Pop-Religion: The Satanic Comic Book


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern world is network-driven and commerce-gauged. You have to keep pace with the world so as to engage with it profitably! Those who fall behind will be considered (arguably) 'the expendables.'

We make movies like Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and Money Monster because we're ultra-conscious of the psychological impact of our asset-driven 'ethics.'

When the Taliban destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11, people across the world realized that when modern infrastructures were destabilized, the commercial/business world became...deformed!

Indeed, you have to feel and be up-to-date and arguably even look up-to-date (i.e., fashion).

The trauma of 9/11 reminded us that these deep vulnerabilities in modern civilization spiritualism open up an ominous 'black hole' (or abyss) of metaphysical exploitation. To deal with this 'spiritual sore,' we have to consider how modernity (or modernism!) creates 'deformity sensitivity points.'

So beware the daredevil who says, "You're too stupid to trade on Wall Street!" because such a 'naysayer' just might unnerve your daily sensibilities regarding 'spiritual confidence.' After all, isn't that why we enjoy movies like Speed Racer, Rogue Trader, and Takers?

Comic book media have become very popular in recent years, since they speak to a general pedestrian fascination with civilization 'etiquette' presented in a laissez-faire fashion, and audiences find such media very conveniently 'digestible' (e.g., Iron Man, Spider-Man, Elektra, etc.). Will comic books replace the religious teachings?

Indeed, religion-themed Biblical figures have already become comic book characters --- e.g., Lucifer Morningstar (DC Comics).


BATMAN: Your brand of chameleon-like terrorism is Satanic!
CLAYFACE: I have a right to worship Satan...it's democratic.
BATMAN: There's nothing 'democratic' about terrorism.
CLAYFACE: Really? I suppose Wall Street piracy is very 'ideal.'
BATMAN: Capitalism is flawed, but that means we need governance.
CLAYFACE: Tell me of a prudent governor, and I'll tell you about the 'magic' of Burger King.
BATMAN: Consumerism is not meant to be lofty, only convenient/friendly.
CLAYFACE: Commerce will deform the United Nations as well as the European Union.
BATMAN: We have super-structures such as the World Bank to check our vanities.
CLAYFACE: American youngsters are obsessed with vigilantism-themed films.
BATMAN: Schools need more funding to provide students with multimedia resources.
CLAYFACE: No. Modern civilization will be remembered for Brainiac and Video-Man!


The demise of religion is greatly exaggerated.

Everything is cyclical. Ebb and flow. It's how breakthroughs are made.

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