Pope trying to change DP doctrine

The Pope cannot change a teaching that has been the same for 2000 years. We need a new Pope.

Why worship a pope at all?

If there is a god, he doesn't need a rich oligarch to speak for him. Pope, Mormon Prophet, all the same idea.

Blackrook ------"we" need a new pope??? are you catholic? sorry---but I am curious to know if some catholics are getting dubious about Frances
The Pope cannot change a teaching that has been the same for 2000 years. We need a new Pope.

Why worship a pope at all?

If there is a god, he doesn't need a rich oligarch to speak for him. Pope, Mormon Prophet, all the same idea.

Blackrook ------"we" need a new pope??? are you catholic? sorry---but I am curious to know if some catholics are getting dubious about Frances

We have a female pope again? What happened to the thing they sit on where the cardinals all look up from below to make sure he has balls?
It is VERY IMPORTANT when discussing the "KILL TOTALS" of the Catholic
Inquisitions to take note that MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO DIED were not
reserved for CATHOLICS ONLY. It is the present custom of apologists
for the catholic canon law to present ONLY the numbers of people CONVICTED
of heresy, and therefore executed as the TOTAL KILL. This representation is
utter BULLSHIT. Most of the people who died as a consequence of the
INQUISITION were never "brought before the Inquisition" and underwent no trial. -----they were just marched to the BONFIRES of the
AUTO DE FE as Jews, muslims or just homosexuals--------no trial, no "inquisition"-----just murdered.

"Murdered" in a similar way as the civil courts of the USA are murdering people. The jurisdiction in Europe was always very detailed.

Of course the numbers who died having been thrown penniless into exile------are not
counted either. I have lots or relatives who STILL SPEAK SPANISH------being the remnant of the SURVIVORS of the exile galvanized by BITCH ISABELLE.

Is there any reason why you cry some words and others not? And I don't understand now the word "galvanized" in this context nor whom you call "bitch Isabella" nor why you have problems with the Spanish language.

More died than survived the forced flight. The Hebraized Spanish language known as
LADINO is spoken even in the USA-----by that remnant.

Ladino is the language of the Spanish Jews (Sephardim). But lots of Sephardim spoke Spanish. Similar to the German Jews (Ashkenazim). Ashkenazim spoke often German and not Yiddish, although Yiddish is the language of the Ashkenazim. Einstein for example spoke German with the color of a nice Swabian dialect.

Back then most of the survivors landed in Turkey, Morocco, Algeria and eventually Palestine and the USA.

Survivors of what?

They wandered in small number into the USA way back in the 1600s----their synagogue still stands in Manhattan

Peter Minuit bought "Manna hatta" in 1626. It was part of the colony "Nieuw Nederland" and the city "Nieuw Amsterdam" in those days. 1664/1675 it became British. Lots of people of lots of religions lived there.

NY SHEARITH ZEDEK which translates roughly as "gates of righteousness"
Some landed in south America----the "survivors of the inquisitions of spain
and Portugal"--------for those interested (not pic) the philosopher
SPINOZA fled Portugal from the "benign" inquisition thing. More good news-----the LADINO LANGUAGE got terrific poetry, music and
Literature-------all galvanized by the survivors of the INQUISITION (the program of genocide that "never happened")

You are a little confused. Baruch de Spinoza was banned from his Jewish community. And which genocide did happen?

all entirely wrong ZAANG-----your post reflects your extreme ignorance. I am tired now so I will respond only to the very last sentence of your entirely idiotic post. Baruch Spinoza LIVED IN THE NETHERLANDS at the time of his banning----he lived with the
PORTUGAL. whole Jewish communities did up and leave----just as the jews who could left Germany. His banning was a symbolic act of disapproval of some of
his writings------he was in no PHYSICAL DANGER nor was he deprived of his wealth--
nor did he RUN anywhere. For the record----he has been OFFICIALLY rehabilitated-----REJOICE. You are not actually confused----just woefully ignorant.

I have no information about his life in Portugal nor do I have any information about the Inquisition in context with Baruch de Spinoza. The Jewish community of Amsterdam banned him.

I guess you refer to the Marranos. 1496 had all Jews to leave Portugal. … This was nothing new. In 1290 for example all Jews had to leave England. Whatever. I don't see in the moment what you call genocide and I don't see the direct line of the years 1496/1506 (pogrom) to the immigration of Baruch de Spinoza to the Netherlands about a hundred years later.

