Pope condemns Israel massacre

I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."

I don't really care what the Pope says. And by the way, he's wrong.

To me the pope saying this, is about as relevant as Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of a terrorist group, saying it.

Zero relevance. And he's wrong. So... one person saying something wrong, is no more important than any other saying something wrong.

Terrorism it's right when Jews do it, but wrong when Muslims do it.

No it's wrong when the Jews do it too. Thankfully they do not generally do it. Only the Muslims are doing it right now.

These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.

Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.

What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.
It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

NOPE arabs owned virtually NO LAND in the part of British mandate Palestine that became ISRAEL------

More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

What a bullshit only about 7% of the land of Palestine was even Jewish owned, why is it so hard to admit your Jewish people stole Palestine?

You Jews are major bullshit-artists just like the Gypsies, you make up exaggeration, or lies about buying Ottoman Land, and Polish stealing Jewish land.

The bottom line is both are far from being a splash in the pool.

You people are clearly thieves of Biblical proportions,, and it's no wonder why people don't like you, when you think everybody owes you.

I don't care if people like you, don't like us.

You support terrorists. Why would anyone care what you think?

You support terrorists, called Israel.

The only terrorism as of late in the Palestine vs Israel conflict has actually been these terrorist massacres by Israel on Palestine.

Why is that so hard for scum of the Earth Zionists to admit, that Israel is in fact committing Zionist terrorism.
I don't really care what the Pope says. And by the way, he's wrong.

To me the pope saying this, is about as relevant as Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of a terrorist group, saying it.

Zero relevance. And he's wrong. So... one person saying something wrong, is no more important than any other saying something wrong.

Terrorism it's right when Jews do it, but wrong when Muslims do it.

No it's wrong when the Jews do it too. Thankfully they do not generally do it. Only the Muslims are doing it right now.

These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.

Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.

What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.

I don't see Israelis randomly firing rockets into Gaza. I do see Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel.

If Mexicans were firing rockets into the US, we would have a 51st state by now.

It's not propaganda when I see video footage of it.

Again, you can whine b!tch and moan all you want. Keep crying as much as you want. You are just wasting your own time. Eventually I'll stop talking to you to, and you can keep B!tching and moaning all night, all day... and your life will be nothing more than a waste.

The Jews are not leaving. Just keep crying... they are not going anywhere. They never will. You can choose to waste your entire life, and accomplish nothing, but that hurts only one person. You.
NOPE arabs owned virtually NO LAND in the part of British mandate Palestine that became ISRAEL------

More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

What a bullshit only about 7% of the land of Palestine was even Jewish owned, why is it so hard to admit your Jewish people stole Palestine?

You Jews are major bullshit-artists just like the Gypsies, you make up exaggeration, or lies about buying Ottoman Land, and Polish stealing Jewish land.

The bottom line is both are far from being a splash in the pool.

You people are clearly thieves of Biblical proportions,, and it's no wonder why people don't like you, when you think everybody owes you.

I don't care if people like you, don't like us.

You support terrorists. Why would anyone care what you think?

You support terrorists, called Israel.

The only terrorism as of late in the Palestine vs Israel conflict has actually been these terrorist massacres by Israel on Palestine.

Why is that so hard for scum of the Earth Zionists to admit, that Israel is in fact committing Zionist terrorism.

You are a liar. You are a terrorist supporting liar.
NOPE arabs owned virtually NO LAND in the part of British mandate Palestine that became ISRAEL------

More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

What a bullshit only about 7% of the land of Palestine was even Jewish owned, why is it so hard to admit your Jewish people stole Palestine?

You Jews are major bullshit-artists just like the Gypsies, you make up exaggeration, or lies about buying Ottoman Land, and Polish stealing Jewish land.

The bottom line is both are far from being a splash in the pool.

You people are clearly thieves of Biblical proportions,, and it's no wonder why people don't like you, when you think everybody owes you.

I don't care if people like you, don't like us.

You support terrorists. Why would anyone care what you think?

You support terrorists, called Israel.

The only terrorism as of late in the Palestine vs Israel conflict has actually been these terrorist massacres by Israel on Palestine.

Why is that so hard for scum of the Earth Zionists to admit, that Israel is in fact committing Zionist terrorism.

Shit mouth fart ass Polack whores do not need ZIONIST
or "PALESTNIAN" to be the filth that they are and have been for centuries
It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

It doesn't matter what they called themselves,

What did they call themselves?

these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land

I don't think these non-Turks owned much of anything.

Those Jews didn't own much of anything, which is why this horrific monstrosity of Israel is a mistake.

