Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

Say, who IS that who hires pedophiles and keeps them on the payroll, only moving them from branch to branch when they're found out?

Could such a person possibly be "Christian"?

Be careful before you answer either of those.....you could be excommunicated if you choose right.

Actually, that would be the public schools. :eusa_whistle:
I don't have time to read all,of this thread so I apologize if I am repeating some,thoughts. The pope has way overstepped his bounds. He is supposed to be about spirits and souls and charity, absolutely not politics. He is acting like a head of state, not the head of a religion, and his reputation has been tarnished because of it. He falls into the same category as our politicians, saying one thing but doing another. And as all do gooders, he wants to tell the rest of us how to,spend our money.

How about if you go first popee. Sell off some of those billions of Catholic assets. How about getting rid of your tax exemption and paying your fair share. After all, people come to your cathedral on roads paid for by the rest of us. You know, how about you taking the lead Francis and turning St. Peter's Square into a tent city for all these Muslim refugees where you can go and personally minister to them and give them money.

We certainly need to return to more spiritual and faith based culture and I am for anything that pursues that goal, but when the head of the Catholic Church opines on whether someone is a Christian or not based on a persons stand for,the security of his country the pope is betraying his mandate. If he wanted to be an ideologue he shouldn't have become pope.
I bet you're wrong. Donny Boy has a thin skin.

Bah, he handled it perfectly. Pope looked like a hypocrite on the nightly news, both national and local here. Pictures of the walls around Vatican City while the quote of "building walls un-Christian" was played.

Local news even managed to reported that much of the Biblical book of Nehemiah is devoted to the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem.

Be serious. Is there anything he could have done that would NOT have been "handling it perfectly" in your eyes?

He's not far wrong when he says he could shoot someone and his worshipers would still follow him. And if I were them, I wouldn't be proud of that.

I'll assume that you agree that I was correct, that he handled it perfectly, and the Pope looks like a genuine hypocrite by the fact that you manage to ignore everything I posted, and attacked me personally for making 100% true statements.

Thanks for your non-input. Enjoy the South Carolina Primary and Nevada Caucus...

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ASSume whatever you like. The Pope committed a sin in his statement, but Donald Trump is functionally incapable of handling anything "perfectly", or even "maturely".

Thanks for the typical Trump Koolaid response of "you're just mean, you don't like Trump because you just don't KNOW, so I'll ignore you and flounce away like Donald does!" God forbid anyone say anything about the Combover Messiah that is anything less than reverent.

Second attempt, and you have still not managed to say anything relevant. If you don't think Trump handled it perfectly, please, enlighten us. If you think the hypocritical Pope didn't come off as an ass while Trump took the high ground, spill it.

You may have the last word. I've made my point, eventually I suppose, we will hear yours, other than the political sour grapes, which is coming across quite clearly.

Well, I wasn't actually TRYING to make the point that you're apparently illiterate, but I seem to have inadvertently done so, anyway. Already answered your previous questions, even though you seem not to have seen or comprehended it.

But if you want to pretend that you asked for details on how Donald wasn't "perfect", okay. He was, as always, petty and juvenile and thoroughly un-Presidential. He conducted himself, as he always does, like a belligerent drunk right before the bar bouncers 86 him. "If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS's ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president." Maybe that's YOUR idea of what the leader of the free world should sound like. I think he sounds more like my annoying neighbor picking a fight on Friday night.
Bah, he handled it perfectly. Pope looked like a hypocrite on the nightly news, both national and local here. Pictures of the walls around Vatican City while the quote of "building walls un-Christian" was played.

Local news even managed to reported that much of the Biblical book of Nehemiah is devoted to the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem.

Be serious. Is there anything he could have done that would NOT have been "handling it perfectly" in your eyes?

He's not far wrong when he says he could shoot someone and his worshipers would still follow him. And if I were them, I wouldn't be proud of that.

I'll assume that you agree that I was correct, that he handled it perfectly, and the Pope looks like a genuine hypocrite by the fact that you manage to ignore everything I posted, and attacked me personally for making 100% true statements.

Thanks for your non-input. Enjoy the South Carolina Primary and Nevada Caucus...

