Pope Francis effectively admits it: He really, really hates Americans

I left Catholicism at age 12, though I continued in their schools.

So I've been through Pius XII, John XXIII. Paul VI, John Paul I and II, and Benedict the Footnote. All pretty fair guys, actually.

Gotta say, I don't care much for Francis.

I am not catholic----and never was-----I've been thru Pius XII, John XXIII Paul VI and Benedict. and now Francis-------the three middle guys seemed kinda nice----Pius not so much------and then there is ------ugh---francis

Shrug. Pius did what he had to do to protect the church. It was his job in a rough era.

yes-----as an apology for Pius----that is about the best that can be said
Jesus is talking to the spirit of the Pharisees concerning their ritual portion.

Your mom was correct concerning carrying germs around on those grubby little fingers and getting those germs into the mouth not really a good thing.

Jesus was a Pharisee.. I do not believe the story------keep in mind----the ROMANS and Hellenists hated the jewish "table customs" Luke never had lunch with Jesus and did not even speak any language that Jesus knew------it is a STORY. If Jesus did not wash his hands at lunch---he was SPITTING in his mother's face------and the
rest of the diners at that table------hand washing is so INGRAINED in the minds of
jewish kids that when the thuggish kid relatives of my Mizrachi hubby visit------I buy extra hand towels--------every bum washes his hands but the custom was a matter of DERISION amongst the romans and later-----even amongst medieval European
Christians, Dr Lister-----who linked lack of handwashing to "childbedfever"----
was castigated as something like a BLASPHEMER. It was actually an EMOTIONAL ISSUE. btw----easterners TOUCH their food------with them
grubby fingers----they may even ----in the course of lunch---TOUCH someone else's food.
Typical response from ya. It is your prerogative to disbelieve and refuse or deny that Jesus was talking about the spirit and their ritual acts. He did not say don't wash your hands. He was telling them just what I just said. I'll rephrase it though in case others are confused. Jesus that Spirit of Jehovah's Salvation with us which is the Word that was with God from the beginning is telling all Pharisees that you can't just say a blessing and have spiritually cleansed your hands from your unrighteous, hypocritical and evil ways and keep abiding in those wicked, evil ways and deeds.

netilat yadayim
Ritual Hand Washing Before Meals | My Jewish Learning

Job 17:9 The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

Psalm 24:4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

BS at no point in history has it been a PHARISEE point of view that washing hands expiates sin. In poetry "clean hands" is a SYMBOL----remember POETRY? Luke heard Jesus say all that stuff you claim? Luke spoke
Greek. Jesus did not and Luke was not there. In the NT----SAINT Pontius Pilate is said to wash his hands----and THAT ACT frees him of the guilt
of the approximately 20,000 innocent Pharisees he murdered-----so he is declared a SAINT by the eastern orthodox church. His murdering of Pharisees is his
real ADMIRED FEAT. Can you think of anything GOOD that Pontius Pilate
did that warrants "saint-hood" OTHER THAN MURDERING LOTS OF
PHARISEES? Remember what your sunday school teacher taught you about those lousy rotten Pharisees who screamed
"CRUCIFY HIM" I got bad news for you-----she lied. I don't doubt that someone wrote the stuff------they wrote that which FIT their image of Jesus
and the fact that ROMANS HATED PHARISEES including Jesus (the Pharisee)
until he was dead and they could reinvent him. ---try to keep in mind---if it does
not make sense----it is probably not true. . I learned about Christianity in
churches and from christians-----there was no religion in my childhood home and I never attended anything like "jewish school" or "jewish camp"
Where does guilt come from???

When did you make Pontius a saint?

You are the only one claiming what I have learned or have been given to understand came from "sunday school".

You said you don't believe in Jesus so your ramblings are moot.

I did not make Pontius Pilate a saint-----he is so named in the GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH. I don't understand your question "where does
guilt come from..." I don't "believe in.....Jesus" ?? It is not clear to me
what that means. I learned about Christianity living in a very protestant and catholic Christian town thruout childhood---and
about "greek orthodoxy" from persons of Serbian, Syrian and Egyptian family
background. I learned about 'sunday school' in a protestant church. Getting
back to Jesus------I know about him and the Roman/greek history about him from the New Testament.
As to the Greek and Roman view point on jewish hand washing and Jesus------it's comic, in my opinion
You would not feel guilty unless you have sinned would you? Guilt comes from not doing the right thing or from doing the wrong things.