Well that's too bad. So instead of crying about the past, and wasting your life, how about you move on? Find something else of more value to complain about.

Because let's look at the facts.... The Jews are not leaving. The Jews will kill you if you try and invade their land, or harm their people.

And this isn't going to change.

So..... you can either find something more productive to do with your life.... or you do one of the following:

A: B!tch and complain until you die... thus accomplish nothing and die as a waste.
B: You can attack Israel until you die.... thus accomplish nothing and die as a waste.
C: You can actually try and directly go to Israel to harm the "JOOOOOS" and end up killed, and I'll be on this forum talking about how you got what you deserved with the next idiot that's on here complaining about the "JOOOOOOS"....... and you'll accomplish nothing and die as a waste.

I personally suggest you find something more productive to do with your life. But it's up to you. Everyone gets to choose their own path.

Zionists clearly don't know right, from wrong.

What Zionists understand is might, is right.

Look at Israel years back pulling out of Gaza, the bigger part of Hamas, rather than West Bank where Hamas is lacking in comparison.

Israel just understands might is right... Truly a modern abomination.

Israel is a primitive state, none the less.

Why is it so hard to admit Jews stole Israel from the Palestinians?

I'll never admit to something that isn't true. And there are no Palestinians anyway. Everyone there, immigrated there from somewhere else.

Again, you can keep b!tching and moaning.... nothing is going to change... the Jews will never leave.... and you will just die pointlessly. You want to waste your life, you are doing a good job of it right now.

Then don't expect people to respect you, if you Zionist scums don't even know right, from wrong.

Palestinians just rally to protest, and the Israeli scums shoot 1,000's of them.

I can't believe anyone even brushes this off, or supports this Israeli terrorism.

I'm embarrassed by most of my fellow Americans , you are clearly trash among Men for the most part.
More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

What a bullshit only about 7% of the land of Palestine was even Jewish owned, why is it so hard to admit your Jewish people stole Palestine?

You Jews are major bullshit-artists just like the Gypsies, you make up exaggeration, or lies about buying Ottoman Land, and Polish stealing Jewish land.

The bottom line is both are far from being a splash in the pool.

You people are clearly thieves of Biblical proportions,, and it's no wonder why people don't like you, when you think everybody owes you.

I don't care if people like you, don't like us.

You support terrorists. Why would anyone care what you think?

You support terrorists, called Israel.

The only terrorism as of late in the Palestine vs Israel conflict has actually been these terrorist massacres by Israel on Palestine.

Why is that so hard for scum of the Earth Zionists to admit, that Israel is in fact committing Zionist terrorism.

You are a liar. You are a terrorist supporting liar.

Israel shoots 1,000 people, some of them children, and you dare call anyone else a terrorist?

Israel is a terrorist, why do you deny the obvious?
It doesn't matter what they called themselves, but it does matter that Israeli Jews displaced these Arabs who made up the majority of the population, and owned significantly more land.

NOPE arabs owned virtually NO LAND in the part of British mandate Palestine that became ISRAEL------

More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

What a bullshit only about 7% of the land of Palestine was even Jewish owned, why is it so hard to admit your Jewish people stole Palestine?

You Jews are major bullshit-artists just like the Gypsies, you make up exaggeration, or lies about buying Ottoman Land, and Polish stealing Jewish land.

The bottom line is both are far from being a splash in the pool.

You people are clearly thieves of Biblical proportions,, and it's no wonder why people don't like you, when you think everybody owes you.

I don't care if people like you, don't like us.

You support terrorists. Why would anyone care what you think?

Much of the World is tired of Israel's terrorism.

It's basically just Jewish pricks, and America's Hicks who think otherwise.

So sorry to say, but you (Zionist) scums don't even matter anymore, you are horrific trash, who don't know right from wrong.
ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

What a bullshit only about 7% of the land of Palestine was even Jewish owned, why is it so hard to admit your Jewish people stole Palestine?

You Jews are major bullshit-artists just like the Gypsies, you make up exaggeration, or lies about buying Ottoman Land, and Polish stealing Jewish land.

The bottom line is both are far from being a splash in the pool.

You people are clearly thieves of Biblical proportions,, and it's no wonder why people don't like you, when you think everybody owes you.

I don't care if people like you, don't like us.

You support terrorists. Why would anyone care what you think?

You support terrorists, called Israel.

The only terrorism as of late in the Palestine vs Israel conflict has actually been these terrorist massacres by Israel on Palestine.

Why is that so hard for scum of the Earth Zionists to admit, that Israel is in fact committing Zionist terrorism.

