivalent can prop themselves up as standing tall.

failing to understand that reflects a lack of imagination and empathy. take a bunch of teenage boys from the whitest, safest suburb in America and plunk them down in a place where their friends are murdered and they are constantly attacked. signal that no one cares, and fail to solve murders. limit their options for escape. then see what happens.
The Top Squeezing Both Ends Against the Middle

Don't confuse race and class; Blacks are outside of any economic class.Your mindset has been manipulated to end up making Whites think the rich are for them, when the hidden truth is that they are the ones who turned the feral minorities loose on us in order to put us in our place and make us feel defenseless, excluded, and fatalistic.
. . . and some people are born taller than others, and some people are born better looking than others, and some people are born smarter than others.
Exactly...just because rich kids are born with wealth does not preclude other from acquiring it. Wealth is not finite.
Class-Climbing on a Ladder of Thorns

In order to avoid talented competition or humiliate the talented into subservience, the heiristocracy makes the rules on how to acquire wealth.

First we started with the statement "Poor whites are racist". Then when I challenged you to prove someone claimed that "All" poor whites are racist.....now you change the tune to "the majority of whites". Again, I asked you to defend your statement that liberals were saying that all poor whites are racist. Where? Who said that?
. . . and some people are born taller than others, and some people are born better looking than others, and some people are born smarter than others.
Exactly...just because rich kids are born with wealth does not preclude other from acquiring it. Wealth is not finite.
A Seed Doesn't Grow in a Sandbox

It is a Negative Sum. Placing inferior people in unearned positions makes it dwindle away.

First we started with the statement "Poor whites are racist". Then when I challenged you to prove someone claimed that "All" poor whites are racist.....now you change the tune to "the majority of whites". Again, I asked you to defend your statement that liberals were saying that all poor whites are racist. Where? Who said that?

Are you trying to deny that rural whites are depicted by the media as racist?
Dear basquebromance
It's not just about degrees and salaries.

If you follow the concept in "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
the families who pass down knowledge and experience to their kids in
how to manage RENTAL properties and sustainable BUSINESS OWNERSHIP
can maintain and grow their investments by applying knowledge of

The poor who live paycheck to paycheck or rent from others,
never gain this sense of ownership and capital/equity development.

Some of the kids who inherit but can't run their family business

So just getting paid a higher salary and having a degree
isn't the same as hands on business experience
with property ownership and especially capitalizing on
investments collected from other people.

It's also about sustainable wealth
and financial independence where you
don't depend on social security, pensions or retirement.

No matter how much you may inherit in advantages or wealth,
if you don't know how to maintain and invest it,
you'll spend or waste it and end up broke just like the others.

The large majority of people born rich, stay rich. Sure, there are a very few who waste it all, but given the advantages of starting rich, they really have to be trying to throw it all away. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is an old saying for a reason.
Let Every Dynasty Die Nasty

Twenty percent of the people in the 1% were born there. That lopsided statistic shows how much birth privileges tilt the playstation. Something so illogically dominated also disqualifies the merit of the other 80%, who must also get up there through luck and cheating. And a classclimber will also place his own brats far above where they would logically belong.

First we started with the statement "Poor whites are racist". Then when I challenged you to prove someone claimed that "All" poor whites are racist.....now you change the tune to "the majority of whites". Again, I asked you to defend your statement that liberals were saying that all poor whites are racist. Where? Who said that?

Are you trying to deny that rural whites are depicted by the media as racist?

Well....as they say...truth is often stranger than fiction. Just look at your history.
Wow a bit of truth on race and privilege. But there is also the resentment many whites who have not grown up in wealthier families demonstrate, Trump appeals to these people even though he'd have nothing to do with them. His rallies are examples, how many of the people behind him could even afford a Mar-a-Lago membership. It is all talk and BS.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

Excellent reads for the interested, especially the first.

Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class by Ian F. Haney-Lopez
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

'Dog Whistle Politics As Strategic Racism' "Wallace, Goldwater, and Nixon constitute classic strategic racists. In the context of the times, they were all initially racial moderates. They may have harbored tainted beliefs, but racial animosity did not drive their actions. Instead, they concentrated hard, weighing and sifting, to figure out how they could most effectively gain votes. If a more promising route had been available, they would have taken it. But race seemed the most likely avenue, so each opted to harness racial divisions to their agenda of getting elected. This was not about racism, it was about winning. Also, they were not racially omniscient, moving instead within a settled framework of ideas about race that for the most part they took for granted. Even so, unlike most in society, these politicians thought long and deep about how to turn race to their advantage. We've previously defined strategic racism as purposeful efforts to use racial animosity as leverage to gain political power (or material wealth and social standing). By this definition, Wallace, Goldwater, and Nixon acted out of strategic racism. This last sentence sparks an important clarification. I write interchangeably of "dog whistle politics" and "dog whistle racism." The first is a less freighted term. But the truth is, racial dog whistle politics is dog whistle racism. It is a strategic manipulation of racial ideas in pursuit of political power and (especially once big money conservatives got behind the tactic) material wealth." p48 'Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class' by Ian Haney López
Imprimatur et Imperemus

PCese is a dead language. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
Dear basquebromance
It's not just about degrees and salaries.

If you follow the concept in "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
the families who pass down knowledge and experience to their kids in
how to manage RENTAL properties and sustainable BUSINESS OWNERSHIP
can maintain and grow their investments by applying knowledge of

The poor who live paycheck to paycheck or rent from others,
never gain this sense of ownership and capital/equity development.

Some of the kids who inherit but can't run their family business

So just getting paid a higher salary and having a degree
isn't the same as hands on business experience
with property ownership and especially capitalizing on
investments collected from other people.

It's also about sustainable wealth
and financial independence where you
don't depend on social security, pensions or retirement.

No matter how much you may inherit in advantages or wealth,
if you don't know how to maintain and invest it,
you'll spend or waste it and end up broke just like the others.

The first two things my father taught me were ...

1. "Can't" ... Never accomplished anything.
2. You have no one else other than yourself to blame for your failures ... Pull up your boot straps and get back to it.

Getting Ahead by Bowing Your Head

Boot-strappers lick the boots of the Plutes Who Wear the Boots. Richkids would be nobodies without their Daddy's Money; that's why they finance Horatio Alger propaganda. Brownnosing class-climbers hate their Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them.
Getting Ahead by Bowing Your Head

Boot-strappers lick the boots of the Plutes Who Wear the Boots. Richkids would be nobodies without their Daddy's Money; that's why they finance Horatio Alger propaganda. Brownnosing class-climbers hate their Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them.

Good thing I wasn't a rich kid ... Just had awesome parents.
Sorry the rest of you losers didn't have that benefit ... :thup:

Wow a bit of truth on race and privilege. But there is also the resentment many whites who have not grown up in wealthier families demonstrate, Trump appeals to these people even though he'd have nothing to do with them. His rallies are examples, how many of the people behind him could even afford a Mar-a-Lago membership. It is all talk and BS.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

I read your linked article even though it was pretty tedious by the end. There's nothing new about the argument that poor white people vote against their own interests by siding with Republicans who only care about the rich, or that the only reason they do so is because they're racist and fall for "dogwhistles" like campaigning against mass immigration. I guess the author thinks that by painting whitey in a sympathetic light as a victim of evil rich people that they're more likely to submit to her thinly veiled appeal for a Communist Utopia. ...she might be right, because people are stupid and don't know anything about history and all the times that socialist revolutions have failed catastrophically.

Never mind that most of her story of living and working the poor, rural white life sounds like pure fiction especially when the two "klansmen" give her a hard time because of the hat she's wearing. It's interesting that even though the basis of her article is that poor whites are horrible racists...they defended her against those two. I know from experience that most poor rural white people don't have time for being racist, too busy trying to make ends meet. They're less interested in politics than they are in petty family drama, televised sports and self destructive habits.

They're probably the least racist people in the country, because they simply don't care...about anything, except for the here and now. Not entirely different from inner city blacks except for the high rate of crime and the culture of "blame whitey" victimhood.

It's hilarious how you racists discredit any information, statistic, study, social experiment, etc that is counter to your narrative.

If you were in a bad accident and near death, only to be saved by an African American surgeon, you would probably would end up dying when you learned it was an African American doctor who did the surgery due to the nocebo effect....lol.
Instead of Building Strawmen With Them, You Need Those Straws to Drink Your Kool-Aid

Just as you would refuse to have your life saved by a doctor who voted
for Trump. If you want to make silly statements, at least let others join in on your ludicrous mind games.

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