Pope criticizes nations calling for peace but supply arms to groups in Syria

Irosie tries to turn the truth upside down again - like always. She´s got a long history of vulgar, hateful posts full of lies.

where was the lie and where was the vulgarity? Just this week your ally Iran has been BOASTING of its missile power ----IN IRAN and in places like Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen and potentially in Jordan-------Long range missiles designed to blow the brains out of children is-----LOVE?-----Long range missiles aimed at places of dense population------for captain brei-----dead babies lining the streets is BAATHIST BEAUTY

Hezbollah is no different than the IDF, they are there to protect Lebanon. Russia and Iran are allies of Assad, and are helping him.

right---and adolf hitler and Goebbels----both baptized catholics were no different from POPE PIUS
Anti-Pope Francis, he's a Heretic, anything he says or promotes people of the Christian spirit should support the opposite of, he's very possibly the Anti-Christ that we were forewarned about, so Christians and people of the faith of Judaism should not listen to anything this man says.

well Lucy-----there is something nefarious about FRANCES-------''anti-chist"" ??? well---something nefarious

Anti-Pope Francis is why my family have had to leave the Roman Church, we see it as the Apostate Church, it's like we're in The Great Apostasy.

Great Apostasy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.
Holy shit. Didn´t know you are in a sect or something.

I'm not in a sect, I'm articulating what The Book of Revelation tells us.
well Lucy-----there is something nefarious about FRANCES-------''anti-chist"" ??? well---something nefarious

Anti-Pope Francis is why my family have had to leave the Roman Church, we see it as the Apostate Church, it's like we're in The Great Apostasy.

Great Apostasy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.

Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.

don't get carried away, Lucy-----the devastation of Damascus is POETRY------for even better miserable poetic imagery ----read OUR---(ie American) EDGAR ALLEN POE---(he was high on absinthe)
well Lucy-----there is something nefarious about FRANCES-------''anti-chist"" ??? well---something nefarious

Anti-Pope Francis is why my family have had to leave the Roman Church, we see it as the Apostate Church, it's like we're in The Great Apostasy.

Great Apostasy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.
Holy shit. Didn´t know you are in a sect or something.

I'm not in a sect, I'm articulating what The Book of Revelation tells us.

oh ----ok------good time to do it-----in the USA---we sit around
in the warm evenings of this holiday season-----toast marshmellows and------and as the sky darkens-----tell GHOST STORIES ....... you would love it-----you can talk about the WHORE OF BABYLON---on that beastie thing
Anti-Pope Francis is why my family have had to leave the Roman Church, we see it as the Apostate Church, it's like we're in The Great Apostasy.

Great Apostasy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.

Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.

don't get carried away, Lucy-----the devastation of Damascus is POETRY------for even better miserable poetic imagery ----read OUR---(ie American) EDGAR ALLEN POE---(he was high on absinthe)

I love Edgar Allan Poe, especially "William Wilson" and "The Fall of the House of Usher"

They were all high on Absinthe or something, look at Mary Wollstonecraft, she was high on Laudanum when she wrote "Frankenstein"


It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.

Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.

don't get carried away, Lucy-----the devastation of Damascus is POETRY------for even better miserable poetic imagery ----read OUR---(ie American) EDGAR ALLEN POE---(he was high on absinthe)

I love Edgar Allan Poe, especially "William Wilson" and "The Fall of the House of Usher"

They were all high on Absinthe or something, look at Mary Wollstonecraft, she was high on Laudanum when she wrote "Frankenstein"

yes----I am not sure just how effective those drugs were----I never did either ABSINTHE OR LAUDANUM_---but have no doubt that the Laudanum was ------uhm.......relaxing. They
managed with that which was available-----I think Freud did cocaine
Pope Francis is a great Pope, and the RCC is not the apostate Church, of course if your a Protestant it would be.
Without the RCC and EO you would not have Christianity. Thank you Rome and Greece.

"of course if your a Protestant it would be."

My family have been Roman Catholic since the 5th Century, during Pope Celestine I.

