Pope trying to change DP doctrine

its pogo's sense of FOCUS

It's Rosie's sense of SPELLING. What, am I the only one who knows how to read here?

Fun fact: the first girl I ever had a crush on was named "Frances". Had she spelled it "Francis" it woulda been a whole 'nother ball game. So to speak.

The Illiterati are such cat toys....

you missed the "OBSCURE" symbolism

There weren't nothing "obscure" about Frances, nor was I "dubious" about her.

That was back in Catholic school but I'm pretty sure she didn't go on to become Papess.

absolutely sure?

You do know I wasn't making that up -- right?

Any candidate for pope has to sit on this stool thing where the election committee watches from a room underneath to make sure he has balls. They then make the official declaration, "Testiculos habet et bene pendentes" ("he has testicles and they hang well").

Pope Joan made that necessary. And you'll notice "Joan" is not spelled "John". Just as "Francis" is not spelled "Frances".

both Joan and John are derived from a single Hebrew root and both
Francis and Frances are derived from a single Latin root
Popes are important political figures as they have influence over Catholics.

Bull Shit.

I can recall 1960 when my mother had to explain the whole "he's a Catholic" bigotry against JFK. It was the most bizarre thing we'd ever heard.

Of course USMB wasn't invented yet, so by that I mean the most bizarre up to that point.

What are you babbling about, you drunken sot?

Popes are indeed important political figures as they have a great deal of influence on Catholics.

As I said Pothead I was BORN AND RAISED a Catholic so I already knew that was fucking bullshit in 1960.


So you are drunkenly claiming the Pope has no influence on Catholics?


Not politically, no. Why should he? The Liberalism that founded this country put that sort of theocratic aristocracy to bed. That was the whole POINT of doing it.

So why the fuck would the Pope have anything to do with political influence? He's a religious figure, not a politician.
How was JFK influenced?

Well? We're waiting, Pothead.....


What an absurd buffoon.

Sluggo, you are a demagogue,. Your stock and trade is slander, libel, innuendo and half-truths. You went into mal-educating because you could spew your bullshit sans challenge.

What you have engaged in here is a classic technique of demagogues, commonly referenced as the "all or nothing" logical fallacy. During the election of John F. Kennedy, a tiny fraction of Americans made the claim that because Kennedy was Catholic, he would take orders from the Pope. This is an obviously absurd claim.

What you have dishonestly done is perverted that fact into bullshit. The statement that the pope influences Catholics is axiomatic and irrefutable. It is a long way from saying the Pope controls or orders Catholics.

In your drunken condition, you thought you were clever to engage in such chicanery.

But your not, you're just being a disdhonest, as always,
It's Rosie's sense of SPELLING. What, am I the only one who knows how to read here?

Fun fact: the first girl I ever had a crush on was named "Frances". Had she spelled it "Francis" it woulda been a whole 'nother ball game. So to speak.

The Illiterati are such cat toys....

you missed the "OBSCURE" symbolism

There weren't nothing "obscure" about Frances, nor was I "dubious" about her.

That was back in Catholic school but I'm pretty sure she didn't go on to become Papess.

absolutely sure?

You do know I wasn't making that up -- right?

Any candidate for pope has to sit on this stool thing where the election committee watches from a room underneath to make sure he has balls. They then make the official declaration, "Testiculos habet et bene pendentes" ("he has testicles and they hang well").

Pope Joan made that necessary. And you'll notice "Joan" is not spelled "John". Just as "Francis" is not spelled "Frances".

both Joan and John are derived from a single Hebrew root and both
Francis and Frances are derived from a single Latin root

And they'll have two different sets of gonads.

What you posted was "Frances" -- the female version. There's no wiggling out of that just to avoid getting a joke.
Bull Shit.

I can recall 1960 when my mother had to explain the whole "he's a Catholic" bigotry against JFK. It was the most bizarre thing we'd ever heard.

Of course USMB wasn't invented yet, so by that I mean the most bizarre up to that point.

What are you babbling about, you drunken sot?

Popes are indeed important political figures as they have a great deal of influence on Catholics.

As I said Pothead I was BORN AND RAISED a Catholic so I already knew that was fucking bullshit in 1960.


So you are drunkenly claiming the Pope has no influence on Catholics?


Not politically, no. Why should he? The Liberalism that founded this country put that sort of theocratic aristocracy to bed. That was the whole POINT of doing it.

So why the fuck would the Pope have anything to do with political influence? He's a religious figure, not a politician.
How was JFK influenced?

Well? We're waiting, Pothead.....
During the election of John F. Kennedy, a tiny fraction of Americans made the claim that because Kennedy was Catholic, he would take orders from the Pope. This is an obviously absurd claim.

Your concession is noted and logged. Now learn from it.
What are you babbling about, you drunken sot?

Popes are indeed important political figures as they have a great deal of influence on Catholics.

As I said Pothead I was BORN AND RAISED a Catholic so I already knew that was fucking bullshit in 1960.


So you are drunkenly claiming the Pope has no influence on Catholics?