You speak as an accuser to someone you don't know and you can only speak about what you experience from people who obviously had the wrong ideas or ones who were ineffective in giving you any understanding. No reason for you to be defensive about that as that is the way it is in many of these churches and with many people who have believed a lie. Our home was surrounded by churches back in the little town we lived in. That didn't make them all ones I would attend, agree with or try to learn about the spirit in. One of those churches had their pastor removed after he Baptized a friend of mine who was dying. They were false accusers who called her a heathen because she wasn't one of them. They were "of the world" in every possible sense being earth bound and living with strictly minds of flesh who are as the dead or in other words asleep in the dust/confusion of the earth totally unaware of the Holy Spirit. They even thought they had the right to try and cause me problems in my business because of their arrogance. pride and hate. Funny thing is what they did ended up back firing and their hate even strengthen the working relationship between the man and I who was the top guy over all of the state contracts that I held after he learned the truth about his hate filled "old friends".
I'm not a fan and it sounds like Pope Francis has a foot fetish, but to be fair I suppose one has to look at him in context of the Catholic church and what he does. Wherever he goes, he has an effect on the media and the people. The people he meets and touches seem to regard him kindly and give him their full support. The media filters what we get about him and usually it is mind boggling to the fundamental Christians here, i.e. the ones who believe in the five solas. I think he is held in a more favorable light with the Catholics. The conservative Christians are usually appalled at how he is perceived and what the reports say he has said or done, that they wonder if he's the Antichrist? We've all heard of that even if one has not thought of that in my opinion. Basically, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis I were are the popes whom Christian fundamentalists think went and taught against the New Testament.
Jesus was a Pharisee.. I do not believe the story------keep in mind----the ROMANS and Hellenists hated the jewish "table customs" Luke never had lunch with Jesus and did not even speak any language that Jesus knew------it is a STORY. If Jesus did not wash his hands at lunch---he was SPITTING in his mother's face------and the
rest of the diners at that table------hand washing is so INGRAINED in the minds of
jewish kids that when the thuggish kid relatives of my Mizrachi hubby visit------I buy extra hand towels--------every bum washes his hands but the custom was a matter of DERISION amongst the romans and later-----even amongst medieval European
Christians, Dr Lister-----who linked lack of handwashing to "childbedfever"----
was castigated as something like a BLASPHEMER. It was actually an EMOTIONAL ISSUE. btw----easterners TOUCH their food------with them
grubby fingers----they may even ----in the course of lunch---TOUCH someone else's food.
Typical response from ya. It is your prerogative to disbelieve and refuse or deny that Jesus was talking about the spirit and their ritual acts. He did not say don't wash your hands. He was telling them just what I just said. I'll rephrase it though in case others are confused. Jesus that Spirit of Jehovah's Salvation with us which is the Word that was with God from the beginning is telling all Pharisees that you can't just say a blessing and have spiritually cleansed your hands from your unrighteous, hypocritical and evil ways and keep abiding in those wicked, evil ways and deeds.

netilat yadayim
Ritual Hand Washing Before Meals | My Jewish Learning

Job 17:9 The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

Psalm 24:4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

BS at no point in history has it been a PHARISEE point of view that washing hands expiates sin. In poetry "clean hands" is a SYMBOL----remember POETRY? Luke heard Jesus say all that stuff you claim? Luke spoke
Greek. Jesus did not and Luke was not there. In the NT----SAINT Pontius Pilate is said to wash his hands----and THAT ACT frees him of the guilt
of the approximately 20,000 innocent Pharisees he murdered-----so he is declared a SAINT by the eastern orthodox church. His murdering of Pharisees is his
real ADMIRED FEAT. Can you think of anything GOOD that Pontius Pilate
did that warrants "saint-hood" OTHER THAN MURDERING LOTS OF
PHARISEES? Remember what your sunday school teacher taught you about those lousy rotten Pharisees who screamed
"CRUCIFY HIM" I got bad news for you-----she lied. I don't doubt that someone wrote the stuff------they wrote that which FIT their image of Jesus
and the fact that ROMANS HATED PHARISEES including Jesus (the Pharisee)
until he was dead and they could reinvent him. ---try to keep in mind---if it does
not make sense----it is probably not true. . I learned about Christianity in
churches and from christians-----there was no religion in my childhood home and I never attended anything like "jewish school" or "jewish camp"
Where does guilt come from???

