Pope condemns Israel massacre

because, shitty polack-----Israel was correct in defending itself from your disgusting friends----the Popes of Rome have been endorsing murderers like your friends for more than 1700 years------they stink like shit too. ----they are also liars like you. "1000s murdered"??

What a sense of entitlement, oh you Jews deserve money from the World, you deserve to be compensated from Poland, Iran, Russia, Hungary, Iraq, Armenia etc. for properties lost, but you're also entitled to grab Palestinian land which is a divine right of yours.

No wonder why many people see you Jews as scum.

you got it all right------polack pig-----except for
Armenia which is relatively innocent

You are a terrible greedy swine.

Look at you thinking Polish people owe you for properties lost to Nazis, and Commies.

But, you won't dare fess up to Jews making up a tiny minority of landownership in Palestine, and murdering, and stealing Palestinian land.

When are you Jew Swines going to pay money to Palestinians, for the land your Israel stole from them?

did not steal land from "Palestinians" Palestinians did not OWN land

Yes they did own land, you disgusting manipulative, vile, Jewish Psychopath.


I don't see anything there about "Palestinians," Ahmed? :dunno:
What a sense of entitlement, oh you Jews deserve money from the World, you deserve to be compensated from Poland, Iran, Russia, Hungary, Iraq, Armenia etc. for properties lost, but you're also entitled to grab Palestinian land which is a divine right of yours.

No wonder why many people see you Jews as scum.

you got it all right------polack pig-----except for
Armenia which is relatively innocent

You are a terrible greedy swine.

Look at you thinking Polish people owe you for properties lost to Nazis, and Commies.

But, you won't dare fess up to Jews making up a tiny minority of landownership in Palestine, and murdering, and stealing Palestinian land.

When are you Jew Swines going to pay money to Palestinians, for the land your Israel stole from them?

did not steal land from "Palestinians" Palestinians did not OWN land

Yes they did own land, you disgusting manipulative, vile, Jewish Psychopath.


I don't see anything there about "Palestinians," Ahmed? :dunno:

What does the name of the Arabs have to do with Israel displacing, stealing from, and massacring those Arabs (The Palestinians)

Zionists don't even seem to get that they're manipulative Psychos supporting land theft.
I didn't call you a Jew, now did I?

I'm of a Polish Catholic background.

Why do you keep calling me a Muslim?

With that said, why do you think it's the Jewish right to steal Palestine?

Why do I think unicorns dance with gnomes? I don't do fantasy.

You act like a Beast, in that you spew this idiotic lie of "Palestine," a country which has never existed. You lie that "Jews Stole." That is a stupid lie. The Ottoman Empire lost, the British divided the Empire among various groups. The Jews had their historic homeland restored, a homeland stolen by the Arabs. You complain that the Muzzie Beasts must tolerate a Non-Muslim nation, that the Muzzie Beasts only control 99.8% of the land mass, which just isn't enough.

In short, you act like a Muzzie Beast.

What does the name of the Arabs have to do with Israel displacing, stealing from, and massacring those Arabs (The Palestinians)

Zionists don't even seem to get that they're manipulative Psychos supporting land theft.

Before we can discuss anything, you need to stop lying.

Why do I think you are a Muzzie Beast? Because you shamelessly lie.
by arab definition ALL LAND BELONGS TO MUZZIE DOGS-----read the Koran. Muzzies believe that they OWN all of the Indian subcontinent too-----allah---friend of the rapist pig---GAVE IT TO THEM

What a stupidity, Romans don't have a right to displace OTHER European nations.

Nor do the Ottoman Arabs.

Why is that so hard to figure out?

Why do half breed Jews have a legitimate claim to Israel?

That makes as much sense as having half breed Native Americans (Mexicans) to take over the U.S.A.

The thing is people have basic rights on the land they live on.

So sad that doesn't apply to Palestinians, because they get in the way of Jewish colonist desires.


I am an American raised Baptist, stupid fuck.

Why are you Muzzie Beasts such fucking liars?

