Pope Francis to meet with Obama


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
President Barack Obama to Meet Pope Francis at the Vatican - US News

The world’s most powerful political leader and the world’s most powerful religious leader will meet for the first time Thursday, when President Barack Obama visits Pope Francis at the Vatican. Francis, who was elected pope a little more than a year ago, has captured world headlines by turning the Roman Catholic Church’s focus back to serving the disadvantaged and away from issues like abortion and gay marriage, and by taking action to address church corruption.

Obama has been public about his respect for the pope, particularly admiring the faith leader’s focus on social justice. Even though the president is not Catholic, Joshua DuBois – the former director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships – says Obama began his community organizing career in a role with the Catholic Church. “Really from his earliest days it’s been a connection with the Catholic Church and an awareness of Catholic social teaching,” DuBois says.

The first African-American U.S. president and the first Latin American pope share similar views on social issues like income inequality and immigration. “A good deal of the economic agenda of President Obama and of the Democratic Party is consonant with Catholic social teaching,” says the Rev. Paul Sullins, a professor of sociology at The Catholic University of America.

So, that's what is happening today. And I am definitely not in the minority in my perceptions of this new pope.

Seventy-one percent of U.S. Catholics said Francis marks a “major change of direction for the Catholic Church” – 68 percent of those respondents said the change was for the better.
I'm sure it is an honor for the pope to meet President Obama. Not many popes get to meet the messiah
I wonder if obama will make him sneak in and out by the garbage cans behind the White House like he did the Dalai Lama...
I'm sure the pope is thrilled to finally meet the messiah. Obama can give him advice on critical societal issues
I wonder what classless breach of protocol obama will come up with for this meeting...
Advice the Messiah can give the Pope

1. Being Gay is not a sin. God loves all his children
2. Birth Control is a blessing to the people of the world
3. The Church needs to do a better job advancing the role of women
4. That celibacy stuff is just plain creepy
5 People are fallable, not all marriages work, divorce can be a blessing
President Barack Obama to Meet Pope Francis at the Vatican - US News

The world’s most powerful political leader and the world’s most powerful religious leader will meet for the first time Thursday, when President Barack Obama visits Pope Francis at the Vatican. Francis, who was elected pope a little more than a year ago, has captured world headlines by turning the Roman Catholic Church’s focus back to serving the disadvantaged and away from issues like abortion and gay marriage, and by taking action to address church corruption.

Obama has been public about his respect for the pope, particularly admiring the faith leader’s focus on social justice. Even though the president is not Catholic, Joshua DuBois – the former director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships – says Obama began his community organizing career in a role with the Catholic Church. “Really from his earliest days it’s been a connection with the Catholic Church and an awareness of Catholic social teaching,” DuBois says.

The first African-American U.S. president and the first Latin American pope share similar views on social issues like income inequality and immigration. “A good deal of the economic agenda of President Obama and of the Democratic Party is consonant with Catholic social teaching,” says the Rev. Paul Sullins, a professor of sociology at The Catholic University of America.

So, that's what is happening today. And I am definitely not in the minority in my perceptions of this new pope.

Seventy-one percent of U.S. Catholics said Francis marks a “major change of direction for the Catholic Church” – 68 percent of those respondents said the change was for the better.

I really like this Pope as well.
I wonder if obama will find it confusing to speak with a Christian leader who doesn't screech "God damn America!" every few minutes...
The Pope and our Messiah agree on many social issues. Mostly the dangers of income inequality and the need to focus more on the poor

Our Messiah is ahead of the Pope on many social issues including the rights of gays, birth control, women's equality and divorce
Maybe the Pope and Obama can reform the RCC into a religion where anything goes. People are fallible there is no way they can take responsibility for their actions. Abortion is just getting rid of the problem as Obama called it. Nothing more then removing a clump of cancerous tissue. Divorce is just a fact of life, a fact that people don't make good decisions and then want a golden parachute to get out of their sworn duty, so middle ages.

