Pope Francis effectively admits it: He really, really hates Americans

Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air, after Benedict.
How so?
Whatever religion you are, there is no denying that Pope Francis is changing the world. He became the first Jesuit pope and the first non-European pope in more than 1,200 years. He is outspoken and not afraid to go against the norm. Francis sees things in the now rather than the past. He is a breath of fresh air for the world.
Pope Francis is a Breath of Fresh Air
This says it better than I can. Away with the new Charismatics, its hard to tell the difference between them and the Evangelicals.

He is not as stuffy and cold as Benedict with his red shoes.
You are quoting what someone else thinks about it. A breath of fresh air! LOL

Francis made a big deal out of choosing not to wear red shoes. Explain to us, what is the significance of red shoes?

Have you read any of Benedict's or Francis' books, encyclicals or letters? You must have since you have such a strong opinion. Tell us, what is it about Francis that is so fresh? Why do you believe Benedict is cold?

That is how I feel. He gets dressed in his everyday clothes and goes out among people. He serves the poor, he is not hyper religious and is more laid back. Maybe you should read them and decide for yourself. Benedict was cold , just his clothes and his red shoes. The best thing he did was say that babies do not go to limbo if not baptized and die. Besides that I was not impressed, a stuffed shoe. I like Francis , which is why zealots do not. You know the hyper religious Catholics that think they are Evangelicals.
Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air, after Benedict.
How so?
Whatever religion you are, there is no denying that Pope Francis is changing the world. He became the first Jesuit pope and the first non-European pope in more than 1,200 years. He is outspoken and not afraid to go against the norm. Francis sees things in the now rather than the past. He is a breath of fresh air for the world.
Pope Francis is a Breath of Fresh Air
This says it better than I can. Away with the new Charismatics, its hard to tell the difference between them and the Evangelicals.

He is not as stuffy and cold as Benedict with his red shoes.
You are quoting what someone else thinks about it. A breath of fresh air! LOL

Francis made a big deal out of choosing not to wear red shoes. Explain to us, what is the significance of red shoes?

Have you read any of Benedict's or Francis' books, encyclicals or letters? You must have since you have such a strong opinion. Tell us, what is it about Francis that is so fresh? Why do you believe Benedict is cold?

That is how I feel. He gets dressed in his everyday clothes and goes out among people. He serves the poor, he is not hyper religious and is more laid back. Maybe you should read them and decide for yourself. Benedict was cold , just his clothes and his red shoes. The best thing he did was say that babies do not go to limbo if not baptized and die. Besides that I was not impressed, a stuffed shoe. I like Francis , which is why zealots do not. You know the hyper religious Catholics that think they are Evangelicals.
I have read them. That's why my opinion of these two men goes beyond the color of their shoes.

I'm happy to hear that you like the belief that babies who die go to heaven!
Sounding more and more like a politician and less and less like a pope, Pope Francis threw out this one for his American critics who view him as just a bit too political. According to Fox News:

Pope Francis told a reporter on Wednesday it was an "honor" to be the subject of attacks from American religious conservatives and their Catholic allies.

The pope was speaking with French journalist Nicholas Seneze, the author of "How America Wants to Change Popes," when he responded to his American critics while heading to Mozambique for a three-day tour of sub-Saharan Africa.

His stances on climate change, immigration, homosexuality and theology have garnered heavy criticism from politicians and conservative Catholics and commentators. Some critics have demanded his resignation.
“It’s an honor that the Americans attack me,” the pontiff told Seneze.

Interesting that he characterized his critics as "the Americans" instead of 'the conservatives.' After all, the U.S. Church (and nearly all U.S. religious denominations) actually do have plenty of leftists -- they're actually dominated by them.