I didn't call you a Jew, now did I?

I'm of a Polish Catholic background.

Why do you keep calling me a Muslim?

With that said, why do you think it's the Jewish right to steal Palestine?

catholic-----ISLAMO-NAZI I know your literature well and your saints. Saint Adolf,
Saint Magda of the cyanide, Saint Mengele,
Saint Josef Goebbels, Saint Himmler etc etc ------DA HOLLLEEE HOST

So, everybody who doesn't support your crimes of Israel, is called anti-Semite, or Islamo-Nazis etc.

What a convenient scapegoat, the Jews can steal, and kill from the Palestinians, and if you object people kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi at you.

It's truly ridiculous what kind of Stockholm Syndrome people have in the West towards your Jews.

do you always DEPEND on canards and jingles sobie, dear? Can you sing them and jump rope at that same time?
Why does anybody bother giving attention to this idiot?
I want Trump's sheeps to turn on Catholics.

So, we know they love Jews who hate Christ, while bashing Catholics who support Christ.

So, White Catholics won't vote Trump again, and let the dirty Zionists go play war with themselves
What Christ prophesied about Catholics:

In VAIN do they worshippers me, teaching as doctrine, the commandments of men.
Nor do the Ottoman Arabs.


I am an American raised Baptist, stupid fuck.

Why are you Muzzie Beasts such fucking liars?

I didn't call you a Jew, now did I?

I'm of a Polish Catholic background.

Why do you keep calling me a Muslim?

With that said, why do you think it's the Jewish right to steal Palestine?

catholic-----ISLAMO-NAZI I know your literature well and your saints. Saint Adolf,
Saint Magda of the cyanide, Saint Mengele,
Saint Josef Goebbels, Saint Himmler etc etc ------DA HOLLLEEE HOST

So, everybody who doesn't support your crimes of Israel, is called anti-Semite, or Islamo-Nazis etc.

What a convenient scapegoat, the Jews can steal, and kill from the Palestinians, and if you object people kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi at you.

It's truly ridiculous what kind of Stockholm Syndrome people have in the West towards your Jews.

do you always DEPEND on canards and jingles sobie, dear? Can you sing them and jump rope at that same time?
Why does anybody bother giving attention to this idiot?

Sobie is valuable like Penelope is valuable---they know the current ---and past century---islamo Nazi shit
I didn't call you a Jew, now did I?

I'm of a Polish Catholic background.

Why do you keep calling me a Muslim?

With that said, why do you think it's the Jewish right to steal Palestine?

catholic-----ISLAMO-NAZI I know your literature well and your saints. Saint Adolf,
Saint Magda of the cyanide, Saint Mengele,
Saint Josef Goebbels, Saint Himmler etc etc ------DA HOLLLEEE HOST

So, everybody who doesn't support your crimes of Israel, is called anti-Semite, or Islamo-Nazis etc.

What a convenient scapegoat, the Jews can steal, and kill from the Palestinians, and if you object people kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi at you.

It's truly ridiculous what kind of Stockholm Syndrome people have in the West towards your Jews.

do you always DEPEND on canards and jingles sobie, dear? Can you sing them and jump rope at that same time?
Why does anybody bother giving attention to this idiot?

Sobie is valuable like Penelope is valuable---they know the current ---and past century---islamo Nazi shit
As I've said before, Sobie's job is to provide facts out of chronological order.
The difference is that Sobie, a failure outside of his bedroom, and very possibly in his bedroom, is seeking attention because no one who meets him wants him around.
Ignore Not Sober and perhaps he'll go away for a while.
silly question-----Jews opposed Nazis-------not all poles did.

Hence Pollock jokes, for those dumb enough to support the Nazis...

Yet, Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum who lived his last days in the Nazi German controlled Warsaw Ghetto, had said that Jewish Ghetto Police (Jewish Nazi collaborators) were not just worse than Polish Nazi collaborators, but at times worse than Nazi Germans themselves.