You are a liar. You are a terrorist supporting liar.

Israel shoots 1,000 people, some of them children, and you dare call anyone else a terrorist?

Israel is a terrorist, why do you deny the obvious?

why do polack pigs stink like shit?
Terrorism it's right when Jews do it, but wrong when Muslims do it.

No it's wrong when the Jews do it too. Thankfully they do not generally do it. Only the Muslims are doing it right now.

These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.

Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.

What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.

I don't see Israelis randomly firing rockets into Gaza. I do see Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel.

If Mexicans were firing rockets into the US, we would have a 51st state by now.

It's not propaganda when I see video footage of it.

Again, you can whine b!tch and moan all you want. Keep crying as much as you want. You are just wasting your own time. Eventually I'll stop talking to you to, and you can keep B!tching and moaning all night, all day... and your life will be nothing more than a waste.

The Jews are not leaving. Just keep crying... they are not going anywhere. They never will. You can choose to waste your entire life, and accomplish nothing, but that hurts only one person. You.

Mexicans making a state on U.S.A soil as half breed Native Americans, would be nearly identical to Ashkenazi / Sephardi Jews making a state on Palestinian soil as Half breed Semites.

That's the truth, I'm so sorry thinking isn't clear with Zionists, you can't help yourselves.
No it's wrong when the Jews do it too. Thankfully they do not generally do it. Only the Muslims are doing it right now.

These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.

Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.

What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.

I don't see Israelis randomly firing rockets into Gaza. I do see Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel.

If Mexicans were firing rockets into the US, we would have a 51st state by now.

It's not propaganda when I see video footage of it.

Again, you can whine b!tch and moan all you want. Keep crying as much as you want. You are just wasting your own time. Eventually I'll stop talking to you to, and you can keep B!tching and moaning all night, all day... and your life will be nothing more than a waste.

The Jews are not leaving. Just keep crying... they are not going anywhere. They never will. You can choose to waste your entire life, and accomplish nothing, but that hurts only one person. You.

Mexicans making a state on U.S.A soil as half breed Native Americans, would be nearly identical to Ashkenazi / Sephardi Jews making a state on Palestinian soil as Half breed Semites.

That's the truth, I'm so sorry thinking isn't clear with Zionists, you can't help yourselves.

sobie----you are getting more and more idiotic
More like JEWS OWNED Virtually NO LAND in Palestine.

Why do you deserve to steal from, and displace the Palestinian majority since the mid - late 1940's?

ROFLMAO-------since the "mid-late 1940s"??? Jews had been very actively BUYING LAND from OTTOMAN OWNERS since the beginning of the 1800s. SHEEESH---learn some history. Most of east Jerusalem was OWNED by jews and all of Hebron was OWNED by jews since the
1800s------you are very confused------something happened in your little mind in the 1940s? YUP lots of pogroms in which your heros slit the throats of infants for the glory of
allah and his boyfriend in and HONOR OF "LORD JESUS"

What a bullshit only about 7% of the land of Palestine was even Jewish owned, why is it so hard to admit your Jewish people stole Palestine?

You Jews are major bullshit-artists just like the Gypsies, you make up exaggeration, or lies about buying Ottoman Land, and Polish stealing Jewish land.

The bottom line is both are far from being a splash in the pool.

You people are clearly thieves of Biblical proportions,, and it's no wonder why people don't like you, when you think everybody owes you.

I don't care if people like you, don't like us.

You support terrorists. Why would anyone care what you think?

You support terrorists, called Israel.

The only terrorism as of late in the Palestine vs Israel conflict has actually been these terrorist massacres by Israel on Palestine.

Why is that so hard for scum of the Earth Zionists to admit, that Israel is in fact committing Zionist terrorism.

Shit mouth fart ass Polack whores do not need ZIONIST
or "PALESTNIAN" to be the filth that they are and have been for centuries

What a bunch of crap, the Statute of Kalisz the first Jewish Civil Rights movement being out of Poland, or Poland having the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations risk their lives to save Jews.

All you Jews do is act like complete bastards in response.

You are the #1 mistake of Humanity,
These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.

Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.

What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.

I don't see Israelis randomly firing rockets into Gaza. I do see Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel.

If Mexicans were firing rockets into the US, we would have a 51st state by now.

It's not propaganda when I see video footage of it.

Again, you can whine b!tch and moan all you want. Keep crying as much as you want. You are just wasting your own time. Eventually I'll stop talking to you to, and you can keep B!tching and moaning all night, all day... and your life will be nothing more than a waste.