Not politically, no. Why should he? The Liberalism that founded this country put that sort of theocratic aristocracy to bed. That was the whole POINT of doing it.

So why the fuck would the Pope have anything to do with political influence? He's a religious figure, not a politician.
How was JFK influenced?

Well? We're waiting, Pothead.....
During the election of John F. Kennedy, a tiny fraction of Americans made the claim that because Kennedy was Catholic, he would take orders from the Pope. This is an obviously absurd claim.

Your concession is noted and logged. Now learn from it.

What a complete dunce you are.

You fool no one.
Popes are important political figures as they have influence over Catholics.

Bull Shit.

I can recall 1960 when my mother had to explain the whole "he's a Catholic" bigotry against JFK. It was the most bizarre thing we'd ever heard.

Of course USMB wasn't invented yet, so by that I mean the most bizarre up to that point.

What are you babbling about, you drunken sot?

Popes are indeed important political figures as they have a great deal of influence on Catholics.

As I said Pothead I was BORN AND RAISED a Catholic so I already knew that was fucking bullshit in 1960.


So you are drunkenly claiming the Pope has no influence on Catholics?


Not politically, no. Why should he? The Liberalism that founded this country put that sort of theocratic aristocracy to bed. That was the whole POINT of doing it.

So why the fuck would the Pope have anything to do with political influence? He's a religious figure, not a politician.
How was JFK influenced?

Well? We're waiting, Pothead.....
JFK wasn’t – clearly.

But there are some who still believe the canard that the politics of American Catholics is somehow ‘influenced’ by the Vatican.

If the Pope says the death penalty is wrong, then Catholics will start to vote for politicians who oppose the death penalty – and before you know it, the death penalty is abolished in your state.

It’s as much a fallacy as it is a canard.

As an aside, it’s ridiculous for pollsters to garner the political opinions of Catholics as if they’re some sort of homogeneous demographic influenced by their religion, which of course they’re not.
Great for the Pope

The death penalty is a barbaric act
getting back to the OP-------I IS OLD-----I remember the major upset caused by POPE JOHN XXIII (the chubby guy). It was something like a major
upset. (no more fishsticks Friday) People did object------but got used to
it. IMHO----this pope is going to cause a much BIGGER UPSET

I think you are a bit deluded... I grew up Catholic in the 1960's and 1970's, and they were still doing fish fridays. I think they still do.

What got people upset, but not really, was his major reforms like ending Latin Mass.

This isn't going to cause a major upset. Most Catholics ignore the pope these days.
getting back to the OP-------I IS OLD-----I remember the major upset caused by POPE JOHN XXIII (the chubby guy). It was something like a major
upset. (no more fishsticks Friday) People did object------but got used to
it. IMHO----this pope is going to cause a much BIGGER UPSET

I think you are a bit deluded... I grew up Catholic in the 1960's and 1970's, and they were still doing fish fridays. I think they still do.

What got people upset, but not really, was his major reforms like ending Latin Mass.

This isn't going to cause a major upset. Most Catholics ignore the pope these days.
The church is slow to evolve

Meat on Friday and masses in English was supposed to be a big step
But they still lag on inclusion of women priests, insistence on celibacy and divorce.

Opposition to the death penalty is a big step
The church is slow to evolve

Meat on Friday and masses in English was supposed to be a big step
But they still lag on inclusion of women priests, insistence on celibacy and divorce.

Opposition to the death penalty is a big step

I think they are kind of late to the party, given most of Europe has abolished the DP already.

The US Is not in great company here.

how does that work? Shouldn’t God have some say in the matter?

He speaks for God.
No he does not the Catholic church does not believe in prophets and only a prophet can speak for God. Further their doctrine is clear the Pope is just a man elevated to run to Church
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.
Be specific and tell us when the Catholic church began believing prophets are present on earth today?
The church is slow to evolve

Meat on Friday and masses in English was supposed to be a big step
But they still lag on inclusion of women priests, insistence on celibacy and divorce.

Opposition to the death penalty is a big step

I think they are kind of late to the party, given most of Europe has abolished the DP already.

The US Is not in great company here.

Even the majority of the US has given it up

Our Bible Belt is the only thing keeping the death penalty alive
if you can not make them buy health insurance, how can you sentence them to death ... the pugs need a whipping boy, they just haven't figured out how to rig the election for their pope.
Bull Shit.

I can recall 1960 when my mother had to explain the whole "he's a Catholic" bigotry against JFK. It was the most bizarre thing we'd ever heard.

Of course USMB wasn't invented yet, so by that I mean the most bizarre up to that point.

What are you babbling about, you drunken sot?

Popes are indeed important political figures as they have a great deal of influence on Catholics.

As I said Pothead I was BORN AND RAISED a Catholic so I already knew that was fucking bullshit in 1960.


So you are drunkenly claiming the Pope has no influence on Catholics?


Not politically, no. Why should he? The Liberalism that founded this country put that sort of theocratic aristocracy to bed. That was the whole POINT of doing it.