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Political Prediction Market - CNNPolitics.com

ASSume whatever you like. The Pope committed a sin in his statement, but Donald Trump is functionally incapable of handling anything "perfectly", or even "maturely".

Thanks for the typical Trump Koolaid response of "you're just mean, you don't like Trump because you just don't KNOW, so I'll ignore you and flounce away like Donald does!" God forbid anyone say anything about the Combover Messiah that is anything less than reverent.

Second attempt, and you have still not managed to say anything relevant. If you don't think Trump handled it perfectly, please, enlighten us. If you think the hypocritical Pope didn't come off as an ass while Trump took the high ground, spill it.

You may have the last word. I've made my point, eventually I suppose, we will hear yours, other than the political sour grapes, which is coming across quite clearly.

Well, I wasn't actually TRYING to make the point that you're apparently illiterate, but I seem to have inadvertently done so, anyway. Already answered your previous questions, even though you seem not to have seen or comprehended it.

But if you want to pretend that you asked for details on how Donald wasn't "perfect", okay. He was, as always, petty and juvenile and thoroughly un-Presidential. He conducted himself, as he always does, like a belligerent drunk right before the bar bouncers 86 him. "If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS's ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president." Maybe that's YOUR idea of what the leader of the free world should sound like. I think he sounds more like my annoying neighbor picking a fight on Friday night.

Okay. Sour grapes...got it...moving on.
Why do you Dims need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you? Lazy? Unmotivated? Stupid? You Takers Crack me up.
You Trump followers are just like welfare queens still living under a plantation mentality....waiting for smarter people to lead you.
Why are you comparing Trump followers to democrats?
Trump followers have to be some of the very stupidest most easily manipulated dim wits who ever lived. You have to hand it to Trump though, he really understands his followers......the mediocre IQ constituency.
The same could be said about hope and change... Lol
The most often repeated phrase by so called conservatives for the past eight years.

Yeah, that's because it was such a colossal con job.
Why are you comparing Trump followers to democrats?
Trump followers have to be some of the very stupidest most easily manipulated dim wits who ever lived. You have to hand it to Trump though, he really understands his followers......the mediocre IQ constituency.
The same could be said about hope and change... Lol
The most often repeated phrase by so called conservatives for the past eight years.
Libertarian here...
Anyway, pretty much any jackass could see from the beginning hope and change was a load of shit oh... Wait... The jackasses voted lead jackass into office... Lol
I never heard anyone but so called conservatives use that phrase.

That was Obama's slogan in 2008.
Be serious. Is there anything he could have done that would NOT have been "handling it perfectly" in your eyes?

He's not far wrong when he says he could shoot someone and his worshipers would still follow him. And if I were them, I wouldn't be proud of that.

I'll assume that you agree that I was correct, that he handled it perfectly, and the Pope looks like a genuine hypocrite by the fact that you manage to ignore everything I posted, and attacked me personally for making 100% true statements.

Thanks for your non-input. Enjoy the South Carolina Primary and Nevada Caucus...

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Political Prediction Market - CNNPolitics.com

ASSume whatever you like. The Pope committed a sin in his statement, but Donald Trump is functionally incapable of handling anything "perfectly", or even "maturely".

Thanks for the typical Trump Koolaid response of "you're just mean, you don't like Trump because you just don't KNOW, so I'll ignore you and flounce away like Donald does!" God forbid anyone say anything about the Combover Messiah that is anything less than reverent.

Second attempt, and you have still not managed to say anything relevant. If you don't think Trump handled it perfectly, please, enlighten us. If you think the hypocritical Pope didn't come off as an ass while Trump took the high ground, spill it.

You may have the last word. I've made my point, eventually I suppose, we will hear yours, other than the political sour grapes, which is coming across quite clearly.

Well, I wasn't actually TRYING to make the point that you're apparently illiterate, but I seem to have inadvertently done so, anyway. Already answered your previous questions, even though you seem not to have seen or comprehended it.

But if you want to pretend that you asked for details on how Donald wasn't "perfect", okay. He was, as always, petty and juvenile and thoroughly un-Presidential. He conducted himself, as he always does, like a belligerent drunk right before the bar bouncers 86 him. "If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS's ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president." Maybe that's YOUR idea of what the leader of the free world should sound like. I think he sounds more like my annoying neighbor picking a fight on Friday night.

