Poppy Bush Sr. To Vote For Hillary

George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

Flipping the bird to the RINO Trump, Poppy Bush will cast his vote for Hillary:

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party's presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another famous political family, the Kennedys....Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

Poppy Bush Sr. is emeritus CIA. We can take this as a "thumbs down" from the Central Intelligence Agency in general.
I voted for Poppy in the 80 primary, 88 and 92.
Bush41 had been a stalwart Cold Warrior who came to understand the Cold War was over much better than the presidents who came after him. Only Trump seems to understand this as well as Bush41 did.
Poppy would have doubled down on sanctions on Trump's mancrush.

I'm not getting your post at all.
No, Trump is a right leaning independent at heart. If you recall, the Clintons also turned to the right with such things as welfare reform, their crime bill, NAFTA, tough stands on illegal immigration and repealing sections of the Glass-Steagall Act.

Right....because tranny guys using the women's bathrooms at Trump Tower on invitation by Trump himself this year is "a right leaning issue"... He'll lose NC's vote if Hillary plays her cards right.

Maybe like 100s of millions of American voters, Poppy Bush Sr. believes women's bathrooms are for women and girls only?
He is right leaning, not a social conservative. Are you unable to understand the difference?

Trump is right leaning? Oh, is that what his big gov't mandatory maternity pay is called now?
Not an ideological conservative but right leaning, why do you find that so confusing? There is no mandatory paid leave, just eligibility for unemployment benefits for six weeks.

Again, since when is proposing another big-assed entitlement program that Joe Taxpayer will be footing the bill for 'right-leaning'? Oh wait, he said he was going to pay for it by eliminating 'waste and fraud' in unemployment. Gee, where have I heard that before? Today's GOPe would be for this plan (more gov't in charge of more things for the people, oh boy!). But Trump was suppose to be kicking that shit to the curb.

Also, their plan is sexist as fathers are excluded as ""It's meant to benefit, whether it's in same-sex marriages as well, to benefit the mother who has given birth to the child if they have legal married status under the tax code." So too bad for dads. And too bad for those who adopt, you're out this little goody as well. Oh, single mothers might be out as well.
No, Trump is a right leaning independent at heart. If you recall, the Clintons also turned to the right with such things as welfare reform, their crime bill, NAFTA, tough stands on illegal immigration and repealing sections of the Glass-Steagall Act.

Right....because tranny guys using the women's bathrooms at Trump Tower on invitation by Trump himself this year is "a right leaning issue"... He'll lose NC's vote if Hillary plays her cards right.

Maybe like 100s of millions of American voters, Poppy Bush Sr. believes women's bathrooms are for women and girls only?
He is right leaning, not a social conservative. Are you unable to understand the difference?

Trump is right leaning? Oh, is that what his big gov't mandatory maternity pay is called now?
Not an ideological conservative but right leaning, why do you find that so confusing? There is no mandatory paid leave, just eligibility for unemployment benefits for six weeks.

Again, since when is proposing another big-assed entitlement program that Joe Taxpayer will be footing the bill for 'right-leaning'? Oh wait, he said he was going to pay for it by eliminating 'waste and fraud' in unemployment. Gee, where have I heard that before? Today's GOPe would be for this plan (more gov't in charge of more things for the people, oh boy!). But Trump was suppose to be kicking that shit to the curb.

Also, their plan is sexist as fathers are excluded as ""It's meant to benefit, whether it's in same-sex marriages as well, to benefit the mother who has given birth to the child if they have legal married status under the tax code." So too bad for dads. And too bad for those who adopt, you're out this little goody as well. Oh, single mothers might be out as well.
Joe Taxpayer will pay nothing for it. It may slightly increase the unemployment tax a company pays. It is not sexist at all. Every man who gives birth will be eligible for for it.
No surprise an anti-American globalist traitor is going to vote for another anti-American globalist traitor.

The best part is that HW Bush completely destroyed any political hopes for the offspring him and his wife shit out.

No need to worry about any future globalist Bush to betray America again.