When did you make Pontius a saint?

You are the only one claiming what I have learned or have been given to understand came from "sunday school".

You said you don't believe in Jesus so your ramblings are moot.

I did not make Pontius Pilate a saint-----he is so named in the GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH. I don't understand your question "where does
guilt come from..." I don't "believe in.....Jesus" ?? It is not clear to me
what that means. I learned about Christianity living in a very protestant and catholic Christian town thruout childhood---and
about "greek orthodoxy" from persons of Serbian, Syrian and Egyptian family
background. I learned about 'sunday school' in a protestant church. Getting
back to Jesus------I know about him and the Roman/greek history about him from the New Testament.
As to the Greek and Roman view point on jewish hand washing and Jesus------it's comic, in my opinion
You would not feel guilty unless you have sinned would you? Guilt comes from not doing the right thing or from doing the wrong things.

You speak as an accuser to someone you don't know and you can only speak about what you experience from people who obviously had the wrong ideas or ones who were ineffective in giving you any understanding. No reason for you to be defensive about that as that is the way it is in many of these churches and with many people who have believed a lie. Our home was surrounded by churches back in the little town we lived in. That didn't make them all ones I would attend, agree with or try to learn about the spirit in. One of those churches had their pastor removed after he Baptized a friend of mine who was dying. They were false accusers who called her a heathen because she wasn't one of them. They were "of the world" in every possible sense being earth bound and living with strictly minds of flesh who are as the dead or in other words asleep in the dust/confusion of the earth totally unaware of the Holy Spirit. They even thought they had the right to try and cause me problems in my business because of their arrogance. pride and hate. Funny thing is what they did ended up back firing and their hate even strengthen the working relationship between the man and I who was the top guy over all of the state contracts that I held after he learned the truth about his hate filled "old friends".

the "HOLY SPIRIT" ????
"Conservative" or, more accurately right-wing politics are not synonymous with Christian faith. More likely, they are antithetical. This headline is totally misleading. I don't think Francis ever expressed any hostility toward all of us of U.S. nationality, just to those ideas that, in his opinion, do not represent the values that Jesus taught. This situation illustrates the problem with trying to marry politics and religion.
Typical response from ya. It is your prerogative to disbelieve and refuse or deny that Jesus was talking about the spirit and their ritual acts. He did not say don't wash your hands. He was telling them just what I just said. I'll rephrase it though in case others are confused. Jesus that Spirit of Jehovah's Salvation with us which is the Word that was with God from the beginning is telling all Pharisees that you can't just say a blessing and have spiritually cleansed your hands from your unrighteous, hypocritical and evil ways and keep abiding in those wicked, evil ways and deeds.

netilat yadayim
Ritual Hand Washing Before Meals | My Jewish Learning

Job 17:9 The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

Psalm 24:4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

BS at no point in history has it been a PHARISEE point of view that washing hands expiates sin. In poetry "clean hands" is a SYMBOL----remember POETRY? Luke heard Jesus say all that stuff you claim? Luke spoke
Greek. Jesus did not and Luke was not there. In the NT----SAINT Pontius Pilate is said to wash his hands----and THAT ACT frees him of the guilt
of the approximately 20,000 innocent Pharisees he murdered-----so he is declared a SAINT by the eastern orthodox church. His murdering of Pharisees is his
real ADMIRED FEAT. Can you think of anything GOOD that Pontius Pilate
did that warrants "saint-hood" OTHER THAN MURDERING LOTS OF
PHARISEES? Remember what your sunday school teacher taught you about those lousy rotten Pharisees who screamed
"CRUCIFY HIM" I got bad news for you-----she lied. I don't doubt that someone wrote the stuff------they wrote that which FIT their image of Jesus
and the fact that ROMANS HATED PHARISEES including Jesus (the Pharisee)
until he was dead and they could reinvent him. ---try to keep in mind---if it does
not make sense----it is probably not true. . I learned about Christianity in
churches and from christians-----there was no religion in my childhood home and I never attended anything like "jewish school" or "jewish camp"
Where does guilt come from???