Okay. Sour grapes...got it...moving on.

Like I said, illiterate and flouncing away.

Do give us a ring if your eyes ever stop spinning in opposite directions, would you, Cult Boy?


NEWBERRY, S.C. (Reuters) - Pope Francis forcefully injected himself into the U.S. presidential campaign on Thursday, assailing Republican candidate Donald Trump's views on U.S. immigration as "not Christian" in a sign of growing international concern at the billionaire businessman's election prospects.

Trump struck back. No stranger to controversy, the longtime party front-runner in national opinion polls dismissed the leader of the world's Roman Catholics as "disgraceful" for questioning his faith. He said he was a proud Christian.

Francis told reporters during a free-wheeling conversation on his flight home from a visit to Mexico, "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian."

Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in a sign of global concern

The pope should go back to the Vatican and look in the mirror. I think he wouldn't find the pious man he once thought he was... He pretends to be espousing the word of God but he is certainly failing at his job!
The Pope threw the first punch. He is the aggressor in this exchange. I hope people recognize this fact.
This is what the Pope said:
"And then, a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the gospel. As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt."
This is an ATTACK? A punch? The Pope is an Aggressor? Who's being a candy assed whiner this time?

He is using his position of Authority to argue against ANY limitations on immigration into the US.

That is an attack.

His spin does not hide that, not if you spend a second thinking about the ramifications of his message.
Unlike some Popes, he feels he must speak out against what he feels is morally wrong. Deporting 11 million people, many of whom have done nothing worst than try to provide for their families certainly qualifies. I guess from his standpoint, building bridges that bring people together are far better building walls that keep them apart.


It is not morally wrong for America to NOT have unchecked and unlimited immigration.

It is stupid to think that it is.

If he thinks that he is a moron.

And as I stated above, America is the most deeply and globally connected, in every way, nation on the planet and it is NOT credible that the Pope does not know that.
We don't want to forget that American POWs are losers too........because Donald Trump says so.

Since when did Liberal queers begin supporting veterans and the Pope? Today?
Perhaps you can find a website dedicated to Catholic veteran POW losers.

McCain was being an asshole and Trump insulted him BACK.

THat's the end of it, unless you're an dishonest asshole.

YOu don't hear McCain still going on about this.
It must be very liberating for you Trump followers to be able to justify and interpret any idiotic remark Trump might make on any given day.

Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post.

So :fu:
He is using his position of Authority to argue against ANY limitations on immigration into the US.

That is an attack.

His spin does not hide that, not if you spend a second thinking about the ramifications of his message.
No, that is not what the Pope said. Go back and read it again, more slowly this time, please.

His denies that Trump can be a Christian because he wants to build a Wall.

By those standards the simple act of trying to enforce limitations on immigration is unchristian.

That's a pretty clear condemnation.
NO NO NO NO NO! He denies Trump can be a Christian if he refuses to also build bridges! Do you ever go to Church at all? This is about being a humanitarian, not a Democrat or Republican.

America is the most globally involved and culturally and diplomatically connected nation on the planet.

It is not credible that the Pope does not know that.

We have all the "bridges" we need to the rest of the world.

What we need to take action on is protecting ourselves.

The Pope is being an asshole, and using his position to undermine and attack the interests of America and Americans.
the interests of the New BS GOP, you mean...

Unchecked Third World Immigration is not in America's interest and only a fool or a liar would claim otherwise.
I don't have time to read all,of this thread so I apologize if I am repeating some,thoughts. The pope has way overstepped his bounds. He is supposed to be about spirits and souls and charity, absolutely not politics. He is acting like a head of state, not the head of a religion, and his reputation has been tarnished because of it. He falls into the same category as our politicians, saying one thing but doing another. And as all do gooders, he wants to tell the rest of us how to,spend our money.

How about if you go first popee. Sell off some of those billions of Catholic assets. How about getting rid of your tax exemption and paying your fair share. After all, people come to your cathedral on roads paid for by the rest of us. You know, how about you taking the lead Francis and turning St. Peter's Square into a tent city for all these Muslim refugees where you can go and personally minister to them and give them money.