Yes, a religion of no guilt except if a person doesn't tithe enough, you know just like the federal government.

Let's have a religion that doesn't shoot for the best in people and then forgive them when they fail. Let's have a religion where no one fails thus no one has to feel bad.

Here is something Obama said about abortion:

Undecided on whether life begins at conception
Q: Do you personally believe that life begins at conception?
A: This is something that I have not come to a firm resolution on. I think it’s very hard to know what that means, when life begins. Is it when a cell separates? Is it when the soul stirs? So I don’t presume to know the answer to that question. What I know is that there is something extraordinarily powerful about potential life and that that has a moral weight to it that we take into consideration when we’re having these debates.

But yet he supports aborting that to which he has not decided is life or not. Wow, and the left wonders why we think Obama is a two faced liar.

Here is what he really thinks:

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.”

So, becoming pregnant is the same as getting STDs. And who BTW is doing this punishment?

Yeah the Pope should meet with him as he should with all sinners. Hopefully the Pope won't just focus on "income inequality" and lecture Obama on his wayward sin.
Maybe the Pope and Obama can reform the RCC into a religion where anything goes. People are fallible there is no way they can take responsibility for their actions. Abortion is just getting rid of the problem as Obama called it. Nothing more then removing a clump of cancerous tissue. Divorce is just a fact of life, a fact that people don't make good decisions and then want a golden parachute to get out of their sworn duty, so middle ages.

Yes, a religion of no guilt except if a person doesn't tithe enough, you know just like the federal government.

Let's have a religion that doesn't shoot for the best in people and then forgive them when they fail. Let's have a religion where no one fails thus no one has to feel bad.

Here is something Obama said about abortion:

Undecided on whether life begins at conception
Q: Do you personally believe that life begins at conception?
A: This is something that I have not come to a firm resolution on. I think it’s very hard to know what that means, when life begins. Is it when a cell separates? Is it when the soul stirs? So I don’t presume to know the answer to that question. What I know is that there is something extraordinarily powerful about potential life and that that has a moral weight to it that we take into consideration when we’re having these debates.

But yet he supports aborting that to which he has not decided is life or not. Wow, and the left wonders why we think Obama is a two faced liar.

Here is what he really thinks:

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.”

So, becoming pregnant is the same as getting STDs. And who BTW is doing this punishment?

Yeah the Pope should meet with him as he should with all sinners. Hopefully the Pope won't just focus on "income inequality" and lecture Obama on his wayward sin.

The 19th century views of the church on birth control lead to more global poverty, STDs and abortion

They need to acknowledge that sex is a normal human activity that is not done for the sole reason of procreation
Self -important lefties "need to acknowledge" that their 'suggestions' about changing a billion people's faith at their insistence are completely irrelevant.
Self -important lefties "need to acknowledge" that their 'suggestions' about changing a billion people's faith at their insistence are completely irrelevant.

It is an opportunity for two religious icons to exchange ideas

What does the Pope have to lose?
Barry's helping Fran with his jump shot in exchange for some tips on walking on water.
Self -important lefties "need to acknowledge" that their 'suggestions' about changing a billion people's faith at their insistence are completely irrelevant.

It is an opportunity for two religious icons to exchange ideas

What does the Pope have to lose?

You're still not clever or funny, Chuckles. You just look more pathetic with every attempt.
Self -important lefties "need to acknowledge" that their 'suggestions' about changing a billion people's faith at their insistence are completely irrelevant.

It is an opportunity for two religious icons to exchange ideas

What does the Pope have to lose?

You're still not clever or funny, Chuckles. You just look more pathetic with every attempt.

The Pope is blessed to meet with our messiah
Obviously there was no meeting. At best obama and the Pope were in the same room.

obama reports that they discussed income inequality. The Pope says it was the assault on religious freedom in this country. One is lying. Both are lying. There was no real meeting.

obama is the one with the rep as a liar.

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