Which goes to show just how coldly he views the USA with all its famous freedoms, calling to mind that like the late Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez, he's never spent appreciable time in the U.S. He knows nothing of democracy, other than the Peronist balcony-descamisados kind practiced in Argentina with its famous Argentine economic consequences. The U.S. practice of freely speaking one's mind and questioning authority that's failing unsettles him. He gets mad. If he's the good guy, then someone who criticizes him is the devil, which of course is why it's an 'honor.' The U.S. and all its freedom is a bad place, see, but he'd nevertheless like all the world's illegal migrants he claims to champion to somehow be here.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

If Pope Francis really, really hates Americans, I am POSITIVE that make him a DemonRAT!!
Well, American priests are into little boys.....I hate that.
Sounding more and more like a politician and less and less like a pope, Pope Francis threw out this one for his American critics who view him as just a bit too political. According to Fox News:

Pope Francis told a reporter on Wednesday it was an "honor" to be the subject of attacks from American religious conservatives and their Catholic allies.

The pope was speaking with French journalist Nicholas Seneze, the author of "How America Wants to Change Popes," when he responded to his American critics while heading to Mozambique for a three-day tour of sub-Saharan Africa.

His stances on climate change, immigration, homosexuality and theology have garnered heavy criticism from politicians and conservative Catholics and commentators. Some critics have demanded his resignation.
“It’s an honor that the Americans attack me,” the pontiff told Seneze.

Interesting that he characterized his critics as "the Americans" instead of 'the conservatives.' After all, the U.S. Church (and nearly all U.S. religious denominations) actually do have plenty of leftists -- they're actually dominated by them.

Which goes to show just how coldly he views the USA with all its famous freedoms, calling to mind that like the late Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez, he's never spent appreciable time in the U.S. He knows nothing of democracy, other than the Peronist balcony-descamisados kind practiced in Argentina with its famous Argentine economic consequences. The U.S. practice of freely speaking one's mind and questioning authority that's failing unsettles him. He gets mad. If he's the good guy, then someone who criticizes him is the devil, which of course is why it's an 'honor.' The U.S. and all its freedom is a bad place, see, but he'd nevertheless like all the world's illegal migrants he claims to champion to somehow be here.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

If Pope Francis really, really hates Americans, I am POSITIVE that make him a DemonRAT!!

He has a point. Liberals aren't really Americans any more.
Sounding more and more like a politician and less and less like a pope, Pope Francis threw out this one for his American critics who view him as just a bit too political. According to Fox News:

Pope Francis told a reporter on Wednesday it was an "honor" to be the subject of attacks from American religious conservatives and their Catholic allies.

The pope was speaking with French journalist Nicholas Seneze, the author of "How America Wants to Change Popes," when he responded to his American critics while heading to Mozambique for a three-day tour of sub-Saharan Africa.

His stances on climate change, immigration, homosexuality and theology have garnered heavy criticism from politicians and conservative Catholics and commentators. Some critics have demanded his resignation.
“It’s an honor that the Americans attack me,” the pontiff told Seneze.

Interesting that he characterized his critics as "the Americans" instead of 'the conservatives.' After all, the U.S. Church (and nearly all U.S. religious denominations) actually do have plenty of leftists -- they're actually dominated by them.

Which goes to show just how coldly he views the USA with all its famous freedoms, calling to mind that like the late Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez, he's never spent appreciable time in the U.S. He knows nothing of democracy, other than the Peronist balcony-descamisados kind practiced in Argentina with its famous Argentine economic consequences. The U.S. practice of freely speaking one's mind and questioning authority that's failing unsettles him. He gets mad. If he's the good guy, then someone who criticizes him is the devil, which of course is why it's an 'honor.' The U.S. and all its freedom is a bad place, see, but he'd nevertheless like all the world's illegal migrants he claims to champion to somehow be here.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

If Pope Francis really, really hates Americans, I am POSITIVE that make him a DemonRAT!!
He wants the illegals to overwhelm Americans so he can control the US.
Not to worry.

