Pope condemns Israel massacre

Yes, it does matter, when your post seems to present it as supporting evidence of your claim of "most pedophiles".
I ask again, can you support your claim about "most pedophiles"?
Metzitzah B'peh is actually a lot worse than Pedophilia, Babies have apparently died from it.
<B>15 Babies Die Every Year In NYC From Metzitzah B'Peh Herpes, Hospitals Cover Up Deaths Leading YU Rabbi Claims</B>
Now you are changing the subject from pedophilia to unsafe surgical practice.
You are employing rhetorical tactics instead of simply supporting your claim with evidence.
YOur antisemitism is clouding your intellect and weaken your debating ability.
It's a Jewish ritual to have a type of Rabbi, called a Mohel put the babies bloody genitals in their mouth in Metzitzah B'peh.
To me that's pedophilia, and I'm sure most in America would agree.
What you just did there, was use the emotional impact of describing something disgusting as a supporting argument, instead of, say, a report showing high levels of child abuse by rabbis.
Why are you so quick to defend Jews who are mostly Liberals, and don't respect Christ, as opposed to you NOT defending Catholics here who are mostly Conservatives, who deeply respect Christ?
So, bizarre.
You say I'm being illogical, why because I think it's pedophilia to put a bloodied babies genitalia in someones mouth?
I'm interested in how your emotional investment in this is degrading your normal level of debating skills.
Yes, that you would try to spin, that tradition as pedophilia is illogical.
As to myself, I assume that any group as inwards turning and xenophobic as Orthodox Jews, would have higher levels of social ills like pedophilia.
I've also heard in the past, from Reformed Jew associates, bad reports about them also. This was quite a while ago, I don't recall details.

This thread isn't supposed to be about clergy Pedophiles.
It's supposed to be about Israel's massacre.
But, let's say this much to finish up, that if anyone else in society but Jewish Mohel's put a babies genitalia in their mouth, they'd be in prison.
(There's a reason for that)
I don't think the Metzitzah B'peh excuse would work for anybody else.

Since this practice of circumcision is more like lampooning Christians practice of Islam pedophilia slavery based on a fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception, don't see how mass murderers under the cross have any rational for jihad.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Sobie, Remember how the Catholics in Poland handed over the Jews to the Nazis during WWll, things have not changed much have they
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Sobie, Remember how the Catholics in Poland handed over the Jews to the Nazis during WWll, things have not changed much have they

You mean the Jewish Judenrat handed over the Jews to the Protestant dominated Nazi Germans in WW2?
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border.

I think the Pope should tear down the wall around Vatican City and invite in 20,000 of those swell Hamas/Palestinians.

I think you Zionists should give up your homes for a Jewish homeland.

I think the "Palestinians" should all live in Poland.
Maybe in the territory Poland stole from Germany?

Palestinians should live in their own nation, rather than being subjected to Jewish thieves, and their terroristic massacres.

You on the other hand think Jews deserve something, why don't you let them bulldoze your house to make way for a Jewish homeland?
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border.

I think the Pope should tear down the wall around Vatican City and invite in 20,000 of those swell Hamas/Palestinians.

I think you Zionists should give up your homes for a Jewish homeland.

I think the "Palestinians" should all live in Poland.
Maybe in the territory Poland stole from Germany?

Palestinians should live in their own nation, rather than being subjected to Jewish thieves, and their terroristic massacres.

You on the other hand think Jews deserve something, why don't you let them bulldoze your house to make way for a Jewish homeland?

Palestinians should live in their own nation,

I agree. Right next to Poland.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border.

I think the Pope should tear down the wall around Vatican City and invite in 20,000 of those swell Hamas/Palestinians.

I think you Zionists should give up your homes for a Jewish homeland.

I think the "Palestinians" should all live in Poland.
Maybe in the territory Poland stole from Germany?

Palestinians should live in their own nation, rather than being subjected to Jewish thieves, and their terroristic massacres.

You on the other hand think Jews deserve something, why don't you let them bulldoze your house to make way for a Jewish homeland?

Palestinians should live in their own nation,

I agree. Right next to Poland.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland, but rather to the Mid-East.
Yes, it does matter, when your post seems to present it as supporting evidence of your claim of "most pedophiles".

I ask again, can you support your claim about "most pedophiles"?

Metzitzah B'peh is actually a lot worse than Pedophilia, Babies have apparently died from it.

<B>15 Babies Die Every Year In NYC From Metzitzah B'Peh Herpes, Hospitals Cover Up Deaths Leading YU Rabbi Claims</B>

Now you are changing the subject from pedophilia to unsafe surgical practice.

You are employing rhetorical tactics instead of simply supporting your claim with evidence.

