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Pope Calls For Civil Unions For Same-Sex Couples, In Major Departure From Vatican Doctrine

So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:

What is heaven like?? Sitting around praying all day and worshipping. LOL.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:

What is heaven like?? Sitting around praying all day and worshipping. LOL.

It's like something that you will never experience since you put all of your eggs into the one basket of the corporeal world.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:

What is heaven like?? Sitting around praying all day and worshipping. LOL.

It's like something that you will never experience since you put all of your eggs into the one basket of the corporeal world.

What is heaven like??
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:

What is heaven like?? Sitting around praying all day and worshipping. LOL.

It's like something that you will never experience since you put all of your eggs into the one basket of the corporeal world.

What is heaven like??

Why do you keep asking like a parrot?
You're an atheist, afterall.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:

What is heaven like?? Sitting around praying all day and worshipping. LOL.

It's like something that you will never experience since you put all of your eggs into the one basket of the corporeal world.

What is heaven like??
Accept Jesus repent and one day you will find out. If not hope you like hot weather.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:

What is heaven like?? Sitting around praying all day and worshipping. LOL.

It's like something that you will never experience since you put all of your eggs into the one basket of the corporeal world.

What is heaven like??
Accept Jesus repent and one day you will find out. If not hope you like hot weather.

I believe there were many people named Jesus, that were a walking preacher in the 1st century, Josephus said there were 11 Jesus's.

Are you anti the same sex having civil unions?
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:

What is heaven like?? Sitting around praying all day and worshipping. LOL.

It's like something that you will never experience since you put all of your eggs into the one basket of the corporeal world.

What is heaven like??
Accept Jesus repent and one day you will find out. If not hope you like hot weather.

She's a typical Dimm.
Invites hell!
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:

What is heaven like?? Sitting around praying all day and worshipping. LOL.

It's like something that you will never experience since you put all of your eggs into the one basket of the corporeal world.

What is heaven like??

Why do you keep asking like a parrot?
You're an atheist, afterall.

Is that the only reason you believe to have eternal life, I got news for you, it isn't happening.
Romans 1:23-27

King James Version

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

He's talking civil unions. Only one man and one woman can be married.

We got married by a judge.

Was he drunk?
Alot of Judge's are.

No actually he was very nice and not drunk. We have been married for 34 years. We were to have our marriage blessed but I turned atheist and he didn't care one way or another.

No wonder you lack a sense of humor and never, evah sound happy! :auiqs.jpg:

What is heaven like?? Sitting around praying all day and worshipping. LOL.

It's like something that you will never experience since you put all of your eggs into the one basket of the corporeal world.

What is heaven like??

Why do you keep asking like a parrot?
You're an atheist, afterall.

Is that the only reason you believe to have eternal life, I got news for you, it isn't happening.

We are spiritual beings having a human existence.
This is the part that Dimm Neo-Marxists cannot connect to!
Which is why you have no true understanding of concepts like liberty and freedom.
In God We Trust.

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