At the rate parishes are being closed and priests caught out there won't be a Catholic Church to worry anyone in about tive (5, liberals...like lllll) years.
Sounding more and more like a politician and less and less like a pope, Pope Francis threw out this one for his American critics who view him as just a bit too political. According to Fox News:

Pope Francis told a reporter on Wednesday it was an "honor" to be the subject of attacks from American religious conservatives and their Catholic allies.

The pope was speaking with French journalist Nicholas Seneze, the author of "How America Wants to Change Popes," when he responded to his American critics while heading to Mozambique for a three-day tour of sub-Saharan Africa.

His stances on climate change, immigration, homosexuality and theology have garnered heavy criticism from politicians and conservative Catholics and commentators. Some critics have demanded his resignation.
“It’s an honor that the Americans attack me,” the pontiff told Seneze.

Interesting that he characterized his critics as "the Americans" instead of 'the conservatives.' After all, the U.S. Church (and nearly all U.S. religious denominations) actually do have plenty of leftists -- they're actually dominated by them.

Which goes to show just how coldly he views the USA with all its famous freedoms, calling to mind that like the late Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez, he's never spent appreciable time in the U.S. He knows nothing of democracy, other than the Peronist balcony-descamisados kind practiced in Argentina with its famous Argentine economic consequences. The U.S. practice of freely speaking one's mind and questioning authority that's failing unsettles him. He gets mad. If he's the good guy, then someone who criticizes him is the devil, which of course is why it's an 'honor.' The U.S. and all its freedom is a bad place, see, but he'd nevertheless like all the world's illegal migrants he claims to champion to somehow be here.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

If Pope Francis really, really hates Americans, I am POSITIVE that make him a DemonRAT!!
Well, American priests are into little boys.....I hate that.
So are most DemonRAT politicians!.....and some that just love to smell hair!
Sounding more and more like a politician and less and less like a pope, Pope Francis threw out this one for his American critics who view him as just a bit too political. According to Fox News:

Pope Francis told a reporter on Wednesday it was an "honor" to be the subject of attacks from American religious conservatives and their Catholic allies.

The pope was speaking with French journalist Nicholas Seneze, the author of "How America Wants to Change Popes," when he responded to his American critics while heading to Mozambique for a three-day tour of sub-Saharan Africa.

His stances on climate change, immigration, homosexuality and theology have garnered heavy criticism from politicians and conservative Catholics and commentators. Some critics have demanded his resignation.
“It’s an honor that the Americans attack me,” the pontiff told Seneze.

Interesting that he characterized his critics as "the Americans" instead of 'the conservatives.' After all, the U.S. Church (and nearly all U.S. religious denominations) actually do have plenty of leftists -- they're actually dominated by them.

Which goes to show just how coldly he views the USA with all its famous freedoms, calling to mind that like the late Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez, he's never spent appreciable time in the U.S. He knows nothing of democracy, other than the Peronist balcony-descamisados kind practiced in Argentina with its famous Argentine economic consequences. The U.S. practice of freely speaking one's mind and questioning authority that's failing unsettles him. He gets mad. If he's the good guy, then someone who criticizes him is the devil, which of course is why it's an 'honor.' The U.S. and all its freedom is a bad place, see, but he'd nevertheless like all the world's illegal migrants he claims to champion to somehow be here.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

If Pope Francis really, really hates Americans, I am POSITIVE that make him a DemonRAT!!
Well, American priests are into little boys.....I hate that.
That's been a worldwide issue. That whole church gave themselves over when they ignored what the Bible says thinking they make themselves exempt.
Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air, after Benedict.
How so?
Whatever religion you are, there is no denying that Pope Francis is changing the world. He became the first Jesuit pope and the first non-European pope in more than 1,200 years. He is outspoken and not afraid to go against the norm. Francis sees things in the now rather than the past. He is a breath of fresh air for the world.
Pope Francis is a Breath of Fresh Air
This says it better than I can. Away with the new Charismatics, its hard to tell the difference between them and the Evangelicals.