When did you make Pontius a saint?

You are the only one claiming what I have learned or have been given to understand came from "sunday school".

You said you don't believe in Jesus so your ramblings are moot.

I did not make Pontius Pilate a saint-----he is so named in the GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH. I don't understand your question "where does
guilt come from..." I don't "believe in.....Jesus" ?? It is not clear to me
what that means. I learned about Christianity living in a very protestant and catholic Christian town thruout childhood---and
about "greek orthodoxy" from persons of Serbian, Syrian and Egyptian family
background. I learned about 'sunday school' in a protestant church. Getting
back to Jesus------I know about him and the Roman/greek history about him from the New Testament.
As to the Greek and Roman view point on jewish hand washing and Jesus------it's comic, in my opinion
You would not feel guilty unless you have sinned would you? Guilt comes from not doing the right thing or from doing the wrong things.

You speak as an accuser to someone you don't know and you can only speak about what you experience from people who obviously had the wrong ideas or ones who were ineffective in giving you any understanding. No reason for you to be defensive about that as that is the way it is in many of these churches and with many people who have believed a lie. Our home was surrounded by churches back in the little town we lived in. That didn't make them all ones I would attend, agree with or try to learn about the spirit in. One of those churches had their pastor removed after he Baptized a friend of mine who was dying. They were false accusers who called her a heathen because she wasn't one of them. They were "of the world" in every possible sense being earth bound and living with strictly minds of flesh who are as the dead or in other words asleep in the dust/confusion of the earth totally unaware of the Holy Spirit. They even thought they had the right to try and cause me problems in my business because of their arrogance. pride and hate. Funny thing is what they did ended up back firing and their hate even strengthen the working relationship between the man and I who was the top guy over all of the state contracts that I held after he learned the truth about his hate filled "old friends".

the "HOLY SPIRIT" ????
I have no reason to have a repeat discussion with you on that.
"Conservative" or, more accurately right-wing politics are not synonymous with Christian faith. More likely, they are antithetical. This headline is totally misleading. I don't think Francis ever expressed any hostility toward all of us of U.S. nationality, just to those ideas that, in his opinion, do not represent the values that Jesus taught. This situation illustrates the problem with trying to marry politics and religion.

what popular ideas in the USA do you think Francis rejects?. Francis SEEMS to be
to be very political
BS at no point in history has it been a PHARISEE point of view that washing hands expiates sin. In poetry "clean hands" is a SYMBOL----remember POETRY? Luke heard Jesus say all that stuff you claim? Luke spoke
Greek. Jesus did not and Luke was not there. In the NT----SAINT Pontius Pilate is said to wash his hands----and THAT ACT frees him of the guilt
of the approximately 20,000 innocent Pharisees he murdered-----so he is declared a SAINT by the eastern orthodox church. His murdering of Pharisees is his
real ADMIRED FEAT. Can you think of anything GOOD that Pontius Pilate
did that warrants "saint-hood" OTHER THAN MURDERING LOTS OF
PHARISEES? Remember what your sunday school teacher taught you about those lousy rotten Pharisees who screamed
"CRUCIFY HIM" I got bad news for you-----she lied. I don't doubt that someone wrote the stuff------they wrote that which FIT their image of Jesus
and the fact that ROMANS HATED PHARISEES including Jesus (the Pharisee)
until he was dead and they could reinvent him. ---try to keep in mind---if it does
not make sense----it is probably not true. . I learned about Christianity in
churches and from christians-----there was no religion in my childhood home and I never attended anything like "jewish school" or "jewish camp"
Where does guilt come from???

When did you make Pontius a saint?

You are the only one claiming what I have learned or have been given to understand came from "sunday school".

You said you don't believe in Jesus so your ramblings are moot.