Bushs and Clintons - both globalist traitors
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

Flipping the bird to the RINO Trump, Poppy Bush will cast his vote for Hillary:

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party's presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another famous political family, the Kennedys....Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

Poppy Bush Sr. is emeritus CIA. We can take this as a "thumbs down" from the Central Intelligence Agency in general.

We are hearing it from someone who heard it from, great. Maybe having his son spend so much money and getting ass beat has something to do with this, if there even is a shred of truth.

One bit of truth, Bush is establishment and Hillary is establishment so it isn't surprising that establishment supports establishment. The Bush family has now proved they are traitors and idiots.
Did you expect anything less? Bush and the Clintons go way back.... Think about the Haitian Fund they both got together for.
Again this just shows the the Dems and the Repubs are just the flip side of the same coin. Also shows that neither wants ro let someone play that is not part of the club.
Your Collective Doublethink dollars at work

The Bush's and Clintons are members of the same NWO Globalist Elite gang. The families have been very close for years. This doesn't surprise me at all.

This is according to a daughter of Bobby Kennedy. Just more left wing propaganda.

Both of these views cannot be true. Y'all wanna take a vote and decide how to play this?
lol You seem confused. There is no contradiction.

"No contradiction"? :rofl:

1) "Of course he did because the Bushes and the Clintons are cut from the same cloth" ....

2) "No he didn't, this is 'left wing propaganda'".

"He did" and "he didn't" are what we call "opposites". Mutually exclusive.

Of course the causations beg a False Dilemma Fallacy but we'll do that later.
lol The only contradiction is that the Bush family says he isn't making any statements about how he will vote and Kennedy, a Democratic politicians, says he did.

That actually can't be a "contradiction" because --- once again, third time now --- you presented no evidence whatsoever that the Bush family said any such thing.

You're not exactly the brightest bulb in the light tower are ya?
Your Collective Doublethink dollars at work

The Bush's and Clintons are members of the same NWO Globalist Elite gang. The families have been very close for years. This doesn't surprise me at all.

This is according to a daughter of Bobby Kennedy. Just more left wing propaganda.

Both of these views cannot be true. Y'all wanna take a vote and decide how to play this?
lol You seem confused. There is no contradiction.

"No contradiction"? :rofl:

1) "Of course he did because the Bushes and the Clintons are cut from the same cloth" ....

2) "No he didn't, this is 'left wing propaganda'".

"He did" and "he didn't" are what we call "opposites". Mutually exclusive.

Of course the causations beg a False Dilemma Fallacy but we'll do that later.
lol The only contradiction is that the Bush family says he isn't making any statements about how he will vote and Kennedy, a Democratic politicians, says he did.

That actually can't be a "contradiction" because --- once again, third time now --- you presented no evidence whatsoever that the Bush family said any such thing.

You're not exactly the brightest bulb in the light tower are ya?
Your Collective Doublethink dollars at work

Both of these views cannot be true. Y'all wanna take a vote and decide how to play this?
lol You seem confused. There is no contradiction.

"No contradiction"? :rofl:

1) "Of course he did because the Bushes and the Clintons are cut from the same cloth" ....

2) "No he didn't, this is 'left wing propaganda'".

"He did" and "he didn't" are what we call "opposites". Mutually exclusive.

Of course the causations beg a False Dilemma Fallacy but we'll do that later.
lol The only contradiction is that the Bush family says he isn't making any statements about how he will vote and Kennedy, a Democratic politicians, says he did.

That actually can't be a "contradiction" because --- once again, third time now --- you presented no evidence whatsoever that the Bush family said any such thing.

You're not exactly the brightest bulb in the light tower are ya?

Well then that essplains it.
Bushes are New World Order. The Clinton cartel is NWO. Muslim Obama is NWO. And they stick together. There is no Repub/ Demo divide except in our minds. It is global vs national.

Trump is a Nationalist and America is his nation. Give him a chance to reverse the damage the UN/NWO/Soros

Don't be such an idiot. The fact the GOP is 90% white and supported by the Aryan Nation, the KKK and the Alt right and Democrats are everyone else proves you may possibly be an idiot.

