Pope to address U.S. Congress

The ignorant Islamic faggot is trying to eater egg the thread, see the book posted above.

Try Googleing some of his nonsensical shit, he is picking up key words / phrases and interjecting them in this conversation.

Sounds like somebody forgot to turn his frown upside down. :itsok:

You are a huge troll buddy. Huge. These boards are known for their heated exchanges and well they should be. But you, you're just angry at the world. You should go for a walk with your dog and lay off the 'roids for a couple of months.

Nobody gets anywhere screaming at people and ranting upset. I realize you're upset. Just call it what it is and that's OK. Be upset. Just don't call being upset "debating", because it isn't.

HIs take on danielpalos seemed completely correct.

Unless you have any idea what that guy is on about?

Cause he has made no attempt to be understandable.
it merely and only requires a clue and a Cause.
The ignorant Islamic faggot is trying to eater egg the thread, see the book posted above.

Try Googleing some of his nonsensical shit, he is picking up key words / phrases and interjecting them in this conversation.

Sounds like somebody forgot to turn his frown upside down. :itsok:

You are a huge troll buddy. Huge. These boards are known for their heated exchanges and well they should be. But you, you're just angry at the world. You should go for a walk with your dog and lay off the 'roids for a couple of months.

Nobody gets anywhere screaming at people and ranting upset. I realize you're upset. Just call it what it is and that's OK. Be upset. Just don't call being upset "debating", because it isn't.

HIs take on danielpalos seemed completely correct.

Unless you have any idea what that guy is on about?

Cause he has made no attempt to be understandable.
it merely and only requires a clue and a Cause.

Yep. YOu are just trolling.

Dude. I am trying to converse with people. It is mostly a waste of time, but this is not some performance art piece where we try to sound surreal.

You are one post away from being put on ignore.
Dude, drugs testing companies are already making a profit in Commerce. We have a Commerce Clause; why be infidel, protestant, and renegade to our supreme law of the land.

Alright cocksucker lets see how bat shit crazy you are :

Infidelity (also referred to as cheating, adultery, or having an affair) is a violation of a couple's assumed or stated contract regarding emotional and/or sexual exclusivity (Weeks et al., 2003, p. ix).

noun: Protestant; plural noun: Protestants
  1. 1.
    a member or follower of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the principles of the Reformation, including the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches.
adjective: Protestant
of, relating to, or belonging to any of the Protestant churches

noun: renegade; plural noun: renegades
  1. 1.
    a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
    synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, rebel, mutineer
    "he was denounced as a renegade"
    • a person who behaves in a rebelliously unconventional manner.
    • archaic
      a person who abandons religion; an apostate.
      synonyms: apostate, heretic, dissenter
      "a religious renegade"
adjective: renegade
having treacherously changed allegiance.
"a renegade bodyguard"
synonyms: treacherous, traitorous, disloyal, treasonous, rebel, mutinous
"renegade troops"

So now we get a cheater who is a member of the western christian church who deserts or betrays an organization ...................

How fucking old are you??

My 4 yr old child make more literate sentences than that moronic shit ..........................
sorry about that; i must have written beyond your reading comprehension level.

What are you talking about?

YOu sound like you have a brain injury, or are purposefully being obtuse.
I am discussing reading comprehension; why am i not surprised you don't understand it.
Will he wear the hammer and sickle cross?
Thank you for reminding me; I would like to take this time and opportunity to "blame the Right" for engendering the conditions that have enabled me to learn how use not Only a Hammer, but also a Sickle due to an Iron Age work ethic in modern Information Age times.

I guess somebody had to take the blame.
Wait, separation of church and state!!!!!!!

Doesn't apply here. This Pope is supporting key aspects of the lib agenda.
Which one is that? Bearing True Witness to our own laws?

What are you talking about?
The opposite of bearing False Witness to our own laws.

Who is lying about what laws, and what does the Pope have to do with it?

You seem to be just spouting random nonsense.
The concept of employment at will in any at-will employment State may be too complicated for you.
Oh and Sil don't think you can't be put right under your little faggot Islamic buddy on the ignore list ..................

Caught red handed and a bad liar trying to defend themselves.

You can make that group, is that where you need to go??
Oh no! Doom n goom wants to ignore me...! How shall I go on? :crybaby:


Were we discussing what the Pope is coming to talk about or not? I mean, if he's addressing Congress and Congress represents all of us via elections, then really, he's coming to talk to Us. Wonder what about? Timing? 2016 election? Global warming? Gay marriage? Wages?

