Pope condemns Israel massacre

try again-----in fact arabs owned VIRTUALLY NO LAND in
"Palestine" There are RECORDS OF LAND OWNERSHIP by virtue of TAX RECORDS------during the OTTOMAN
YEARS-----virtually none owned by arabs. Jews own 7 %
by PURCHASE------sitting and shitting on land did not
constitute LAND OWNERSHIP even in the Ottoman empire
and did not constitute "LAND OWNERSHIP" in "Palestine"
for more than 3000 years

Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

NOPE arabs owned virtually NO LAND in the part of British mandate Palestine that became ISRAEL------

More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"
sobie is still ASHAMED of the idiot source he used which claimed to describe WHO OWNED what in the 1940s
Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

NOPE arabs owned virtually NO LAND in the part of British mandate Palestine that became ISRAEL------

More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

Seems since the mid 1970's after realizing Palestinians have been waging jihad massacre against Israel & not being condemned whatsoever; that the more perfect union of Islam, Allah & a Christiananality pedophile mentality practice of Islam pedophilia is about as standard as Nazi Germany of WW II & the Christian Nation USA thieving US Constitution arsonists.
That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

NOPE arabs owned virtually NO LAND in the part of British mandate Palestine that became ISRAEL------

More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

Seems since the mid 1970's after realizing Palestinians have been waging jihad massacre against Israel & not being condemned whatsoever; that the more perfect union of Islam, Allah & a Christiananality pedophile mentality practice of Islam pedophilia is about as standard as Nazi Germany of WW II & the Christian Nation USA thieving US Constitution arsonists.

the recurrent romance----some things never change
you continue to make a fool of yourself-----you INSIST that
arabs OWNED land in Palestine ---simply because there was
a significant number of them in "Palestine" in 1930. SO? There were more than 3 million jews in Poland in 1930--------but the 3 million OWNED NOTHING?----the number of arabs who fled Palestine in 1948 is something
like 500,000 (half million) but THEY OWNED EVERYTHING by polack logic?. Poles never killed jews?-------your catechism whore lied

Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine, and made up the majority, your Jews merely stole lots, and lots of land, and didn't pay Palestinians anything.

Yet, there goes the Jews to push their Chutzpah thinking properties lost to Communism in Poland, Germany, Russia, Hungary etc. somehow means Jews need cash.

No wonder why people in this World don't like Jew.

try again-----in fact arabs owned VIRTUALLY NO LAND in
"Palestine" There are RECORDS OF LAND OWNERSHIP by virtue of TAX RECORDS------during the OTTOMAN
YEARS-----virtually none owned by arabs. Jews own 7 %
by PURCHASE------sitting and shitting on land did not
constitute LAND OWNERSHIP even in the Ottoman empire
and did not constitute "LAND OWNERSHIP" in "Palestine"
for more than 3000 years

Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

It doesn't matter what they called themselves,

What did they call themselves?

these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land

I don't think these non-Turks owned much of anything.
nothing even close to the genocides carried out by polacks against jews OR the genocides carried out by muslims
against jews in arab cesspits. Your catechism whore lied.
PS-----one cannot STEAL something from a person who does not OWN it. ---how much LAND did polacks STEAL
from jews? How much of Poland did the 3 million killed JUST in world war II------OWN?

You're clearly very, very dumb like most Jews I encounter online.

Poland didn't kill 3 million Jews, Nazi Germany did.

Why is that so hard for most Jews to grasp?

It was all Polish land, how did Jews somehow own it?

Ultimately Jews would have had to pay taxes to the Polish state, for a part of the state's land.

Besides, it's Nazi Germans who killed the Jews, and it was Soviets who were greatly supported by Jews, who supported taking away EVERYBODY's Land that's what Communism does.

Leave it to the most selfish, and idiotic people I've encountered, to think it was great anti-Semitism that Soviets TOOK EVERYBODY's land.

Even many Poles didn't get back the land they lost from Commies.

Yet, that's some great anti-Semitism, Haha, good joke.

you continue to make a fool of yourself-----you INSIST that
arabs OWNED land in Palestine ---simply because there was
a significant number of them in "Palestine" in 1930. SO? There were more than 3 million jews in Poland in 1930--------but the 3 million OWNED NOTHING?----the number of arabs who fled Palestine in 1948 is something
like 500,000 (half million) but THEY OWNED EVERYTHING by polack logic?. Poles never killed jews?-------your catechism whore lied

Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine, and made up the majority, your Jews merely stole lots, and lots of land, and didn't pay Palestinians anything.

Yet, there goes the Jews to push their Chutzpah thinking properties lost to Communism in Poland, Germany, Russia, Hungary etc. somehow means Jews need cash.