Last edited:
folks----back to practical matters. Lets face facts----POPES are important
people. I foresee some turmoil in the catholic church based on FRANCES.
Some time ago------a "john paul" (if I remember correctly) suddenly dropped dead. I did not really BELIEVE the rumor that his demise was DEVISED---
but------people more in the know than am I , DID

Popes are important political figures as they have influence over Catholics.

I am not familiar with the conspiracy theory about the death of John Paul, I either missed or ignored it. I suspect it is pretty obscure.

John Paul was a voice along with Thatcher and Reagan that promoted individual liberty and responsibility, a man who condemned the totalitarian states. Quite the opposite of Marxist Pope Francis.

I don't actually believe in god, nor do I think Pope Francis does. From all evidence, the only god Pope Francis worships is Karl Marx.
The Pope cannot change a teaching that has been the same for 2000 years. We need a new Pope.

Why worship a pope at all?

If there is a god, he doesn't need a rich oligarch to speak for him. Pope, Mormon Prophet, all the same idea.

Blackrook ------"we" need a new pope??? are you catholic? sorry---but I am curious to know if some catholics are getting dubious about Frances

We have a female pope again? What happened to the thing they sit on where the cardinals all look up from below to make sure he has balls?

Sluggo, are you drunk again? Is it already after 8:00 AM?

Your post had nothing to do with what Rosie said.
The Pope cannot change a teaching that has been the same for 2000 years. We need a new Pope.

Why worship a pope at all?

If there is a god, he doesn't need a rich oligarch to speak for him. Pope, Mormon Prophet, all the same idea.

Blackrook ------"we" need a new pope??? are you catholic? sorry---but I am curious to know if some catholics are getting dubious about Frances

We have a female pope again? What happened to the thing they sit on where the cardinals all look up from below to make sure he has balls?

Sluggo, are you drunk again? Is it already after 8:00 AM?

Your post had nothing to do with what Rosie said.

its pogo's sense of FOCUS
how does that work? Shouldn’t God have some say in the matter?

For Catholics, doesn't the pope speak for god?

This is the problem with worshiping a man as god.

Besides that no one thinks Pope Francis is god - but let me ask: ¿Jesus?

When there is a good man like John Paul, no one notices, but when an evil man like Pope Francis is in charge, then trouble starts.

¿Good John Paul - evil Francis? What's the title of the film in which you live?

how does that work? Shouldn’t God have some say in the matter?

For Catholics, doesn't the pope speak for god?

This is the problem with worshiping a man as god.

Besides that no one thinks Pope Francis is god - but let me ask: ¿Jesus?

When there is a good man like John Paul, no one notices, but when an evil man like Pope Francis is in charge, then trouble starts.

¿Good John Paul - evil Francis? What's the title of the film in which you live?

You need better translation software.

Are you translating Farsi to English?
The Pope cannot change a teaching that has been the same for 2000 years. We need a new Pope.

Why worship a pope at all?

If there is a god, he doesn't need a rich oligarch to speak for him. Pope, Mormon Prophet, all the same idea.

Blackrook ------"we" need a new pope??? are you catholic? sorry---but I am curious to know if some catholics are getting dubious about Frances

We have a female pope again? What happened to the thing they sit on where the cardinals all look up from below to make sure he has balls?

Sluggo, are you drunk again? Is it already after 8:00 AM?

Your post had nothing to do with what Rosie said.

its pogo's sense of FOCUS

It's Rosie's sense of SPELLING. What, am I the only one who knows how to read here?

Fun fact: the first girl I ever had a crush on was named "Frances". Had she spelled it "Francis" it woulda been a whole 'nother ball game. So to speak.

The Illiterati are such cat toys....
folks----back to practical matters. Lets face facts----POPES are important
people. I foresee some turmoil in the catholic church based on FRANCES.
Some time ago------a "john paul" (if I remember correctly) suddenly dropped dead. I did not really BELIEVE the rumor that his demise was DEVISED---
but------people more in the know than am I , DID

Popes are important political figures as they have influence over Catholics.

Bull Shit.

I can recall 1960 when my mother had to explain the whole "he's a Catholic" bigotry against JFK. It was the most bizarre thing we'd ever heard.

Of course USMB wasn't invented yet, so by that I mean the most bizarre up to that point.
Why worship a pope at all?

If there is a god, he doesn't need a rich oligarch to speak for him. Pope, Mormon Prophet, all the same idea.