The Jews are not leaving. Just keep crying... they are not going anywhere. They never will. You can choose to waste your entire life, and accomplish nothing, but that hurts only one person. You.

Mexicans making a state on U.S.A soil as half breed Native Americans, would be nearly identical to Ashkenazi / Sephardi Jews making a state on Palestinian soil as Half breed Semites.

That's the truth, I'm so sorry thinking isn't clear with Zionists, you can't help yourselves.

sobie----you are getting more and more idiotic

You like most Jews don't understand Honest intellect, you understand getting your at all costs, you are horrific beasts of burden.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
Hell the Pope has condemned almost everything. He seems to be very Progressive in his thinking and all for Open Boarders, World Taxes, Mussy Killings, free dope for those who need it. Wait that could be Pope Soros.
Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.

What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.

I don't see Israelis randomly firing rockets into Gaza. I do see Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel.

If Mexicans were firing rockets into the US, we would have a 51st state by now.

It's not propaganda when I see video footage of it.

Again, you can whine b!tch and moan all you want. Keep crying as much as you want. You are just wasting your own time. Eventually I'll stop talking to you to, and you can keep B!tching and moaning all night, all day... and your life will be nothing more than a waste.

The Jews are not leaving. Just keep crying... they are not going anywhere. They never will. You can choose to waste your entire life, and accomplish nothing, but that hurts only one person. You.

Mexicans making a state on U.S.A soil as half breed Native Americans, would be nearly identical to Ashkenazi / Sephardi Jews making a state on Palestinian soil as Half breed Semites.

That's the truth, I'm so sorry thinking isn't clear with Zionists, you can't help yourselves.

sobie----you are getting more and more idiotic

You like most Jews don't understand Honest intellect, you understand getting your at all costs, you are horrific beasts of burden.
Hocky Puck.
No it's wrong when the Jews do it too. Thankfully they do not generally do it. Only the Muslims are doing it right now.

These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.

Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.

What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.

I don't see Israelis randomly firing rockets into Gaza. I do see Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel.

If Mexicans were firing rockets into the US, we would have a 51st state by now.

It's not propaganda when I see video footage of it.

Again, you can whine b!tch and moan all you want. Keep crying as much as you want. You are just wasting your own time. Eventually I'll stop talking to you to, and you can keep B!tching and moaning all night, all day... and your life will be nothing more than a waste.

The Jews are not leaving. Just keep crying... they are not going anywhere. They never will. You can choose to waste your entire life, and accomplish nothing, but that hurts only one person. You.

Mexicans making a state on U.S.A soil as half breed Native Americans, would be nearly identical to Ashkenazi / Sephardi Jews making a state on Palestinian soil as Half breed Semites.

That's the truth, I'm so sorry thinking isn't clear with Zionists, you can't help yourselves.

That's my point. You just made my point dude, and you still don't get it.

Re-read what you just said.

This is pointless. You are too stupid, or too much of a fool, to reason with.

Just keep wasting your life. Keep going. Just spend out the rest of your pathetic years complaining and b!tching and moaning.

I have more important things to do, and more intelligent people to talk to, that don't want to waste their lives.

You apparently have so little value, that complaining and b!tching and moaning, and supporting terrorist Mulisms, is all you want to do with your waste of a life. I'm sorry for the people who know such a useless person.

You are ignored. I won't be responding to your non-stop complain fest any longer. Maybe someday you'll grow up into a worth while adult. But you have show little evidence of hope for that to happen thus far. Bye bye troll.
I'm glad the pope condemned Israel's terrorist actions.

Why do so many on this forum think Israel has a right to be a terrorist?

'We never learn': Pope condemns deadly violence at Israel-Gaza border | CBC News

Pope Francis, speaking during the Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican, condemned the killings this week at the Israel-Gaza border. (Max Rossi/Reuters)
Speaking earlier Wednesday in the audience to a group of Polish World War II veterans, he said: "We never learn."
Hell the Pope has condemned almost everything. He seems to be very Progressive in his thinking and all for Open Boarders, World Taxes, Mussy Killings, free dope for those who need it. Wait that could be Pope Soros.

Soros is a Jew, so he would fit right into Israel. Haha.
These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.

Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.

What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.

I don't see Israelis randomly firing rockets into Gaza. I do see Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel.

If Mexicans were firing rockets into the US, we would have a 51st state by now.

It's not propaganda when I see video footage of it.

Again, you can whine b!tch and moan all you want. Keep crying as much as you want. You are just wasting your own time. Eventually I'll stop talking to you to, and you can keep B!tching and moaning all night, all day... and your life will be nothing more than a waste.