But, I guess everybody's wrong but the Jews.
catholic-----ISLAMO-NAZI I know your literature well and your saints. Saint Adolf,
Saint Magda of the cyanide, Saint Mengele,
Saint Josef Goebbels, Saint Himmler etc etc ------DA HOLLLEEE HOST

So, everybody who doesn't support your crimes of Israel, is called anti-Semite, or Islamo-Nazis etc.

What a convenient scapegoat, the Jews can steal, and kill from the Palestinians, and if you object people kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi at you.

It's truly ridiculous what kind of Stockholm Syndrome people have in the West towards your Jews.

do you always DEPEND on canards and jingles sobie, dear? Can you sing them and jump rope at that same time?
Why does anybody bother giving attention to this idiot?

Sobie is valuable like Penelope is valuable---they know the current ---and past century---islamo Nazi shit
As I've said before, Sobie's job is to provide facts out of chronological order.
The difference is that Sobie, a failure outside of his bedroom, and very possibly in his bedroom, is seeking attention because no one who meets him wants him around.
Ignore Not Sober and perhaps he'll go away for a while.

Even if that were true, Irosie posts basically no facts what so ever, most of what Irosie writes is made up Propaganda, this thing is hardly even Human, and a Jew too.

Don't forget only months ago I moved to Pawling, New York.

I've met a lot of good people in the Pawling Bar scene as of late.
I want Trump's sheeps to turn on Catholics.

So, we know they love Jews who hate Christ, while bashing Catholics who support Christ.

So, White Catholics won't vote Trump again, and let the dirty Zionists go play war with themselves
What Christ prophesied about Catholics:

In VAIN do they worshippers me, teaching as doctrine, the commandments of men.

Oh please, the Zionists made up almost exclusively of Jews rejecting Christ, and Evangelicals calling for an Apocalypse are clearly the anti-Christ side.
I didn't call you a Jew, now did I?

I'm of a Polish Catholic background.

Why do you keep calling me a Muslim?

With that said, why do you think it's the Jewish right to steal Palestine?

Why do I think unicorns dance with gnomes? I don't do fantasy.

You act like a Beast, in that you spew this idiotic lie of "Palestine," a country which has never existed. You lie that "Jews Stole." That is a stupid lie. The Ottoman Empire lost, the British divided the Empire among various groups. The Jews had their historic homeland restored, a homeland stolen by the Arabs. You complain that the Muzzie Beasts must tolerate a Non-Muslim nation, that the Muzzie Beasts only control 99.8% of the land mass, which just isn't enough.

In short, you act like a Muzzie Beast.

You are the only beast here.

The majority of Palestine was Arab, and more land was Arab owned.

Yet, there you go pretending Israel didn't steal from, displace, and kill the Palestinian (Arabs) that had lived there for many hundreds of years.

It's hard to believe you Hicks, are so senseless.

If you want to know the truth, Arabs, Jews, and Western Europeans are all violent, savages.

Polish people like other Eastern Europeans are clearly a much more civilized race, and I suspect have not too much to do with you barbarians.

I mean most of us have rounded faces, and high cheek bones, we really look more like very big, but Light Native Americans;.

On the other hand Western Europeans look hardly different than Jews who are proven to be loaded with Middle-Eastern genes.

I'm suspicious of the Western European origins, you look, and act more like Jews than like Slavic peoples.

Which is by no means a compliment, it's an insult, you both are such manipulative, sadistic, and greedy people.

What does the name of the Arabs have to do with Israel displacing, stealing from, and massacring those Arabs (The Palestinians)

Zionists don't even seem to get that they're manipulative Psychos supporting land theft.

Before we can discuss anything, you need to stop lying.

Why do I think you are a Muzzie Beast? Because you shamelessly lie.

You are the liar here, you pretend Arab (Palestinians) just popped up out of no where, when they were the biggest population proportion, and biggest land owners in the region before a bunch of half breed Jews migrated in mass to Palestine.

Why is this so hard for Zionist scums to grasp?

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