Sadly you are the idiot. You can't seem to believe it when it comes right out of their mouths. Hillary is the KKK lover. Do you need to hear her eulogy of Grand Dragon Byrd again? Trump has 0 connection to Aryan Germans. Alt right is your spoon fed buzz word that only liberals give credit too. The rest of us hear blah, blah, blah.

Listen carefully, While you are spoon fed bullshit, we aren't buying it.
Sound familiar:
Obama to the American stupids: "That's not who America is, we have to let these poor refugees into America. Cue picture of children".
Obama to the UN, "America just doesn't get our GLOBAL INTEGRATION vision < say that again, GLOBAL INTEGRATION.

Obama to the UN: WALLS CONFLICT with our goal of an OPEN BORDER SOCIETY.
Obama to any country that wants a wall: "I will give you millions and millions and millions of dollars out of the pockets of those few Americans still working for you to build a wall".

Mexico: "We will not pay for Trumps wall."
America: We will give you $30 million dollars to BUILD A WALL TO KEEP SOUTH AMERICANS FROM SNEAKING INTO YOUR COUNTRY.
You are the idiot that voted for the redistribution of our wealth and resources.

Hillary has the same goals as Obama. Either we stop global integration, or we lose control of this nation. This world government take over is destroying the world. France, and Germany will attest to that, as will the Americans who are now burying their own.
This is what American radicals are being told now, "Stay where you are. Kill them there."

Icing> UN SOROS is giving 500 million to the "Syrian refugees, and other migrants" to start businesses here, and to companies here that give migrant hiring preference over American workers. while American small businesses are closing up shop and the companies are moving out.
You are indeed the idiot that is enabling the destruction of this country.
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George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

Flipping the bird to the RINO Trump, Poppy Bush will cast his vote for Hillary:

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party's presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another famous political family, the Kennedys....Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

Poppy Bush Sr. is emeritus CIA. We can take this as a "thumbs down" from the Central Intelligence Agency in general.
I'm shocked that one of the first guys to royally Fuck the US is against the first guy in a long time who EXPLICITLY wants to undo what the 2 fucktard Bush's did.
I'm shocked that one of the first guys to royally Fuck the US is against the first guy in a long time who EXPLICITLY wants to undo what the 2 fucktard Bush's did.

Hey don't worry, Dick Cheney still supports Donald..

Cheney was Bush Sr.'s Secretary of Defense, don't forget. Bush Sr. hates him now; for good reason.
Hillary is the KKK lover. Do you need to hear her eulogy of Grand Dragon Byrd again?

There's no such thing.
Byrd quit the Klan before Hillary was even born, let alone before either one was in politics. Not only is this a blatant Association Fallacy, it's one that completely ignores linear time.

Trump has 0 connection to Aryan Germans.

Actually the family name itself comes from Germany. As did his grandfather. Not that it means anything.

Alt right is your spoon fed buzz word that only liberals give credit too.

Actually it's their own self-name.

Mexico: "We will not pay for Trumps wall."
America: We will give you $30 million dollars to BUILD A WALL TO KEEP SOUTH AMERICANS FROM SNEAKING INTO YOUR COUNTRY.

"South Americans" aren't sneaking into Mexico. Central Americans are.

That'll do for now. Don't want to load you up with too much homework.
None of the people who have been President, and thus have the most knowledge of what it takes to be President, are saying they will vote for Trump.

All you wannabe 60s hippies can whine about "the Establishment" all you like, but this is very significant.
None of the people who have been President, and thus have the most knowledge of what it takes to be President, are saying they will vote for Trump.

All you wannabe 60s hippies can whine about "the Establishment" all you like, but this is very significant.
Totally bro ^^ :clap2:
None of the people who have been President, and thus have the most knowledge of what it takes to be President, are saying they will vote for Trump.

All you wannabe 60s hippies can whine about "the Establishment" all you like, but this is very significant.
Of course not. Trump is leading a nationalist revolution against the globalist philosophy that has dominated the thinking of both parties since WWII, and to boot, he early made it clear he has a low opinion of Jeb and George W.

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