YOur antisemitism is clouding your intellect and weaken your debating ability.

It's a Jewish ritual to have a type of Rabbi, called a Mohel put the babies bloody genitals in their mouth in Metzitzah B'peh.

To me that's pedophilia, and I'm sure most in America would agree.

What you just did there, was use the emotional impact of describing something disgusting as a supporting argument, instead of, say, a report showing high levels of child abuse by rabbis.

Why are you so quick to defend Jews who are mostly Liberals, and don't respect Christ, as opposed to you NOT defending Catholics here who are mostly Conservatives, who deeply respect Christ?

So, bizarre.

You say I'm being illogical, why because I think it's pedophilia to put a bloodied babies genitalia in someones mouth?

I'm interested in how your emotional investment in this is degrading your normal level of debating skills.

Yes, that you would try to spin, that tradition as pedophilia is illogical.

As to myself, I assume that any group as inwards turning and xenophobic as Orthodox Jews, would have higher levels of social ills like pedophilia.

I've also heard in the past, from Reformed Jew associates, bad reports about them also. This was quite a while ago, I don't recall details.

This thread isn't supposed to be about clergy Pedophiles.

It's supposed to be about Israel's massacre.

But, let's say this much to finish up, that if anyone else in society but Jewish Mohel's put a babies genitalia in their mouth, they'd be in prison.
(There's a reason for that)
I don't think the Metzitzah B'peh excuse would work for anybody else.

Your harping on this weird tradition as though it is sexual in nature, when it is obviously not, undermines your credibility.

Interestingly, it is just the type of thing that modern libs do.

BUT they have the mob of sheeple from media and pop culture to repeat their shit, until it attains a false veneer of credibility.

You don't.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Sobie, Remember how the Catholics in Poland handed over the Jews to the Nazis during WWll, things have not changed much have they

You mean the Jewish Judenrat handed over the Jews to the Protestant dominated Nazi Germans in WW2?

He means those drug trafficking Catholics that looted synagogues for Kristallnacht & claimed the Jews were destroying Germany's articles of a nation from the synagogues.
Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border.

I think the Pope should tear down the wall around Vatican City and invite in 20,000 of those swell Hamas/Palestinians.

I think you Zionists should give up your homes for a Jewish homeland.

I think the "Palestinians" should all live in Poland.
Maybe in the territory Poland stole from Germany?

Palestinians should live in their own nation, rather than being subjected to Jewish thieves, and their terroristic massacres.

You on the other hand think Jews deserve something, why don't you let them bulldoze your house to make way for a Jewish homeland?

Palestinians should live in their own nation,

I agree. Right next to Poland.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland, but rather to the Mid-East.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland,

But they're swell, peaceful folks, you said so yourself.

So give them the land you stole from Germany.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Sobie, Remember how the Catholics in Poland handed over the Jews to the Nazis during WWll, things have not changed much have they

Why are so many Protestants, and Jews so dumb, anyways?

They don't even know history, that most Polish Catholics fought the Nazis, and were actually the first to Fight the Nazis.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

wow thats really amazing the fact the pope I always thought was a mouthpiece for the vatican. wont be too long before they off him off for this.
I think you Zionists should give up your homes for a Jewish homeland.

I think the "Palestinians" should all live in Poland.
Maybe in the territory Poland stole from Germany?

Palestinians should live in their own nation, rather than being subjected to Jewish thieves, and their terroristic massacres.

You on the other hand think Jews deserve something, why don't you let them bulldoze your house to make way for a Jewish homeland?

Palestinians should live in their own nation,

I agree. Right next to Poland.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland, but rather to the Mid-East.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland,

But they're swell, peaceful folks, you said so yourself.

So give them the land you stole from Germany.

Palestinians have nothing to do with Poland.

Your Jews stole Palestine, Poland didn't steal Prussia, remember Prussia was originally a mix of Baltic, and Slavic tribes, actually the name Prussia comes from the Old Prussians a tribe related to Lithuanians.

But, with that said, Soviets made the decisions with Anglo Protestants in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences, which decided to move Poland Westward.

The Polish government elected by the people the Polish government in exile was actually against this move, and Anglo Protestant Churchill called Polish callous lunatics for resisting.
I think the "Palestinians" should all live in Poland.
Maybe in the territory Poland stole from Germany?

Palestinians should live in their own nation, rather than being subjected to Jewish thieves, and their terroristic massacres.

You on the other hand think Jews deserve something, why don't you let them bulldoze your house to make way for a Jewish homeland?

Palestinians should live in their own nation,

I agree. Right next to Poland.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland, but rather to the Mid-East.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland,

But they're swell, peaceful folks, you said so yourself.

