Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

Here is one of Trump's temples to his god, built with the generous donations of the devoted flock who religiously attend these cathedrals:


It's not like the mega-church fundies are far behind...

The guy in here is the progressives God, the Country is full of gullible little minds... Lol


You reject democratic government. We get it, Adolph.

Our immigration laws are the democratically voiced Will of the People.

The Pope is the one against democratic government.
I don't have time to read all,of this thread so I apologize if I am repeating some,thoughts. The pope has way overstepped his bounds. He is supposed to be about spirits and souls and charity, absolutely not politics. He is acting like a head of state, not the head of a religion, and his reputation has been tarnished because of it. He falls into the same category as our politicians, saying one thing but doing another. And as all do gooders, he wants to tell the rest of us how to,spend our money.

How about if you go first popee. Sell off some of those billions of Catholic assets. How about getting rid of your tax exemption and paying your fair share. After all, people come to your cathedral on roads paid for by the rest of us. You know, how about you taking the lead Francis and turning St. Peter's Square into a tent city for all these Muslim refugees where you can go and personally minister to them and give them money.

We certainly need to return to more spiritual and faith based culture and I am for anything that pursues that goal, but when the head of the Catholic Church opines on whether someone is a Christian or not based on a persons stand for,the security of his country the pope is betraying his mandate. If he wanted to be an ideologue he shouldn't have become pope.

Nice use of sarcasm......I always enjoy a good use of sarcasm

But in the bigger picture, Pope Francis has been advocating just that. He wants the Catholic Church to abandon its trappings of wealth and move towards outreach to the poor. He lives in a three room apartment and avoids the splendor available to the Pope. He has concentrated his efforts on improving conditions in the third world
Now, if only Trump would decline using his jets and penthouses

Here are some pictures of the walled off ghetto that the Pope lives. The Vatican takes in no immigration, unless they can cut grass or wash dishes.

The Papal Apartment from An Inside Look at the Pope's Residence

The Pope has a small apartment in the Vatican

He is the first to acknowledge the immense wealth of the church and how it should have been spent on the poor instead of priceless art and cathedrals

Would Trump do the same? Give up his wealth to help the poor?
I don't have time to read all,of this thread so I apologize if I am repeating some,thoughts. The pope has way overstepped his bounds. He is supposed to be about spirits and souls and charity, absolutely not politics. He is acting like a head of state, not the head of a religion, and his reputation has been tarnished because of it. He falls into the same category as our politicians, saying one thing but doing another. And as all do gooders, he wants to tell the rest of us how to,spend our money.

How about if you go first popee. Sell off some of those billions of Catholic assets. How about getting rid of your tax exemption and paying your fair share. After all, people come to your cathedral on roads paid for by the rest of us. You know, how about you taking the lead Francis and turning St. Peter's Square into a tent city for all these Muslim refugees where you can go and personally minister to them and give them money.

We certainly need to return to more spiritual and faith based culture and I am for anything that pursues that goal, but when the head of the Catholic Church opines on whether someone is a Christian or not based on a persons stand for,the security of his country the pope is betraying his mandate. If he wanted to be an ideologue he shouldn't have become pope.

Nice use of sarcasm......I always enjoy a good use of sarcasm

But in the bigger picture, Pope Francis has been advocating just that. He wants the Catholic Church to abandon its trappings of wealth and move towards outreach to the poor. He lives in a three room apartment and avoids the splendor available to the Pope. He has concentrated his efforts on improving conditions in the third world
Now, if only Trump would decline using his jets and penthouses

Here are some pictures of the walled off ghetto that the Pope lives. The Vatican takes in no immigration, unless they can cut grass or wash dishes.

The Papal Apartment from An Inside Look at the Pope's Residence

The Pope has a small apartment in the Vatican

He is the first to acknowledge the immense wealth of the church and how it should have been spent on the poor instead of priceless art and cathedrals

Would Trump do the same? Give up his wealth to help the poor?

So now the Pope has to DO something. Start selling off the Vatican and build refugee camps. Not that the RCC doesn't have enough money now to build camps, they just want someone else to do it for them meanwhile they bad mouth everyone else. Now if you were talking about Mother Teresa I would agree but the Pope lives in opulence. Walled off opulence.
I don't have time to read all,of this thread so I apologize if I am repeating some,thoughts. The pope has way overstepped his bounds. He is supposed to be about spirits and souls and charity, absolutely not politics. He is acting like a head of state, not the head of a religion, and his reputation has been tarnished because of it. He falls into the same category as our politicians, saying one thing but doing another. And as all do gooders, he wants to tell the rest of us how to,spend our money.