I did not make Pontius Pilate a saint-----he is so named in the GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH. I don't understand your question "where does
guilt come from..." I don't "believe in.....Jesus" ?? It is not clear to me
what that means. I learned about Christianity living in a very protestant and catholic Christian town thruout childhood---and
about "greek orthodoxy" from persons of Serbian, Syrian and Egyptian family
background. I learned about 'sunday school' in a protestant church. Getting
back to Jesus------I know about him and the Roman/greek history about him from the New Testament.
As to the Greek and Roman view point on jewish hand washing and Jesus------it's comic, in my opinion
You would not feel guilty unless you have sinned would you? Guilt comes from not doing the right thing or from doing the wrong things.

You speak as an accuser to someone you don't know and you can only speak about what you experience from people who obviously had the wrong ideas or ones who were ineffective in giving you any understanding. No reason for you to be defensive about that as that is the way it is in many of these churches and with many people who have believed a lie. Our home was surrounded by churches back in the little town we lived in. That didn't make them all ones I would attend, agree with or try to learn about the spirit in. One of those churches had their pastor removed after he Baptized a friend of mine who was dying. They were false accusers who called her a heathen because she wasn't one of them. They were "of the world" in every possible sense being earth bound and living with strictly minds of flesh who are as the dead or in other words asleep in the dust/confusion of the earth totally unaware of the Holy Spirit. They even thought they had the right to try and cause me problems in my business because of their arrogance. pride and hate. Funny thing is what they did ended up back firing and their hate even strengthen the working relationship between the man and I who was the top guy over all of the state contracts that I held after he learned the truth about his hate filled "old friends".

the "HOLY SPIRIT" ????
I have no reason to have a repeat discussion with you on that.

we had a discussion about something you call "THE HOLY SPIRIT"?
Sounding more and more like a politician and less and less like a pope, Pope Francis threw out this one for his American critics who view him as just a bit too political. According to Fox News:

Pope Francis told a reporter on Wednesday it was an "honor" to be the subject of attacks from American religious conservatives and their Catholic allies.

The pope was speaking with French journalist Nicholas Seneze, the author of "How America Wants to Change Popes," when he responded to his American critics while heading to Mozambique for a three-day tour of sub-Saharan Africa.

His stances on climate change, immigration, homosexuality and theology have garnered heavy criticism from politicians and conservative Catholics and commentators. Some critics have demanded his resignation.
“It’s an honor that the Americans attack me,” the pontiff told Seneze.

Interesting that he characterized his critics as "the Americans" instead of 'the conservatives.' After all, the U.S. Church (and nearly all U.S. religious denominations) actually do have plenty of leftists -- they're actually dominated by them.

Which goes to show just how coldly he views the USA with all its famous freedoms, calling to mind that like the late Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez, he's never spent appreciable time in the U.S. He knows nothing of democracy, other than the Peronist balcony-descamisados kind practiced in Argentina with its famous Argentine economic consequences. The U.S. practice of freely speaking one's mind and questioning authority that's failing unsettles him. He gets mad. If he's the good guy, then someone who criticizes him is the devil, which of course is why it's an 'honor.' The U.S. and all its freedom is a bad place, see, but he'd nevertheless like all the world's illegal migrants he claims to champion to somehow be here.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

If Pope Francis really, really hates Americans, I am POSITIVE that make him a DemonRAT!!

I'm waiting for a few alter boys from the past to speak up.

"Conservative" or, more accurately right-wing politics are not synonymous with Christian faith. More likely, they are antithetical. This headline is totally misleading. I don't think Francis ever expressed any hostility toward all of us of U.S. nationality, just to those ideas that, in his opinion, do not represent the values that Jesus taught. This situation illustrates the problem with trying to marry politics and religion.

what popular ideas in the USA do you think Francis rejects?. Francis SEEMS to be
to be very political
His stances on climate change, immigration, homosexuality and theology have garnered heavy criticism from politicians and conservative Catholics and commentators

How "popular" do you think that the stances of the so-called "religious right" on these issues are with the American people? Don't try to marry religion and politics. People like frankie graham, jeffress, family research council, focus on the family also seem to be very political, and were so long before Francis was elected. Americans do not follow one particular sect, cult, or religion. While I have many bones to pick with the Roman Catholic Church, having been raised in it and being very disapproving of its structure and historical conduct, I am in agreement with Francis on many of these issues. This has to do with my spiritual identity, not my status as an American.
Look at the dwindling of congregations and the closing of parish after parish. Won't be long and there will be no "American Catholic Church".
Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air, after Benedict.

