Pope says homosexuality not a crime

Be gay.... just leave me alone
I personally couldn't care less.
It has become a freaky, freaky world.
But you know at the end of each day I just wash my hands of it, say "not my circus---not my monkeys....and go home to my wife.

I have ZERO interest in what anybody else does at the end of their own day.
I personally couldn't care less.
It has become a freaky, freaky world.
But you know at the end of each day I just wash my hands of it, say "not my circus---not my monkeys....and go home to my wife.

I have ZERO interest in what anybody else does at the end of their own day.

I don't care
But there is no Lord, and Saudi Arabia ain't a democracy. Though when they go 'nannas and start to betray their biological fate with mutilations, they mimic Islam's funky habit of performing clitorectomies.

Not in the Gulf States.
Homosexuality is not a crime in the USA, nor should it be.

Doesn't mean it's not a disgusting and perverted way to live that goes against the Bible in many ways.

But that being said, I don't give two shits worth of care what the fucking pope says. He is nothing to me. He's like Joe Biden but without the child molestation history.
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Romans 8:7 The mind governed by the flesh (the Carnal mind) is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.

explains lots.
In dozens of schools some pervert teacher is grooming, after school a coach.... heaven forbid if the kid is in Scouts

Fcking dumbass
No doubt true somewhere in America. Is it as bad with the scout leaders as it is with the priests?
Is being a racist, hate filled devil a sin?

I am not one of the racist Negroes that spent six months burning, looting, murdering and destroying American cities like the hateful Negro Insurrectionists were. Or like the Negro street thugs, gang memebers or druggies that commit most of the crime in this country.

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