No wonder why people in this World don't like Jew.

Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine,

Too bad.

Why do Zionists think it's their rights to f*ck over Palestinians, and then at the same time seem to be either too stupid, or too primitive to grasp why Palestinians resist, and reject the Zionists?

Something's not right with Zionists, you can tell you're not all there.

Why do Zionists think it's their rights to f*ck over Palestinians,

"Palestinians"? Who dat?
you continue to make a fool of yourself-----you INSIST that
arabs OWNED land in Palestine ---simply because there was
a significant number of them in "Palestine" in 1930. SO? There were more than 3 million jews in Poland in 1930--------but the 3 million OWNED NOTHING?----the number of arabs who fled Palestine in 1948 is something
like 500,000 (half million) but THEY OWNED EVERYTHING by polack logic?. Poles never killed jews?-------your catechism whore lied

Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine, and made up the majority, your Jews merely stole lots, and lots of land, and didn't pay Palestinians anything.

Yet, there goes the Jews to push their Chutzpah thinking properties lost to Communism in Poland, Germany, Russia, Hungary etc. somehow means Jews need cash.

No wonder why people in this World don't like Jew.

try again-----in fact arabs owned VIRTUALLY NO LAND in
"Palestine" There are RECORDS OF LAND OWNERSHIP by virtue of TAX RECORDS------during the OTTOMAN
YEARS-----virtually none owned by arabs. Jews own 7 %
by PURCHASE------sitting and shitting on land did not
constitute LAND OWNERSHIP even in the Ottoman empire
and did not constitute "LAND OWNERSHIP" in "Palestine"
for more than 3000 years

Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


you did not cite the source of that shit propaganda. ----
"village" does not come remotely close to "LAND
OWNERSHIP" in the Middle East. Whole villages of
GYPSIES on the various banks of rivers in England did not
mean "LAND OWNERSHIP" either Did the VILLAGES of jews in Poland DEFINE "LAND OWNERSHIP" ? -----you got LOTS OF HANDING OVER TO DO-----where is my
village? Would you like the name of MY POLISH VILLAGE?

You're either a really bad liar, or a really retarded individual.

The data clearly confirms that Arabs owned more land, before Israeli Jews stole it.

As for your Jewish villages in Poland, Poland was nice enough to accept Jews, and there your vile breed go thinking Poland owes you money for that?

In the Medieval era 100% of the land was Polish, just because Jews came in, doesn't mean that land is yours, ultimately like in all states you pay taxes to the government state.

You haven't paid your taxes on it, so why do you deserve Polish land?

Especially considering you won't pay money to the actual Palestinians you Jews stole land from?

Truly deplorable.

The data clearly confirms that Arabs owned more land, before Israeli Jews stole it.

Kinda like the data shows Germans owned more land in those areas Poland stole
after WWII....but you're in no hurry to give up that land, are you?
Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine, and made up the majority, your Jews merely stole lots, and lots of land, and didn't pay Palestinians anything.

Yet, there goes the Jews to push their Chutzpah thinking properties lost to Communism in Poland, Germany, Russia, Hungary etc. somehow means Jews need cash.

No wonder why people in this World don't like Jew.

try again-----in fact arabs owned VIRTUALLY NO LAND in
"Palestine" There are RECORDS OF LAND OWNERSHIP by virtue of TAX RECORDS------during the OTTOMAN
YEARS-----virtually none owned by arabs. Jews own 7 %
by PURCHASE------sitting and shitting on land did not
constitute LAND OWNERSHIP even in the Ottoman empire
and did not constitute "LAND OWNERSHIP" in "Palestine"
for more than 3000 years

Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

It doesn't matter what they called themselves,

What did they call themselves?

these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land

I don't think these non-Turks owned much of anything.

they did not------they LIVED in various places----and did
herd their sheep and did some planting----but did not own the land ------for good reason-----people who OWNED land had to pay taxes. They did not have local governments except for hereditary "chief"---no school and no hospitals. The Ottomans DID keep records of land ownership in order to collect taxes. They tended to set up little shanty towns
near Jewish towns
Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine, and made up the majority, your Jews merely stole lots, and lots of land, and didn't pay Palestinians anything.

Yet, there goes the Jews to push their Chutzpah thinking properties lost to Communism in Poland, Germany, Russia, Hungary etc. somehow means Jews need cash.