Anyone who isn't currently engaged in trolling or feeding trolls want to reply?
Oh no! Doom n goom wants to ignore me...! How shall I go on? :crybaby:


Were we discussing what the Pope is coming to talk about or not? I mean, if he's addressing Congress and Congress represents all of us via elections, then really, he's coming to talk to Us. Wonder what about? Timing? 2016 election? Global warming? Gay marriage? Wages?

Anyone who isn't currently engaged in trolling or feeding trolls want to reply?
He is just upset i am not falling for his gloom and doom without gloom and doom tax rates to prove the exigency.
Wait, separation of church and state!!!!!!!

Doesn't apply here. This Pope is supporting key aspects of the lib agenda.

Lots of agendas out there, would you care to list the bullet points on the Conservative agenda? You could compare and contrast them with the Gay Agenda and the Liberal Agenda. Do that and I'll post the Crazy Right Wing Agenda.

In fact, the Crazy Right Wing Agenda was quite clear in the post above, #224

Why do you want my personal take on a movement vastly larger than myself?

Conservatism in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Historically, the central themes in American conservatism have included respect for American traditions, support of republicanismand the rule of law, Judeo-Christian values, anti-Communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism and a defense of Western civilization from the threats posed by moral relativism, multiculturalism, and postmodernism. "Liberty" is a core value, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the free market, and opposition to high taxes and government or labor union encroachment on the entrepreneur.[1]"

The key word being "Historically" But by that I digress.

I asked for your opinion because you claimed there is a leftist agenda, a lib agenda and others have proclaimed a gay agenda, no one has yet yet defined these agendas in detail.

Don't bother with a Wiki response, that's both lazy unless framed off a foundation and used as a foot note.

Why are you pretending to be confused?

Was there anything in the cut and paste on us conservatism that you did not already know?

Liberty is a core value? Unless a gay or lesbian couple wants to marry; or an 80 year old black man or women, born at home wants to vote, and has dozens of times but is now prevented; or an entire neighborhood is forced to take three buses for over two hours (example) to vote, and while waiting in line the polls close.

See, an honest opinion based on facts (oh, and of course the facts are news reports and conservatives don't believe the MSM is a reliable source, because Limbaugh has told them so)
Wonder if the pope will have some time to address such issues as the lack of black fathers in the black culture?? Wonder if he will have some time to opine on Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Ferguson and other epic liberal shit holes and how those policies have not only championed human rights for the blacks but created prosperous pockets of culture.

Perhaps he can speak of Sanctuary cities and how man has justified and interpreted societal laws to aid the illegal while still being sanctimonious.

Most of all after all the child sexual abuse cases involving clergy in the Catholic church perhaps he should declare himself as having a conflict of interest and not speak on the subject of gay rights.

I am sure we can all agree with such a public outrage over the abuse of our children by that society it would be best for him not to subvert our society.

Yes there are many things the politically active pope has to speak of, best for him to deal with his demons and let us deal with ours.
Oh no! Doom n goom wants to ignore me...! How shall I go on? :crybaby:


Were we discussing what the Pope is coming to talk about or not? I mean, if he's addressing Congress and Congress represents all of us via elections, then really, he's coming to talk to Us. Wonder what about? Timing? 2016 election? Global warming? Gay marriage? Wages?

Anyone who isn't currently engaged in trolling or feeding trolls want to reply?

I'm not seeing an advantage is playing guessing games as to what he will say.

When he says it, we will know what he said, and we can discuss it.
Doesn't apply here. This Pope is supporting key aspects of the lib agenda.

Lots of agendas out there, would you care to list the bullet points on the Conservative agenda? You could compare and contrast them with the Gay Agenda and the Liberal Agenda. Do that and I'll post the Crazy Right Wing Agenda.

In fact, the Crazy Right Wing Agenda was quite clear in the post above, #224

Why do you want my personal take on a movement vastly larger than myself?

Conservatism in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Historically, the central themes in American conservatism have included respect for American traditions, support of republicanismand the rule of law, Judeo-Christian values, anti-Communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism and a defense of Western civilization from the threats posed by moral relativism, multiculturalism, and postmodernism. "Liberty" is a core value, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the free market, and opposition to high taxes and government or labor union encroachment on the entrepreneur.[1]"

The key word being "Historically" But by that I digress.

I asked for your opinion because you claimed there is a leftist agenda, a lib agenda and others have proclaimed a gay agenda, no one has yet yet defined these agendas in detail.

Don't bother with a Wiki response, that's both lazy unless framed off a foundation and used as a foot note.

Why are you pretending to be confused?

Was there anything in the cut and paste on us conservatism that you did not already know?