I guess you hate the emeritus, because he is a "cold" German - but he is a Bavarian too. No one in Germany would know how to combine a Bavarian with the word "cold". Benedict is a very spiritual man with a very high intellect and an excellent knowledge. He's a teacher in a world, which is not able to listen any longer. An he "teaches" very clear, who is the beloved pope of his and my Holy Catholic Church: Francesco.

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The Pope is just like all of the other left wing wackos.
He regards the American taxpayers to be his slaves.

Money is not richdom, slave. I'm for example the richest man in the world, because I always had an Euro more than I needed. Nevertheless I too will have to leave this planet naked - even without my body.

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Americans are at war Time to buckle down patriots!

US-Americans don't know what war is. That's why you are continuously in war. Be happy never to have to find out what war really is.

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Sounding more and more like a politician and less and less like a pope, Pope Francis threw out this one for his American critics who view him as just a bit too political. According to Fox News:

Pope Francis told a reporter on Wednesday it was an "honor" to be the subject of attacks from American religious conservatives and their Catholic allies.

The pope was speaking with French journalist Nicholas Seneze, the author of "How America Wants to Change Popes," when he responded to his American critics while heading to Mozambique for a three-day tour of sub-Saharan Africa.

His stances on climate change, immigration, homosexuality and theology have garnered heavy criticism from politicians and conservative Catholics and commentators. Some critics have demanded his resignation.
“It’s an honor that the Americans attack me,” the pontiff told Seneze.

Interesting that he characterized his critics as "the Americans" instead of 'the conservatives.' After all, the U.S. Church (and nearly all U.S. religious denominations) actually do have plenty of leftists -- they're actually dominated by them.

Which goes to show just how coldly he views the USA with all its famous freedoms, calling to mind that like the late Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez, he's never spent appreciable time in the U.S. He knows nothing of democracy, other than the Peronist balcony-descamisados kind practiced in Argentina with its famous Argentine economic consequences. The U.S. practice of freely speaking one's mind and questioning authority that's failing unsettles him. He gets mad. If he's the good guy, then someone who criticizes him is the devil, which of course is why it's an 'honor.' The U.S. and all its freedom is a bad place, see, but he'd nevertheless like all the world's illegal migrants he claims to champion to somehow be here.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

If Pope Francis really, really hates Americans, I am POSITIVE that make him a DemonRAT!!

What causes conservative religious people to be so thin skinned and act like victims?

Not "religious" - "anti-religious" people.
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In my mom's house------eating with unwashed hands ------
Jesus was a Pharisee.. I do not believe the story------keep in mind----the ROMANS and Hellenists hated the jewish "table customs" Luke never had lunch with Jesus and did not even speak any language that Jesus knew------it is a STORY. If Jesus did not wash his hands at lunch---he was SPITTING in his mother's face------and the
rest of the diners at that table------hand washing is so INGRAINED in the minds of
jewish kids that when the thuggish kid relatives of my Mizrachi hubby visit------I buy extra hand towels--------every bum washes his hands but the custom was a matter of DERISION amongst the romans and later-----even amongst medieval European
Christians, Dr Lister-----who linked lack of handwashing to "childbedfever"----
was castigated as something like a BLASPHEMER. It was actually an EMOTIONAL ISSUE. btw----easterners TOUCH their food------with them
grubby fingers----they may even ----in the course of lunch---TOUCH someone else's food.
Typical response from ya. It is your prerogative to disbelieve and refuse or deny that Jesus was talking about the spirit and their ritual acts. He did not say don't wash your hands. He was telling them just what I just said. I'll rephrase it though in case others are confused. Jesus that Spirit of Jehovah's Salvation with us which is the Word that was with God from the beginning is telling all Pharisees that you can't just say a blessing and have spiritually cleansed your hands from your unrighteous, hypocritical and evil ways and keep abiding in those wicked, evil ways and deeds.

netilat yadayim
Ritual Hand Washing Before Meals | My Jewish Learning

Job 17:9 The righteous also shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger.