How about if you go first popee. Sell off some of those billions of Catholic assets. How about getting rid of your tax exemption and paying your fair share. After all, people come to your cathedral on roads paid for by the rest of us. You know, how about you taking the lead Francis and turning St. Peter's Square into a tent city for all these Muslim refugees where you can go and personally minister to them and give them money.

We certainly need to return to more spiritual and faith based culture and I am for anything that pursues that goal, but when the head of the Catholic Church opines on whether someone is a Christian or not based on a persons stand for,the security of his country the pope is betraying his mandate. If he wanted to be an ideologue he shouldn't have become pope.

Nice use of sarcasm......I always enjoy a good use of sarcasm

But in the bigger picture, Pope Francis has been advocating just that. He wants the Catholic Church to abandon its trappings of wealth and move towards outreach to the poor. He lives in a three room apartment and avoids the splendor available to the Pope. He has concentrated his efforts on improving conditions in the third world
Now, if only Trump would decline using his jets and penthouses

Here are some pictures of the walled off ghetto that the Pope lives. The Vatican takes in no immigration, unless they can cut grass or wash dishes.

The Papal Apartment from An Inside Look at the Pope's Residence

The Pope has a small apartment in the Vatican

He is the first to acknowledge the immense wealth of the church and how it should have been spent on the poor instead of priceless art and cathedrals

Would Trump do the same? Give up his wealth to help the poor?

So now the Pope has to DO something. Start selling off the Vatican and build refugee camps. Not that the RCC doesn't have enough money now to build camps, they just want someone else to do it for them meanwhile they bad mouth everyone else. Now if you were talking about Mother Teresa I would agree but the Pope lives in opulence. Walled off opulence.

He is doing something and the Conservatives in the church are pissed

What is this "feed the poor" shit
Jesus would never approve
I don't have time to read all,of this thread so I apologize if I am repeating some,thoughts. The pope has way overstepped his bounds. He is supposed to be about spirits and souls and charity, absolutely not politics. He is acting like a head of state, not the head of a religion, and his reputation has been tarnished because of it. He falls into the same category as our politicians, saying one thing but doing another. And as all do gooders, he wants to tell the rest of us how to,spend our money.

How about if you go first popee. Sell off some of those billions of Catholic assets. How about getting rid of your tax exemption and paying your fair share. After all, people come to your cathedral on roads paid for by the rest of us. You know, how about you taking the lead Francis and turning St. Peter's Square into a tent city for all these Muslim refugees where you can go and personally minister to them and give them money.

We certainly need to return to more spiritual and faith based culture and I am for anything that pursues that goal, but when the head of the Catholic Church opines on whether someone is a Christian or not based on a persons stand for,the security of his country the pope is betraying his mandate. If he wanted to be an ideologue he shouldn't have become pope.

Nice use of sarcasm......I always enjoy a good use of sarcasm

But in the bigger picture, Pope Francis has been advocating just that. He wants the Catholic Church to abandon its trappings of wealth and move towards outreach to the poor. He lives in a three room apartment and avoids the splendor available to the Pope. He has concentrated his efforts on improving conditions in the third world
Now, if only Trump would decline using his jets and penthouses

Here are some pictures of the walled off ghetto that the Pope lives. The Vatican takes in no immigration, unless they can cut grass or wash dishes.

The Papal Apartment from An Inside Look at the Pope's Residence

The Pope has a small apartment in the Vatican

He is the first to acknowledge the immense wealth of the church and how it should have been spent on the poor instead of priceless art and cathedrals

Would Trump do the same? Give up his wealth to help the poor?

So now the Pope has to DO something. Start selling off the Vatican and build refugee camps. Not that the RCC doesn't have enough money now to build camps, they just want someone else to do it for them meanwhile they bad mouth everyone else. Now if you were talking about Mother Teresa I would agree but the Pope lives in opulence. Walled off opulence.

He is doing something and the Conservatives in the church are pissed

What is this "feed the poor" shit
Jesus would never approve

What is he doing? Other then meddling in US politics?
The Pope favors open U.S. borders because illegal immigrants donate 10 pesos to Rome each Sunday, while in Mexico, but 10 dollars after their illegal entry.

Money is the root of all evil or something like that.