Liberty is a core value? Unless a gay or lesbian couple wants to marry; or an 80 year old black man or women, born at home wants to vote, and has dozens of times but is now prevented; or an entire neighborhood is forced to take three buses for over two hours (example) to vote, and while waiting in line the polls close.

See, an honest opinion based on facts (oh, and of course the facts are news reports and conservatives don't believe the MSM is a reliable source, because Limbaugh has told them so)

Was there anything in that cut and paste that you did not already know?

I am not asking for you to agree with the agenda, I want to know why you asked me about my version of the conservative agenda when you already know it.
I'd yell it from the roof top and there would be no apology forthcoming.
He'll be revered. I think he may be the false prophet in Revelation. He is a least a contender.
Lol what makes him a false prophet?

He's always one step ahead of Obama like he's preparing the way. He sounds like Obama. Don't hear a lot about Christ, but financial inequality and redistribution of wealth just rolls of his tongue. Benedict's sudden departure, Malachy's prediction.
He's political enough to be considered.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Some leftist beliefs may follow Jesus’ teachings. However, human governments implementing leftist beliefs have proven to be disastrous. What sounds good on paper and in the classroom always turns into elites lording it over the masses. In the real world, leftist leaders succumb to their greed and/or lack of economic understanding. As a result, the economy and the majority of the people suffer under leftist ideology.

Capitalism has demonstrated its ability to provide a very comfortable life for those willing to work. As the people prosper, so do the capitalistic countries.

To their detriment, some capitalists make money their god and abuse others in their quest for it. These abuses should be identified, rectified, and paid for in this life, as they will be in the life to come.

Until Jesus returns and establishes His government, capitalism is the best system going. May America realize this before it’s too late.

Nah, democracy and a nation that supports human rights have provided a place for humans to live comfortably. All you really need is a ruling class that treats humans like humans. Historians generally view an 80 year period during the Roman Empire, around the time of Trajan, when most of humanity lived relatively happy lives. All? No, it is never all. Even Iran and Isis have capitalism, people in all cultures buy and sell and have since the beginning of time. Capitalism generally provides a structure that allows a larger number of people to feed their families and, over time, gather together some savings, but it also provides a platform for a few to enslave the masses and control the government to their own purpose.

Conservatives always view these things in terms of 'theory' rather than 'practical' knowledge. 'Capitalism' has become an infallible absolute in the conservative mind. It isn't. It is horribly messy and has many victims. Anti-trust and monopoly laws are in place because people in fact CAN'T be trusted to simply participate in a free market. It has to be regulated.

But yet you or none of your ignorant minion have and alternative to a capitalistic based society ...............
Fucking amazing ...................

What is wrong with your brain that you only see absolutes. I prefer capitalism, but it has major flaws.

You tend to defend things you believe in with absolute. If you believe in it then it has to be 100% perfect, infallible, and can't be criticized.

Nothing on Earth is perfect. Nothing. Jesus grow up.

Once again with your moronic shit. This is the earth populated by humans, very seldom do you find anything 100% perfect, infallible, and can't be criticized.

You can tell yourself that that creature exist, you can continue to look for it, but we both know your stupid ass will never find anything that even comes close.

You keep telling yourself in that delusional mind that is what you must have to meet your unrealistic expectations.

Once again the bottom line is capitalism is not perfect, but you have no other economic engine to speak of .......................

To suggest that a working system is not working because of a few flaws, like we expect you booze guzzling, crack smokin thugs to get off our fucked up ass's and become a productive member of society is ludicrous.

Like I said, you dumb fucking little bitch, give the forum another example of an ecomomic engine or go suck anotgher dick and shut the fuck up!!

You are one angry peck and you are so gullible and blind with rage you can't see straight.

Only pity for you.

Rage on Louie Depalma.
No one is seeking an alternative to a capitalistic society unless capitalism cannot work without being evil.

Its fucking amazing you keep wanting to give business a human trait.

I know you are confused, when will you realize that, the battle will be half won.

Business's are run by humans and with anything humans are involved in will have corrupt participants, some individuals have practices which are centered on greed and lust. Now those individuals you have issues with, I have issues with also. Individuals that destroy the environment in pursuit of that wealth are just as unacceptable to me.

It is not the capitalistic societies fault or the mechanics of the system but the individuals without morals that this society has bred and nurtured who are greedy and lustful.

This discussion is leaps and bounds above your intellectual level, they better give me some kind of trophy for having to explain all this to your retarded ass ................

Methinks your post has merit, but you need to drop the final paragraph. Ending with an ad hoiminem weakens a strong argument. My opinion, for what its worth.