He is not as stuffy and cold as Benedict with his red shoes.
You are quoting what someone else thinks about it. A breath of fresh air! LOL

Francis made a big deal out of choosing not to wear red shoes. Explain to us, what is the significance of red shoes?

Have you read any of Benedict's or Francis' books, encyclicals or letters? You must have since you have such a strong opinion. Tell us, what is it about Francis that is so fresh? Why do you believe Benedict is cold?

I love red shoes------at age 16 I bought a pair with a little heel (like 2 inches) I WAS SO DELIGHTED with them. Benedict had the decency to retire when he
realized that ------the job got to be just too much for him-------good man.
Sounding more and more like a politician and less and less like a pope, Pope Francis threw out this one for his American critics who view him as just a bit too political. According to Fox News:

Pope Francis told a reporter on Wednesday it was an "honor" to be the subject of attacks from American religious conservatives and their Catholic allies.

The pope was speaking with French journalist Nicholas Seneze, the author of "How America Wants to Change Popes," when he responded to his American critics while heading to Mozambique for a three-day tour of sub-Saharan Africa.

His stances on climate change, immigration, homosexuality and theology have garnered heavy criticism from politicians and conservative Catholics and commentators. Some critics have demanded his resignation.
“It’s an honor that the Americans attack me,” the pontiff told Seneze.

Interesting that he characterized his critics as "the Americans" instead of 'the conservatives.' After all, the U.S. Church (and nearly all U.S. religious denominations) actually do have plenty of leftists -- they're actually dominated by them.

Which goes to show just how coldly he views the USA with all its famous freedoms, calling to mind that like the late Venezuelan socialist dictator Hugo Chavez, he's never spent appreciable time in the U.S. He knows nothing of democracy, other than the Peronist balcony-descamisados kind practiced in Argentina with its famous Argentine economic consequences. The U.S. practice of freely speaking one's mind and questioning authority that's failing unsettles him. He gets mad. If he's the good guy, then someone who criticizes him is the devil, which of course is why it's an 'honor.' The U.S. and all its freedom is a bad place, see, but he'd nevertheless like all the world's illegal migrants he claims to champion to somehow be here.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

If Pope Francis really, really hates Americans, I am POSITIVE that make him a DemonRAT!!
Well, American priests are into little boys.....I hate that.
That's been a worldwide issue. That whole church gave themselves over when they ignored what the Bible says thinking they make themselves exempt.

rodesh-------when did the whole church ignore the bible? SHEEEEESH
Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air, after Benedict.
How so?
Whatever religion you are, there is no denying that Pope Francis is changing the world. He became the first Jesuit pope and the first non-European pope in more than 1,200 years. He is outspoken and not afraid to go against the norm. Francis sees things in the now rather than the past. He is a breath of fresh air for the world.
Pope Francis is a Breath of Fresh Air
This says it better than I can. Away with the new Charismatics, its hard to tell the difference between them and the Evangelicals.

He is not as stuffy and cold as Benedict with his red shoes.
You are quoting what someone else thinks about it. A breath of fresh air! LOL

Francis made a big deal out of choosing not to wear red shoes. Explain to us, what is the significance of red shoes?

Have you read any of Benedict's or Francis' books, encyclicals or letters? You must have since you have such a strong opinion. Tell us, what is it about Francis that is so fresh? Why do you believe Benedict is cold?

That is how I feel. He gets dressed in his everyday clothes and goes out among people. He serves the poor, he is not hyper religious and is more laid back. Maybe you should read them and decide for yourself. Benedict was cold , just his clothes and his red shoes. The best thing he did was say that babies do not go to limbo if not baptized and die. Besides that I was not impressed, a stuffed shoe. I like Francis , which is why zealots do not. You know the hyper religious Catholics that think they are Evangelicals.

Francis is a politician----he kisses babies (and all available asses)

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