Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

God was the original Marxist...
Well, not God, at least not the God of the Bible, but Jesus is sure a pinko...

Really? Jesus said "give unto Caesar what is Caesar's."

That doesn't sound like a pinko to me.
Take $100 bill and burn it. Pinko or capitalist?
When did Jesus burn money?
When he told the Pharisees it was worthless.

The Law and the Prophets
14Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, were listening to all these things and were scoffing at Him. 15And He said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God. 16"The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.…

Your context is incorrect.
Are you kidding? Obama lies every time he opens his mouth, and he accuses every white American of being a racist.

He's going straight to hell AFTER God rips him a new one.
Christians don't believe in Acts, just Faith.
A Christian believes God's ways are not our ways, simple as that...
Why would there be? Oh right, there wouldn't. And God is God, there are no limitations on what he can do or why...
He is the Alpha and Omega...
The and A the O doesn't make tiny copies of himself, nor give a shit what happens to them...
So you believe the Purple Spaghetti Monster may exist?
Why the hell not? Can you prove it doesn't? It you can't then STFU.

Do you realize how stupid you sound?
I'm not the one saying things that are unknown don't exist, dummy.

Yeah, you believe in the Boogy Man and Bigfoot.
Nope, but both could. like God, exist.

Only morons believe the Boogy Man or Bigfoot exist.
You're barking up the wrong tree, context...
Nope. Jesus was a Commie, to your kind.
You have a lot to learn, grasshopper
Nope, but nice projection. I know what Jesus said, according to the Gospels, and you'd reject most of it.

Where did Jesus say the government should expropriate the property of the wealthy?
He said the wealthy were very likely on the fast track to Hell.
Context, you may not understand... Lol
Nope. Jesus was a Commie, to your kind.
You have a lot to learn, grasshopper
Nope, but nice projection. I know what Jesus said, according to the Gospels, and you'd reject most of it.

Where did Jesus say the government should expropriate the property of the wealthy?
He said the wealthy were very likely on the fast track to Hell.
but he never said the government should take their money, did he?
Oh but he did. Because he said where you mind is, there your heart is also. Pick God or pick money, one leads to heaven, and one to Hell. Any Christian who is focused on money, isn't a Christian at all.

Matthew 6:
Treasures in Heaven
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;…
You have a lot to learn, grasshopper
Nope, but nice projection. I know what Jesus said, according to the Gospels, and you'd reject most of it.

Where did Jesus say the government should expropriate the property of the wealthy?
He said the wealthy were very likely on the fast track to Hell.
but he never said the government should take their money, did he?
Oh but he did. Because he said where you mind is, there your heart is also. Pick God or pick money, one leads to heaven, and one to Hell. Any Christian who is focused on money, isn't a Christian at all.

Matthew 6:
Treasures in Heaven
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;…
That was actually a plagiarism of King Solomon who said not to leave too much wealth behind because your children may not use it wisely.
I'm too lazy at the moment to get the verse.
You have a lot to learn, grasshopper
Nope, but nice projection. I know what Jesus said, according to the Gospels, and you'd reject most of it.

Where did Jesus say the government should expropriate the property of the wealthy?
He said the wealthy were very likely on the fast track to Hell.
but he never said the government should take their money, did he?
Oh but he did. Because he said where you mind is, there your heart is also. Pick God or pick money, one leads to heaven, and one to Hell. Any Christian who is focused on money, isn't a Christian at all.

Matthew 6:
Treasures in Heaven
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;…
So what does that have to do with the form of government he endorsed?
Nope, but nice projection. I know what Jesus said, according to the Gospels, and you'd reject most of it.

Where did Jesus say the government should expropriate the property of the wealthy?
He said the wealthy were very likely on the fast track to Hell.
but he never said the government should take their money, did he?
Oh but he did. Because he said where you mind is, there your heart is also. Pick God or pick money, one leads to heaven, and one to Hell. Any Christian who is focused on money, isn't a Christian at all.

Matthew 6:
Treasures in Heaven
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;…
That was actually a plagiarism of King Solomon who said not to leave too much wealth behind because your children may not use it wisely.
I'm too lazy at the moment to get the verse.
How about:

Luke 12:
Do Not Worry

33"Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Wrong. I'm an Evangelical Protestant, and I have no problem with the self-evident fact that Catholicism is a Christian religion.
Self evident?
It's a religion, we will leave it at that...

Unless you'd care to dispute that Catholics recognize the deity of Jesus Christ, it's self-evident.

Doesn't mean I agree with the way they practice their religion, but I have no issue with the fact that their core beliefs are Christian.
Martin Luther - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Catholics speak for Catholics not christians - agree, we will leave it at that...

"I will make wrong statements, and then just demand that you ignore them and agree with something else so I can pretend I won."

Nope. And both Martin Luther and Wikipedia (Wikipedia as a source, oy vey) are irrelevant. Facts stand. Catholics fit the definition of Christian. Agree, we will leave it at THAT.
My bad, wiki = questionable. Better source
Calvinism Soteriology Topics

Still irrelevant. What Calvinism does or does not preach has nothing whatsoever to do with the definition of "Christian", or the fact that Catholics meet that description.
Why is the Pope bitching about a wall when the Vatican is the most protected structure on Earth?
One, it's tiny. Two, it's tiny.
Why should that matter? Either you build walls or you don't.
You can build a wall, but Jesus wouldn't have. He, unlike the Americans, had faith.

So Jesus wouldn't build a small wall either, right?
No need. He did not keep those in need at bay.
Why is the Pope bitching about a wall when the Vatican is the most protected structure on Earth?
One, it's tiny. Two, it's tiny.
Why should that matter? Either you build walls or you don't.
You can build a wall, but Jesus wouldn't have. He, unlike the Americans, had faith.

So Jesus wouldn't build a small wall either, right?
No need. He did not keep those in need at bay.

You didn't answer the question.
Why is the Pope bitching about a wall when the Vatican is the most protected structure on Earth?
One, it's tiny. Two, it's tiny.
Why should that matter? Either you build walls or you don't.
You can build a wall, but Jesus wouldn't have. He, unlike the Americans, had faith.

Jesus wasn't afraid of losing his carpentry contracts to Mexicans.
Faith took him to the Cross, ye of little...
Where did Jesus say the government should expropriate the property of the wealthy?
He said the wealthy were very likely on the fast track to Hell.
but he never said the government should take their money, did he?
Oh but he did. Because he said where you mind is, there your heart is also. Pick God or pick money, one leads to heaven, and one to Hell. Any Christian who is focused on money, isn't a Christian at all.

Matthew 6:
Treasures in Heaven
19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;…
That was actually a plagiarism of King Solomon who said not to leave too much wealth behind because your children may not use it wisely.
I'm too lazy at the moment to get the verse.
How about:

Luke 12:
Do Not Worry

33"Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys. 34"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

How is that relevant to government policy?
One, it's tiny. Two, it's tiny.
Why should that matter? Either you build walls or you don't.
You can build a wall, but Jesus wouldn't have. He, unlike the Americans, had faith.

So Jesus wouldn't build a small wall either, right?
No need. He did not keep those in need at bay.

You didn't answer the question.
Jesus didn't build walls, just like he didn't build churches.

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