Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

It's probably the biggest boost Trump could get to be attacked so unfairly by (I hate to say it) a hypocrite who talks in cliches. Anybody ever see the Vatican? It has a big wall around it and a bunch of armed guards protecting the treasure. It used to be the punchline of a joke to say "is the Pope Catholic" but now it's a legitimate question.
Something was wrong with this pope from day one. He picked his own name, refused to wear the tradional vestments, refused to eat food prepared by the Vatican cook, and refused to sleep in the tradional living quarters.

He said ,"Who am I to judge" in regards to gay marriage. But now he's judging a man's faith who wants to protect his people.

And isn't it odd that this Pope admonishes the US for not taking in tens of thousands of fighting age men from Syria - yet the Vatican has done nothing? Well, to be honest, I do believe that one Priest took in a family.
I think all the support Trump lost for shitting on W and the Iraq war, he just won back on the Popes meddling statement. The Popes job is to think every illegal coming accross the border is Gods child...seeking a better life. The President's job is to ensure that Gods child is not a criminal, a shiftless nincompoop, a drug dealer, a rapist, and has followed the legal path to seeking a better life. Stfu Frank. Tend to your flock, and let Trump tend to his.
The Pope does not have the authority to declare Trump is or isn't a Christian. It's not the Pope's job to judge people and determine their true heart. Whether one is a Christian or not is between God and that person. The Pope needs to stop trying to be a political figure.

The Pope does not have the authority to declare Trump is or isn't a Christian. It's not the Pope's job to judge people and determine their true heart. Whether one is a Christian or not is between God and that person. The Pope needs to stop trying to be a political figure.
OMG, Trump has even pissed off the Pope. Other than white neanderthals, is there anyone Trump hasn't pissed off?
Seeing as how he leads the GOP and his favorability rating is higher than Hillary's (least Trusted of all the candidates), I would say there are a lot of people.
The Pope does not have the authority to declare Trump is or isn't a Christian. It's not the Pope's job to judge people and determine their true heart. Whether one is a Christian or not is between God and that person. The Pope needs to stop trying to be a political figure.
Your right, it isn't the Pope's job.....it's my job. And I say Donald Trump has no foundation in any kind of religion. He is clearly an atheist.
OMG, Trump has even pissed off the Pope. Other than white neanderthals, is there anyone Trump hasn't pissed off?

I loved his response.
I realize you're more used to a passive, pussy-like cowering type of leadership, as you have in Obama.
Get used to it son.
And your Food Stamps + your monthly guv-mint check will be cut off soon too.
The Pope can say that someone is not a Catholic and can even excommumicate someone, but he does not speak for all Christians.
The Pope threw the first punch. He is the aggressor in this exchange. I hope people recognize this fact.
Trump just responded to the Pope. He said for any religious leader to remark about another man's faith is disgraceful especially since he has not remarked against Obama's faith. Trump is absolutely correct on this. The only one who knows about any man's faith is God. The Pope is not God.
Pretty much Trump's standard response to any criticism.
Do you agree with him?

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