pootin makes concession about Ukraine war in meeting with China

Putin gunna

Putin and Ukraine!!! Make peace now!!!

‘It’s Plainly True’ Acts Of Genocide Committed In Ukraine, Autocracy Expert Says​

Moscow horde´s war record :- 1856 defeated by Britain and France 1905 defeated by Japan 1917 defeated by Germany 1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland 1969 defeated by China 1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by Ukraine WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :- a) Hungary 1956 b) Czechoslovakia 1968 c) Moldova 1992 d) Georgia 2008

‘It’s Plainly True’ Acts Of Genocide Committed In Ukraine, Autocracy Expert Says​

Moscow horde´s war record :- 1856 defeated by Britain and France 1905 defeated by Japan 1917 defeated by Germany 1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland 1969 defeated by China 1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by Ukraine WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :- a) Hungary 1956 b) Czechoslovakia 1968 c) Moldova 1992 d) Georgia 2008

Make peace now!!!
Russia withdraws all it's forces from Ukraine and the Crimea for a start.

Russian pays for the rebuilding of Ukraine.

Pooty resigns and faces an Internation Tribunal for War Crimes.

That is just a start.
I think the best right now is for everyone to put down their guns and go to the bargaining table. While peace is still possible.
400+ just discovered in a mass grave ... & there's evidence of torture too. i heard that a team will be investigation possible war crimes. those 2 nations will not be going near vlad's cause.
Let me ask this question please - If a nation intends to wage a war against another nation, and it uses every option available be it small arms weaponry, and then all the way up to it's large tactical weaponry, otherwise in order to put the enemy nation into submission by way of such things (something we lost our way on big time over the year's), then tell me how can the winning of a war get done in a so called clean integrative way when it's war ? During wartime both sides are trying desperately to make the other side throw in the towel, but until then what ??

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