In short you've argued what I've posted before: "we must save Capitalism from the Capitalists". You've correctly expanded on my comment to make it clear that not everyone is a threat to Capitalism, but too many on this message board can't/won't think critically, and thus see only black and white. Thus, if one criticizes the effects of Capitalism and supports government oversight and regulations they must be a Commie or a Statist.

Many on the right, the far right which I've characterized as the Crazy Right Wing, don't understand that greed and the concomitant fact that when the wealth of a nation is concentrated in the hands/control of the few is a problem.

You seem to have a few ducks in a row ..............

Don't criticize my writing style as long as I am getting my point across and semi intelligent people get the main jest of it( notice I have not commented that you did).

You seem to have as many issues as some on the left ...................

Once again for the slow ones in our tribe .....................

There is a natural bell curve in our universe that covers intelligence, there are fewer at both ends of the spectrum, while the center has the majority of the whole. In any class / system of humans the smartest / most intelligent will rise to the top ................. intelligence leads to wealth .........................

You can ink the rest of the details in, you have the ability, whether you are truthful with yourself or not really doesn't matter to me. I know the truth, you are another confused soul who would like to give economic engine a human trait.

There will always be those with more money, bigger dick / boobs / faster car / prettier mate / faster car ....................

Quit crying / worrying about who has floated to the top of the curve and live your own life ...................

You like to portray things in your own simple-minded way. You cling to 'theory' in place of 'practical' knowledge.

If everyone played by the rules of their own volition captilism would work well. it usually does when a society first starts as most everyone is equal and all can advance.

But soon enough in all human societies wealth begins to accumulate in the hands of a few and those few ALWAYS start to screw everyone else in favor or increasing their own wealth. If they didn't do this, if they just kept following the rules of the society they would still accumulate wealth, but their greed forces them to cheat. They start shutting down or inhibiting everyone but a select few from participating on a level playing field. The few in fact use their wealth to arrest the free market and put in its place an oligarchy where the few wealthy control the means of production, distribution, and labor. Choking capitalism and oppressing the masses.

Once this goes on long enough the masses tire of it and revolt, killing the wealthy few and resdistributing the wealth and the process starts over.

This is a well known formula to historians who study human societies.

The U.S. is an oligarchy right now. The Citizens United decision has codified that oligarchy as the norm for the U.S. At the expense of the other 300 million people.
I'm not seeing an advantage is playing guessing games as to what he will say.

When he says it, we will know what he said, and we can discuss it.

Well, since it's the first time a Pope has EVER addressed the US Congress....do you think in a general way, at this particular time, he is coming to say "thumbs up! Good work America!"...or do you think it's going to be more along the lines of ..."uh...yeah...America, I think it's time we have a little talk.."...

I'm not seeing an advantage is playing guessing games as to what he will say.

When he says it, we will know what he said, and we can discuss it.

Well, since it's the first time a Pope has EVER addressed the US Congress....do you think in a general way, at this particular time, he is coming to say "thumbs up! Good work America!"...or do you think it's going to be more along the lines of ..."uh...yeah...America, I think it's time we have a little talk.."...


If you are asking for my speculation...

I expect some insincere glad handling leading into some fire and brimstone style rhetoric with insincere qualifiers.

The glad handling can be used by his partisans to spin that he was not slamming America, while the qualifiers can be dropped from his attacks to provide good red meat to the ignorant masses of the Turd World and the first world left.
If you are asking for my speculation...

I expect some insincere glad handling leading into some fire and brimstone style rhetoric with insincere qualifiers.

The glad handling can be used by his partisans to spin that he was not slamming America, while the qualifiers can be dropped from his attacks to provide good red meat to the ignorant masses of the Turd World and the first world left.

I think you could be wrong about that personal intent with this particular Pope. However, yes, what cameras and broadcasting are allowed/edited will be the whole of the importance of his visit no?

I mean if he visits Congress and speaks to them in private, what the hell difference would that make? If this Pope is actually coming to make a difference, we will need the Vatican itself to record the entire event, start to finish, and publish it on youtube....or you're right. They'll chop and spin the shit out of it and it all will be for naught.

They know why he is coming and the "Dark Lord" through his surrogates is prepared to gag and edit that "little talk" so huge it's not even funny. I hope the Vatican has thought it through far enough to make sure they themselves record the speech for publication.
Still though, in a general sense it has the feeling like dad is coming home from a business trip after the teenagers have spent a week partying without supervision to confront the mess they made of the house..and all the neighbors complaining. Like Dad has ordered a conference around the family dining table to call out the BS and tan some hides..

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