We certainly need to return to more spiritual and faith based culture and I am for anything that pursues that goal, but when the head of the Catholic Church opines on whether someone is a Christian or not based on a persons stand for,the security of his country the pope is betraying his mandate. If he wanted to be an ideologue he shouldn't have become pope.

Nice use of sarcasm......I always enjoy a good use of sarcasm

But in the bigger picture, Pope Francis has been advocating just that. He wants the Catholic Church to abandon its trappings of wealth and move towards outreach to the poor. He lives in a three room apartment and avoids the splendor available to the Pope. He has concentrated his efforts on improving conditions in the third world
Now, if only Trump would decline using his jets and penthouses
I don't have time to read all,of this thread so I apologize if I am repeating some,thoughts. The pope has way overstepped his bounds. He is supposed to be about spirits and souls and charity, absolutely not politics. He is acting like a head of state, not the head of a religion, and his reputation has been tarnished because of it. He falls into the same category as our politicians, saying one thing but doing another. And as all do gooders, he wants to tell the rest of us how to,spend our money.

How about if you go first popee. Sell off some of those billions of Catholic assets. How about getting rid of your tax exemption and paying your fair share. After all, people come to your cathedral on roads paid for by the rest of us. You know, how about you taking the lead Francis and turning St. Peter's Square into a tent city for all these Muslim refugees where you can go and personally minister to them and give them money.

We certainly need to return to more spiritual and faith based culture and I am for anything that pursues that goal, but when the head of the Catholic Church opines on whether someone is a Christian or not based on a persons stand for,the security of his country the pope is betraying his mandate. If he wanted to be an ideologue he shouldn't have become pope.

Nice use of sarcasm......I always enjoy a good use of sarcasm

But in the bigger picture, Pope Francis has been advocating just that. He wants the Catholic Church to abandon its trappings of wealth and move towards outreach to the poor. He lives in a three room apartment and avoids the splendor available to the Pope. He has concentrated his efforts on improving conditions in the third world
Now, if only Trump would decline using his jets and penthouses
Bullshit, you're incredibly gullible...
Trump just responded to the Pope. He said for any religious leader to remark about another man's faith is disgraceful especially since he has not remarked against Obama's faith. Trump is absolutely correct on this. The only one who knows about any man's faith is God. The Pope is not God.

If the Pope is going to condemn people he would have a little more integrity, in my opinion, if it were those like Pelosi who are pro-abortion. If he is going after Trump because of the "children" then what about Pelosi a self avowed member of the RCC?

In my opinion, this Pope might actually be the Anti-Christ.
I don't have time to read all,of this thread so I apologize if I am repeating some,thoughts. The pope has way overstepped his bounds. He is supposed to be about spirits and souls and charity, absolutely not politics. He is acting like a head of state, not the head of a religion, and his reputation has been tarnished because of it. He falls into the same category as our politicians, saying one thing but doing another. And as all do gooders, he wants to tell the rest of us how to,spend our money.

How about if you go first popee. Sell off some of those billions of Catholic assets. How about getting rid of your tax exemption and paying your fair share. After all, people come to your cathedral on roads paid for by the rest of us. You know, how about you taking the lead Francis and turning St. Peter's Square into a tent city for all these Muslim refugees where you can go and personally minister to them and give them money.

We certainly need to return to more spiritual and faith based culture and I am for anything that pursues that goal, but when the head of the Catholic Church opines on whether someone is a Christian or not based on a persons stand for,the security of his country the pope is betraying his mandate. If he wanted to be an ideologue he shouldn't have become pope.

Nice use of sarcasm......I always enjoy a good use of sarcasm

But in the bigger picture, Pope Francis has been advocating just that. He wants the Catholic Church to abandon its trappings of wealth and move towards outreach to the poor. He lives in a three room apartment and avoids the splendor available to the Pope. He has concentrated his efforts on improving conditions in the third world
Now, if only Trump would decline using his jets and penthouses

Here are some pictures of the walled off ghetto that the Pope lives. The Vatican takes in no immigration, unless they can cut grass or wash dishes.

The Papal Apartment from An Inside Look at the Pope's Residence

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