
Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Pope Francis Condemns Racism And Declares That All Religions Are True At Historic Third Vatican Council Diversity Chronicle

For the last six months, Catholic cardinals, bishops and theologians have been deliberating in Vatican City, discussing the future of the church and redefining long-held Catholic doctrines and dogmas. The Third Vatican Council, is undoubtedly the largest and most important since the Second Vatican Council was concluded in 1962. Pope Francis convened the new council to “finally finish the work of the Second Vatican Council.” While some traditionalists and conservative reactionaries on the far right have decried these efforts, they have delighted progressives around the world.

The Third Vatican Council concluded today with Pope Francis announcing that Catholicism is now a “modern and reasonable religion, which has undergone evolutionary changes. The time has come to abandon all intolerance. We must recognize that religious truth evolves and changes. Truth is not absolute or set in stone. Even atheists acknowledge the divine. Through acts of love and charity the atheist acknowledges God as well, and redeems his own soul, becoming an active participant in the redemption of humanity.”

“Through humility, soul searching, and...

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I hope I didn't break a rule by posting the thread title in all caps. It was a cut and paste. Please fix it if you think it's necessary.
One statement in the Pope’s speech has sent traditionalists into a fit of confusion and hysteria. “God is changing and evolving as we are, For God lives in us and in our hearts. When we spread love and kindness in the world, we touch our own divinity and recognize it. The Bible is a beautiful holy book, but like all great and ancient works, some passages are outdated. Some even call for intolerance or judgement. The time has come to see these verses as later interpolations, contrary to the message of love and truth, which otherwise radiates through scripture. In accordance with our new understanding, we will begin to ordain women as cardinals, bishops and priests. In the future, it is my hope that we will have a woman pope one day. Let no door be closed to women that is open to men!”

The bolded part above is true except for his talk on woman popes and cardinals.

If some passages are not outdated in the Holy Bible, then we should not frown upon stoning adulterers, and well Jews had better start obeying the law. But yes the Bible when wrote had different social laws.

This is really for those evangelicals and fundamentalist who take the Bible as God's breathed word, its mans word and tells more about mans view of God at a given time and their culture. As a RC most of us understand this.

Truth is relative is a fact, if I were raised in Saudi Arabia, I'd would of been raised Muslim, and I would of believed in Islam.
So did he get lost on his way to the Unitarian Chruch and mistakingly get elected Pope of the Catholics? :) All religions can't be true as some are mutually exclusive of eacho ther, as with Judaism and Christianity.
So did he get lost on his way to the Unitarian Chruch and mistakingly get elected Pope of the Catholics? :) All religions can't be true as some are mutually exclusive of eacho ther, as with Judaism and Christianity.

No its just the blessing of finally getting a progressive Jesuit Pope in as spokesperson of the RCC.
Since they are all true though, they are all false as well. :)
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So the Great Spaghetti Monster really exists?
I suspect what the pope was trying to say is: "Well, we're sort of right, but you know, maybe those Scientology folks are really right.
The problem with this Pope is, not everyone is going to be able to tell the article is satire.
If anyone has read the Baltimore Catechism before the second Vatican council revision, you will see that it says " its not necessary to read the Bible, the church will tell you everything you need to know" . One must wonder why the RCC never wanted the Bible read.
Hello. I am Muslim.

Not all religion can be true. Ultimately only one religion can be true. That is how Pope Francis can say this. Christianity today has nothing to do with the message Jesus brought from his Lord. Islam is the true religion. The Qur'an has been protected and preserved and the life of Muhammad was very well recorded (peace be upon him and his family), much better than any other prophet; precisely because he was sent as the last of all 124 000 prophets (peace be upon him and his family).
Hello. I am Muslim.

Not all religion can be true. Ultimately only one religion can be true. That is how Pope Francis can say this. Christianity today has nothing to do with the message Jesus brought from his Lord. Islam is the true religion. The Qur'an has been protected and preserved and the life of Muhammad was very well recorded (peace be upon him and his family), much better than any other prophet; precisely because he was sent as the last of all 124 000 prophets (peace be upon him and his family).

so we are just supposed to trust the dead to have communication with God? When did the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob cease to be a God of the living? When did He cease to speak with man?

and why should we ignore the prophecies concerning the two prophets who will defend Jerusalem before Christ returns?
According to the Catholic Church, the era of public revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle, who I believe was St. John the Evangelist.
But can revelation cease as long as the Spirit speaks to man when the Holy Spirit is a revelator?

and if the Spirit ceases to strive with man what kind of state are we in? Because it is only by the Spirit that men can know that Jesus is the Christ and that the gospel is true.
so we are just supposed to trust the dead to have communication with God? When did the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob cease to be a God of the living? When did He cease to speak with man?

and why should we ignore the prophecies concerning the two prophets who will defend Jerusalem before Christ returns?

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was sent as the last of the 124 000 prophets, among whom are Jesus and Abraham. Anyone who knows a little about islam know the Night Journey and the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Not only, Muhammad, but the people with him and those after him were holy and heavenly. Those who know a little about Islam know these men, the Companions and the Successors. It was established from the beginning of Islam that the Bible was full of forgeries and falsifications, not a book to be used. So anything that is said in it, it's most likely false. These early generations of Muslims were followed century after century by a few holy and heavenly men. That is also basic knowledge of Islam. Those are the saints of Islam, up this day, in 2014. They guide to God Almighty and absolute intimacy with Him.

But can revelation cease as long as the Spirit speaks to man when the Holy Spirit is a revelator?

and if the Spirit ceases to strive with man what kind of state are we in? Because it is only by the Spirit that men can know that Jesus is the Christ and that the gospel is true.

The saints of Islam guide to God Almighty, to His presence, in this life, let alone the next, and to absolute intimacy with Him.
This is going to sound strange coming from an atheist but I have to say it;

Who really gives a damn if the Bible, or any Holy Book for that matter, ws full of forgeries and falsifications. Telling actual truth about the physical world around us is not what a religion is suppose to do.

And any 'Holy Book' that does is authored by someone that is trying to hard t convince people of its validity on the religious matter through a logical fallacy.
It sounds like Islam rejects Jesus Christ's role as redeemer of the world, and places a false prophet above him in prestige.
Which is interesting because the spirit of prophesy is a testimony of Jesus Christ.

in order to be a prophet you have to be a witness of the Son of God

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