Blackrook ------"we" need a new pope??? are you catholic? sorry---but I am curious to know if some catholics are getting dubious about Frances

We have a female pope again? What happened to the thing they sit on where the cardinals all look up from below to make sure he has balls?

Sluggo, are you drunk again? Is it already after 8:00 AM?

Your post had nothing to do with what Rosie said.

its pogo's sense of FOCUS

It's Rosie's sense of SPELLING. What, am I the only one who knows how to read here?

Fun fact: the first girl I ever had a crush on was named "Frances". Had she spelled it "Francis" it woulda been a whole 'nother ball game. So to speak.

The Illiterati are such cat toys....

Good thing Uber delivers liquor now. I'd hate to think of you driving in that condition.
folks----back to practical matters. Lets face facts----POPES are important
people. I foresee some turmoil in the catholic church based on FRANCES.
Some time ago------a "john paul" (if I remember correctly) suddenly dropped dead. I did not really BELIEVE the rumor that his demise was DEVISED---
but------people more in the know than am I , DID

Popes are important political figures as they have influence over Catholics.

Bull Shit.

I can recall 1960 when my mother had to explain the whole "he's a Catholic" bigotry against JFK. It was the most bizarre thing we'd ever heard.

Of course USMB wasn't invented yet, so by that I mean the most bizarre up to that point.

What are you babbling about, you drunken sot?

Popes are indeed important political figures as they have a great deal of influence on Catholics.

Less on American Catholics than on Mexican Catholics. Less on Mexican Catholics than on Venezuelan Catholics. But the Pope is viewed as "the Vicar of Christ," the stand in for Jesus on earth to rule over the church.

You're far too drunk to discuss this coherently. Take a nap, sleep it off and try again later.
Why worship a pope at all?

If there is a god, he doesn't need a rich oligarch to speak for him. Pope, Mormon Prophet, all the same idea.

Blackrook ------"we" need a new pope??? are you catholic? sorry---but I am curious to know if some catholics are getting dubious about Frances

We have a female pope again? What happened to the thing they sit on where the cardinals all look up from below to make sure he has balls?

Sluggo, are you drunk again? Is it already after 8:00 AM?

Your post had nothing to do with what Rosie said.

its pogo's sense of FOCUS

It's Rosie's sense of SPELLING. What, am I the only one who knows how to read here?

Fun fact: the first girl I ever had a crush on was named "Frances". Had she spelled it "Francis" it woulda been a whole 'nother ball game. So to speak.

The Illiterati are such cat toys....

you missed the "OBSCURE" symbolism
Blackrook ------"we" need a new pope??? are you catholic? sorry---but I am curious to know if some catholics are getting dubious about Frances

We have a female pope again? What happened to the thing they sit on where the cardinals all look up from below to make sure he has balls?

Sluggo, are you drunk again? Is it already after 8:00 AM?

Your post had nothing to do with what Rosie said.

its pogo's sense of FOCUS

It's Rosie's sense of SPELLING. What, am I the only one who knows how to read here?

Fun fact: the first girl I ever had a crush on was named "Frances". Had she spelled it "Francis" it woulda been a whole 'nother ball game. So to speak.

The Illiterati are such cat toys....

you missed the "OBSCURE" symbolism

As in "lighten up Frances?" :lol:

Of course even that was actually "Francis".
Blackrook ------"we" need a new pope??? are you catholic? sorry---but I am curious to know if some catholics are getting dubious about Frances

We have a female pope again? What happened to the thing they sit on where the cardinals all look up from below to make sure he has balls?

Sluggo, are you drunk again? Is it already after 8:00 AM?

Your post had nothing to do with what Rosie said.

its pogo's sense of FOCUS

It's Rosie's sense of SPELLING. What, am I the only one who knows how to read here?

Fun fact: the first girl I ever had a crush on was named "Frances". Had she spelled it "Francis" it woulda been a whole 'nother ball game. So to speak.

The Illiterati are such cat toys....

you missed the "OBSCURE" symbolism

There weren't nothing "obscure" about Frances, nor was I "dubious" about her.

That was back in Catholic school but I'm pretty sure she didn't go on to become Papess.
We have a female pope again? What happened to the thing they sit on where the cardinals all look up from below to make sure he has balls?

Sluggo, are you drunk again? Is it already after 8:00 AM?