No wonder why people in this World don't like Jew.

try again-----in fact arabs owned VIRTUALLY NO LAND in
"Palestine" There are RECORDS OF LAND OWNERSHIP by virtue of TAX RECORDS------during the OTTOMAN
YEARS-----virtually none owned by arabs. Jews own 7 %
by PURCHASE------sitting and shitting on land did not
constitute LAND OWNERSHIP even in the Ottoman empire
and did not constitute "LAND OWNERSHIP" in "Palestine"
for more than 3000 years

Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


you did not cite the source of that shit propaganda. ----
"village" does not come remotely close to "LAND
OWNERSHIP" in the Middle East. Whole villages of
GYPSIES on the various banks of rivers in England did not
mean "LAND OWNERSHIP" either Did the VILLAGES of jews in Poland DEFINE "LAND OWNERSHIP" ? -----you got LOTS OF HANDING OVER TO DO-----where is my
village? Would you like the name of MY POLISH VILLAGE?

You're either a really bad liar, or a really retarded individual.

The data clearly confirms that Arabs owned more land, before Israeli Jews stole it.

As for your Jewish villages in Poland, Poland was nice enough to accept Jews, and there your vile breed go thinking Poland owes you money for that?

In the Medieval era 100% of the land was Polish, just because Jews came in, doesn't mean that land is yours, ultimately like in all states you pay taxes to the government state.

You haven't paid your taxes on it, so why do you deserve Polish land?

Especially considering you won't pay money to the actual Palestinians you Jews stole land from?

Truly deplorable.

your catechism whore lied-----Jews owned land by virtue of PURCHASE------not the rape and pillage that polack pigs do

Jews only owned a minor part of Palestine, the rest your ilk stole?

Why is it so hard for you to admit it?
Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine, and made up the majority, your Jews merely stole lots, and lots of land, and didn't pay Palestinians anything.

Yet, there goes the Jews to push their Chutzpah thinking properties lost to Communism in Poland, Germany, Russia, Hungary etc. somehow means Jews need cash.

No wonder why people in this World don't like Jew.

try again-----in fact arabs owned VIRTUALLY NO LAND in
"Palestine" There are RECORDS OF LAND OWNERSHIP by virtue of TAX RECORDS------during the OTTOMAN
YEARS-----virtually none owned by arabs. Jews own 7 %
by PURCHASE------sitting and shitting on land did not
constitute LAND OWNERSHIP even in the Ottoman empire
and did not constitute "LAND OWNERSHIP" in "Palestine"
for more than 3000 years

Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


you did not cite the source of that shit propaganda. ----
"village" does not come remotely close to "LAND
OWNERSHIP" in the Middle East. Whole villages of
GYPSIES on the various banks of rivers in England did not
mean "LAND OWNERSHIP" either Did the VILLAGES of jews in Poland DEFINE "LAND OWNERSHIP" ? -----you got LOTS OF HANDING OVER TO DO-----where is my
village? Would you like the name of MY POLISH VILLAGE?

You're either a really bad liar, or a really retarded individual.

The data clearly confirms that Arabs owned more land, before Israeli Jews stole it.

As for your Jewish villages in Poland, Poland was nice enough to accept Jews, and there your vile breed go thinking Poland owes you money for that?

In the Medieval era 100% of the land was Polish, just because Jews came in, doesn't mean that land is yours, ultimately like in all states you pay taxes to the government state.

You haven't paid your taxes on it, so why do you deserve Polish land?

Especially considering you won't pay money to the actual Palestinians you Jews stole land from?

Truly deplorable.

The data clearly confirms that Arabs owned more land, before Israeli Jews stole it.

Kinda like the data shows Germans owned more land in those areas Poland stole
after WWII....but you're in no hurry to give up that land, are you?

You mean the lands that Soviets took back from German thieves?

Many of those Germans are hardly even German in the first place, many of them are just Polish, and Lithuanian tribes who had been Germanized.
You're clearly very, very dumb like most Jews I encounter online.

Poland didn't kill 3 million Jews, Nazi Germany did.

Why is that so hard for most Jews to grasp?

It was all Polish land, how did Jews somehow own it?

Ultimately Jews would have had to pay taxes to the Polish state, for a part of the state's land.

Besides, it's Nazi Germans who killed the Jews, and it was Soviets who were greatly supported by Jews, who supported taking away EVERYBODY's Land that's what Communism does.

Leave it to the most selfish, and idiotic people I've encountered, to think it was great anti-Semitism that Soviets TOOK EVERYBODY's land.

Even many Poles didn't get back the land they lost from Commies.