We've now been confirmed Orthodox Christian. The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially it's called The Orthodox Catholic Church, it split from the Latin Church in 1054 in what's referred to as the East-West Schism or just The Great Schism of 1054.
True . Regardless the EO and the RCC were the first Christian churches.

well Lucy-----there is something nefarious about FRANCES-------''anti-chist"" ??? well---something nefarious

Anti-Pope Francis is why my family have had to leave the Roman Church, we see it as the Apostate Church, it's like we're in The Great Apostasy.

Great Apostasy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.

Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.

I don't believe in the prophecy. Its not for today although some people seem to be trying to make it play out. That book was wrote about 100 AD and almost didn't make it in the bible, but since it needed an ending it made it in. I believe it is in the hands of mere mortals, humans.
"No, Pope Francis is not a heretic."

He's a Heretic, making comments such as The Bible is just a book, God couldn't work miracles, Athiests can go to Heaven and alluding to Jesus Christ being a failure, are all Heretical statements.

This isn't about Syria, this is about Francis and his anti-Christian direction, he even likened ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

Let's not overlook the points Pope Francis is trying to get across to people. The Bible is just a book until individuals put its teachings into practice and make it come alive. This book tells us that Jesus couldn't work miracles in his home town because of their lack of faith. When Rome succeeded in putting Jesus to death, in the eyes of the world it seemed Jesus had failed. At the very least, we can keep the Pope's words in proper context.
It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.

Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.

don't get carried away, Lucy-----the devastation of Damascus is POETRY------for even better miserable poetic imagery ----read OUR---(ie American) EDGAR ALLEN POE---(he was high on absinthe)

I love Edgar Allan Poe, especially "William Wilson" and "The Fall of the House of Usher"

They were all high on Absinthe or something, look at Mary Wollstonecraft, she was high on Laudanum when she wrote "Frankenstein"

yes----I am not sure just how effective those drugs were----I never did either ABSINTHE OR LAUDANUM_---but have no doubt that the Laudanum was ------uhm.......relaxing. They
managed with that which was available-----I think Freud did cocaine

I've had Absinthe, you have to have Pernod, it's the original, all other brands are inferior. It's very nice, one part Absinthe, four parts water, very refreshing, of course you have to like the taste of Aniseed or you'd hate Absinthe.


Laudanum is liquid Opium, I've not had that, I think it's red in colour, it's also a poison but contains 65% alcohol, they used to prescribe this for children and babies also :eek-52:


Sigmund Freud was a complete Cocaine addict, I've read that Queen Victoria was heavy into Cocaine also, again they used to prescribe Cocaine for babies who were teething, literally people were told to rub it on the gums, this resulted in many babies dying.
Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.

don't get carried away, Lucy-----the devastation of Damascus is POETRY------for even better miserable poetic imagery ----read OUR---(ie American) EDGAR ALLEN POE---(he was high on absinthe)

I love Edgar Allan Poe, especially "William Wilson" and "The Fall of the House of Usher"

They were all high on Absinthe or something, look at Mary Wollstonecraft, she was high on Laudanum when she wrote "Frankenstein"

yes----I am not sure just how effective those drugs were----I never did either ABSINTHE OR LAUDANUM_---but have no doubt that the Laudanum was ------uhm.......relaxing. They
managed with that which was available-----I think Freud did cocaine

I've had Absinthe, you have to have Pernod, it's the original, all other brands are inferior. It's very nice, one part Absinthe, four parts water, very refreshing, of course you have to like the taste of Aniseed or you'd hate Absinthe.


Laudanum is liquid Opium, I've not had that, I think it's red in colour, it's also a poison but contains 65% alcohol, they used to prescribe this for children and babies also :eek-52:


Sigmund Freud was a complete Cocaine addict, I've read that Queen Victoria was heavy into Cocaine also, again they used to prescribe Cocaine for babies who were teething, literally people were told to rub it on the gums, this resulted in many babies dying.

I do not like the taste of aniseed---it is like LICORICE----which I do not like------NO THANKS------I will stick to BOOOZE
well Lucy-----there is something nefarious about FRANCES-------''anti-chist"" ??? well---something nefarious

Anti-Pope Francis is why my family have had to leave the Roman Church, we see it as the Apostate Church, it's like we're in The Great Apostasy.

