Poppy Bush Sr. To Vote For Hillary

If there is one thing Trump has accomplished this year, it is finding out which Republicans have guts and which Republicans are spineless worms who would fellate a dead corpse if there was a "get" to be had.

Chris Christie is out there right now sucking off Trump in public, perpetrating the incredible fable that Trump hasn't been a birther for the past five years. Even though Trump told the world that Christie "totally knew about" Bridgegate.

Reince Priebus is whining about GOP candidates who refuse to endorse Trump, threatening not to let them run again in 2020. It's as if Priebus has no idea his ass is going to be kicked to the curb long before then.

It's amazing how many losers have allowed Trump to fill their rectums with his sperm.

People like Ted Cruz, on the other hand, showed they have big balls of steel. Cruz jumped right into the teeth of the tard mob and spit down their throats. Good for him.
None of the people who have been President, and thus have the most knowledge of what it takes to be President, are saying they will vote for Trump.

All you wannabe 60s hippies can whine about "the Establishment" all you like, but this is very significant.
Of course not. Trump is leading a nationalist revolution against the globalist philosophy that has dominated the thinking of both parties since WWII, and to boot, he early made it clear he has a low opinion of Jeb and George W.
Yes, Nazism a [airquote]nationalist revolution[/airquote] is way better than what we've had so far. Suuuuuurrrre....

"I cut my nose off to spite my face!"
Except Ted Cruz was born in Canada and only renounced citizenship in 2014; making it illegal for him to be a US president. All good except for that. And that's not a "birther" theory. It's a fact. Ted Cruz should slip away and hope none of his campaign contributors find out he was never eligible to run. That's what we call fraud.
None of the people who have been President, and thus have the most knowledge of what it takes to be President, are saying they will vote for Trump.

All you wannabe 60s hippies can whine about "the Establishment" all you like, but this is very significant.
Of course not. Trump is leading a nationalist revolution against the globalist philosophy that has dominated the thinking of both parties since WWII, and to boot, he early made it clear he has a low opinion of Jeb and George W.
Yes, Nazism a [airquote]nationalist revolution[/airquote] is way better than what we've had so far. Suuuuuurrrre....

"I cut my nose off to spite my face!"
So you have nothing to say but you are not smart enough to realize it.
None of the people who have been President, and thus have the most knowledge of what it takes to be President, are saying they will vote for Trump.

All you wannabe 60s hippies can whine about "the Establishment" all you like, but this is very significant.
Of course not. Trump is leading a nationalist revolution against the globalist philosophy that has dominated the thinking of both parties since WWII, and to boot, he early made it clear he has a low opinion of Jeb and George W.
Yes, Nazism a [airquote]nationalist revolution[/airquote] is way better than what we've had so far. Suuuuuurrrre....

"I cut my nose off to spite my face!"
So you have nothing to say but you are not smart enough to realize it.
Well, to willfully deaf and blind monkeys like yourself, you only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see.

"Whoever has ears, let them hear."
None of the people who have been President, and thus have the most knowledge of what it takes to be President, are saying they will vote for Trump.

All you wannabe 60s hippies can whine about "the Establishment" all you like, but this is very significant.
Of course not. Trump is leading a nationalist revolution against the globalist philosophy that has dominated the thinking of both parties since WWII, and to boot, he early made it clear he has a low opinion of Jeb and George W.
Yes, Nazism a [airquote]nationalist revolution[/airquote] is way better than what we've had so far. Suuuuuurrrre....

"I cut my nose off to spite my face!"
So you have nothing to say but you are not smart enough to realize it.
Well, to willfully deaf and blind monkeys like yourself, you only hear what you want to hear and see what you want to see.

"Whoever has ears, let them hear."
You had nothing to say but call him a nazi, which means you had nothing to say but are too stupid to realize it.
Hillary is the KKK lover. Do you need to hear her eulogy of Grand Dragon Byrd again?

There's no such thing.
Byrd quit the Klan before Hillary was even born, let alone before either one was in politics. Not only is this a blatant Association Fallacy, it's one that completely ignores linear time.

Trump has 0 connection to Aryan Germans.

Actually the family name itself comes from Germany. As did his grandfather. Not that it means anything.

Alt right is your spoon fed buzz word that only liberals give credit too.

Actually it's their own self-name.

Byrd hated blacks so much he recruited whites and started chapters. You think the leopard changed it's spots? That level of racism doesn't go away. It just hides in order to get elected.

My name says I am Irish. I have nothing in common with the IRA. Trump is not a Nazi. You are correct. Your point is meaningless.

Alt right is a buzz word. They government uses them for effect. She "powered through" was last weeks spin du jour.

Mexico: "We will not pay for Trumps wall."
America: We will give you $30 million dollars to BUILD A WALL TO KEEP SOUTH AMERICANS FROM SNEAKING INTO YOUR COUNTRY.

"South Americans" aren't sneaking into Mexico. Central Americans are.

That'll do for now. Don't want to load you up with too much homework.
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

Flipping the bird to the RINO Trump, Poppy Bush will cast his vote for Hillary:

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party's presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another famous political family, the Kennedys....Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

Poppy Bush Sr. is emeritus CIA. We can take this as a "thumbs down" from the Central Intelligence Agency in general.

Reagan's biggest mistake.
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

Flipping the bird to the RINO Trump, Poppy Bush will cast his vote for Hillary:

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party's presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another famous political family, the Kennedys....Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

Poppy Bush Sr. is emeritus CIA. We can take this as a "thumbs down" from the Central Intelligence Agency in general.

What a douche, the perfect end to his career. Hopefully he can go away now.

Obviously I'm calling for Republicans to vote for Johnson, not Trump. But "Republicans" who vote for Hillary are a sick breed
No, Republicans who vote for Clinton understand the importance of keeping the likes of Trump out of the WH, and that ignorant, naïve, reactionary libertarians such as Johnson also have no business being president.
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

Flipping the bird to the RINO Trump, Poppy Bush will cast his vote for Hillary:

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party's presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another famous political family, the Kennedys....Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

Poppy Bush Sr. is emeritus CIA. We can take this as a "thumbs down" from the Central Intelligence Agency in general.

Reagan's biggest mistake.
Yet you voted for GHWB.

Oh an Establishment servant voting for his buddy, an Establishment servant? Gee, I'm so surprised.

Someone who actually served as president is acknowledging the fact that Trump has no business being president, and that Clinton is indeed qualified to be president.
They're part of the same Establishment, the fact that a blind man can't see that is no surprise to anyone. Besides, don't Democrats acknowledge that both Bushes are failures? Seems Bush is looking to continue planting failures in the presidential seat as has been the custom since his presidency. Clinton failed in every position she has held in her career, she's no doubt qualified to continue said trend.
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton
George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton

Flipping the bird to the RINO Trump, Poppy Bush will cast his vote for Hillary:

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party's presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another famous political family, the Kennedys....Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

Poppy Bush Sr. is emeritus CIA. We can take this as a "thumbs down" from the Central Intelligence Agency in general.

What a douche, the perfect end to his career. Hopefully he can go away now.

Obviously I'm calling for Republicans to vote for Johnson, not Trump. But "Republicans" who vote for Hillary are a sick breed
No, Republicans who vote for Clinton understand the importance of keeping the likes of Trump out of the WH, and that ignorant, naïve, reactionary libertarians such as Johnson also have no business being president.

We can't have someone who would let us make our own choices when we have the opportunity to have an arrogant, corrupt establishment hack like the Hildabeast. What a load, and from the pompous windbag Clayton himself!

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