Yet, that's some great anti-Semitism, Haha, good joke.

you continue to make a fool of yourself-----you INSIST that
arabs OWNED land in Palestine ---simply because there was
a significant number of them in "Palestine" in 1930. SO? There were more than 3 million jews in Poland in 1930--------but the 3 million OWNED NOTHING?----the number of arabs who fled Palestine in 1948 is something
like 500,000 (half million) but THEY OWNED EVERYTHING by polack logic?. Poles never killed jews?-------your catechism whore lied

Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine, and made up the majority, your Jews merely stole lots, and lots of land, and didn't pay Palestinians anything.

Yet, there goes the Jews to push their Chutzpah thinking properties lost to Communism in Poland, Germany, Russia, Hungary etc. somehow means Jews need cash.

No wonder why people in this World don't like Jew.

Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine,

Too bad.

Why do Zionists think it's their rights to f*ck over Palestinians, and then at the same time seem to be either too stupid, or too primitive to grasp why Palestinians resist, and reject the Zionists?

Something's not right with Zionists, you can tell you're not all there.

Why do Zionists think it's their rights to f*ck over Palestinians,

"Palestinians"? Who dat?

Zionists are clearly horrific scum, they think that it's their right to steal Palestinian Arab land, and then can't grasp why the Palestinian Arabs fight back.
Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine, and made up the majority, your Jews merely stole lots, and lots of land, and didn't pay Palestinians anything.

Yet, there goes the Jews to push their Chutzpah thinking properties lost to Communism in Poland, Germany, Russia, Hungary etc. somehow means Jews need cash.

No wonder why people in this World don't like Jew.

try again-----in fact arabs owned VIRTUALLY NO LAND in
"Palestine" There are RECORDS OF LAND OWNERSHIP by virtue of TAX RECORDS------during the OTTOMAN
YEARS-----virtually none owned by arabs. Jews own 7 %
by PURCHASE------sitting and shitting on land did not
constitute LAND OWNERSHIP even in the Ottoman empire
and did not constitute "LAND OWNERSHIP" in "Palestine"
for more than 3000 years

Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

It doesn't matter what they called themselves,

What did they call themselves?

these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land

I don't think these non-Turks owned much of anything.

Those Jews didn't own much of anything, which is why this horrific monstrosity of Israel is a mistake.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

I don't really care what the Pope says. And by the way, he's wrong.

To me the pope saying this, is about as relevant as Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of a terrorist group, saying it.

Zero relevance. And he's wrong. So... one person saying something wrong, is no more important than any other saying something wrong.

Terrorism it's right when Jews do it, but wrong when Muslims do it.

No it's wrong when the Jews do it too. Thankfully they do not generally do it. Only the Muslims are doing it right now.
Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

NOPE arabs owned virtually NO LAND in the part of British mandate Palestine that became ISRAEL------

More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

What a bullshit only about 7% of the land of Palestine was even Jewish owned, why is it so hard to admit your Jewish people stole Palestine?

You Jews are major bullshit-artists just like the Gypsies, you make up exaggeration, or lies about buying Ottoman Land, and Polish stealing Jewish land.

The bottom line is both are far from being a splash in the pool.

You people are clearly thieves of Biblical proportions,, and it's no wonder why people don't like you, when you think everybody owes you.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

I don't really care what the Pope says. And by the way, he's wrong.

To me the pope saying this, is about as relevant as Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of a terrorist group, saying it.

Zero relevance. And he's wrong. So... one person saying something wrong, is no more important than any other saying something wrong.

Terrorism it's right when Jews do it, but wrong when Muslims do it.

No it's wrong when the Jews do it too. Thankfully they do not generally do it. Only the Muslims are doing it right now.

These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.
try again-----in fact arabs owned VIRTUALLY NO LAND in
"Palestine" There are RECORDS OF LAND OWNERSHIP by virtue of TAX RECORDS------during the OTTOMAN
YEARS-----virtually none owned by arabs. Jews own 7 %
by PURCHASE------sitting and shitting on land did not
constitute LAND OWNERSHIP even in the Ottoman empire
and did not constitute "LAND OWNERSHIP" in "Palestine"
for more than 3000 years

Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

It doesn't matter what they called themselves,

What did they call themselves?

these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land

I don't think these non-Turks owned much of anything.

Those Jews didn't own much of anything, which is why this horrific monstrosity of Israel is a mistake.

Well that's too bad. So instead of crying about the past, and wasting your life, how about you move on? Find something else of more value to complain about.

Because let's look at the facts.... The Jews are not leaving. The Jews will kill you if you try and invade their land, or harm their people.

And this isn't going to change.

So..... you can either find something more productive to do with your life.... or you do one of the following:

A: B!tch and complain until you die... thus accomplish nothing and die as a waste.
B: You can attack Israel until you die.... thus accomplish nothing and die as a waste.
C: You can actually try and directly go to Israel to harm the "JOOOOOS" and end up killed, and I'll be on this forum talking about how you got what you deserved with the next idiot that's on here complaining about the "JOOOOOOS"....... and you'll accomplish nothing and die as a waste.

