Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

Obama is not a Christian, how many times has he broken the 10 commandments by lying and giving false witness?
Are you casting the proverbial first stone, or are you judging in spite of the admonition that ye be judged?

Ah! Alleged Christians making the call on faith! Much like all other religious extremists.

Are you a Christian hating liberal?
I'm a Christian, but not Evangelical. I'm a Christian, but not Roman Catholic. And, yes, I'm a Liberal.

I have never met a practicing liberal Christian.
How ya doin'? Here is a real life Christian Liberal.

The Pope should really know better. It is inappropriate and sinful for ANY human, even the Pope, to presume to know and speak to the state of another person's heart and/or their relationship with God.

You can speak to someone's actions all day long, if you like, but it is hubris to make statements like this.
That is complete and absolute fucking horseshit. Trump followers have been pretending to know what Obama really believes for the past eight years. Are they clairvoyant or what?
The Marxist has spoken!
Trump knows the Bible about as well as he knows the US Constitution.

But he's been a christian for a few weeks now. LOL

He knows very little about almost everything and his fans love that. He never talks issues and they love that too.

I gave to admit I'm surprised at how gullible they are about his bloviating though.

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Obama is not a Christian, how many times has he broken the 10 commandments by lying and giving false witness?
Are you casting the proverbial first stone, or are you judging in spite of the admonition that ye be judged?

Ah! Alleged Christians making the call on faith! Much like all other religious extremists.

Are you a Christian hating liberal?
I'm a Christian, but not Evangelical. I'm a Christian, but not Roman Catholic. And, yes, I'm a Liberal.
Then situational morality is your game... Lol
No. I use common sense and logic. I'm also 59 years old, so I imagine maturity plays a bigger role in my morality than most.
Dollars to donuts, this statement damages Francis a lot more than it bothers Trump.

I bet you're wrong. Donny Boy has a thin skin.

Bah, he handled it perfectly. Pope looked like a hypocrite on the nightly news, both national and local here. Pictures of the walls around Vatican City while the quote of "building walls un-Christian" was played.

Local news even managed to reported that much of the Biblical book of Nehemiah is devoted to the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem.

Be serious. Is there anything he could have done that would NOT have been "handling it perfectly" in your eyes?

He's not far wrong when he says he could shoot someone and his worshipers would still follow him. And if I were them, I wouldn't be proud of that.

I'll assume that you agree that I was correct, that he handled it perfectly, and the Pope looks like a genuine hypocrite by the fact that you manage to ignore everything I posted, and attacked me personally for making 100% true statements.

Thanks for your non-input. Enjoy the South Carolina Primary and Nevada Caucus...

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The Pope should really know better. It is inappropriate and sinful for ANY human, even the Pope, to presume to know and speak to the state of another person's heart and/or their relationship with God.

You can speak to someone's actions all day long, if you like, but it is hubris to make statements like this.
That is complete and absolute fucking horseshit. Trump followers have been pretending to know what Obama really believes for the past eight years. Are they clairvoyant or what?

And when facts are put in front of them, they just shake their heads.

The one thing I'll never understand is how intent they are to vote against their own best interests, the best interests of their own families and their country.

Now Drumpf is lying about how he'll tell us who is responsible for 9/11.

Just like he showed us proof of his nutter but fur crap.

And of course, there's his imaginary wall.

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Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed. Have you ever wondered why Trump followers are statistically the least educated constituency?

Apparently you are one of those uninformed low information folks. In New Hampshire, Trump voters included the highly educated as well as those considered less educated. Nice try though but it actually shows your lack of knowledge.
So why have the overwhelming majority of Trump followers failed to graduate from college? Are they too stupid? Are they just lazy and unmotivated?
Why do you Dims need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you? Lazy? Unmotivated? Stupid? You Takers Crack me up.
You Trump followers are just like welfare queens still living under a plantation mentality....waiting for smarter people to lead you.

The Pope should really know better. It is inappropriate and sinful for ANY human, even the Pope, to presume to know and speak to the state of another person's heart and/or their relationship with God.

You can speak to someone's actions all day long, if you like, but it is hubris to make statements like this.
That is complete and absolute fucking horseshit. Trump followers have been pretending to know what Obama really believes for the past eight years. Are they clairvoyant or what?

And when facts are put in front of them, they just shake their heads.

The one thing I'll never understand is how intent they are to vote against their own best interests, the best interests of their own families and their country.

Now Drumpf is lying about how he'll tell us who is responsible for 9/11.

Just like he showed us proof of his nutter but fur crap.

And of course, there's his imaginary wall.

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The rise of the Trump candidacy is like Revenge of the Nerds turned on it's head.......it's the revenge of the kids who sat in the back of the class.
Obama is not a Christian, how many times has he broken the 10 commandments by lying and giving false witness?
Are you casting the proverbial first stone, or are you judging in spite of the admonition that ye be judged?

Ah! Alleged Christians making the call on faith! Much like all other religious extremists.

Are you a Christian hating liberal?
I'm a Christian, but not Evangelical. I'm a Christian, but not Roman Catholic. And, yes, I'm a Liberal.