So give them the land you stole from Germany.

Palestinians have nothing to do with Poland.

Your Jews stole Palestine, Poland didn't steal Prussia, remember Prussia was originally a mix of Baltic, and Slavic tribes, actually the name Prussia comes from the Old Prussians a tribe related to Lithuanians.

But, with that said, Soviets made the decisions with Anglo Protestants in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences, which decided to move Poland Westward.

The Polish government elected by the people the Polish government in exile was actually against this move, and Anglo Protestant Churchill called Polish callous lunatics for resisting.

Palestinians have nothing to do with Poland.

So what? You think they deserve their own country.
Give them one. In Poland.
Stop hating the Palestinians and give them the land you stole.
Palestinians should live in their own nation, rather than being subjected to Jewish thieves, and their terroristic massacres.

You on the other hand think Jews deserve something, why don't you let them bulldoze your house to make way for a Jewish homeland?

Palestinians should live in their own nation,

I agree. Right next to Poland.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland, but rather to the Mid-East.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland,

But they're swell, peaceful folks, you said so yourself.

So give them the land you stole from Germany.

Palestinians have nothing to do with Poland.

Your Jews stole Palestine, Poland didn't steal Prussia, remember Prussia was originally a mix of Baltic, and Slavic tribes, actually the name Prussia comes from the Old Prussians a tribe related to Lithuanians.

But, with that said, Soviets made the decisions with Anglo Protestants in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences, which decided to move Poland Westward.

The Polish government elected by the people the Polish government in exile was actually against this move, and Anglo Protestant Churchill called Polish callous lunatics for resisting.

Palestinians have nothing to do with Poland.

So what? You think they deserve their own country.
Give them one. In Poland.
Stop hating the Palestinians and give them the land you stole.

It's your Israeli Jews who stole Palestine, not Poland.

You're clearly getting very desperate, and dumb.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Sobie, Remember how the Catholics in Poland handed over the Jews to the Nazis during WWll, things have not changed much have they

Why are so many Protestants, and Jews so dumb, anyways?

They don't even know history, that most Polish Catholics fought the Nazis, and were actually the first to Fight the Nazis.

Polish car technology

polish car_b.jpg
Palestinians should live in their own nation,

I agree. Right next to Poland.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland, but rather to the Mid-East.

Palestinians aren't indigenous to Poland,

But they're swell, peaceful folks, you said so yourself.

So give them the land you stole from Germany.

Palestinians have nothing to do with Poland.

Your Jews stole Palestine, Poland didn't steal Prussia, remember Prussia was originally a mix of Baltic, and Slavic tribes, actually the name Prussia comes from the Old Prussians a tribe related to Lithuanians.

But, with that said, Soviets made the decisions with Anglo Protestants in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences, which decided to move Poland Westward.

The Polish government elected by the people the Polish government in exile was actually against this move, and Anglo Protestant Churchill called Polish callous lunatics for resisting.

Palestinians have nothing to do with Poland.

So what? You think they deserve their own country.
Give them one. In Poland.
Stop hating the Palestinians and give them the land you stole.

It's your Israeli Jews who stole Palestine, not Poland.

You're clearly getting very desperate, and dumb.

Wouldn't it go to reason if Nazi Germany stole Poland they also stole Palestine due to malfeasance in their business of war ?
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Sobie, Remember how the Catholics in Poland handed over the Jews to the Nazis during WWll, things have not changed much have they

Why are so many Protestants, and Jews so dumb, anyways?

They don't even know history, that most Polish Catholics fought the Nazis, and were actually the first to Fight the Nazis.

Polish car technology

View attachment 195292

What would Poland's car technology have to do with the topic of the OP, or even the topic of Poland not being a Nazi ally?

Do Jews even have any car technology?
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
I make a motion for a contingent of Hospitalers.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

Sobie, Remember how the Catholics in Poland handed over the Jews to the Nazis during WWll, things have not changed much have they

What would possess a Republican to side with Jewish American Hillary voters, over Polish American Trump voters?

Way to piss off your own base.

Besides, explain how Israel has been a better ally than Poland to the U.S.A?

Poland DIDN'T plot Lavon Affair terror attacks, bomb a U.S.A Ship the U.S.S Liberty, or have a major anti-American spy of Jonathan Pollard like Israel had.

Actually quite the opposite, Poland had Ryszard Kuklinski who exposed Soviet secrets to the U.S.A, and Poland rescued CIA Spies from Iraq in 1990, and Poland
helped the U.S.A a little bit in Iraq, and Poland helped the U.S.A by holding secret prisons in Poland of Islamic terrorists.

Israel hasn't done much, if anything for the U.S.A.

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