Your post had nothing to do with what Rosie said.

its pogo's sense of FOCUS

It's Rosie's sense of SPELLING. What, am I the only one who knows how to read here?

Fun fact: the first girl I ever had a crush on was named "Frances". Had she spelled it "Francis" it woulda been a whole 'nother ball game. So to speak.

The Illiterati are such cat toys....

you missed the "OBSCURE" symbolism

There weren't nothing "obscure" about Frances, nor was I "dubious" about her.

That was back in Catholic school but I'm pretty sure she didn't go on to become Papess.

absolutely sure?
folks----back to practical matters. Lets face facts----POPES are important
people. I foresee some turmoil in the catholic church based on FRANCES.
Some time ago------a "john paul" (if I remember correctly) suddenly dropped dead. I did not really BELIEVE the rumor that his demise was DEVISED---
but------people more in the know than am I , DID

Popes are important political figures as they have influence over Catholics.

Bull Shit.

I can recall 1960 when my mother had to explain the whole "he's a Catholic" bigotry against JFK. It was the most bizarre thing we'd ever heard.

Of course USMB wasn't invented yet, so by that I mean the most bizarre up to that point.

What are you babbling about, you drunken sot?

Popes are indeed important political figures as they have a great deal of influence on Catholics.

As I said Pothead I was BORN AND RAISED a Catholic so I already knew that was fucking bullshit in 1960.
folks----back to practical matters. Lets face facts----POPES are important
people. I foresee some turmoil in the catholic church based on FRANCES.
Some time ago------a "john paul" (if I remember correctly) suddenly dropped dead. I did not really BELIEVE the rumor that his demise was DEVISED---
but------people more in the know than am I , DID

Popes are important political figures as they have influence over Catholics.

Bull Shit.

I can recall 1960 when my mother had to explain the whole "he's a Catholic" bigotry against JFK. It was the most bizarre thing we'd ever heard.

Of course USMB wasn't invented yet, so by that I mean the most bizarre up to that point.

What are you babbling about, you drunken sot?

Popes are indeed important political figures as they have a great deal of influence on Catholics.

As I said Pothead I was BORN AND RAISED a Catholic so I already knew that was fucking bullshit in 1960.


So you are drunkenly claiming the Pope has no influence on Catholics?

Sluggo, are you drunk again? Is it already after 8:00 AM?

Your post had nothing to do with what Rosie said.

its pogo's sense of FOCUS

It's Rosie's sense of SPELLING. What, am I the only one who knows how to read here?

Fun fact: the first girl I ever had a crush on was named "Frances". Had she spelled it "Francis" it woulda been a whole 'nother ball game. So to speak.

The Illiterati are such cat toys....

you missed the "OBSCURE" symbolism

There weren't nothing "obscure" about Frances, nor was I "dubious" about her.

That was back in Catholic school but I'm pretty sure she didn't go on to become Papess.

absolutely sure?

You do know I wasn't making that up -- right?

Any candidate for pope has to sit on this stool thing where the election committee watches from a room underneath to make sure he has balls. They then make the official declaration, "Testiculos habet et bene pendentes" ("he has testicles and they hang well").

Pope Joan made that necessary. And you'll notice "Joan" is not spelled "John". Just as "Francis" is not spelled "Frances".
folks----back to practical matters. Lets face facts----POPES are important
people. I foresee some turmoil in the catholic church based on FRANCES.
Some time ago------a "john paul" (if I remember correctly) suddenly dropped dead. I did not really BELIEVE the rumor that his demise was DEVISED---
but------people more in the know than am I , DID

Popes are important political figures as they have influence over Catholics.

Bull Shit.

I can recall 1960 when my mother had to explain the whole "he's a Catholic" bigotry against JFK. It was the most bizarre thing we'd ever heard.

Of course USMB wasn't invented yet, so by that I mean the most bizarre up to that point.

What are you babbling about, you drunken sot?

Popes are indeed important political figures as they have a great deal of influence on Catholics.

As I said Pothead I was BORN AND RAISED a Catholic so I already knew that was fucking bullshit in 1960.


So you are drunkenly claiming the Pope has no influence on Catholics?


Not politically, no. Why should he? The Liberalism that founded this country put that sort of theocratic aristocracy to bed. That was the whole POINT of doing it.

So why the fuck would the Pope have anything to do with political influence? He's a religious figure, not a politician.
How was JFK influenced?

Well? We're waiting, Pothead.....

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