So why the fuck would the Pope have anything to do with political influence? He's a religious figure, not a politician.
How was JFK influenced?

Well? We're waiting, Pothead.....
JFK wasn’t – clearly.

But there are some who still believe the canard that the politics of American Catholics is somehow ‘influenced’ by the Vatican.

If the Pope says the death penalty is wrong, then Catholics will start to vote for politicians who oppose the death penalty – and before you know it, the death penalty is abolished in your state.

It’s as much a fallacy as it is a canard.

As an aside, it’s ridiculous for pollsters to garner the political opinions of Catholics as if they’re some sort of homogeneous demographic influenced by their religion, which of course they’re not.

These of course are the waste products of Ignorance, where the ignoriscenti desperately cling to their memes and myths and fiercely fight off any insight into what they're actually looking at, whether it's "Catholic", "Jew", "Muslim", "atheist" or whatever their next demonization target is.

Before Kennedy the first Catholic nominated by a major party Al Smith in 1928 who had a nationwide smear campaign orchestrated against him. Protestant clerics told their congregations they'd go to hell if they voted Smith. The Klan burned crosses and spread propaganda.

>> In Kansas, a little girl came home and asked, “Mama, why don’t they kill that bad man Smith that they told us about in Sunday school?”

Even experienced political figures were stunned. Frances Perkins, later the first female cabinet member, campaigning for Smith in Maryland, founded as a Catholic refuge, still faced what she described as “some of the most terrible fantastic prejudices and dreadful yarns I have ever heard.” Someone pointed out to her “the estate which had been purchased for the pope and where the pope was coming” as soon as Smith was elected. “They knew it for a fact.” Lillian Wald, a leader in the settlement house movement and New York’s pre-eminent authority on social work, despaired over “the organized bigotry, the like of which I have never seen. I feel as if some poison gas had spread over us and that our democracy will suffer from this for many years to come.” << -- When a Catholic Terrified the Heartland

And before that time there was the nativist/nationalist "Know Nothing" Party pre-Civil War. Like the Jewish and Muslim targets, Catholics were singled out because they were immigrants (Irish and German especially with Polish and German secondarily). The bigots always work the same way --- target the unwanted competing "intruder", then focus on some bullshit that has nothing to do with their diaper rash. Religion is a ready tool, because you can plug in any myth you want whether it's "they control all the money" or "Sharia law" or "they'll take orders from the Pope".
how does that work? Shouldn’t God have some say in the matter?

For Catholics, doesn't the pope speak for god?

This is the problem with worshiping a man as god.

Besides that no one thinks Pope Francis is god - but let me ask: ¿Jesus?

When there is a good man like John Paul, no one notices, but when an evil man like Pope Francis is in charge, then trouble starts.

¿Good John Paul - evil Francis? What's the title of the film in which you live?

You need better translation software.

Are you translating Farsi to English?

No - I try to speak with idiots in their own native language. That's why I use this idiom. What did you not understand? I see in the moment as a mistake only a superfluously use of the word "but" in my text above.

Another question: Why do you think I am a Persian?

Last edited:
getting back to the OP-------I IS OLD-----I remember the major upset caused by POPE JOHN XXIII (the chubby guy). It was something like a major
upset. (no more fishsticks Friday) People did object------but got used to
it. IMHO----this pope is going to cause a much BIGGER UPSET

I think you are a bit deluded... I grew up Catholic in the 1960's and 1970's, and they were still doing fish fridays. I think they still do.

What got people upset, but not really, was his major reforms like ending Latin Mass.

This isn't going to cause a major upset. Most Catholics ignore the pope these days.

of course by TRADITION some people do fish Friday-----but John XXIII
ended the obligation in the 1960s I remember the DAY. My high school
had in interesting demographic mix at that time 1/3 protestant, 1/3 catholic, 1/3 jew-----all white. John's declaration caused a SENSATION
(actually the one about JOOOS NOT BEING GUILTY was the big issue)
of course by TRADITION some people do fish Friday-----but John XXIII
ended the obligation in the 1960s I remember the DAY. My high school
had in interesting demographic mix at that time 1/3 protestant, 1/3 catholic, 1/3 jew-----all white. John's declaration caused a SENSATION
(actually the one about JOOOS NOT BEING GUILTY was the big issue)

Yes, it's always amusing when the Church tries to claim the bible doesn't say what it actually says.

Pointing those things out always got me a crack over the knuckles with a wooden ruler from Sister Mary Butch.
of course by TRADITION some people do fish Friday-----but John XXIII
ended the obligation in the 1960s I remember the DAY. My high school
had in interesting demographic mix at that time 1/3 protestant, 1/3 catholic, 1/3 jew-----all white. John's declaration caused a SENSATION
(actually the one about JOOOS NOT BEING GUILTY was the big issue)

Yes, it's always amusing when the Church tries to claim the bible doesn't say what it actually says.

Pointing those things out always got me a crack over the knuckles with a wooden ruler from Sister Mary Butch.

the bible says "FISH ONLY ON FRIDAY"?? I missed that line

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