Pope meets with Biden. Abortion is never discussed

Well it's official, the Pope is not that concerned over abortion in the least as he met with Joe Biden and just sat around and talked about the evils of global warming instead.

Oh, and Biden is allowed to take communion according to the Pope as well.

Abortion is no biggie Joe, no worries.
Good. Reaching out to the Pope is done for the purpose of influencing him. Not for the purpose of seeking guidance on law, science, or policy from an archaic artifact of an iron aged mythology.
Nobody should expect good results when the worst Pope ever meets the worst President ever. They're both commies. They'll probably light up a couple commie cigars, Cubans, and talk about what they can do to fuck up the USA.
Nobody should expect good results when the worst Pope ever meets the worst President ever. They're both commies. They'll probably light up a couple commie cigars, Cubans, and talk about what they can do to fuck up the USA.
This embarrassing stupidity that is the hallmark of the global, modern right was surely discussed.
Feel free to ignore everything I've said


The House of Representatives passed a package of spending bills this week without provisions banning federal funding for most abortions in the U.S. and abroad, marking the first time in decades that the restrictions have not been included.

The best-known of these provisions is the Hyde amendment, which prohibits federally funded programs like Medicaid from paying for abortions except in the cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the woman. It was first passed in 1976 and has been added to every federal spending bill since.

Lee was a Congressional staffer when the Hyde amendment was passed and says it made her “furious,” and she has been working to get rid of it ever since. “It’s a racial justice issue. It’s an economic justice issue,”

it's more than just a feeling - long overdue in balancing the true role of gov't as written in the u s constitution ....

hyde does allow tax allowance abortion in the case of rape, health and incest - which if it does prevail in the senate is a barrier against the anti-abortion legislation passed in texas. interestingly enough, votto the fascist supports hyde
So the issue is not the abortion but only tax payer funded abortion?
The Catholic Church teaches Catholics that abortion is wrong. Period. The Church is also a proponent of free will, which is why it does not tell non-Catholics what to do. The Catholic Church views life as God's greatest gift and teaches us to value life.

Meanwhile, the government learned long ago, that if someone in authority tells you something is okay, sixty-five percent of the population will hop on the bandwagon even if they first think it may be wrong. (See Milgram's experiments.) Bystanders (and most are) do the same.
The Catholic Church teaches Catholics that abortion is wrong. Period. The Church is also a proponent of free will, which is why it does not tell non-Catholics what to do. The Catholic Church views life as God's greatest gift and teaches us to value life.

Meanwhile, the government learned long ago, that if someone in authority tells you something is okay, sixty-five percent of the population will hop on the bandwagon even if they first think it may be wrong. (See Milgram's experiments.) Bystanders (and most are) do the same.
They also believe every non-Catholic is doomed to suffer for eternity. Nice people.
That is a shamelessly ignorant remark.
Nope, it is, in fact, Catholic doctrine. Looks like you have a few things to learn about Catholicism.

Malicious? Well, if pointing out a fact about the doctrine seems malicious, that reflects more on the doctrine than on the person pointing it out.
Nope, it is, in fact, Catholic doctrine.
It is not. I noted the Catholic Catechism which states those outside the faith are left in the hands of a merciful and loving God.

Catholic doctrine is that those who do not seek God put themselves in spiritual danger--but they, too, are left to a merciful and loving God. Catholicism teaches we don't know who--if anyone--is in hell.
I have been jabbed twice. How is marx my God? Are you still moaning about getting the democrats vacinne?
Bit scared are you? Big tough
American frightened of a needle. Home of the brave my arse. B
According to some on the Right, all of us getting the vaccine will be dead within 5 years. You'd think they'd be happy.
It is not

Per Ramon Catecism: the damned are damned. They will not receive any consolations in hell.

Also: those outside the church are damned. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

You arent going to equivocate out from under the facts. A you can do is gloss over and ignore some facts in favor of focusing on others.

Which itself says something. If a person's moral decency can be measured in part by the degree to which they REJECT parts of Catbicism.. well, that reflects pretty poorly on Catholic doctrine. And it clearly demonstrates superiority of the better moral code we have achieved quite in spite of these iron age myths.
You may want to begin reading books within your own lifetime. Ever hear of Vatican II?
You don't have to waste your time. I understand that parts of the texts are ignored at will, so that you can live a normal, modern life. This is good. We can thank reformation for that.
You don't have to waste your time. I understand that parts of the texts are ignored at will, so that you can live a normal, modern life. This is good. We can thank reformation for that.
Then you understand you are ignoring context. Good to know.
Then you understand you are ignoring context. Good to know.
That is not the correct use of the word "context". The feelgood contradictions in the Catholic dogma and doctrine are not "context". They are contradictions.

That's like me saying I hate you and want you to die, then claiming to "contextualize" that with "But I care for you very much."

See the weaselly equivocation you have to undertake? Much more simple and honest would be to admit that parts of it are just immoral , hot garbage.
According to some on the Right, all of us getting the vaccine will be dead within 5 years. You'd think they'd be happy.

Well those ratbags would think that. They are republicans. Some of them even believe there's a god also. Say no more.
Actually it is
You cannot contextualize the very plain message of those two earlier statements. You can only contraidtcthem or reject them. There is no, "Outside the church, you are damned" context. You can only reverse it. Or ignore it. Or replace it.

If this is what you contend, okay. (Replacement). I would believe that. I do not doubt your knowledge of the doctrine. I only take issue with what seems like a bit of an attempt at sleight of hand on your part.

You cannot contextualize the above. You can replace it with something better, or ignore it. Which are you doing?
The hypocrisy of Biden and the Pope is jaw dropping.

That tops it all.

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