Great Apostasy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.

Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.
The terrorist groups are made by humans and they will be crushed by humans.
Anti-Pope Francis is why my family have had to leave the Roman Church, we see it as the Apostate Church, it's like we're in The Great Apostasy.

Great Apostasy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.

Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.
The terrorist groups are made by humans and they will be crushed by humans.

This happens if there's a cohesive coalition, and it must include Russia, Russia and Europa and America together can crush ISIS.

Washington DC must put it's differences with Russia aside, the most important thing is to destroy ISIS.

It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.

Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.
The terrorist groups are made by humans and they will be crushed by humans.

This happens if there's a cohesive coalition, and it must include Russia, Russia and Europa and America together can crush ISIS.

Washington DC must put it's differences with Russia aside, the most important thing is to destroy ISIS.
ISIS did not grow on a tree. They have massive outside support and are dependent on Nato supplies and trade - just like the other groups active there.
It seems that we're mid-way through that Book, we await the Fall of Damascus, that's when the other stuff starts to happen.

Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.
The terrorist groups are made by humans and they will be crushed by humans.

This happens if there's a cohesive coalition, and it must include Russia, Russia and Europa and America together can crush ISIS.

Washington DC must put it's differences with Russia aside, the most important thing is to destroy ISIS.
ISIS did not grow on a tree. They have massive outside support and are dependent on Nato supplies and trade.

Yes I know and also support from Erdogan in Turkey.
Lets hope that does not happen. No problem with destroying another country hey.

The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.
The terrorist groups are made by humans and they will be crushed by humans.

This happens if there's a cohesive coalition, and it must include Russia, Russia and Europa and America together can crush ISIS.

Washington DC must put it's differences with Russia aside, the most important thing is to destroy ISIS.
ISIS did not grow on a tree. They have massive outside support and are dependent on Nato supplies and trade.

Yes I know and also support from Erdogan in Turkey.
Turkey is Nato..
The Fall of Damascus is one of the key happenings in Revelation, of course nobody wants this to happen, if you read what happens post-Fall of Damascus only the insane and suicidal would want this.

However it's Prophecy, so it's not in the hands of mere mortals, it therefore is unstoppable by mere mortals, whether we like it or not.
The terrorist groups are made by humans and they will be crushed by humans.

This happens if there's a cohesive coalition, and it must include Russia, Russia and Europa and America together can crush ISIS.

Washington DC must put it's differences with Russia aside, the most important thing is to destroy ISIS.
ISIS did not grow on a tree. They have massive outside support and are dependent on Nato supplies and trade.

Yes I know and also support from Erdogan in Turkey.
Turkey is Nato..

They are, but they shouldn't be in NATO, Erdogan is a psychopath.
"No, Pope Francis is not a heretic."

He's a Heretic, making comments such as The Bible is just a book, God couldn't work miracles, Athiests can go to Heaven and alluding to Jesus Christ being a failure, are all Heretical statements.

This isn't about Syria, this is about Francis and his anti-Christian direction, he even likened ISIS to Jesus Christ's Disciples spreading the word.

Let's not overlook the points Pope Francis is trying to get across to people. The Bible is just a book until individuals put its teachings into practice and make it come alive. This book tells us that Jesus couldn't work miracles in his home town because of their lack of faith. When Rome succeeded in putting Jesus to death, in the eyes of the world it seemed Jesus had failed. At the very least, we can keep the Pope's words in proper context.

That is not at all what he said, Meriweather.

He said this:

"We are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking ended in failure, the failure of the cross" - Pope Francis

Published on Sep 28, 2015

Heretic Pope Francis Says Death Of Jesus Was Failure Of The Cross

A Woman Rides the Beast - The Catholic Church and the Last Days - Dave Hunt (Documentary)

Video exposes the truth about the religion of Catholicism.

Pope Francis is a false prophet / false teacher and those who follow him will find themselves in hell one day.
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