I personally suggest you find something more productive to do with your life. But it's up to you. Everyone gets to choose their own path.
Arabs owned more land than Jews.
Why is it so hard to admit that Jews stole Palestine?


That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

It doesn't matter what they called themselves,

What did they call themselves?

these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land

I don't think these non-Turks owned much of anything.

Those Jews didn't own much of anything, which is why this horrific monstrosity of Israel is a mistake.

Well that's too bad. So instead of crying about the past, and wasting your life, how about you move on? Find something else of more value to complain about.

Because let's look at the facts.... The Jews are not leaving. The Jews will kill you if you try and invade their land, or harm their people.

And this isn't going to change.

So..... you can either find something more productive to do with your life.... or you do one of the following:

A: B!tch and complain until you die... thus accomplish nothing and die as a waste.
B: You can attack Israel until you die.... thus accomplish nothing and die as a waste.
C: You can actually try and directly go to Israel to harm the "JOOOOOS" and end up killed, and I'll be on this forum talking about how you got what you deserved with the next idiot that's on here complaining about the "JOOOOOOS"....... and you'll accomplish nothing and die as a waste.

I personally suggest you find something more productive to do with your life. But it's up to you. Everyone gets to choose their own path.

Zionists clearly don't know right, from wrong.

What Zionists understand is might, is right.

Look at Israel years back pulling out of Gaza, the bigger part of Hamas, rather than West Bank where Hamas is lacking in comparison.

Israel just understands might is right... Truly a modern abomination.

Israel is a primitive state, none the less.

Why is it so hard to admit Jews stole Israel from the Palestinians?
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

I don't really care what the Pope says. And by the way, he's wrong.

To me the pope saying this, is about as relevant as Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of a terrorist group, saying it.

Zero relevance. And he's wrong. So... one person saying something wrong, is no more important than any other saying something wrong.

Terrorism it's right when Jews do it, but wrong when Muslims do it.

No it's wrong when the Jews do it too. Thankfully they do not generally do it. Only the Muslims are doing it right now.

These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.

Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.
That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

It doesn't matter what they called themselves,

What did they call themselves?

these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land

I don't think these non-Turks owned much of anything.

Those Jews didn't own much of anything, which is why this horrific monstrosity of Israel is a mistake.

Well that's too bad. So instead of crying about the past, and wasting your life, how about you move on? Find something else of more value to complain about.

Because let's look at the facts.... The Jews are not leaving. The Jews will kill you if you try and invade their land, or harm their people.

And this isn't going to change.

So..... you can either find something more productive to do with your life.... or you do one of the following:

A: B!tch and complain until you die... thus accomplish nothing and die as a waste.
B: You can attack Israel until you die.... thus accomplish nothing and die as a waste.
C: You can actually try and directly go to Israel to harm the "JOOOOOS" and end up killed, and I'll be on this forum talking about how you got what you deserved with the next idiot that's on here complaining about the "JOOOOOOS"....... and you'll accomplish nothing and die as a waste.

I personally suggest you find something more productive to do with your life. But it's up to you. Everyone gets to choose their own path.

Zionists clearly don't know right, from wrong.

What Zionists understand is might, is right.

Look at Israel years back pulling out of Gaza, the bigger part of Hamas, rather than West Bank where Hamas is lacking in comparison.

Israel just understands might is right... Truly a modern abomination.

Israel is a primitive state, none the less.

Why is it so hard to admit Jews stole Israel from the Palestinians?

I'll never admit to something that isn't true. And there are no Palestinians anyway. Everyone there, immigrated there from somewhere else.

Again, you can keep b!tching and moaning.... nothing is going to change... the Jews will never leave.... and you will just die pointlessly. You want to waste your life, you are doing a good job of it right now.
That's weird, no mention of Palestinian ownership...…..

It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

NOPE arabs owned virtually NO LAND in the part of British mandate Palestine that became ISRAEL------

More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

What a bullshit only about 7% of the land of Palestine was even Jewish owned, why is it so hard to admit your Jewish people stole Palestine?

You Jews are major bullshit-artists just like the Gypsies, you make up exaggeration, or lies about buying Ottoman Land, and Polish stealing Jewish land.

The bottom line is both are far from being a splash in the pool.

You people are clearly thieves of Biblical proportions,, and it's no wonder why people don't like you, when you think everybody owes you.

I don't care if people like you, don't like us.

You support terrorists. Why would anyone care what you think?

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