This Pope is a meddling mental midget compared to Pope John Paul II.
Why would the Pope get involved in this stuff? Isn't it a sin to deliberately malign somebody's character? Who does the Pope confess his sins to?

The Pope is just calling out a vile grotesque individual.

Back in the 1930's the Pope didn't call out Hitler and look what happened.

Thank God Today's Pope is fighting for real Christian ideals.
Nice use of sarcasm......I always enjoy a good use of sarcasm

But in the bigger picture, Pope Francis has been advocating just that. He wants the Catholic Church to abandon its trappings of wealth and move towards outreach to the poor. He lives in a three room apartment and avoids the splendor available to the Pope. He has concentrated his efforts on improving conditions in the third world
Now, if only Trump would decline using his jets and penthouses

Here are some pictures of the walled off ghetto that the Pope lives. The Vatican takes in no immigration, unless they can cut grass or wash dishes.

The Papal Apartment from An Inside Look at the Pope's Residence

The Pope has a small apartment in the Vatican

He is the first to acknowledge the immense wealth of the church and how it should have been spent on the poor instead of priceless art and cathedrals

Would Trump do the same? Give up his wealth to help the poor?

So now the Pope has to DO something. Start selling off the Vatican and build refugee camps. Not that the RCC doesn't have enough money now to build camps, they just want someone else to do it for them meanwhile they bad mouth everyone else. Now if you were talking about Mother Teresa I would agree but the Pope lives in opulence. Walled off opulence.

He is doing something and the Conservatives in the church are pissed

What is this "feed the poor" shit
Jesus would never approve

What is he doing? Other then meddling in US politics?

U.S. Politics that effect the Catholics in Mexico and all over the world.
Here are some pictures of the walled off ghetto that the Pope lives. The Vatican takes in no immigration, unless they can cut grass or wash dishes.

The Papal Apartment from An Inside Look at the Pope's Residence

The Pope has a small apartment in the Vatican

He is the first to acknowledge the immense wealth of the church and how it should have been spent on the poor instead of priceless art and cathedrals

Would Trump do the same? Give up his wealth to help the poor?

So now the Pope has to DO something. Start selling off the Vatican and build refugee camps. Not that the RCC doesn't have enough money now to build camps, they just want someone else to do it for them meanwhile they bad mouth everyone else. Now if you were talking about Mother Teresa I would agree but the Pope lives in opulence. Walled off opulence.

He is doing something and the Conservatives in the church are pissed

What is this "feed the poor" shit
Jesus would never approve

What is he doing? Other then meddling in US politics?

U.S. Politics that effect the Catholics in Mexico and all over the world.

Shouldn't he be calling out Mexican officials for what they are doing to their own people? Shouldn't he be calling out Mexico for more strict immigration laws then the US? Shouldn't he be calling out the Vatican for having the most strict immigration laws of any independent state?
Why would the Pope get involved in this stuff? Isn't it a sin to deliberately malign somebody's character? Who does the Pope confess his sins to?

The Pope is just calling out a vile grotesque individual.

Back in the 1930's the Pope didn't call out Hitler and look what happened.

Thank God Today's Pope is fighting for real Christian ideals.

Trump advocates torture and economic warfare against the poor
He is anything but Christian

The Pope is calling him on it
The pope should keep his socialism to himself, and attend to his pedophiles.
Man. Trump really has everyone in an uproar. The Lefties are desperate and pulling out all the stops. The media, the RNC, the Establishment, everyone is in desperation mode. Never has any one individual come under and been subjected to so many slanderous attacks. He must be doing something right. The loons are running scared.
Why would the Pope get involved in this stuff? Isn't it a sin to deliberately malign somebody's character? Who does the Pope confess his sins to?

The Pope is just calling out a vile grotesque individual.

Back in the 1930's the Pope didn't call out Hitler and look what happened.

Thank God Today's Pope is fighting for real Christian ideals.

Trump advocates torture and economic warfare against the poor
He is anything but Christian

The Pope is calling him on it

Nope. He is calling Trump on wanting to enforce our democratically enacted immigration laws.

And he is wrong for doing so.

I think this first time a Pope has made such a blatant intervention in a political election. The Jesuit Heretic needs to STFU, his "business" is Organised Religion and making billions whilst preaching how everyone should help poor people and take in so-called "refugees".

His business isn't telling people who is Christian or not Christian and his business certainly isn't telling people who they should or shouldn't vote for.

The Heretic Francis is a disgrace. Oh how I wish Benedict XVI were still Pope.

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