The Jews are not leaving. Just keep crying... they are not going anywhere. They never will. You can choose to waste your entire life, and accomplish nothing, but that hurts only one person. You.

Mexicans making a state on U.S.A soil as half breed Native Americans, would be nearly identical to Ashkenazi / Sephardi Jews making a state on Palestinian soil as Half breed Semites.

That's the truth, I'm so sorry thinking isn't clear with Zionists, you can't help yourselves.

sobie----you are getting more and more idiotic

Yeah, this guy has proven himself completely incompetent to me. This guy is more like a robot, than a thinking human being. I'm threw talking to a brick. Good luck.
These terrorist massacres by Israel prove that terrorism is alive, and well in Israel.

Israel defend it's people from terrorist openly stating they wanted to kill Jews. Proving muslim terrorist is alive, and the Israelis are morally superior in that they defend their people from terrorist.

Again, the Muslims openly stated their intentions and goals at this border. You can't claim it was a 'massacre' when the other side said they intended to commit terrorism and genocide.

Sorry... but you can't claim someone is not defending themselves, when the other side is openly saying they intend to murder people.

I'm sorry, but you are factually wrong.

What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.

I don't see Israelis randomly firing rockets into Gaza. I do see Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel.

If Mexicans were firing rockets into the US, we would have a 51st state by now.

It's not propaganda when I see video footage of it.

Again, you can whine b!tch and moan all you want. Keep crying as much as you want. You are just wasting your own time. Eventually I'll stop talking to you to, and you can keep B!tching and moaning all night, all day... and your life will be nothing more than a waste.

The Jews are not leaving. Just keep crying... they are not going anywhere. They never will. You can choose to waste your entire life, and accomplish nothing, but that hurts only one person. You.

Mexicans making a state on U.S.A soil as half breed Native Americans, would be nearly identical to Ashkenazi / Sephardi Jews making a state on Palestinian soil as Half breed Semites.

That's the truth, I'm so sorry thinking isn't clear with Zionists, you can't help yourselves.

That's my point. You just made my point dude, and you still don't get it.

Re-read what you just said.

This is pointless. You are too stupid, or too much of a fool, to reason with.

Just keep wasting your life. Keep going. Just spend out the rest of your pathetic years complaining and b!tching and moaning.

I have more important things to do, and more intelligent people to talk to, that don't want to waste their lives.

You apparently have so little value, that complaining and b!tching and moaning, and supporting terrorist Mulisms, is all you want to do with your waste of a life. I'm sorry for the people who know such a useless person.

You are ignored. I won't be responding to your non-stop complain fest any longer. Maybe someday you'll grow up into a worth while adult. But you have show little evidence of hope for that to happen thus far. Bye bye troll.

Why can't you like a decent person admit that Zionism as half Semitic Jews stealing Palestine, is akin to half breed Native American Mexicans stealing the U.S.A?
What about Palestinians right to defend themselves from Israel who has stole their land, oppressed, and killed them, huh?

It's just about the Zionist propaganda as usual.

Zionists are primitive beats, you have Animal qualities, all Zionists understand is "Me, Mine, and Now"

You don't understand basic moral concepts, so sorry but you're hardly Humans.

I don't see Israelis randomly firing rockets into Gaza. I do see Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel.

If Mexicans were firing rockets into the US, we would have a 51st state by now.

It's not propaganda when I see video footage of it.

Again, you can whine b!tch and moan all you want. Keep crying as much as you want. You are just wasting your own time. Eventually I'll stop talking to you to, and you can keep B!tching and moaning all night, all day... and your life will be nothing more than a waste.

The Jews are not leaving. Just keep crying... they are not going anywhere. They never will. You can choose to waste your entire life, and accomplish nothing, but that hurts only one person. You.

Mexicans making a state on U.S.A soil as half breed Native Americans, would be nearly identical to Ashkenazi / Sephardi Jews making a state on Palestinian soil as Half breed Semites.

That's the truth, I'm so sorry thinking isn't clear with Zionists, you can't help yourselves.

sobie----you are getting more and more idiotic

You like most Jews don't understand Honest intellect, you understand getting your at all costs, you are horrific beasts of burden.
Hocky Puck.

Why do Zionists insist that only Jewish Israelis have a right to fight back against Palestinians?

If Palestinians fight back their evil, yet clear as day Arabs made up more people, and more land ownership in Palestine prior to Israel.

So, if anyone has more rights to defend themselves it should be Palestinians, no?

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