I have never met a practicing liberal Christian.

So, uh, you ask everyone you meet how they vote and if they're christian?


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The Marxist has spoken!
Trump knows the Bible about as well as he knows the US Constitution.

But he's been a christian for a few weeks now. LOL

He knows very little about almost everything and his fans love that. He never talks issues and they love that too.

I gave to admit I'm surprised at how gullible they are about his bloviating though.

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Trump couldn't quote the Bible to save his own life.

The Pope should really know better. It is inappropriate and sinful for ANY human, even the Pope, to presume to know and speak to the state of another person's heart and/or their relationship with God.

You can speak to someone's actions all day long, if you like, but it is hubris to make statements like this.
That is complete and absolute fucking horseshit. Trump followers have been pretending to know what Obama really believes for the past eight years. Are they clairvoyant or what?

And when facts are put in front of them, they just shake their heads.

The one thing I'll never understand is how intent they are to vote against their own best interests, the best interests of their own families and their country.

Now Drumpf is lying about how he'll tell us who is responsible for 9/11.

Just like he showed us proof of his nutter but fur crap.

And of course, there's his imaginary wall.

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The rise of the Trump candidacy is like Revenge of the Nerds turned on it's head.......it's the revenge of the kids who sat in the back of the class.

Absolutely true.

Low grades, crappy jobs, failures, welfare recipients and needing someone to blame.

It's those damn Mexicans who took all the good jobs picking produce and Drumpf is gonna make it right.

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The Marxist has spoken!
Trump knows the Bible about as well as he knows the US Constitution.

But he's been a christian for a few weeks now. LOL

He knows very little about almost everything and his fans love that. He never talks issues and they love that too.

I gave to admit I'm surprised at how gullible they are about his bloviating though.

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Trump couldn't quote the Bible to save his own life.

Two Corinthians walk into a bar ...

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trump vs the Pope. Not quite trump vs cruz eh.

The Pope is richer, smarter, in better shape, has ALOT more followers, REALLY IS a Christian, washes the feet of the poor, defends the weak, chastises the strong, has mercy for all.

Trump wants to build a wall to keep the rapists out, which is a whole nation of people to him.

Now I'm just spitballing here, but uhmm, looking at these two resumes, and looking at who Jesus was, and what Jesus said, and what Jesus did. I'd have to say the Pope IS Christian and trump is a drooling 8 year old.
You have a lot to learn, grasshopper
Nope, but nice projection. I know what Jesus said, according to the Gospels, and you'd reject most of it.

Where did Jesus say the government should expropriate the property of the wealthy?
He said the wealthy were very likely on the fast track to Hell.
but he never said the government should take their money, did he?

He said to render unto Caesar what was Caesar's, in answer to a question of whether one should pay one's taxes.

So he didn't believe in communism then.
trump vs the Pope. Not quite trump vs cruz eh.

The Pope is richer, smarter, in better shape, has ALOT more followers, REALLY IS a Christian, washes the feet of the poor, defends the weak, chastises the strong, has mercy for all.

Trump wants to build a wall to keep the rapists out, which is a whole nation of people to him.

Now I'm just spitballing here, but uhmm, looking at these two resumes, and looking at who Jesus was, and what Jesus said, and what Jesus did. I'd have to say the Pope IS Christian and trump is a drooling 8 year old.

Will trump sue the vatican?

If he loses, will he sue the US?

Stay tuned for the next chapter in this reality show.

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Nope, but nice projection. I know what Jesus said, according to the Gospels, and you'd reject most of it.

Where did Jesus say the government should expropriate the property of the wealthy?
He said the wealthy were very likely on the fast track to Hell.
but he never said the government should take their money, did he?

He said to render unto Caesar what was Caesar's, in answer to a question of whether one should pay one's taxes.

So he didn't believe in communism then.

Trumps daddy was kkk and commie and trumps current gold digger is commie. Google is your friend.

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The Marxist has spoken!
Trump knows the Bible about as well as he knows the US Constitution.

But he's been a christian for a few weeks now. LOL

He knows very little about almost everything and his fans love that. He never talks issues and they love that too.

I gave to admit I'm surprised at how gullible they are about his bloviating though.

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Trump couldn't quote the Bible to save his own life.

Two Corinthians walk into a bar ...

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Since when was knowledge of the Bible a requirement for being Christian?
The Marxist has spoken!
Trump knows the Bible about as well as he knows the US Constitution.

But he's been a christian for a few weeks now. LOL

He knows very little about almost everything and his fans love that. He never talks issues and they love that too.

I gave to admit I'm surprised at how gullible they are about his bloviating though.

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Trump couldn't quote the Bible to save his own life.

Two Corinthians walk into a bar ...

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Since when was knowledge of the Bible a requirement for being Christian?

By quoting it, he did.

Edited to add

I'm a lot more concerned about his lack knowledge about govt, the constitution, his dishonesty, corruption and

- all the crap we all know about him.

He's low life trailer trash with his daddy's money. If daddy hadn't left him hundreds of millions, he'd likely be parking cars for rich people.

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