Psalm 24:4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

BS at no point in history has it been a PHARISEE point of view that washing hands expiates sin. In poetry "clean hands" is a SYMBOL----remember POETRY? Luke heard Jesus say all that stuff you claim? Luke spoke
Greek. Jesus did not and Luke was not there. In the NT----SAINT Pontius Pilate is said to wash his hands----and THAT ACT frees him of the guilt
of the approximately 20,000 innocent Pharisees he murdered-----so he is declared a SAINT by the eastern orthodox church. His murdering of Pharisees is his
real ADMIRED FEAT. Can you think of anything GOOD that Pontius Pilate
did that warrants "saint-hood" OTHER THAN MURDERING LOTS OF
PHARISEES? Remember what your sunday school teacher taught you about those lousy rotten Pharisees who screamed
"CRUCIFY HIM" I got bad news for you-----she lied. I don't doubt that someone wrote the stuff------they wrote that which FIT their image of Jesus
and the fact that ROMANS HATED PHARISEES including Jesus (the Pharisee)
until he was dead and they could reinvent him. ---try to keep in mind---if it does
not make sense----it is probably not true. . I learned about Christianity in
churches and from christians-----there was no religion in my childhood home and I never attended anything like "jewish school" or "jewish camp"
Where does guilt come from???

When did you make Pontius a saint?

You are the only one claiming what I have learned or have been given to understand came from "sunday school".

You said you don't believe in Jesus so your ramblings are moot.

I did not make Pontius Pilate a saint-----he is so named in the GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH. I don't understand your question "where does
guilt come from..." I don't "believe in.....Jesus" ?? It is not clear to me
what that means. I learned about Christianity living in a very protestant and catholic Christian town thruout childhood---and
about "greek orthodoxy" from persons of Serbian, Syrian and Egyptian family
background. I learned about 'sunday school' in a protestant church. Getting
back to Jesus------I know about him and the Roman/greek history about him from the New Testament.
As to the Greek and Roman view point on jewish hand washing and Jesus------it's comic, in my opinion
You would not feel guilty unless you have sinned would you? Guilt comes from not doing the right thing or from doing the wrong things.

You speak as an accuser to someone you don't know and you can only speak about what you experience from people who obviously had the wrong ideas or ones who were ineffective in giving you any understanding. No reason for you to be defensive about that as that is the way it is in many of these churches and with many people who have believed a lie. Our home was surrounded by churches back in the little town we lived in. That didn't make them all ones I would attend, agree with or try to learn about the spirit in. One of those churches had their pastor removed after he Baptized a friend of mine who was dying. They were false accusers who called her a heathen because she wasn't one of them. They were "of the world" in every possible sense being earth bound and living with strictly minds of flesh who are as the dead or in other words asleep in the dust/confusion of the earth totally unaware of the Holy Spirit. They even thought they had the right to try and cause me problems in my business because of their arrogance. pride and hate. Funny thing is what they did ended up back firing and their hate even strengthen the working relationship between the man and I who was the top guy over all of the state contracts that I held after he learned the truth about his hate filled "old friends".

I spoke to people who supplied the same bull-crap explanation for Jesus not
washing his hands as you supplied. Your explanation is right there from
SUNDAY SCHOOL-------' da Pharisees were nasty bastards without heart or
spiritual qualities who lived for ritual (like washing hands) and hated Jesus because he was SO SPIRITUAL I know the STANDARD
DRILL -----oh yeah-----and they acted just like Roman riff raff at mass crucifixions and CHEERED like the romans in the colosseum. --------I wonder if they also munched on roasted chick peas CICCHITTI whilst SAINT PILATE cried
Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air, after Benedict.

I guess you hate the emeritus, because he is a "cold" German - but he is a Bavarian too. No one in Germany would know how to combine a Bavarian with the word "cold". Benedict is a very spiritual man with a very high intellect and an excellent knowledge. He's a teacher in a world, which is not able to listen any longer. An he "teaches" very clear, who is the beloved pope of his and my Holy Catholic Church: Francesco.

I never said I hate him, hate is a powerful word. I said I found him cold, stuffy, with his pompous dress and red shoes. I have nothing against Germans, I take everyone individually. I should have never said he was cold I guess. I just like Pope Francis better.

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